I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3326: Ilsi's Arrival, the All-Seeing Eye

"The sleeping place of the Dark Angel has the ability to corrupt creatures, you need to pay attention!"

The chief of Silver City, Silver Knight Colin Iliad, had a solemn look on his face, reminding Klein to take this into consideration.

"Of course I know that the historical images I summoned this time are extraordinary, and I will never worry about them being contaminated!"

A confident smile appeared on Klein's face, and he stretched out his hand to grab the space in front of him again. At this time, he looked extremely strenuous, and his eyes showed a solemn look. He failed once and failed twice. He also lacked confidence. After all, The connection between myself and that person is not close, and the last time I was able to successfully summon him was a complete accident.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became quiet, and the three demigods in Silver City also showed curiosity in their eyes. They looked at Klein who continued to fail, and their expressions gradually became weird.

Above the gray mist, the spirit body of Ilsi Hall was sitting on the bronze throne. His gaze penetrated the void and landed in the Giant King's Court in the land abandoned by the gods. He felt that his historical image was being evoked. He murmured with a playful expression on his face.

"Last time, I took the initiative to establish contact with him and used his hand to stop Adam and George III. This time he used this connection to summon my historical images again. It makes sense!"

Ilsey Hall thought of this, nodded slightly, and a weak connection was established. A figure condensed in the pores of history and headed towards the King's Court of Giants.

A layer of sweat oozed out from Klein's forehead. It was crystal clear and slid downwards. He couldn't help but close his eyes. He spent a lot of spiritual energy to still summon the historical image of that person, which made him feel very defeated. Prepare to change the target and summon the historical image of Emperor Russell. After all, the new God of Steam and Machinery has a closer connection with him, so he should be able to summon it successfully.

Klein exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly withdrew his right hand from the void. Suddenly his palm seemed to have caught something, and his expression moved slightly. He quickly exerted all his strength. The muscles of his right arm were bulging and the veins were clear. His face turned red, and he dragged something outward with great difficulty.

The calm space began to distort, and ripples spread outward. A figure slowly walked out of the historical pores, and a strange invisible wave spread. The extremely tyrannical and extraordinary characteristics gave people an extremely heavy sense of oppression, making the three The demigods stepped back one after another, looking up at the figure standing in the void with horrified expressions.

A young man wearing a black tuxedo caught the sight of the three demigods. He had brilliant blond hair, shining brighter than the morning sun. His sword eyebrows were raised and inserted diagonally into his temples, like two sharp swords, with sharp edges and deep eye sockets. , his pupils are brown, deep and calm, his nose is high and he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which adds a bit of elegance to him. His thin lips are tightly pursed, showing a bit of indifference.

"King of Angels, Emperor of Knowledge in Sequence 1!"

Klein was panting, looking weak from overindulgence, and his face was pale. In order to summon this historical image of Ilsey, he almost exhausted the spiritual energy in his body, and the extraordinary aura around him was much dimmed. He was originally just I planned to summon the image of the Sage from Sequence 2, but for some reason a King of Angels appeared.

"Every time I summon this person, there will always be some accidents. I don't care about the face of this ancient scholar at all!"

Klein cursed in his heart, but did not show it at all. A respectful to flattering smile appeared on his face, and he spoke cautiously.

"Great God of secrecy and magic, please show mercy and protect the humble lamb!"

"You are quite capable of bending and stretching. You can say such humble words without worrying about insulting the name of a fool!"

Ilsie Hall rolled her eyes, looked at Klein who was bowing with disdain, and took two steps back in disgust, as if to draw a clear line with him.

Derrick the Sun and others did not understand the meaning of Ilsi's words, and mistakenly thought that Ilsi was saying that Mr. World Gehrman Sparrow was a descendant of the Fool. Praying to others in such a humble manner was simply disrespectful to the Fool. of infidelity.

