I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3305 The winner is God, the battle of demigods!

"Maybe, Audrey, you can join this foundation!"

Ilsi suddenly changed her tone and said to the blond girl next to her.

Audrey frowned slightly. She noticed that Dwayne Dantès seemed to be no ordinary person. His origin was somewhat mysterious. She didn't understand why Ilsey would let her join this foundation.

"Of course I won't force you. I hope you can see more of the world and not take certain things as a certainty. Raising donations, contacting political parties, and organizing activities can all exercise your abilities. Expand your horizons!”

Ilsi explained a few words. The scholarship fund was established by the Church of the Goddess of the Night and would inevitably have a huge impact. Audrey would benefit from it without any harm.

"I will consider it, brother!"

Although Audrey was puzzled, she still attached great importance to Ilsey's words. Her brother had been outstandingly intelligent and sharp-sighted since he was a child, and could see the future that others could not see.

"Mr. Dawn is right to say that knowledge and electoral qualifications will continue to decline in the future, and the political status of ordinary people will increase. Audrey, if you don't want to be eliminated by the times, you must learn to follow the trend. With the help of these powers, we can go further and stand higher!”

Ilsey taught Audrey that with the emergence of capitalism, the status of merchants was constantly improving, and the nobility began to decline. The requirements of the times would give workers and civilians the opportunity to learn. This was the power that could change the Kingdom of Loen.

Klein's expression changed slightly when he filed the case, and there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes. He did not expect that Ilsi could sense the changes of the times, see the future political situation, and follow the trend just from his few words. , this kind of wisdom is really scary and admirable.

"No wonder Audrey often shows off her brother, Ilsey Hall, what a terrible person!"

Audrey seems to understand. She lacks understanding of politics, is self-satisfied, and does not understand the changes that have quietly occurred in the kingdom. She still has doubts about Mr. Dwayne Dantès.

"I should issue an investigation task to investigate Mr. Dawn's background first. If there are no problems, I will join the scholarship fund!"

Audrey sensed from Klein's reaction and micro-expression that Mr. Dwayne Dantès was defensive about her and that he must have some secrets, which made her very curious.

On Wednesday morning, Audrey took the invitation letter and rode in the luxurious family carriage to Paisfield Street where St. Samuel's Church is located.

The soon-to-be-established Luen Charitable Student Fund is located at No. 22 on this street. The house belongs to the Church of the Night and does not need to pay rent.

The carriage stopped, and the blond girl looked at the scenery outside the window, full of expectations for the future. She will become a board member and move into fundraising and external communications.

Audrey announced the task of investigating Dwayne Dantès at the Tarot meeting on Monday afternoon. She was fooled by Mr. World and mistakenly thought that this identity was a false identity shared by Mr. Fool's family members, so she no longer had any doubts. , readily accepted Ilsey's suggestion, and with the activities of the Hall family, successfully joined the student fund and became a director of the council.

Audrey got off the carriage and was welcomed by the staff and entered the second floor. Several reporters were waiting to interview the establishment of the scholarship fund. The blond girl didn't like having her photo appear in the newspaper. The servant behind her quickly said In the name of the Hall family, reporters who took pictures were stopped, and she entered the VIP lounge.

In the VIP lounge, Audrey met many acquaintances, children of aristocrats, children of rich people, and relatives of church clergy. After exchanging a few words, the girl habitually chose a corner where she could see everyone in the room and sat down. Quietly waiting for the first meeting of the council.

About a quarter of an hour later, the door to the VIP room was opened again. Klein continued to pretend to be Dawn Dantès, wearing a black formal suit and holding a gold-inlaid cane. His temples were slightly white, showing a bit of vicissitudes of life. and maturity, he said to everyone present.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to join the Luen Charity Student Fund!"

