I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3332: Promotion to the Old Days, Mr. Men Returns

At the same time, the spirituality in Audrey's body began to shine with crimson brilliance, and the shouts of countless Crimson warriors rang out in her body. Her spirituality began to spread and split, turning into thousands of fragments, and integrating into the souls of everyone who believed in Crimsonism. Within the body, a crimson flag condensed and formed in the void above the head. It moved automatically without wind and made a hunting sound. A strange aura swept across the entire place, making everyone tremble in their hearts and gaze in awe at His Majesty the King who had just ascended the throne.

"This kind of strength has reached the level of the King of Angels in Sequence 1!"

The three Archbishops and the Blood Duke's pupils shrank tightly, with surprise on their faces. They looked at each other, showing no sign of contempt for this sweet-looking girl. You must know that even the popes of the three major churches are only Sequence 1 angels. The strength and potential shown by Audrey, even without the support of the true god Ilsi, are enough for the three major churches to take them seriously.

Audrey felt the transformation of her spirit and body. There seemed to be countless shouting beings hiding in her green eyes, and a faint smile appeared on her face. This is the leader of freedom. He is really too powerful. As for the end sequence of the red path 0, it is not something she can break through in a short time. She needs to wait until she establishes a new order, improves the national system through social changes, and gradually accumulates strength before she can be qualified to attack the gods.

"Everyone, get up!"

Audrey looked at all the nobles and descendants who were kneeling on the ground. The Crimsonism emphasized equality and did not agree with the power of these kneelings. She slowly spoke.

Then, Audrey took a deep breath, her expression became stern, she looked in the direction of Thordrak Palace in Queens, and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, it's time for us to end this!"

Audrey's voice was not loud, but it was extremely contagious, making everyone present feel excited. Their eyes were filled with high fighting spirit. They were infected by her powerful extraordinary characteristics and responded one after another.

"I am willing to follow Your Majesty, overthrow the rule of the Augustus family, and establish a new kingdom order!"

Audrey nodded with satisfaction. The Red Path is good at infecting the spirit of others and boosting morale. This is unmatched by other extraordinary paths. She took steps, and everyone moved to both sides to avoid them, leaving a path silently. Following the leader of freedom, he headed towards the sinful and corrupt Thordrak Palace.

In the Western Continent, the wind roared in the ears of Ilsey Hall. His eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and a desolate and dead scene came into view. The Lord of Mysteries sealed the seven sources of matter in this continent. , causing the entire environment of this continent to mutate. All living beings were contaminated by the powerful characteristics of the source material, mutated, and became rational monsters with weird and terrifying images.

Ilsi's ears trembled slightly, as if he noticed a faint movement. He turned and looked at the dark forest not far away. The trees there also changed dramatically, and their branches were dancing, like living creatures, constantly flapping. The ground was dusty and the vision was blurry.

Suddenly, countless scarlet eyes emerged from the flying dust, and a low roar came. As the earth trembled, a huge monster came out. It had an octopus-like head with a long head. It is filled with scarlet eyes, and its body is like a hill, covered with smooth tentacles. Countless mouthparts are opened on the tentacles, and sharp and ferocious fangs are exposed. The whole body exudes an aura of madness and chaos, polluting surrounding air.

"This place is really not suitable for human survival. It is worse than the land abandoned by the gods. Even a demigod cannot resist this monster. It has reached the level of an angel!"

Ilsi frowned slightly, a trace of surprise flashed in her brown eyes, and she slowly raised her right hand, lightly tapping the terrifying monster with her index finger, and a sacred white flame ignited on the monster's body.


The monster let out a painful wail, and its huge body rolled on the ground, knocking down the surrounding trees. It continued to use various abilities to extinguish the holy fire on its body, but to no avail, and was finally reduced to ashes in the raging flames. Only a mass of extraordinary characteristics was left, shining with red light.

"The corrupted nature of the Brood?"

Ilsey stretched out her hand and put away the characteristics of this mass that exuded chaotic and evil aura. She felt it carefully and found that it was somewhat similar to the aura of the fallen mother goddess. She had a thoughtful expression on her face and spoke lightly.

Ilsi did not stop, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. He appeared in a strange space, isolated from the world, like a desert, hidden under the thick sand. Facing countless dangers, a strange aura enveloped the entire desert, polluting all creatures and turning them into puppets of knowledge, ferocious and crazy.

Ilsi's figure stood in mid-air, and a huge palace appeared above her head, shining with blazing white light, slowly falling towards this vast desert. At the same time, the extraordinary characteristics in her body also began to be integrated into it. An essential change slowly appeared, stirring endlessly in the gray mist space. The star realm was also shaken by this change. A terrifying aura spread from Ilsi's body and spread to the spirit world.

A magic net covering all living beings slowly emerged, with countless strange runes swimming on it, shining with light, silently changing the physique of all living beings, and the seeds of magic were gestating in their bodies. The brilliance of art will shine on the whole world.

This change was continuous and slow. Ilsi gradually closed her eyes and fell into a kind of sleep. A breath beyond the sequence began to spread and permeated the entire desert.