However, Derrick and the others immediately realized that the person in front of them was indeed a historical image of a god and should not be offended. Their backs immediately bent and they saluted respectfully to Ilsey Hall.

"Great God of Mystery and Magic, may you be immortal!"

Ilsi Hall ignored the three demigods in Silver City and looked deep into the Giant King's residence. With a look of interest on his face, he said to Klein on the side.

"We are old acquaintances, and I happen to be very interested in the dark angel Sasril. This time I won't care about the historical images you summoned me for!"

After that, Ilsi Hall took steps towards the Giant King's residence and disappeared into the darkness.

Klein then straightened his back and noticed that Derrick and the other three were curious about Ilsi's identity, but he did not explain. He looked into the deep darkness and said with a smile.

"This will be a dangerous journey, and everyone may die, including you and me!"

Klein pressed the black top hat on his head with his right hand and walked straight into the darkness without waiting for the three demigods to answer.

Colin Iliad, Lovia, and Derrick looked at each other and did not speak. The atmosphere seemed a bit silent. They also took steps and walked forward resolutely.

The Giant King's residence was submerged in darkness as thick as substance. Nothing could be seen beyond five meters. The ground was made up of gray-white stone bricks solidified like dusk, which did not reveal anything special about the extraordinary level.

Ilsi looked calm and walked in it like a leisurely stroll. From time to time, she looked left and right, admiring the architectural beauty of the Giant Palace. The tops could not be seen one by one, and huge pillars that could not be embraced by five or six people were revealed, and the exquisite outlines were outlined. The silhouette highlights the cultural style of the giant.

Ilsi seemed to be on an outing, relaxed and comfortable. Behind him were Klein and four other demigods. Their faces showed tension and solemnity, forming a sharp contrast.

The dim light at the door behind them was swallowed up by the darkness, which meant that Ilsi and his party could only move forward and could not exit the Giant King's residence. Apparently the owner of this place had woken up and did not want the guests to leave.

Klein raised his right hand, and a flame ignited on his fingertips. The dim firelight illuminated the surrounding environment, preventing everyone from seeing the direction forward in the darkness.

At this moment, Ilsi seemed to notice something, and glanced at her feet. His shadow seemed to suddenly come to life, crawling up to her ankles, rapidly extending upwards, trying to wrap her entire body. .

The corners of Ilsey Hall's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a playful smile. His extraordinary characteristics shone brightly, and he quietly let the shadow fade from his body, becoming law-abiding again and staying at his feet obediently.

The mysterious existence in the darkness seemed to be aware of Ilsi's difficulty, gave up his plan to pollute and corrode him, and turned around to target the four demigods.

The four shadows twisted and swam, extending upwards, wrapping the four demigods, blending into the surrounding darkness, indistinguishable from each other. Their bodies turned black and light, as if they were swallowed by the shadows, and disappeared completely.

Ilsi did not stop this change and erosion. She stretched out her hand to adjust the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. A bright light flashed on the smooth lenses, and his figure gradually faded, as if blending into the surrounding darkness.

"Interesting, Shadowlands?"

The scene in Elsie Hall's sight changed dramatically. The surrounding darkness disappeared, and the surrounding stone pillars were clearly presented in front of her eyes, cast a faint shadow. There is no sun, no moon, and no stars in the windows, but a thin light shines in, making the whole palace look gloomy, dim, and deserted. In the deepest part of the palace, there is a very light shadow, like a curtain, blocking He stopped looking.

Klein, Colin Iliad, Lovia, and Derrick stood not far away, observing the surrounding environment vigilantly, feeling very uncomfortable with this Kingdom of Shadows.

"It's a different world that makes people feel very magical!"

A faint smile appeared on Ilsi's face, without any trace of nervousness. His calmness infected the four demigods of Klein, making their tense spirits relax slightly. Their eyes followed this great god closely, as if they had found Knowing the backbone, he quickly came forward.

"Your Majesty, what is this place and why does it give me such a strange feeling?"