Klein made a touching declaration at the board of directors. The first meeting of the board of directors came to a successful conclusion. Audrey also clarified her work content, raised funds on different occasions, and communicated with government departments and parliament. . This is not an easy job for others, but for Audrey, who comes from the Hall family, it is very simple.

Therefore, Miss Audrey, who is just and passionate, took the initiative to participate in the promotion of the scholarship fund in various schools and reviewed the applicants, which added a lot of difficulty to herself.

Audrey's work content is very difficult and has not had any impact on Ilsey. He is now fully preparing to attack the position of god. He is fully prepared and is only waiting for George III to perform on the stage.

In the spiritual world, in the palace of knowledge, the whole body is shrouded in white light. Ilsi is sitting on the bronze throne, watching the trajectory of fate, with a solemn and heavy expression, and a thick shadow is faintly seen. In the shadows, a black stroller slowly approached, with a fuzzy child wrapped in silver silk lying inside.

"The mercury snake, Will Ondine, is about to be born!"

Ilsi's eyes moved again, and she saw a young man wearing a black classical robe, a monocle, and a pointed hat on the path of fate. His body seemed to be composed of countless translucent insects as thick as a child's finger. , exuding the aura of stealing destiny.

"The blasphemer Amon, the thief who steals destiny, the cunning and cowardly angel, does not have the courage to abandon everything, no wonder he lost to Klein!"

The blasphemer Amon, also known as the Angel of Time, created the Amon family. In fact, everyone in the family is a clone of Amon. He is the son of the ancient sun god and can steal the destiny of others. He is the path of the thief. Sequence 1 Worm of Time, angel rank. In his original destiny, he was still Klein's biggest enemy, forcing him into desperate situations many times. In the end, he was defeated by Klein due to his lack of determination to win in a narrow encounter.

Ilsi's eyes were piercing, and she had a panoramic view of the trajectory of destiny. She saw many powerful beings, including gods, angels, and demigods. They were all plotting something, and they staged wonderful dramas.

Finally, Ilsi looked above the gray fog, and a figure was hidden in it. It was Klein. If Ilsi had not analyzed the characteristics of the Source Castle, he would not have been able to detect his traces in the trajectory of fate. .

The transparent worms growing out of Klein's body shine out one after another in the sunlight, with three-dimensional and layered mysterious symbols. They penetrate higher levels, connect to the underlying laws, and intuitively express weirdness, madness, change, and... Abstract concepts such as power and knowledge.

The cold wind blew, and illusory black thin lines appeared one after another around Klein. They mixed together to form strange tentacles. The tentacles danced, and Klein's spiritual body, astral body, mental body, and etheric body all turned into fragments and merged into different worms, full of noise, chaos, and contradictions.

"He has finally been promoted to Sequence 4 Magic Mage. Backlund, a mixed bag of good and bad, is finally going to take off!"

Ilsey withdrew her gaze, with a cold look on her handsome face, and her deep eyes were filled with light, like a bottomless abyss, with no end in sight, making people sink and unable to extricate themselves. He was thin and thin. His lips were slightly raised, with a sarcastic smile, and he murmured.

"The waves are treacherous, but the winner is the god!"

Queens, Hall Manor, luxurious and extravagant, inside the villa experiment.

Audrey's green eyes showed an extremely focused look, and her gaze was locked on the glass bottle in her hand. The transparent, colorless and viscous liquid rippled slightly, reflecting everything within the range. Between the fluctuations, there were small whirlpools. Whispering silently beneath the surface, this was the hypnotist's potion she had just successfully prepared.

Audrey had completely digested the psychiatrist's potion. She used her soothing ability to adjust her state, raised her hand and poured the potion into her mouth.

Audrey felt a cold current in her spirit, which lasted only a fleeting moment. Then her spiritual body seemed to explode, and her body began to become illusory and transparent. At this moment, her spiritual body, astral body, and etheric body seemed to be absorbed by the mind. The body is absorbed and assimilated, and the whole person is like a polymer of pure thoughts, floating up, sensing the boundless subconscious sea of ​​all living beings that connects all living beings, and sensing the spiritual sky opposite.

