I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3323: Spiritual mentor, start the war of gods

"The Lord of Mysteries really made Klein's arrangements clear for resurrection. For fear that he would not be able to advance to become the Fool of Sequence 0, he sent this Veil of Destiny to Klein's hands. It contains the Fool's path from Sequence 9 to Sequence 1. All the extraordinary features!”

A look of contemplation appeared on Ilsi's face, and the light of wisdom flashed in his calm brown eyes. He began to deduce the trajectory of fate and examine the truth of history.

"It stands to reason that Klein would have obtained this Veil of Destiny from the beginning. Now he has been promoted to a Sequence 3 ancient scholar, and he only obtained it from the Dark Demonic Wolf Korta. He has deviated somewhat from the Lord of Mysteries. Arrangement, it seems that the Goddess of the Night used the Fool’s uniqueness to indirectly influence Source Castle and tampered with the placement location of the curtain!”

In the place abandoned by the gods, above the ruins of the old castle, a mysterious and terrifying aura descended on the black curtain in Klein's hand, and the curtain of destiny suddenly stood up out of thin air, like a cloak.

The darkness contained within the cloak condensed into a vortex, making a buzzing sound that reached the ears of Klein and Reinette.


Klein was shocked. Feeling this familiar aura, he subconsciously entered the Source Castle to avoid the sudden arrival of the true Creator. But no matter how much Klein's spirit body moved, it could not leave the body and enter the gray mist.

The surrounding space was completely shrouded in darkness, like the frozen sea. Klein and Reinette were unable to move at all, with expressions of despair and fear on their faces.

The true Creator is the pitch-black baby that emerged from the belly of the ancient Sun God. He inherited some of the characteristics and memories of the Ancient Sun God. His essence is the evil spirit of the Ancient Sun God, the embodiment of his negative personality and extreme emotions. But he also inherited some of the ancient Sun God’s characteristics and memories. The sun god went crazy because of his humanity. He is a Sequence 0 of the Hanged Man pathway. He is a divine person who controls the powers such as corruption.

Faced with such an evil god, Klein felt no fear in his heart. He couldn't even maintain the most basic calmness. He couldn't find a way out of the predicament at hand. A feeling of despair rose from the depths of his soul.

Above the gray mist, Ilsi's whole body shone with wisdom. She slowly stretched out her right hand and probed into the void in front of her. A black palm was grabbed out. With five fingers, she clenched it firmly and pointed it downwards. God Forsaken Land swung hard.


Countless rays of silver lightning pierced the sky, dispelling the darkness. A slender white palm emerged from the void, holding a staff inlaid with countless gems and smashed it hard on the black velvet curtain.


Circles of air waves exploded from the contact point between the Star Staff and the Veil of Destiny, making a huge noise. The roar shattered Klein's eardrums, and a huge force directly broke the confined space and flew away his Body.


Klein hit the ground hard and spat out a stream of blood from his mouth. His face was twisted and his facial features were brought together. His face was pale and his eyes were dim. His eyes were still fixed on the black curtain and the black cane. In his mind The thoughts are rolling and extremely complicated.

"That's my Star Staff. How could it appear in the hands of this great being? No wonder I feel that my connection with the Star Staff has weakened a lot recently. It turns out that this level 0 sealed object was taken away by someone!"

"The owner of this palm can compete with the true creator. I don't know which god it is. I can't afford to offend him. I can only lose money and avoid disaster. The Star Staff is my initiative to sacrifice to this great god. exist!"

The vortex in the cloak was directly shaken away. The black velvet curtain seemed to have lost its support and slid downwards. A low and cold voice sounded from Klein's mind again.

"Go to the Giant King's Court and meet Sasril."

The illusion condensed into substance, wrapped in a layer of pitch-black mucous membrane, and turned into a strange seed, which fell into Klein's body and spirit and disappeared.

