I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3330: The death of Augustus I, the gap in strength between the enemy and us

"That's different. Emperor Russell is a god who has been promoted to Sequence 0, so he can naturally do it!"

There was a look of confusion on Earl Hall's face. He knew the character of his eldest son Irsi very well. He was smart and calm, and he was definitely not a reckless man. How could he not understand such a simple truth?

"It is indeed different. The difficulty faced by Audrey is much less than that of Emperor Russell. The Church of Night, the Church of Steam, and the Blood Tribe will all choose to support it. The Church of Storms has chosen a neutral attitude and is unwilling to get involved in this matter. The military also has different opinions. Few people were attracted by Audrey, but most of the nobles chose to side with the Augustus family!"

"However, I believe that your prestige, father, can win over the support of some nobles. The current situation is very good. I have the advantage. The thousand-year rule of the Augustus family has come to an end!"

"The power of the people at the bottom is very terrifying. The Backlund Parade has just passed, so you won't forget it so quickly, right?"

Ilsey shook her head, disagreeing with Earl Hall's words, and analyzed the current situation.

"How is this possible?"

Earl Hall's voice suddenly rose a few points, a bit sharp, and then he reacted, lowered his voice again, and asked in confusion.

"I believe that Audrey can win over some military forces. Her performance in this war was outstanding, which attracted the attention of the royal family and wanted to confer a knighthood on her. But why did the three major churches abandon Augustus? Du family, this is so unreasonable!”

"This makes sense, because I have been promoted to Sequence 0. The Goddess of Night, Mother Goddess of Earth, Lord of Storms, and Emperor Russell are not willing to offend me for the sake of the Augustus family!"

Ilsey showed her cards, her whole body shone with aura, and an extremely deep and terrifying aura came out of her body, causing Earl Hall's thinking to fall into a state of stasis, dumbfounded. If it weren't for Ilsi's control, just this breath would be enough to turn Earl Hall into a monster and completely lose control.

Ilsi looked at the shocked and awed Earl Hall, sighed, and slowly restrained his power, allowing Earl Hall to wake up.

Earl Hall had a look of disbelief on his face, his eyes widened as he stared at Irsi. His eldest son was actually a god, and the Hall family became a family of gods, far more noble and great than the angel family.

When Earl Hall thought of this, an ambition rose from the deepest part of his soul, a fierce expression appeared on his face, and he spoke in an extremely firm tone.

"The Augustus family is nothing. It dares to compete with my Hall family for the kingdom. It is simply overestimating its capabilities. Leave the nobles to me. I will let them understand what is the right choice!"

Earl Hall's tone of voice was completely reversed. The Augustus family can sit on the throne, why can't my Hall family? The destiny belongs to me, and the Kingdom of Loen should belong to the Hall family.

Earl Hall is ambitious and confident. With the true god Ilsi as his support, the Hall family is the boss in the Loen Kingdom. If the Augustus family is wise, they should give up the throne honestly.

Queens Borough, Thordrak Palace.

William II is the eldest son of George III. After the old king failed to attack the Black Emperor, he inherited the throne and put on the crown. He is a man in his thirties with a resolute face and two mustaches. Majesty, he sat on the throne and looked at the people below. The main members of the Augustus family gathered here to discuss the current situation.

"Your Majesty, the three major churches have not responded so far. The Red Flag can only be dealt with by ourselves!"

The old Duke Drink Augustus frowned slightly, his cold face showing a bit of gloom. He was experienced and cunning, and he sensed something unusual in the attitudes of the three major churches.

"The last incident created a estrangement between our royal family and the three major churches, and triggered a war, which caused the kingdom to suffer heavy losses. Not only the three major churches, but also many nobles and generals were against The royal family is dissatisfied. The situation is now unstable and the majesty and strength of the royal family must be shown to the outside world! "

Drink Augustus has a tough style and attaches great importance to maintaining the majesty of the royal family. He will never allow other forces to threaten the Augustus family's rule of the kingdom.