The contents of the meditation method emerged in Audrey's mind. There was no fluctuation in her mind. She always maintained a calm state. She restrained the instinctive impulse to merge into the sea of ​​spirituality and allowed her thoughts to diverge and gather. The whole process Long and short.

Finally, Audrey's mind returned to reality and she was successfully promoted to become a Sequence 6 hypnotist. Her appearance did not seem to have changed at all. Her green eyes were clear and pure, hiding a strange vortex that could not be seen at the bottom. It is difficult for those who arrive to look away, and it is easy to indulge in it. This is a characteristic of spiritual dispersion and has not yet completely converged.

Audrey's eyebrows slowly stretched, and a gradually bright smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth. Joy and excitement surged into her heart, and a voice as sweet as a lark sounded in the laboratory.

"Mr. Hermit's meditation method is indeed mysterious. It allowed me to easily resist the pollution of extraordinary characteristics, restrain the instinct to merge into the sea of ​​spirituality, and no longer have to worry about losing control!"

"However, the meditation method will not work after high-sequence. The madness of high-sequence extraordinary people comes from spirituality itself. The deepest part of the spirit comes from the blood genes in the body, from the subconscious of all living beings inherited from generation to generation. It comes from the extraordinary properties themselves, not the residual mental influence in the potion.”

"This will make the extraordinary person have a strong desire to hunt and kill. If he wants to devour all the creatures with extraordinary characteristics around him, he must spend most of his energy to fight against it. Even if he uses pretending to digest the magic potion, it will not have any effect. ”

"The sanity of extraordinary people is temporary, and madness is eternal."

"Therefore, those who have been promoted to Sequence 2 and above the angels need to build their own anchors to fight against the extraordinary characteristics and the strong tendency to lose control hidden deep in the subconscious of all living beings. Only by using these anchors can we reposition ourselves, wake up from the madness, and find our way back to the world." Return to your own reason and emotions. This is why the gods established churches and spread faith!”

Audrey shook her head and threw all the pressure behind her. A smile appeared on her face again and she said with great satisfaction,

"No matter what, Audrey, you are already the hypnotist of Sequence 6!"

After Audrey calmed down all her emotions, she began to examine herself. After some exploration, she finally figured out the hypnotist's ability.

First, the physical fitness of the hypnotist has been greatly enhanced. Whether it is strength or agility, it has surpassed the level of ordinary humans. In addition, a layer of scales can be created under the surface of the skin to resist and reduce damage to a large extent. Secondly, the original psychological suggestion ability has undergone a qualitative change and has become hypnosis in the non-combat field. As long as the target's attention is focused on something, the door of the other party's mind body can be opened, and the consciousness can be directly modified and affected.

Audrey also gained the ability of combat hypnosis and became hypnosis in the non-combat field. As long as the target's attention is really focused on something, Audrey can open the door of the other party's mind body and directly modify and affect the other party's subconscious.

The hypnotist has one last ability, psychological invisibility. With the help of the grasp of the target's mind body, he puts himself in the blind spot of the other party's subconscious, thereby achieving a similar effect of invisibility.

"It's a pity that there is still no fighting ability!"

Audrey puffed up her cheeks and said somewhat unsatisfiedly. She restrained her spirituality and walked out of the door of the laboratory. Susie lay obediently in the corridor outside the door, like a loyal guard, vigilantly looking around the surrounding environment to avoid anyone disturbing Audrey's promotion.

In the kitchen of Councillor Macht's manor at No. 39 Boklund Street, Klein was wearing a white shirt, a black vest, a dark formal suit, a half-high silk hat, and a pair of shiny leather boots. He pressed the hat on his head with his right hand, slowly raised his head, and looked around. One by one, mice came into his sight.

