I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3316: Promoted to Demigod, Teaching Amon a Lesson

Audrey's face changed slightly, then became extremely determined, nodded heavily, and responded.

"I know, I will try my best!"

"Be prepared, I won't say much else!"

Ilsey naturally understood what Audrey was thinking, but he did not try to persuade the girl. He took one last look at the crimson moon. The moonlight was bloody and strange, making people feel uneasy. He withdrew his gaze, turned around and left, leaving only The blond girl is here alone.

As Ilsi was promoted to a Sequence 0 god, he seemed to be becoming more indifferent and ruthless. Although his nature would not be eroded by extraordinary characteristics, he also felt a sense of alienation from the real world and was somewhat out of tune.

Audrey watched Ilsey's back disappear from sight, with a complicated expression on her face. The faint smile on her lips had disappeared, and her green eyes revealed a touch of sadness, like a stream flowing between mountain streams. , which makes people feel particularly distressed.

"Audrey, you are starting to become despicable, and you actually use poor people to achieve your own goals!"

The blonde girl examined her heart and slowly closed her eyes, her expression calm and cold. After an unknown amount of time, the sadness in her eyes had disappeared, leaving only a determined look. She felt the cold wind, Whispered softly.

"Even so, I will follow in my brother's footsteps and I will never regret it!"

Audrey turned her palm over, and a tarot card appeared in her palm. She lowered her head and looked at it, then threw it into the cold wind, letting it fall into the darkness.

The Tarot cards rolled in the air, blown by the cold wind, and floated into the distance. You could faintly see a goddess of justice painted on the cards, holding a sword in one hand and a scale in the other, following the justice in her heart and pursuing for justice in the world.

Audrey turned around and returned to her bedroom. She had made her own decision. Even if it violated her ideals, she would not give up following her brother's footsteps.

In the luxurious room, the floor was covered with expensive wool carpets. Ilsi was lying on the spacious bed, covered with a soft velvet quilt. Her eyes were bright and clear, and she seemed to feel the determination of the blonde girl, and sighed lightly. road.

"Reality is so cruel. If you gain something, you will lose it. If you want to achieve anything, you must know how to pay the price!"

The day with the longest night every year is the birthday of the goddess of the night, commonly known as the Winter Gift Day. On this day, all believers of the Church of the Night will go to nearby churches to witness the sun setting and night coming, and then hold mass, enjoy Holy Communion, listen to choir singing, and participate in various activities.

This year is a very unforgettable and heavy year for the people of the Kingdom of Loen. The fierce war has made everyone’s lives very difficult and their moods are low. The believers walked out of their homes with a heavy heart and prepared to go to various major cities. Attend the Dark Night Church in the square to hold a very large mass to appease the souls of deceased relatives.

At the same time, Backlund's many relief funds have received a large amount of donations. Distributing food at places where mass is held can make the lives of these poor people at the bottom easier. This is what Ilsi wants to reduce in Audrey's heart. To do this out of guilt, he spent a full 100,000 pounds, which was a huge fortune.

The free food distributed attracted Storm believers and Steam believers. They originally did not attend the Winter Ceremony Day, but they also walked out of their homes in order to survive, making the scale of this mass even more astonishing.

In the West District, Remembrance Day Square, the place where George III died in a public explosion, was once again filled with dense crowds of people since his last speech.

Audrey was wearing a black cloak and was followed by the big golden retriever Susie. She had a plain face and walked leisurely among the nobles. Her expression was firm, but a hint of sadness flashed deep in her green eyes. And feeling guilty, she prepared the manipulator potion and the promotion ceremony will be held today.

The blonde girl Audrey held up the hem of her skirt and slowly walked towards her seat with firm steps. Along the way, many nobles passed by and greeted her. In front of her was a tall figure.

Ilsi's expression was calm, her eyes flashed with indifference, and she walked calmly in front of the girl without looking back to comfort her. This is the path that a girl must take to mature. If she can't bear this, how can she always follow him? Sooner or later they will part ways.

The members of the Hall family had just arrived at their positions. The Archbishop of Backlund Parish of the Church of the Night, Saint Anthony Stevenson, walked onto the high platform wearing a black robe with red stripes. He looked around and raised his right hand. He tapped his chest four times clockwise and prayed devoutly.

"Praise the goddess!"

The believers of the Night Goddess below the square responded one after another. They also tapped their chests with their right hands four times clockwise, looking extremely pious.

"Praise the goddess!"

Archbishop Saint Anthony's eyes lingered on Ilsi Hall for a moment, his back slightly bent, and his eyes showed awe. He already knew from the goddess that Ilsi had ascended the throne and was a walking figure. Real world gods.

Ilsey nodded slightly, indicating that the other party did not need to be polite, and then His Excellency the Archbishop continued to speak.

"Today is a celebration of the night, but the goddess responds with mercy. She has mercy on every mother who has lost a child, every lonely child, and every person who suffers great pain."

“He said it would all come to an end, and all this suffering would return to silence and sleep.”

The warm and majestic voice of Archbishop Saint Anthony echoed in the square, and was clearly heard by all the people. Everyone was moved and sad; warm and depressed.