Klein's face was full of curiosity. He was most familiar with Ilsey Hall, and he quickly asked the four people the most concerning questions.

"This is the Kingdom of Dark Sky Sasril, the Kingdom of Shadows. This must be your first time entering the Kingdom of God!"

Ilsie Hall's voice was not loud, and her tone was even more understated, but it made the four of Klein stand stunned on the spot, their eyes widened, and they looked shocked and inexplicable.

"Your Majesty, are you saying that the dark angel Sasril has ascended to the throne of God and became a true god? This space full of shadows is his kingdom of God?"

Klein's face was filled with disbelief, and there was some doubt in his tone. When he came, no one told him that Dark Angel Sasril had been promoted to Sequence 0. Otherwise, he would not dare to explore the Giant King's Court even if he were killed.

"Dark Angel Sasril is the head of the eight angel kings under the ancient Sun God. He is known as the Lord's left hand; the Lord's agent; the deputy king of heaven!"

"The wind angel Leodro, the pure white angel Oseikus, the wise angel Herabergen, and the fantasy angel Adam are all the kings of angels under the ancient Sun God. They have been promoted to gods, even in time. The angel Amon began to prepare for the promotion ceremony and raised the throne. As the strongest angel king, the dark angel Sasril is not weaker than them, and can even mobilize the power of the Chaos Sea, one of the nine sources. Far more powerful than you think!"

Ilsey looked at Klein with strange eyes, looking incomprehensible, as if she was doubting the other person's IQ, and complained unceremoniously.

"The True Creator is not willing to explore the Giant King's Court by himself, for fear of being affected by it, but you are quite brave and just barged in!"

Klein opened his mouth to speak, wanting to defend himself, but Ilsi didn't give him a chance. He turned his head and looked deep into the palace, as if the night-like shadows dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

Steps stretched upwards, and at the top stood an iron-black throne. A man with shoulder-length black hair, slightly curly, sat on it. His eyes were covered with a shadow, and his appearance was blurry, making it difficult to see clearly. Layers of virtual black wings hang down from the back, covering most of the body. The robe is made of dark black, wrapped with silver threads, engraved with complex patterns, and hung with gorgeous accessories.

At this time, the man's left elbow was on the armrest, his palm was holding the side of his face, and he seemed to be sleeping. Needless to say, everyone present understood that this was the left hand of God, the vice-lord of heaven, the dark angel Sasriel!

The four demigods of Klein clearly felt the oppression of the high-ranking people from him, just like facing the real creator. Their minds fell into a state of confusion, their souls began to degenerate, their bodies kept trembling, and even their flesh and blood began to mutate. Countless wriggling buds drilled out of the skin, like dark shadows, twisted and ominous, terrifying and hideous.


Ilsi Hall chuckled, as if he thought of something interesting. His laughter also woke up the four demigods of Klein. They quickly moved their eyes away, lowered their heads, stared at their feet, and dared not look directly at the dark angel Sasriel.

The gods cannot be guessed, cannot be looked at directly, cannot be described, and are a great and terrifying existence. Even the extraordinary people at the demigod level cannot stare at the true body of the gods for a long time, otherwise they will be affected by the powerful characteristics of the other party, mutate, and transform into monsters.

The state of the dark angel Sasriel is different. He has not yet truly promoted to Sequence 0, but he has the characteristics of a god and controls the Chaos Sea, one of the nine source substances. He is a great existence that is not weaker than Sequence 0.

"You should feel fortunate that He is now in a state of sleep, and the extraordinary spirituality in his body has fallen into a dead silence. Otherwise, when you look directly at Him for the first time, you will have gone completely crazy and become a monster!"

Ilsi's eyes lingered on the dark angel Sasriel, looked at him carefully, paused for a moment, and continued to speak.

"You tell me, should I wake him up? After all, the guests have arrived, but the host is still sleeping. This is not the right way to entertain guests!"