"The Crimson Banner is different from other secret organizations. Its goal is to break the current order, just like the one in Intis hundreds of years ago who wanted to overthrow the royal family's rule. Therefore, it must not be tolerated and must be eradicated, otherwise serious consequences will occur. Threaten the rule of the kingdom!"

Drinker Augustus's eyes flashed with a sharp edge. He had some understanding of the belief in the Red Banner, and realized the threat the Red Banner posed to the Augustus family, and would never allow it to continue to exist.

As for the one Drink Augustus refers to, he refers to Emperor Russell. Since his resurrection and return, he raised his throne high and ascended to the star realm, he has become an indescribable god and can only be referred to by pronouns.

When William II heard this, his pupils tightened, his face was gloomy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He very much agreed with the old Duke's suggestion and said coldly.

"Ignore the three major churches for now. Even if the royal family takes action, evil organizations like Crimson Banner cannot continue to develop. They must be wiped out!"

"Your Majesty, our Augustus family is not necessarily weaker than the three major churches. It's a pity that we failed last time!"

Prince Grove is a sequence 3 chaos hunter, a half-god, half-human warrior. The crown on his head shines with pure light, gathering and interweaving into an ocean. This is a level 0 seal. Its number in the archives of the seven major churches is 036. He showed a hateful expression on his face and said unwillingly.

"Don't mention this matter again!"

William II's eyes flashed with brilliance, stopping Prince Grove from continuing. George III has become a taboo and cannot be mentioned again, otherwise the three major churches will control and suppress the royal family more strictly.

"Since it has been decided, let the people of Military Intelligence 9 increase their efforts to find the traces of the red flag and eliminate this evil organization as soon as possible!"

William II finally ordered that Military Intelligence 9, as the intelligence agency of the kingdom, is best at dealing with such things. It should be able to catch the tail of the red flag soon and find it all.

Backlund, Andres County, the territory of the royal Augustus family, has vast land and rich mineral resources. It is one of the richest regions in the kingdom.

A large, magnificent and majestic building complex stood on the plain. This was the castle complex of the Augustus family. It was the Augustus family's biggest backer, the founder and protector of the Kingdom of Loen, William Augustus I, lived here. This Sequence 1 Hand of Order had a square face, black hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, a thick beard, and a solemn expression. His spirituality shone with light, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He stood up from his chair, walked to the window, and looked up at the sky. The sky was clear and the sun was shining, but he still couldn't relax his frown. He said with great doubt.

"What's going on? Nothing happened. Why do I always feel uneasy? Could it be that the last failure left a shadow in my heart, making me too sensitive?!"

Augustus's old eyes were full of thoughts. He retracted his gaze and sat back in his original position again. The luxurious decorations in the room couldn't make him feel comfortable. His face was gloomy and uncertain, and he looked uneasy.

Ilsi stood on the plain of Andres County, with his hands behind his back, looking at the majestic castle in the distance. His handsome and elegant face showed a frosty coldness, and the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose reflected a ray of light. His eyes penetrated the void and saw the somewhat restless Augustus I, sneering.

"As expected of an angel of Sequence 1, he obtained a thousand-year-old guy, full of spirituality, and vaguely sensed the danger, but unfortunately he still couldn't change his fate of death!"

Ilsi raised his right hand and probed into the void in front of him. A black cane emerged and was held by his slender white fingers. The cane was inlaid with countless gems, and countless runes appeared inside each gem, flickering and shining. A majestic and sacred voice resounded through the star realm.


In the star world, an asteroid changed its trajectory and fell from the dark void to the real world. Its speed kept increasing, and the air was ablaze. A long flame tail formed behind the asteroid, dyeing the sky red, and smashed directly towards the castle on the plain of Backlund Andres County.

Augustus I saw the red sky outside the window and was horrified. He felt the fatal danger coming from the sky above his head, and immediately jumped up from his seat. His body was agile, like a rabbit, and it was impossible to tell that he had lived for a thousand years. His body became transparent and illusory, and the surrounding space was slightly rippling and distorted. The whole person was about to escape into the spirit world to avoid this catastrophe.

