I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3303: The Witch of Vengeance, the Hermit Card Gold Finger is online


Ilsi saw the performance of the Fallen Mother Goddess and others, and her mouth curled up slightly, full of disdain and sarcasm, and her majestic voice was transmitted into the starry sky.

"If you are not convinced, you can rush into the Chaos Sea and go to the Arcane World to find trouble with Ivan Vincent, or you can break the barrier originally built on the earth, enter the real world, and come to argue with me!"

Ilsi Hall's words fell into the ears of several beings that exuded mysterious weirdness and crazy destruction, arousing greater anger. The octopus tentacles with eyes flowed with yellow pus, and frantically whipped the barrier outside the blue planet, causing layers of ripples, but in the end they were helpless and could not break through the defense and enter the real world, so they could only roar unwillingly.

Ilsi curled her mouth, stood up from the bronze throne with disdain, looked at the starry sky, and said in a light tone.

"Don't worry. One day, I will go to the starry sky and compete with you. I will give peace to this crazy and weird world and completely solve the crisis of doomsday!"

There is a characteristic of aggregation between extraordinary characteristics. Whether it is the characteristics of extraordinary paths or the nine source substances, they all originated from the original creator. After the split, he turned into nine source substances and the old outer gods. Later, after the second split, 22 extraordinary characteristics of extraordinary paths were born. The source of everything is the original creator. The end of the world is doomed, that is, it will eventually return to the original creator. The cycle repeats, the long separation will be united, and the long union will be separated.

If Ilsi wants to solve the despair and doomsday of this weird world, he must replace the original creator, unify all the source substances, and then create a way to enter the extraordinary world without extraordinary characteristics, replacing the current potion system.

Obviously, Ilsi has already had a preliminary idea. The arcane system is his way. He can gather and aggregate all the source substances, and then modify the rules of the world, embed the elements of arcane into the origin of the world, and successfully let the glory of arcane shine in this world.

This is also an experiment of Ilsi. In the past, he mostly adapted to the rules of the world, and went a step further on the original origin of the rules to sublimate and upgrade the world. He has never completely transformed the rules of a world and integrated the laws of the outside world into the world. This is also of great significance to him. If it can succeed, it will turn into a deep wisdom foundation, which will be of great benefit to his final transcendence.

"The road is long and arduous, and I will seek up and down. The task is heavy and the road is long, and it still needs to be done step by step!"

Ilsi sighed, and the brilliance of wisdom around him gradually dimmed, and his figure became illusory and faded, like a drop of water blending into the ocean, disappearing in place, and returning to the real world.

"The most urgent thing is to be promoted to a hermit first. The time is ripe, the actors and the audience are in place, and the curtain of this drama can be opened at any time!"

Darkness enveloped the world, and the crimson moon sprinkled moonlight, without bringing a trace of light, but making the world more weird and bloody, revealing a gloomy and crazy atmosphere.

Walter, the butler hired by Klein, quietly left the house, carefully reached the outer wall from the garden path, and climbed out. Throughout the process, his movements were neat and tidy, showing extraordinary skills. From this point of view, he was either well-trained or a low-sequence Beyonder.

Klein saw all of this. As a Sequence 5 Secret Master, he was spiritually powerful. When Walter just made a move, he was awakened, but he did not ask, but observed in secret. He wanted to find out the identity of the person behind Walter.

Walter has a broad forehead, shiny black hair and serious brown eyes, giving people a sense of loyalty, calmness, reliability and trust. This is also one of the reasons why Klein finally chose him to be his butler. Now he is acting secretly, which makes Klein doubt the purpose of the other party becoming his butler.

Walter followed the shadow of the street all the way to the entrance of the sewer, removed the manhole cover, climbed down, and did not forget to recover. His movements were skillful. Obviously, this was not the first time he did this.

"It seems that he often did this before he became my butler, and it should not be against me!"

Klein saw this scene and calmly analyzed the information in it. He came to the initial judgment that his real body did not take action, but only manipulated the secret puppet Senio to follow the butler Walter and see everything he did.

Walter walked forward ten meters in the sewer and turned to a more secluded and gloomy passage. There were mosses and dirty things on the walls and the ground. Suddenly, the butler stopped and faced a corner shrouded in dark shadows. There was a bit of worry on his face, and he asked with some disapproval.

"Why are you so impulsive?"

"You can wait for a better opportunity!"

In the dark corner, there was a faint shadow. She made a hoarse and slightly weak voice and answered Walter's question.

"Because this is the best opportunity. If we wait until he returns to the manor, we don't know when he will come out next time. I can't wait any longer!"

"Are you injured?!"

Walter's expression changed slightly, and he showed a very worried expression on his face, and asked anxiously.

"William Sykes is much stronger than I thought, but this is in line with his secret identity!"