This thought of the arrival of the true Creator eroded part of Klein's spirit body and part of his flesh and blood, trying to drive him to the King's Court of Giants to meet the dark angel Sasril.

Dark Angel Sasril is one of the eight archangels under the ancient Sun God. He is known as the left hand of the Lord; the Lord's agent; and the deputy king of heaven. He is the first angel created by the darkness separated from the body of the ancient sun god and combined with his own ribs. He is the strongest king of angels. He can mobilize the power of the sea of ​​chaos. His strength is suspected to have reached sequence 0. He was destroyed by the goddess of night. Temptation betrayed the ancient sun god and founded the Rose of Redemption. After the death of the ancient sun god, Sasriel fell into a deep sleep in the King's Court of Giants.

The slender white palm slowly moved back, still holding the Star Staff. When Klein saw this, he blurted out.

"My Star Staff!"

Ilsey's palm paused, and she waved the Star Staff. A blazing white light shot out and fell into Klein's body. Like a sun, it illuminated his entire physical and spiritual body, leaving behind the true Creator. The dark seed was directly refined to help him eliminate hidden dangers.

"Tell me again, who is the owner of the Star Staff?"

A majestic and majestic voice sounded in Klein's mind. He felt the comfort coming from his body, marveled at the terrifying strength of this god, and said sincerely.

"You are the master of the Star Staff. I just said the wrong thing!"

"There are some things you shouldn't say nonsense, or you will get killed! However, I am too generous to argue with you. I also allow you to continue to establish a connection with the Star Staff and summon its historical images!"

Klein didn't feel unfair. He didn't dare to directly activate the Star Staff. As long as the god did not break the connection between him and the Star Staff and allowed him to continue summoning the historical image of this level 0 sealed object, he would be fine. He didn't have any influence, and the other party also helped him defeat the true creator for the sake of the Star Staff, which was considered to be the most benevolent thing.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ilsey's palm retracted into the void, leaving only Klein and Reinette, and the black velvet curtain fell to the ground.

"Let's leave immediately!"

Klein quickly picked it up. The true Creator had already arrived. Could the Time Angel Amon be far behind? He constructed a scene in his mind. The image of the Star Staff in his hand lit up a gem again, and the two of them teleported directly. Left this place.

After a few breaths, the air rippled, and a transparent insect emerged. The insect had twelve links on its body, twisting and changing, turning into Amon wearing a pointed soft hat and a classic black robe. He stretched out his hand to hold the crystal lens on his right eye socket, with a look of regret on his face, and said slowly.

"Well, I came a step too late and let this little bug escape again!"

Boom! Boom! In an underground shelter in Backlund, Audrey's exquisite facial features looked particularly cold. She seemed to have undergone a transformation. She had transformed from an aristocratic lady who was ignorant of the sufferings of the world to a capable and courageous fearless warrior. At this time, she He was listening to the explosion coming from the outside world. It was far away and should not have any impact on this place.

Melissa, a young girl, has loved gears, springs, bearings and other things since she was a child, and has determined to be a steam mechanic. Her face is thin and slightly pale, her skin is full of luster, and she exudes a girlish aura. She has always been strong and is full of emotions at this time. Confused, he asked Audrey in a dreamy tone.

"Miss Audrey, if we fail completely, the war will end and we won't have to worry about shelling, bombing and lack of food anymore?"

Audrey turned around after hearing this, her eyes were deep and dark, seemingly containing red light, and she answered in a determined tone.

"Melissa, the war is not as simple as you think. If our Loen Kingdom is defeated, the people will become colonized, change their beliefs, or even give up their dignity, and life will still not become beautiful!"

"Strength comes from the barrel of a gun, and the weak will only be bullied and exploited. If you want to change the status quo, you need to stand up on your own and don't expect to rely on anyone else!"

Melissa is Klein's younger sister. She has a tough character and is quite smart. She understands that what Audrey said is correct. She sighed and nodded.

"I see!"

