I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3294 Devouring the Hidden Sage, the Mechanicus's Investigation

Ilsi paused for a moment, her eyes fell on the black shadow-like Emperor Russell, and continued.

"You can continue to complete your resurrection ceremony. Without the interference of pollution, three years will be enough for you to become a true Sequence 0 Black Emperor!"

The Black Emperor needed to hold a resurrection ceremony when Emperor Russell was promoted to Sequence 0. Halfway through the ceremony, he discovered that he had not gotten rid of the pollution of the fallen Mother Goddess. In order not to become a medium for the old days to come to the real world, he had no choice but to stop his resurrection. In a semi-dead state, he used his sleep to resist pollution, stayed away from all the crowds, and came to this inaccessible primitive island, which can be regarded as saving the world.

"Although your life is corrupt, you have great love in your heart, and you can be considered a true king!"

Ilsey's evaluation of Emperor Russell is relatively high, at least much more noble than George III who treated ordinary people as ants. At least Emperor Russell did not kill innocent people indiscriminately and sacrifice tens of thousands of people for his own selfish interests. . As for his love affairs and corrupt private life, it is not a big problem. This kind of thing is really normal among the nobles.

A faint smile appeared on Emperor Russell's face, and he felt a sense of understanding and recognition that he had never experienced before rising from his heart. Although he, Russell, had done many ridiculous things, in the end he still had a good impression of the world and the people. Those who contributed have not been forgotten, that is enough.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Ilsi turned and walked towards the outside of the mausoleum. In front of the heavy stone door, she paused, let out a chuckle, and reminded Emperor Russell.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot to tell you. Someone is planning to hold a ceremony to promote the Sequence 0 Black Emperor. You'd better hurry up and complete the resurrection, otherwise you will be replaced by others and fall from the throne. !”

Ilsey didn't want a scumbag like George III to succeed in being promoted to Sequence 0 Black Emperor, and didn't mind secretly making it more difficult for him. After all, compared to George III, who used his son Prince Edsac as a scapegoat, he was still Russell. The emperor is more pleasing to the eye.

When Emperor Russell heard this, his black face revealed a domineering and majestic look, his body shook, and he spoke with great confidence.

"As long as I'm here, no one can be promoted to Black Emperor!"

"That's good, I still like you more!"

Ilsi said something lightly, and the heavy stone door opened a gap again. The tall figure became a bit illusory, blended into the space, disappeared on the original island, and returned to Backlund's Queens District.

"This guy is really mysterious. I don't know where he comes from, but I like him very much!"

Emperor Russell's eyes were deep and thoughtful, and after a long time, he shook his head and said with a smile.

Then, a black shadow enveloped the interior space of the mausoleum, and he began to transform. A deep and majestic extraordinary characteristic began to awaken. He continued to perform the resurrection ceremony, and achieved the realm of a god in one fell swoop.

Backlund, Queens, Hall Family Manor, in the study.

The curtains were tightly drawn, blocking the bright sunlight from the outside world. The light in the room was dim, which made people feel a bit depressed. Ilsi sat behind the desk with a deep expression, crossed her hands with her fingers on the table, and held her hand. He had a smooth and white chin, and brown eyes hidden by gold-rimmed glasses shone with wisdom, and he thought carefully in his heart.

"Now I have become the Knowledge Emperor of Sequence 1 in this life, but I am still a little behind Adam of the Utopian Angel. I need to devour the Hidden Sage as soon as possible and master the uniqueness of the secret-peeping path in order to become the King of Angels and attract the gathering. The other two Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics, in order to have the impact of the Sequence 0 Hermit Throne, the Seven Gods quietly completed the promotion ceremony when George III, Adam, and Emperor Russell attracted all the attention. Become a god!"

Extraordinary characteristics have a convergence effect, that is, high-sequence Extraordinary characteristics of the same pathway can attract low-sequence Extraordinary characteristics of the same pathway to converge towards it. If Ilsi can devour the Hidden Sage and master the uniqueness of the Secret-Peeper pathway, she will inevitably Attracting the other two copies of Sequence 1’s extraordinary characteristics. By that time, he had mastered uniqueness and three Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics, which was enough for him to be promoted to a Sequence 0 hermit.

Moreover, the hermit's promotion ceremony needs to be hidden from the public, quietly, and not known by anyone. This requires him to find a suitable opportunity. For example, George III began to hold promotion to the Sequence 0 Black Emperor, Adam began to attack the Sequence 0 Utopia, and Rose Emperor Er's resurrection was completed and he returned to become the Sequence 0 Black Emperor. These can help Ilsi attract the attention of the Seven Gods, allowing him to easily complete his promotion ceremony without being noticed.

"It's time to capture the Hidden Sage. Let me give it a try to see what this unique person who can see the secret can do after he gains spiritual intelligence!"

After all, Ilsi's figure transformed into a being that carried complex knowledge and information, similar to a very strange and difficult to deal with monster in occultism, the knowledge goblin.