Outside the castle, Ilsi's sharp eyes saw all of Augustus I's reactions and sneered. A mere Sequence 1 Hand of Order wanted to escape from his hands. It was simply a foolish dream. He raised the Star Staff in his hand again and lightly tapped the space around the castle. The entire void was frozen.

Augustus I's illusory body condensed again. Deep fear appeared on his face. He shouted in horror.

"Why would the gods kill me?!"

Before he finished speaking, the asteroid dragged a long red flame tail and hit the majestic castle hard. With a loud bang, the earth shook, and the castle collapsed. The rubble splashed everywhere, the dust flew, and it was a mess.

The residents of the entire Andres County ran out of the room, their bodies swaying and unable to stand steadily. They looked in the direction of the castle with horror, and knelt on the ground in fear, praying to the high gods.

After a while, the dust cleared, the castle disappeared, and a huge pit was left in its place, covering hundreds of acres. Groundwater gushed out from the bottom, and the water level continued to rise. The water flow merged with the mud, and it looked extremely turbid.

Ilsi stood at the edge of the pit, stretched out his hand, and a sequence 1 characteristic fell into his palm. He took a look and analyzed all the characteristics and information contained in it, and integrated it into the magic path characteristics in his body. After this 23rd extraordinary path characteristic devoured the hermit and perfecter characteristics, it had undergone a transformation, transforming the abilities of other paths into magic, and engraved it in the characteristics of the magic path. It has completely walked out of the limitations of the potion path system and established a brand new extraordinary cultivation system.

In the spiritual world, in the sea of ​​subconsciousness of all living beings, a looming large net covers the subconsciousness and spirituality of all living beings. Countless runes appear on the magic net, which are densely packed, colorful and gorgeous, forming a magical network. Arcane magic is subtly changing the rules of the mysterious world, and even this magic net has begun to spread from the bottom of the sea, heading towards the spiritual sky, to wrap up the entire spiritual world.

Six pure and bright lights stood in the sky, high above, looking down at all living beings, but they were completely unaware of all the changes, allowing the magic network to continue to expand and cover the entire spiritual world.

"The most powerful Beyonder in the Augustus family, Augustus I, has died. Let Audrey handle the rest by herself. She should soon be promoted to become the free leader of Sequence 1!"

Before Ilsi could finish her words, her figure became blurry and illusory, and she disappeared from the same place without knowing her whereabouts.

In the star realm, in the deep dark heaven, darkness has enveloped the Kingdom of God. It is dotted with dazzling lights and hidden in dusk. The goddess of the night, Aman Nisis, is wearing a black classical dress. The clothes are layered but not complicated, and are inlaid with dots of stars. Hui, like the sky in the middle of the night, her body became blurred, sending out layers of ripples. Her delicate and flawless face seemed to be covered with layers of gauze, hazy and beautiful, and her whole body was shining with the aura of extraordinary characteristics, clear and bright, and her aura Like the starry sky, eternal and sublime, it controls misfortune and fear, sleep and silence.

"Ilsey Hall has started to take action. It's time for me to fulfill my promise. The rule of the Augustus family is over!"

The starry eyes of the goddess of the night fluctuated slightly, her gaze fell on Andres County, her face showed contemplation, and an oracle descended and landed on Backlund.

"My great majesty, I will obey your will!"

Archbishop St. Anthony is wearing a black and red clergy robe, with five dark holy emblems on his chest. His face is clean, without a beard, his eyes are deep, dark and quiet. He is praying extremely devoutly, and a spiritual light fills his soul. It contained some kind of information that made him feel great and sacred. He lowered his head deeply and replied respectfully.