The people around heard the conversation between the two, and their faces showed thoughtful expressions. Of course, there were also those who disagreed. A middle-aged woman with a philistine face, a long and narrow face, a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, sunken eye sockets, triangular eyes, flashing with cunning. Color, retorted.

"I originally believed in the God of Steam and Machinery. Even if Fusac and Intis win the war, I don't need to change my belief!"

As soon as these words came out, the civilians hiding in the underground shelter made a commotion. The civilians who were originally believers of the Church of Steam nodded in agreement. Even some believers of the Goddess of Night and the Lord of Storms were shaken. He showed his heartbeat, and compared to survival, faith seemed not that important.

"Civilians lack knowledge and are too ignorant. They still need step-by-step guidance and instruction before they can truly awaken!"

Audrey had a clear view of everyone's reactions and did not show any disappointment. With Alexi's recommendation, she read the Crimson Books and found her ideals of faith.

"Historical experience tells us that the outcome of the people of the defeated kingdom is not happy, and it is even more difficult than now!"

Audrey was influenced by historic materialism, summed up experiences and lessons from history, and made accurate predictions. Once the Loen Kingdom is defeated, all the people will end up in a miserable situation. On the contrary, the big businessmen and nobles can still live a comfortable and luxurious life.

Audrey did not continue to persuade these civilians. She looked at the civilians whose faith had begun to waver and sighed in her heart.

"The anchor of the Goddess and the Lord of Storms has been shaken on a large scale. If it hadn't been for the previous parade to seize some food, the believers' faith would have collapsed by now!"

Audrey closed her eyes weakly. She was very clear about the meaning of this situation, and she murmured with a bit of compassion on her resolute face.

"The divine war is about to begin, and this war will also have its final result!"

Audrey let out a breath, took a deep look at everyone, and walked towards the exit of the shelter, closely followed by her extremely loyal partner, the golden retriever Susie.

"You don't seem to be planning to return to the Hall family?"

Susie noticed Audrey's thoughts, opened her mouth and let out an invisible wave, causing the air to vibrate and making a little girl-like sound.

Ever since she planned the Backlund Parade, Audrey has been staying in the East District of Backlund, the area where civilians live, even though Earl Hall had found her and urged her to go to the refuge dedicated to nobles.

"I have found my true faith and I need to do what I should do!"

The extraordinary characteristics in Audrey's body shone with a red aura, blazing, dazzling, exuding a fearless, unyielding aura, unshakable and unchangeable. She could clearly feel a lot of red light spots, like the anchor of the gods, which allowed her to stabilize her state and understand her essence. This is the path of the Red Lord.

"This extraordinary path created by my brother is really amazing. The power of red faith can directly change its own extraordinary characteristics and convert the Red Lord path. There is no need for magic potions at all. As long as the more people believe in redism, they can continuously promote the sequence promotion!"

"Now that I have developed thousands of people, it has made it easy for me to be promoted to the spiritual mentor of Sequence 3, and it is not far from being promoted to the Sequence 2 Pioneer of Faith!"

"You stay here for me, calm everyone's emotions, and avoid riots!"

Audrey looked down at Susie and gave her a few words of advice.

"Okay, don't worry!"

Although Susie didn't know what Audrey was going to do, she still chose to support her, nodded, and agreed to Audrey's request very straightforwardly.

Audrey said no more and left the shelter from the exit. The team of soldiers in charge of guarding the shelter completely ignored her. Outside, the sky was dark, many buildings had collapsed, and the flames were about to go out. The streets were empty, with no carriages or pedestrians. It was not as prosperous and lively as Backlund in the past. The ground was full of wounds and a mess, revealing a deadly atmosphere.

Audrey walked out of the city. What she had to do was simple. Help the Kingdom of Loen resist the enemy's attack, at least to ensure that the kingdom's army would not collapse before the outcome of the God War.

If the God of War won the God War, Audrey would find a way to stop the enemy from wantonly venting destruction and reduce the harm brought to the people by the war.