When an Extraordinary who follows the secret-seeing path is promoted to become a Sage of Sequence 2, he will transform into a torrent of information and establish a certain connection with the information in the spiritual world. This process is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your will. Lose yourself and become this intellectual goblin.

The torrent of information transformed by Ilsi merged into the void and appeared in the spiritual world, exuding the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 of the Mystery Man Path. This has a fatal attraction for the hidden sage who is the only one in this path. .

I don’t know how much time has passed, but below the spiritual sky, the deep and dark sea began to roll violently. Every drop of water there was like a light and shadow, seeming to represent a bit of consciousness and a brand. The bottom of the ocean was filled with a vast expanse of loneliness and silence. The grayness blocks the line of sight, and one can only see the huge and dark outline of the subconscious and the illusory and rippling ocean of the collective subconscious, making it difficult to obtain too much information.

A pair of illusory and transparent eyes appeared at the bottom of the deep and dark ocean, rising slowly, carrying infinite knowledge and confidence, majestic and majestic, rolling towards Ilsi, wrapping her tightly inside, thinking To devour and assimilate it.

Endless knowledge and confidence poured into Ilsi's mind, causing faint ripples in his calm mind. An invisible wave spread out and spread into the spiritual sea below, setting off a wave of waves. Huge waves broke out, white waves soared into the sky, bursts of thunder erupted, countless silver snakes shone, and the electric light illuminated the dark ocean. A huge island rose from under the rolling sea. This The area of ​​the island is comparable to that of a continent, with a majestic architectural palace standing on it. This palace exudes a strong atmosphere of knowledge. The interior is full of bookshelves, and the densely packed books are arranged neatly, as if people have come to a mountain of books and a sea of ​​learning.

The hidden sage continued to instill his vast knowledge into Ilsi's heart, hoping to explode and assimilate it. However, things did not develop in the direction the hidden sage expected. The torrent of knowledge will not reject anyone who comes, digesting and absorbing all the instilled knowledge, and constantly strengthening his extraordinary characteristics.

When the Hidden Sage discovered that something was wrong, it was too late. He wanted to give up assimilating and swallowing Ilsi, but he could no longer escape. He was tightly entangled by Ilsi, and some of his characteristics had been swallowed and assimilated by the other party, and gradually became weak.

The offensive and defensive momentum has changed, and Ilsi began to continuously instill a huge amount of knowledge into the hidden sages. This includes not only astronomy, geography, astrology, divination, machinery, history, finance, management, mysticism and other knowledge, but also many other things. The knowledge that the Hidden Sage cannot understand is not the confidence of this cosmic world, but comes from other worlds. It is extremely huge, complex, and obscure. For the first time, the Hidden Sage has experienced the pain of the extraordinary people who have been instilled with knowledge by him. Not only It is Himself who pursues knowledge, and knowledge pursues Him.

Gradually, the illusory eyes began to become cloudy, and countless complex symbols appeared in the eyes. They twisted and changed, condensing into a tall figure with golden hair, brown eyes, and a gold wire on the bridge of the nose. He wears glasses, is elegant, has a bookish air, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and a faint smile blooms, giving people a sunny feeling. This is a rare beautiful man, clean, elegant, gentleman, but also revealing A bit cunning and full of charm.

Time passed slowly, and the dark spiritual sea began to calm down. Among the huge islands, a bronze throne appeared in the palace of knowledge. Ilsi's whole body shone with the brilliance of wisdom and knowledge, Jing Jing. Sitting quietly on it, overlooking the spiritual ocean where the spiritual beings of all living things gather, I pondered for a moment, and then a majestic voice began to sound.

"If I am promoted to become a Sequence 0 hermit, I will surely spread the radiance of knowledge into the spiritual sea, illuminate confused sentient beings, and promote the development of social civilization!"

If you are poor, you can help yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world. This has always been Ilsi's principle. If he became a god, he would naturally do his best to save all living beings, open the door to wisdom for the people, and promote the rapid development of society.

"The Hidden Sage has been captured, devoured, and digested by me. I also obtained two other pieces of information on the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1. Everything is ready, all I need is the east wind! I hope George III will be satisfied with his final outcome!"

George III is just a pawn pushed to the front. It doesn’t matter whether he can successfully advance to the Black Emperor of Sequence 0. What matters is that the people behind the scenes can use this to achieve their own goals. Adam of Utopian Angel hopes to promote a War, let the development of destiny conform to your own dreams, and complete the promotion ceremony. Emperor Roselle also wanted to use George III's plan to speed up his resurrection ceremony, and return from resurrection before the other party was successfully promoted to the throne.

Ilsi used the actions of the three of them to cover up her traces, and without the Seven Gods and all sentient beings noticing, she quietly completed the hermit promotion ceremony and raised the throne high.

Backlund, in a secret room in the underground area of ​​the Steam Church.

Ikanser took off his hat, pressed his fluffy but not soft hair, and sat in the first seat on the left. Immediately, he took out Arrodes' ancient silver mirror from the special pocket on the inside of his clothes and placed it in front of him.