In the Kingdom of Fertility, the Earth Mother Goddess Lilith has a soft and plump figure, with a crimson moon hanging above her head, ears of wheat growing on the soles of her feet, surrounding the spring water, her skirts flowing freely, various herbal flowers inserted, and different paintings depicted. The image of an animal, with its chest bulging high, holding an illusory and cute baby hidden in swaddling clothes with one hand, and holding a dark brown wooden staff in the other hand, giving people a holy and dignified feeling. He stared at it with cold eyes. The huge pothole let out a chuckle, and a will came down among the vampires.

"The time has come, I must complete the transaction!"

The thirteen Dukes of the Blood Tribe received the revelation from their ancestors at the same time and flew out of the castle one after another. They looked up at the scarlet moon and roared. A cold and terrifying aura filled the air and enveloped the surrounding void, making people feel fear.

"Follow the instructions of our ancestors!"

A majestic and sacred palace, full of punk style, composed of steam and machinery, gives this temple a unique beauty. Emperor Russell is sitting on a bronze throne, surrounded by countless machines, exuding knowledge. Glory, holding a scepter in his hand, exuding the brilliance of extraordinary characteristics, majestic and sacred. His long, slightly curly chestnut hair spreads behind him, a look of contemplation flashed in his blue eyes, and a sacred and majestic voice sounded. Through the Kingdom of God.

"The church will fully assist the Hall family to overthrow the rule of the Augustus family, establish a new order, and let the flag fly over the Kingdom of Loen!"

Archbishop Horamik Haydn of Backlund Diocese, a member of the Presbyterian Council of Steam Church, was wearing a white priest's robe and a clergyman's bonnet, with a kind face and a solemn expression, and he responded loudly.

"Your Majesty, your will is the beacon for our progress. We will obey the oracle!"

The Lord of Storms stood in the abyss of the storm. He was wearing black armor, stepping on the waves, surrounded by the storm wind, with lightning on his back, holding a trident, with a solemn expression. He looked at Backlund, and countless silver-white lightnings broke out around him. The hurricane swept through everything, the scene was extremely horrifying, and the aura of terror enveloped the entire Kingdom of God. He pondered for a moment before slowly speaking.

"Contact the Hall family and support them in replacing the Augustus family, but the interests of the church must be guaranteed!"

The Archbishop of the Backlund Diocese of the Church of the Storm, Radal Valentine, the dark blue officiant, wears a black robe with the symbol of the storm. He has a thick beard on his face, short and upright hair, and a color like dark blue, almost pure black. He has a tall body. He dare not Looking directly at the appearance of the god, he lowered his head and responded with great respect.

"My Lord, we are willing to shepherd the lambs for you!"

Backlund, the East District, the area where civilians and workers live, has a gray mist hanging over it, and a pungent smell can be faintly smelled in the air.

In the basement of a private house, the members of Jingqi gathered again. Audrey's soft face was full of cold color. Her green eyes were like pure gems, which could see through people's hearts. The red spiritual light filled the entire room. Inside, a flag was flying above everyone's heads. Iron-bloodedness, firmness, faith, and pure thoughts infected the members present. They all focused their attention on this girl, seeming to see their lifelong pursuits and dreams.

"Chief, MI9 has been making a lot of moves recently, looking for traces of us everywhere!"

A middle-aged man looked solemn, with a sharp light flashing in his gray-brown eyes. He was a mid-level officer in the MI9 and was very familiar with the recent actions of this intelligence agency. The current situation was not optimistic.

"The time is not yet ripe. There are too few high-sequence demigods among our members. We are no match for the Augustus family. We can only continue to hide!"

Audrey seemed very calm. She felt the activation of her extraordinary characteristics. She was only one step away from being promoted to the Free Leader of Sequence 1. The promotion ceremony was to start a revolution. The main materials of the potion did not need to be collected everywhere like other extraordinary ways.

"If I start a revolution now, although I can be promoted to Sequence 1, the banner will be exposed. I can't take this risk!"

Audrey resisted the temptation of promotion. She sighed in her heart. The gap between the enemy and us was too big. The banner could only develop secretly and accumulate strength to have the opportunity to change the world and establish a new order.

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