All the mice shook slightly, and their movements became sluggish. After a while, they returned to normal. These mice have become Klein's secret puppets.

At this time, Klein is already a Sequence 4 Trickster, a demigod-level existence, and his strength has greatly increased. Although he has not yet digested the magic potion in his body, he can already control 50 secret puppets.

Klein fixed his gaze on the garden inside the manor, his face showing a solemn expression. In the dark corners covered by flowers, one gray-haired mouse after another seemed to be bewitched by the devil. They were circling around one place frantically, squeaking and trying to squeeze out their kind to enter the core area. There was a gray mouse almost the size of an adult short-haired cat, lying on the ground, with red eyes, like coagulated blood, and its tail swung quickly behind it, venting its mania.

This huge gray mouse held down the mouse that approached it, opened its mouth and bit it, killing all of them. The blood dyed the surrounding land red, and the corpses of mice piled up, looking very bloody and disgusting, but even so, it still couldn't stop other mice from approaching it.

This is a thief who parasitizes in the body of a mouse. He is already at the edge of time and space, exuding a tyrannical and crazy aura. He is very unstable and can explode at any time.

Klein's kitchen was less than 50 meters away from the garden. He saw a series of illusory black threads in his eyes. These were the threads of the spirit body, which could control the enemy's body and transform it into a secret doll of the mystic. The mice were controlled one by one and kept charging at the gray mouse, without any fear, madly and fiercely.

The huge gray mouse seemed to sense the breath of danger, and suddenly stood up on its hind legs, turned its head and looked at the kitchen. Its hair stood up, as if it had exploded, and its scarlet eyes flashed with light, which immediately made Klein in the kitchen fall into a sluggish state.

This was the stealing ability of the thief's path. The demigod who parasitized the mouse stole Klein's thoughts in the next two seconds, making his brain blank and unable to react at all.

The gray mouse raised its claws and aimed at Klein. As a demigod-level thief, he could steal abilities from the enemy. Moreover, for the same target, it could steal three abilities, and the stealing time reached two hours.

Suddenly, the gray mouse's body seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, and his mind began to stagnate. Black threads were entangled around his spirit, trying to refine him into a secret puppet-like existence.

It turned out that Klein had not been tricked at all just now. He used the power of the Trickster to make the other party feel that his thoughts were stolen. He had already secretly escaped from his original position and successfully paralyzed the demigod who was stealing the way.

However, Klein was able to succeed so easily because the other party was out of control. Most of his mind was fighting against madness. He was not as smart and calm as before, and was easily deceived.

However, the other party was also a demigod after all, and it was not so easy to deal with. The mice that were controlled by Klein opened their mouths one after another, and countless air was compressed to form air shells, which began to pour around, forcing Klein to flash continuously and retreat outside the manor.

Taking this opportunity, the gray giant rat broke free from the control of the spirit thread, blood flashed in its eyes, and activated its stealing ability. It exchanged positions with Klein's secret doll and appeared in front of Klein.

At the same time, the demigod raised his right front paw and gently grabbed it, stealing the power of the spirit thread from Klein. Thin black threads fell on the bodies of the surrounding rats. Immediately, the rats turned around, their eyes flashed with murderous light, staring at Klein intently, and let out a low roar from their mouths. The bloody smell was filled, and it was extremely ferocious.

Many mysterious and strange symbols appeared in the eyes of the gray giant rat. It locked onto the position of Klein who flashed again. With a wave of its claws, it stole the distance between the two sides and instantly appeared in front of the other party, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.

Klein seemed to have been prepared. He transformed the insects in a withered tree behind him into new secret puppets. His body distanced himself again. Countless insects poured out from the trunk, and their bodies began to expand and explode, drowning the gray giant rat and the surrounding mice, trying to blow them all to death.


Klein was cautious and alert. He threw a gold coin in his hand and used divination to spy on the fate of the other party and determine whether the enemy was dead. (End of this chapter)

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