"My injury is not a big deal. I have already gotten the clues I want from him. After such a long time, I am finally getting closer to the truth!"

"You don't have to be so anxious!"

Walter showed a heavy expression on his face. He opened and closed his mouth several times before he finally said such a dry word. There was no power to persuade people. It was weak and powerless.

Walter knew William Sykes. He used to serve the royal family, His Royal Highness Prince Edsak. Later, the Backlund smog incident occurred and Prince Edsak died. This guy actually got along well and became a deacon of a royal manor. He accidentally learned about William Sykes's whereabouts and told it to the person in front of him, which led to her risky action this time.

The woman hidden in the shadows said weakly with a voice full of sadness and sorrow.

"I have sold my soul to the evil god. The only meaning of the rest of my life is revenge!"

Walter was silent. He didn't know how to persuade the other party. After a long time, he sighed and said in a deep voice.

"You continue to hide here to recuperate. I will prepare food for you. If something unexpected happens, you can still contact me in the old way!"

The woman in the shadow seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time. Hearing the faint words of concern, she seemed very emotional and said with some sadness.

"When he was alive, he had many subordinates who claimed to be loyal. After he died, only a few people still remembered him and were willing to clear his name and take risks to find out the truth. You are the one who surprised me the most!"

Walter's face twitched slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of touching and fiery light, and he said in a trembling voice.

"He is the only noble who is willing to respect me. A man will die for his confidant. I am willing to be loyal to him!"

Walter is not a subordinate of Prince Edessak. He used to be a manor steward and butler assistant in Viscount Conrad's house, responsible for the Viscount's children. During this process, because of some things, he was appreciated by Prince Edessak, so he was also valued by Viscount Conrad, which aroused the fear and vigilance of the officials.

Later, the Backlund smog incident broke out, Prince Edessak committed suicide, and Viscount Conrad's attitude towards Walter also changed. The butler seized this opportunity and drove Walter out of the manor.

After Prince Edessak's death, a few people loyal to His Royal Highness secretly investigated the truth behind his suicide. Walter was one of them. However, he was mainly responsible for collecting intelligence on the surface and using his identity to provide some help. There was no conspiracy to become Klein's butler.

"You should leave. Be careful not to be noticed by others!"

The woman in the dark corner half leaned against the wall, her face was slightly pale, revealing a bit of weakness, and her voice was slightly hoarse.

Klein controlled the secret doll to sneak into the secluded and hidden passage. When he saw the face of the woman communicating with Walter, his whole body trembled slightly. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here.

The woman had a slightly round face, slender eyes, a gentle temperament, a sweet and hidden sweetness, and a strong charm. She was the witch of joy who was trapped in the Red Rose Manor, Triss Chick.

"I didn't expect that she could survive the Backlund smog incident, and her attitude changed drastically, choosing to avenge Prince Edessak. What happened?"

Klein was puzzled. When Triss found him, her words were full of disgust for Prince Edessak. She was willing to be arrested by the three major churches and leave the Red Rose Manor. Why did she change her attitude now, at all costs, and would rather sell her soul to the evil god to avenge the prince.

Walter did not stay for long, quietly left the sewer and returned to Klein's residence.

Triss's pale face looked at a shadow, her mouth slightly raised, her eyes sparkling, and her slightly hoarse voice echoed in the empty sewer.

"Why don't you come out? He's already left!"

Obviously, Triss had discovered Klein's secret puppet, Senior. She hadn't revealed it just now in order to ensure Walter's safety and not let him be affected by the battle of the Beyonders.

Senior, wearing a tricorn hat and a dark red coat, walked out of the shadows with a gloomy look and appeared in Triss's sight.

Triss had just experienced a fierce battle and was injured. She leaned against the wall with her back, raised her head, pursed her red lips tightly, revealing a sense of weakness and stubbornness. She stared at the other party with a look of surprise and some exclamations of disbelief.

"Blood Admiral, Senior!"

Blood Admiral Senior was notorious on the sea and could stop children from crying. He loved blood and indulged his subordinates in all kinds of evil deeds. Many girls were ravaged by them and sold to different islands.

Triss's eyes were dim, glowing with a black light. There seemed to be countless invisible threads floating around her. She was pale, and her dress was dark. She sat in the middle, like a spider lying in the middle of a spider web, dangerous and mysterious, alert and vigilant.

"You know me!"

Klein was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Triss had actually met the Blood Admiral who roamed the sea. He controlled the secret puppet to stop.

"I once spent an unforgettable and thrilling time on the sea!"

There was a trace of trance and memories in Tris's eyes. These memories seemed to be a long time ago. They were the experiences of another man named Tris, and they no longer had anything to do with her.

Klein suddenly realized, and continued to control the marionette Senior. There was some confusion on his gloomy face, and he asked.

"Why are you investigating the death of Prince Edsac? Didn't he commit suicide?"