Artillery roared, flames raged, and black smoke enveloped. Audrey was not afraid of danger or sacrifice. She walked on the battlefield and helped the army resist the enemy's attack, winning the admiration of countless soldiers.

The underground shelter in Queens District of Backlund was solid and spacious, storing sufficient and rich food to meet the living needs of the nobles. Ilsi sat in front of a long mahogany table with rich food on it. The wine glass was already filled with sweet wine. He raised the wine glass and lowered his head to drink a sip. His eyes were deep and calm, as if he had penetrated the wall and saw the fierce and bloody battle outside the city. The performance of the blonde girl was unexpected, which made him very satisfied.

"War makes people grow up. Audrey has become mature. She fought on the front line and won the love and support of a large number of officers and soldiers. The banner of Redism is about to be unfolded. It's time to end this war!"

Ilsi thought secretly, and the spirit body left the flesh and came to the gray fog. The bronze throne shone with brilliant light. The magnificent and majestic palace of knowledge shook, breaking through the gray-white fog, descending into the star realm, and fiercely crashed into the kingdom of the god of war Badhair, the City of Dusk.


The two kingdoms of God collided with me, and countless spells emerged, densely packed, flickering, and the powerful shock wave caused the red star to begin to vibrate violently, shaking the divinity of the dusk giant.

"Ilsi.Hall, the god of secrets and magic, are you trying to start a war of gods with me?"

The god of war Badhair sat high on the throne, holding his sword in front of him, like a warrior on the battlefield, fearless, brave, and fierce. His face was hidden behind the visor, and his armor had an indescribable sense of ruin. The scene of dusk appeared behind him. He was the symbol of power and glory, the great god of knights, the master of war, the protector of guns and cannons, and the dusk that ended all things. He looked up at Ilsi.Hall in the Hall of Knowledge, opened his mouth and roared, the voice was huge and majestic, attracting the attention of all gods.

"The war has reached its final stage, and it's time to end it!"

"You are all unwilling to take the lead in starting the war of gods, so I will be the first to end this war!"

Ilsi stopped the Hall of Knowledge, stood up from the bronze throne, walked out of the kingdom of God, and came to the City of Dusk, looking down at the God of War Badhair, with a cold and ruthless look, exuding a powerful and terrifying aura. He gently stretched out his right hand, and a black cane appeared in his palm, inlaid with a large number of gems, colorful, and faintly saw countless runes hidden inside, containing terrifying power.

"Great Disintegration Technique!"

A colorful and gorgeous light shot out from the top of the Star Staff and fell on the defense barrier of the City of Dusk, like fireworks blooming, dazzling, and the orange-yellow barrier shattered. Ilsi urged the Hall of Knowledge again and slammed into the city belonging to the God of War.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless buildings collapsed. Under the unstoppable impact of the Hall of Knowledge, the Kingdom of the God of War was destroyed by a small part. Countless pieces of rubble splashed and streaked through the air, making a whistling sound. The kinetic energy was terrifying, enough to shoot through the armored walls.

The God of War Badhair was furious. He drew out the long sword in his hand and stood tall. A tragic and fierce aura filled the air. He slashed fiercely. A bright sword light tore through the void and suddenly appeared in front of Ilsi Hall, trying to cut him in half.

Ilsi Hall's brown eyes shone with a blazing white light. His figure became illusory and transparent. He let the sword light pass through his body and split it in two. A sarcastic smile appeared on his face, and his low and magnetic voice was transmitted to the City of Dusk.

"Badhair, show me your true ability, don't let me down!"

As soon as the words fell, Ilsi's figure was chopped into pieces by the sword light. The black fragments swam, passed through the void, and appeared in front of the throne of the God of War, condensing and combining into a complete figure. The Star Staff in Ilsi's hand aimed at the head of the God of War Badhair and smashed it hard. The air was blown up, and the void began to twist violently. Black cracks emerged one after another, densely packed like a spider web, very scary.

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