Klein shook his head repeatedly after hearing this, stopping Ilsi's crazy idea. The dark angel Sasriel had not yet awakened, and they dared not look directly at him. If they woke him up, who knows what terrible things would happen?

"No, no, we are uninvited guests. If we disturb the host's sleep again, it would be too rude!"

"Don't wake him up for now. Try to get closer, find clues, and collect intelligence."

Ilsi sighed with some regret. He did not object to Klein's words. After all, he was just a historical image summoned by the other party. There was no need to cause trouble and wake up a sleeping Sequence 0, the Hanged Man.

"Okay, let's do as you say!"

Ilsi snapped his fingers, which was particularly clear in the silent hall. He walked straight towards the iron-black throne with calm steps and a calm expression. He was not worried about whether there would be danger hidden in the dark.


A sacred fire pillar rose from the ground, trying to engulf Ilsi's figure. His eyes wavered slightly, and his figure became illusory and transparent, as if he had entered another space, passing directly through the blazing flames without any injury.

Ilsi looked back at the sacred fire pillar, his shoulders shrugged, and he continued to move forward with a relaxed look. His body solidified again, as if he had returned to the real world from another space.


A ball of silver-white lightning fell from the sky and landed on Ilsi's head. He could even clearly smell a foul smell. This was because the nourishing energy in the air was converted into ozone by the high temperature.

Ilsi raised his head slightly, and a colorful light shot out of his eyes, colliding with the lightning. The lightning collapsed and disappeared instantly, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

"They are just little tricks. They can't stop me!"

Ilsi took another step and walked forward a few meters. The hall changed again. The shadows covering the walls, pillars, and floor tiles cracked one after another, and brass eyes grew out.

Ilsi was watched by countless eyes. Her expression was normal, without a trace of tension and fear. The extraordinary characteristics in her body began to overflow. The characteristic brilliance of the Perfectionist Path and the characteristic brilliance of the Hermit Path were all reflected by these eyes.

Ilsi did not stop and continued to move forward. The characteristics in her body continued to overflow. A ray of brilliance that did not belong to this world began to shine. The breath of magic enveloped the entire hall. This is the 23rd extraordinary path, magic.

"The Eye of Omniscience!"

The Eye of Omniscience, Sequence 1 of the Audience Path, can peek into all the secrets of the extraordinary and analyze the other party's power path. Ilsi's face changed slightly, cold light flashed in her eyes, her mouth opened slightly, and she uttered a magic name.

"Eternal Blazing Sun!"

A large sun condensed in the brass eyes, and the blazing and dazzling light burst out, shattering the eyeballs one by one. The dark red blood dyed the floor of the hall, and an ancient and ethereal voice echoed in the hall.

"Which path is this? It has exceeded the initial shackles. I have never seen it!"

The shadows in the hall rippled like the surface of the water, twisting and swimming, condensing above the head of the dark angel Sasriel on the iron-black throne. A crack opened, and an all-seeing eye appeared again, emitting a heavy pressure.

"This is the first new path I created, magic!"

Ilsi did not stop, and continued to move forward to the iron-black throne, his eyes locked on the all-seeing eye, and said with some disdain.

"The so-called omniscience seems to be a bit unworthy of the name. It can only know the information that originally existed in the world, and cannot know the new path!"

The brass eyeball blinked, and after a moment of silence, he continued to speak.

"Even if a great being like the Omniscient One has fallen, how can the Omniscient Eye of Sequence 1 know all the secrets of the world!"

Sasriel was still in a deep sleep and had not woken up. The Omniscient Eye on his head was like a clone, allowing him to understand the changes in the outside world while he was asleep.

"Although I can't see the trajectory of your fate, I can sense that you have dealt with other versions of me!"

After these words came out, Klein and the other four showed puzzled expressions on their faces, and looked at Ilsi's back in confusion, hoping to get the answer from him. (End of this chapter)

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