This breath even spread to the starry sky, causing countless great and strange beings to roar and rush towards the aquamarine planet. They were blocked by the initial barrier. Waves of terrifying and crazy breath enveloped the entire solar system, making the gods in the star world very nervous. They could not take care of the real world and tried their best to maintain the initial barrier to prevent the arrival of the outer gods.

Time passed quickly and years were ruthless. In a blink of an eye, a few years had passed. The Kingdom of Loen had undergone tremendous changes and was renamed the Republic of Loen. Her Majesty Queen Audrey Hall overthrew the rule of the Augustus family and began to reform the country. The lives of the lower-class people were greatly improved. The status of the nobles was already in name only. The whole society was full of vitality, and the national strength was thriving, getting rid of the influence of the last war.

Queens, Hall Manor, the original residence of the Hall family. The villa is guarded by countless guards, who are vigilantly patrolling the surrounding environment. Among these guards, there are some high-sequence people, who emit powerful extraordinary characteristic fluctuations around them, forming a tight defense.

Audrey wore a crown and stood on the balcony on the second floor. Beside her lay a big golden retriever, whose eyes were shining with smart light, and whose mouth opened and closed, vibrating the air and making a crisp sound like a girl.

"Audrey, are you missing His Majesty again?"

Audrey's appearance did not change much at this time. Time only made her more mature. Her green eyes were like pure gems, and her eyes were sparkling. She lowered her head slightly when she heard the words, glanced at Susie, and showed a longing expression on her face. She said in a faint voice.

"My brother has disappeared for several years, and I can't enter the Hall of Knowledge. If it weren't for the mark in my body that could sense that He was in good condition, I would definitely guess whether He had an accident!"

Since ascending the throne, Audrey has tried to enter the Hall of Knowledge many times, but she has not succeeded. Fortunately, she can still sense Ilsi's existence through the mark in her body, so she is not worried about Ilsi's safety.

In the Western Continent, the desert is deserted. A magnificent and sacred building stands in the barren desert, shining with a sacred white light.

In the wide hall, Ilsi sits on the bronze throne, wearing a black tuxedo, with a straight back, like a mountain, sword eyebrows slanted into the temples, eyes closed, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, and his right hand tightly grasps a black palm inlaid with countless gems. He is surrounded by a brilliant aura, illuminating the hall. Countless strange symbols are suspended in the surrounding space, containing infinite knowledge. This is the Hall of Knowledge, the heaven of wisdom.

Ilsi seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, her long, crystal eyelashes were clearly visible, her eyelids suddenly trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her extremely deep eyes were like an abyss, containing endless mysteries. Her eyes moved slightly, passing through the endless space, looking at the Republic of Loen in the northern continent. Countless information gathered and flowed in her heart, and she knew everything that happened during her sleep.

"King Audrey did a good job. Loen has undergone tremendous changes, and the whole country is full of vitality and vitality!"

"It seems that with a few more years of accumulation, she can impact the red of Sequence 0, hold high the throne of God, and ascend to the star realm!"

Ilsi's eyes moved and looked at the starry sky. Her brows suddenly frowned slightly, and a look of understanding appeared on her face, and she murmured.

"It seems that I woke up at the right time. Mr. Men is about to return to the real world, and Amon is also going to hold a promotion ceremony to impact the error of Sequence 0!"

"Adam has also begun to merge with the real Creator and is about to become a true god of dual paths. It seems that everyone has not been idle in the past few years!"

Ilsi paused here, looked down at herself, felt her powerful essence and status, and showed a proud look on her face, and whispered.

"I have finally become the old pillar above the sequence. The Hall of Knowledge has also swallowed up all the characteristics of the wilderness of knowledge and become a new source!"

"In the past few years, I have kept up with the creation of new paths. I only need other clones to help me. By condensing the extraordinary characteristics of these paths, I can continue to be promoted and become a great existence comparable to the original Creator."

Ilsi thought of this and felt a little excited. She stood up from the bronze throne, took a step forward, and came to the original barrier. She looked at the Chaos Sea, followed the connection in the dark, and communicated with some great existences.

"Please lend me a hand!"

The vast and majestic voice penetrated the initial barrier and spread into the starry sky, alarming the four ancient and mysterious beings, the Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Primordial Hunger, and the Son of Chaos. They exuded a chaotic and ominous aura, and endless whispers resounded through the starry sky, stirring up the earth, wind, water, and fire. Countless slippery and terrifying tentacles danced, with mouthparts and eyes all over the tentacles, evil and weird, gloomy and ominous, and lashed fiercely on the invisible barrier, stirring up ripples, like water waves, spreading out.

"Tsk, I don't have time to deal with you now. When I am promoted to the initial, I will come to transform you, the old Outer Gods!"

Ilsi looked directly at the three Outer Gods of the Old Days, with a bit of disgust on his face. He didn't have time to deal with these Outer Gods of the Starry Sky. The most urgent task was to condense the characteristics of the path, impact the original, and then transform the rules of the mysterious world and transform it into the world of arcane magic. This would have a huge driving force for the body to transcend the world of the heavens, and it would also be of great reference significance to him and me in other worlds.