The choir began to recite psalms. The ethereal and holy voice seemed to come from the depths of everyone's heart, soothing the sad and painful hearts.

"The crimson full moon rises, reflecting the earth,

"Everyone sank into a sweet dream, dreaming of themselves,

"Dreaming of parents, wife (husband) and children, this is forever..."

Everyone felt that their hearts were baptized and purified, their emotions resonated, and their spirituality unconsciously spread out, as if they had entered a dream and walked into a quiet darkness.

In the darkness, their loved ones, fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, sons, and daughters were sleeping. These deceased people had peaceful faces and gentle expressions, without any pain.

"Tenderly say His name, Goddess of Night! If He hears, He will certainly agree and will certainly show a pure smile to the dead. Come, rest, and sleep, my children!" The believers walking in the dream showed a reluctant expression on their faces. They were leaving here and would never see their lost relatives again. Drops of tears slid down their eyes, and a strong and rich sadness filled the entire square, intertwined with the choir's recitation, as if it had become real. "Cross your hands, put them on your chest, pray silently, and shout with your heart. The only destination is peace!" On the square, more than 10,000 believers resonated strongly, and an extreme emotion infected everyone present. Ilsi's bright and pure brown eyes looked at the blonde girl next to her, indicating that she could take the potion. Audrey held a glass bottle in her hand, and the bottle was filled with pure golden liquid and flashing with countless fragments of light, just like the embodiment of the collective subconscious sea. Without any hesitation, she raised her head and drank it all. She immediately felt an abnormal change, as if she had turned into a group of thoughts and merged into the illusory sea around her.

At this time, Audrey felt as if she had returned to before she was born, to her mother's body, and to the first time. Her mind was washed, disintegrated, and influenced by the imprints left by the ancestors of mankind. There was fear, madness, and all kinds of spiritual pollution here, which made Audrey unable to resist. Her consciousness gradually faded, and her figure swayed, as if she was about to melt.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in the sea of ​​subconsciousness of all living beings, shining with a blazing white light, sacred and warm, wrapping all of Audrey's spirituality, soothing her mind, and expelling the spiritual pollution in her spirituality, allowing her to return to the purest state and regain her sanity.

Audrey felt the sadness of all the believers in the square, and her spiritual thoughts roamed in the collective subconscious ocean, issuing a shocking cry and chant.

"The only destination is peace!"

"The only destination is peace!"

"The only destination is peace!"

The blonde girl showed sadness on her face, and crystal tears passed through her eyes. She soothed the sadness of more than 10,000 people with her own strength, and she was also infected.

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a moment, maybe forever, Audrey opened her green eyes, with compassionate kindness, she whispered.

"Brother, I succeeded!"

The girl's excited voice sounded in Ilsi's heart. He looked at the excited girl like a high god and soothed her.

"Audrey, you did a good job!"

"You have to understand that the higher the Beyonder Sequence, the more indifferent you will become. But as long as you can keep your heart and not be affected by the potion, even if you have been promoted to a demigod, you can still feel the sadness of the people and will not become an indifferent monster!"

Audrey nodded heavily and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. The guilt and pain in her heart had disappeared. Although she used the sadness of the people to hold the promotion ceremony, she also used her ability to control the dreams of the people and soothe their painful and twisted hearts.

At this time, the last ray of light from the sun fell below the horizon, and darkness enveloped the earth, bringing a sense of tranquility to countless believers. Everyone opened their eyes at the same time and recited this sentence in a calm tone.

"The only destination is peace!"

Audrey has undergone an amazing transformation from this mass. Her body contains powerful strength and exaggerated defense, and she has become a mythical creature. She can let her mind body enter other people's mind islands through the collective subconscious sea, directly tamper with their subconscious, read their thoughts, and silently drive them to do various things.

The ability of the manipulator is not limited to this. She also obtains virtual personality, can split many personalities, have corresponding mind bodies, can have many influences in the hell mind field, and can also use these virtual personalities to quietly invade the target's subconscious island and change the other party's thoughts.

The manipulator can also create terrible mental plagues and spread various mental illnesses and mental pollution with the help of the subconscious sea of ​​all living beings. Shock the enemy's mind on a large scale, and your own thoughts can be transformed into a mental storm, sweeping around, affecting all enemies, and can freely roam in the subconscious sea of ​​all living beings.

The extraordinary person is promoted to Sequence 4, and the change in strength far exceeds all previous promotions, so he is called a demigod. Compared with ordinary extraordinary people, it is another powerful and terrifying existence.

Backlund North District, underground of Saint Samuel Church.

Leonard the Nighthawk, an old acquaintance of Klein, and Pales Zoroaster, who was parasitic in his body, stole the treasures they needed from the treasures of the Jacob family and returned to No. 7 Pinster Street .

Leonard opened the door and walked into the room. His face changed suddenly. He looked at the young man sitting on the sofa in shock. The horrifying words of the angels of the Zoroastrian family rang in his mind. shout.

"The blasphemer, Amon!"