"Suicide is also different. Some are voluntary, while others are forced!"

Klein's heart moved slightly, thinking of his own experience and Audrey's reminder. It seemed that Prince Edsac had become a scapegoat introduced by the royal family and was forced to commit suicide.

"So, you are quite sure that Prince Edsac was forced to commit suicide!"

"What clues to the truth did you get by killing William Sikes?"

"Viscount Stratford, the chief of the royal palace guard, was the one who forced Edsac to commit suicide!"

Triss didn't hide anything. She told Klein all the information she got, which made him a little puzzled.

"You told me the clues so easily, I can't believe it!"

Klein said very frankly, looking at Triss with doubtful eyes, waiting for her explanation.

"Because this is very beneficial to me. You and the forces behind you seem to be very interested in the real plan of the royal Augustus family. If these clues can make you conflict and make Augustus' plan surface, this will It will help me get revenge, why not!”

Triss was extremely honest and did not mind revealing her purpose at all, nor did she care about becoming a pawn of the Blood Admiral in front of her. As long as she could avenge Prince Edsac, she would pay any price.

When Klein heard this, his expression was silent, his eyes fixed on the witch in front of him, and he said coldly.

"I see. I'm really looking forward to how you will deal with Viscount Stepford and whether you can dig out the mastermind behind him!"

"Maybe we can have limited cooperation and use each other to achieve our own goals!"

After the two parties confirmed their cooperation, Klein controlled the marionette to leave the dark sewer, leaving only the witch in a black dress licking her wounds alone.

But neither of them noticed that in a dark corner, a clown-like alchemy doll had a panoramic view of everything. It grinned at the corner of its mouth, revealing a funny and sinister smile, and its figure was silent. Integrated into the space and returned to the spiritual world.

In the Hall of Knowledge, Ilsi sat on the bronze throne, with a slight pout at the corner of his mouth. His faint smile softened the atmosphere around him. He listened with interest to the report of Alchemy Doll Alexi. .

"It's interesting. Triss actually sold her soul to the original witch and became the carrier of her arrival. It's such a touching love!"

"But I have promised Edsac to save your life. Even the original witch cannot take away your soul!"

"Things are constantly fermenting, and the time is about to mature. The day when I will hold the throne high is approaching!"

Ilsi came back to her senses, her face shining with confidence. No matter how things develop in the end, they cannot escape from his plan and layout.

"Klein has confirmed that the Backlund smog incident is related to the royal family. He should also take action and be promoted to Sequence 4 Mage as soon as possible. Only by becoming a half-god and half-man can he hope to stop Augustus. Du family’s conspiracy!”

"Perhaps I can be the old man's golden finger and ask Audrey to give Klein a little help and tell him the magician's potion formula from the fortune teller, so that he doesn't need to take the risk of going to the church to steal Antigonus. Si Family Notes, become a demigod faster!”

Ilsi thought for a moment, then with a flick of her finger, the permissions of a bookshelf were released, and Miss Justice gained the permission to read certain occult knowledge.

Audrey was walking among the bookshelves as usual, trying to get in touch with some new occult knowledge. Suddenly a bookshelf caught her attention, and a message came from the mark in her body, which gave her a kind of enlightenment.

"My reading permissions have been improved and I can read some new occult knowledge!"

A bright and bright smile appeared on the face of the blond girl, and her green eyes were sparkling, moving and touching. She quickly walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book eagerly, and started reading.

""Secrets of the Fortune Teller", this book is related to the path sequence of Mr. World, I would like to read it carefully, it will allow me to understand this member of the Tarot Society more clearly!"

Klein often manipulates Mr. World, a secret puppet, to ask members to trade some knowledge and materials about the diviner path, so Audrey mistakenly thought that Mr. World was the diviner path and was very curious about this path.

"In the next Tarot meeting, I might be able to trade some materials with Mr. World using these magic potion formulas from the fortune teller's path."

Although Audrey is used to using money to buy potion materials and information, she is also very interested if knowledge can be traded for other items. After all, her money does not come from strong winds.

"Sure enough, I can only read this book up to Sequence 4. I don't have permission for the rest of the content, and my strength is still too weak. If I forcefully read knowledge beyond my permission, I will be in danger of losing control!"

After this period of study and understanding, Audrey has fully understood that knowledge is powerful. If one's strength is insufficient and one knows some profound knowledge beyond the limit, the Extraordinary will fall into a state of loss of control and become an irrational and weird monster.

On Monday afternoon, Audrey locked the bedroom door again and activated the crimson star on her arm. In a trance, the gray mist enveloped her and the space around her began to distort. In an instant, she came to the gray mist space and sat in front of the bronze long table. She first bowed to Mr. Fool, and then looked at the other Tarot Club members who arrived one after another.

According to the rules of the past, everyone greeted each other first, exchanged information, and then entered the transaction link.

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