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of bright lights flew from the distant world, passing through the boundless sea of ​​chaos, like a meteor shower, rushing around, passing by the Outer God of the Starry Sky, and falling into Ilsi Hall's body. The new path characteristics condensed in his body and began to merge with the magic path, allowing his strength to continue to improve, and his breath became deeper and more terrifying.

This terrifying breath of transcendence made the Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Original Hunger, and the Son of Chaos, who were in a state of crazy anger, feel fear, stop attacking the initial barrier, and temporarily retreat to the depths of the starry sky.

Ilsi shook his head, looked deeply at several stars and outer gods, then retracted his gaze, his figure gradually became illusory, and without alarming other gods, he returned to the Hall of Knowledge, above the gray fog.

In the primeval forest on Blue Mountain Island, Verdu of the Abraham family was busy on an altar, engraved with symbolic symbols, magic signs, and strange patterns. He placed the squirming meat mass, the deformed star bird, and the white crow with black eyes on the altar, and finally looked at the candle on the altar, with a fanatical and pious expression on his face, and lit it with his own hands. After the correct position, Verdu looked at the only candle on the altar and raised his hand to light it.

Then, Verdu stepped back a few steps, his expression solemn and serious, and began to recite the giant language, his voice low and ethereal, cold and weird.

"The great gate of all doors; the guide of the endless starry sky; the key to all mysterious worlds. I pray for your response, and I pray for your arrival in this world!"

Before the words fell, three loud noises erupted in the altar one after another, and the wriggling flesh balls, deformed star birds, and white crows with black eyes exploded one after another, turning into groups of flesh and blood flashing scarlet light.

These flesh and blood seemed to come alive. Under the guidance of some mysterious power, they gathered above the altar, outlining one evil and filthy symbol after another. Countless symbols gathered and combined to form a wriggling gate of flesh and blood, more than five meters high.

The inside of the gate was dark, and no one knew where it led. The burning candle flame leaped, illuminating the entire flesh and blood gate and the darkness. One after another, light balls condensed, shining with faint starlight. These light balls were hiding strange insects with bent bodies.

"Boom boom boom!"

These strange insects squirmed and formed a huge arm, which probed into the flesh and blood gate and squeezed out with force, trying to descend into the real world. The powerful energy fluctuations lifted up the entire forest, and the earth began to shake, like an earthquake.

Verdu's face showed joy, and suddenly he felt his vision blurry. An eyeball connected to the blood vessels fell to the ground and kept rolling. Then, his nose, ears, and all the flesh and blood on his body began to peel off and fall to the ground. There was a little starlight in these flesh and blood.

Verdu became a skeleton, the skeleton collapsed, fell to the ground, and rolled around. In the process, he died before he could even let out a wail.

At this time, the huge arm finally squeezed out of the flesh and blood gate, and the body part behind it began to pull out, eager to descend into the real world.


The sky suddenly became dark, heavy dark clouds gathered, and thick and violent lightning struck down and landed on the huge arm.

A blood-red ocean suddenly emerged in the void, blocking the huge arm, swallowing and drowning the violent silver snake.

Finally, a huge figure composed of countless insect light balls passed through the flesh and blood gate, and the surrounding space began to collapse and overlap, and the rules changed. Dark cracks appeared in the surrounding void, and a filthy and corrupt breath surged out, causing the surrounding trees to distort, as if they were alive, constantly dancing with branches, like wooden deep-sea octopuses, weird and terrifying.

At the same time, a hurricane blew out from the void cracks, sweeping in all directions, and the entire island began to shake violently, as if it was about to sink into the sea.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

In the North Continent and the South Continent, all the things that can be called doors in the cities of all countries were opened at this moment. Everyone looked at this scene in shock, not understanding what happened.

The space outside the flesh and blood gate collapsed and condensed layer by layer, and countless insect light balls formed a figure constructed by layers of doors. This figure was robed in blood, and its body was constantly twisting and changing, reflecting different planets and different regions.

Suddenly, a bright sunlight fell from the star realm, melting all the obstacles along the way, trying to swallow this figure.

At the same time, the endless night contained the deepest darkness, and it also rushed to Mr. Gate, Bethel Abraham, who was being promoted to Sequence 0.

The earth shook violently and a huge crack appeared, trying to pull the altar, the Gate of Flesh and Blood, and Mr. Men into the deepest part of the earth and merge them into the all-encompassing sea of ​​chaos. In the deepest part of the chaos, a church of bones emerged. Adam, who looked like a middle-aged priest, stared at Mr. Men expressionlessly.

Mr. Men let out an unwilling and angry roar, and the blood-red robe he was wearing was lifted up. Countless blood and water gushed out from behind the flesh and blood gate, spreading outward, reflecting the crimson moon in the night sky. Countless scarlet moonlight fell, resisting all attacks that hindered Mr. Men's advancement, giving him a chance to breathe.

Mr. Men seized this opportunity and began to attack the last step of the god, but the flesh and blood gate suddenly collapsed and covered the surface of his body, turning him into a terrifying existence.

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