Amon was wearing a classic black robe and a pointed soft hat, with his right foot resting on his left leg. He was reading a newspaper leisurely. When he noticed Leonard coming in, he slowly raised his head and straightened his right hand. There are monocle crystal glasses in the eye sockets, and a playful smile appears on the corner of the mouth.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?!"

Amon's murmurs resounded in Leonard's mind, leaving him in a spiritually blank state, unable to control his body at all, and stood there blankly, unable to think.

"Pallez, I forgot to tell you. The ancestor of the Jacob family has been devoured by me a long time ago. I pretended to be him and watched the Jacob family arrange this treasure in panic. I didn't deal with it at that time. After getting rid of them, I had a hunch that this treasure would be very useful, so I put a clone of myself to sleep in the place where the Jacob family treasure was hidden, and quietly watched you steal the treasures! "

"My patient waiting has been rewarded. I finally locked your trace. As long as I get the extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence 1 Time Insect in you, I can hold a promotion ceremony and attack the throne of the gods!"

Pales Zoroaster is a Sequence 1 Worm of Time from the Zoroaster family, an angelic person. He possesses the last Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic of the Thief Path. This angel usually behaves like a nagging ordinary old man, parasitizing in Leonard's body. Before parasitizing, he was seriously injured by the blasphemer Amon, and lost most of his power. He was unable to fully exert the strength of the Sequence 1 Time Insect. .

Amon seemed to be enjoying the success at the moment, the smile on his face became brighter and he continued proudly.

"Everyone thinks that my true body is still in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, tracking down the Fool and seizing the Source Castle!"

"But after I found that I couldn't get the Source Castle in a short period of time, I had already shifted my focus to Backlund. What was left in the God-Abandoned Land was just a clone close to Sequence 1, deliberately playing a simple game of cat and mouse. To attract everyone's attention, my real purpose is to have the last Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic in you. As long as I get this 1 Insect of Time extraordinary characteristic, I have collected the uniqueness of the wrong path and 3 Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics. Characteristics, qualified to attack the gods!”

Amon's plan was successful. He completely eluded the Seven Gods and the Angel Family in the Thief Path, and successfully locked onto the traces of Pales Zoroastrian. He was only one step away from obtaining the last Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics. remote.

Amon's ravings were full of powerful corrosiveness, tearing Leonard's soul apart and polluting his spirituality. The flesh and blood on his face squirmed, and sprouts sprouted out one after another, like wriggling maggots. It was very disgusting and began to appear on his body. The octopus-like tentacles are covered with blood-colored eyes and suckers, which are ferocious and terrifying.

The strength of the King of Angels, the Blasphemer Amon, was unmistakable, leaving Leonard and Pales unable to resist and falling into a state of loss of control, about to turn into irrational monsters.

"I guess you must want to delay the time and wait for God to descend!"

Amon sensed Leonard and Pales' thoughts of secretly praying to the Night Goddess, and stole them, causing them to fall into complete confusion again. Then he pointed to the ground with his right hand, and a loud rumble sounded. The ground began to protrude, and black stone pillars broke out of the ground, standing on the ground. A majestic church appeared, shrouding Leonard in it.

Every part of this church is inlaid with bones of different races, and the bones are densely mixed together. Amon stood on the 100-meter-high bone cross, bent his back, and looked at the twisted Leonard with a smile. He showed off proudly.

"This Bone Church is pretty good, I just stole it! With it here, even if the Seven Gods are watching here, it will take thirty seconds to arrive. This is enough for me to take back the last Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics!"

Amon reached out and touched the crystal lens on his right eye. The smile on his face was full of pride. He slowly raised his hand and reached into Leonard's body. An extraordinary characteristic shining with aura was drawn out, and the aura twisted and changed. , like a transparent and crystal-clear insect, with twelve links, integrated into a crystal pillar made of light and shadow in Amon's hand.

There were many insects of time wandering in the crystal pillar, exuding an invisible wave that froze the surrounding time and space. A look of excitement appeared on Amon's face. He spent thousands of years and finally collected them. After reaching the last Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics, he became qualified to impact the gods.

Above the gray mist, Ilsi Hall's spirit sat on the bronze throne, his eyes reflected the heavens, taking in all Amon's actions, a faint cold look on his face, and said softly.

"Amon, you don't take me seriously enough. Backlund won't allow you to act wild!"

Ilsi Hall is different from the Seven Gods. Although he has raised the throne of God, he is still walking on the ground and has not entered the star realm. He can take action directly without the need for divine intervention.

"Today I will teach you another lesson, to let you understand that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world, lest you really think that everyone is a fool and was deceived by you!"

Ilsi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed through the lenses of his gold-rimmed glasses. He raised his right hand, aimed at the church of bones, and stabbed it gently. The gray fog was agitated, the space was distorted, and a terrifying force rushed into the real world.


A thick finger, with fingerprints clearly visible, condensed with dazzling spiritual light, touched the church of bones. The magnificent building overlapping with No. 7 Pinster Street began to collapse, starting with the dome, followed by the arches and walls, and finally the dark stone pillars.

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