Sitting around Ikanser were the deacons and captains of the Heart of Machinery. They were all members of the Pre-God Council and were called to the meeting by Archbishop Horamik Hayton of Backlund.

Archbishop Horamik Haydon, wearing a white priest's robe, with a kind face, white beard and hair, a faint smile on his face, and a calm and gentle look in his eyes, sat at the top of the crowd, swept around and saw that everyone had already When everyone arrived, he spoke.

"Starting from Ikanser, let's talk about the investigation results during this period in order."

Ikonser scratched his thinning hair, flipped through the thick paper in front of him, and said with a bitter look on his face.

"Your Excellency, Archbishop, we are responsible for the situation regarding Sherlock Moriarty. After detailed investigation and the assistance of corresponding extraordinary means, we confirmed that he was passively involved in this matter. Before this, there was no evidence. It shows that he is already aware of Prince Edsac’s problem.”

"He was friends with the dead Talim Dumont, and he had indirectly completed some of the commissions given by the prince, but there was nothing wrong with that. At most, he had falsely reported some expenses."

Speaking of this, Ikanser felt a little guilty for no reason, because Detective Sherlock was once his informant. From this incident, it can be seen that the other party definitely falsely reported certain expenses here. But fortunately, the information provided by Sherlock was very useful, and the price that was worth the false report was enough to offset these problems, and the flaws did not cover up the flaws or principles.

"The conclusion of our investigation is that Sherlock Moriarty is an innocent person and was passively involved in this incident. Based on all the information analysis, it is inferred that he did not know the inside story and was only aware of the Red Rose Manor. There is danger, and I am worried that it will involve a power struggle within the royal family, so I have been passive and slow in the commission of Prince Edsac, and has been unwilling to enter into an in-depth investigation. He has also reported the situation to our Machinery Heart! "

"It's just that he was a little unlucky. He still hasn't completely escaped from this matter. He happened to be involved in it. If Azik, the descendant of the God of Death, hadn't happened to monitor the Red Rose Manor and rescued him from the crisis of the meteorite falling from the sky. , he is afraid that he will perish."

"Of course there are some doubts, such as why he met Azik Eggers, why he was favored by him and was given the bronze whistle."

"Also, he once prayed to a mysterious existence in the woods, and we don't know the details!"

Ikanser scratched his hair in distress. He knew this information because he once asked the magic mirror Arrods, for which he died again and almost became the laughing stock of the Machinery Heart. Too embarrassed to go out and meet people.

"Sherlock Moriarty also wrote a suicide note, which mentioned something about the underground ruins. We went to investigate and found nothing. It must have been moved."

"Even the magic mirror Arrodes can't know the whereabouts of the ruins!"

"Another point is that we are unable to grasp the traces of the royal family's high-sequence experts that day. We don't know if it is related to this matter!"

Archbishop Horamik Haydn nodded slightly, looked at the other deacon, and motioned for the other deacon to report his investigation results.

"Your Excellency Archbishop, according to our investigation, the first person to get the news was the Church of the Goddess of the Night, which is related to the Hall family. We don't know the specific source of the news!"

"And according to the results of our divination, both the Witch of Despair and the official Finkel have been captured by the Church of the Night Goddess. They are still alive, but no longer free, but there is no way of knowing what methods the Church of the Night Goddess used!"

"In addition, another key person in the Red Rose Manor, the Joy Witch Triss Chick, has disappeared and is unknown to where she went. She should know many inside stories, even the truth!"

One by one, the captains and deacons of the Heart of Machinery reported their investigation results, and Archbishop Horamik Hayden listened quietly.

"The Archbishop gave it to Your Excellency, Sherlock Moriarty once mentioned a person!"

There was a trace of hesitation on Ikanser's face, and he considered his words before speaking again.

"Ilsie Hall, Prince Edsac once approached him and asked him to help investigate the truth about Talim's death, but he refused and recommended Sherlock Moriarty to Edsac. That's how Sherlock got involved."

Archbishop Horamik Haydn frowned slightly, slowly closed his eyes, and thought quietly, sorting out the complicated information, trying to figure out the secrets.

The whole room fell into silence. After a few minutes, Archbishop Horamik Haydn slowly opened his old eyes, looked at everyone with gentle eyes and a bit of majesty, and said in a deep voice.

"Search with all your strength for the whereabouts of Triss Chike. She must know a lot of key information that will help us know the truth!"

"The monitoring and investigation of high-ranking royal family members can be made public. There is no need to worry about the royal family's opinions. They also know that we have been monitoring them. This is also a warning to them!"

"Continue the investigation of the underground ruins and pass this information to the Church of Night and the Church of Storms!"

Horamik Haydn pondered for a moment, glanced at Ikanser's face, and continued.

"As for Elsie Hall, you can go to Hall Manor and ask, and I will say hello to Archbishop St. Anthony!"

"Since the Hall family can remind the Church of Dark Night, it should not have much to do with the Backlund smog incident. You must maintain a respectful and cautious attitude. The Hall family is an important partner of the Church of Dark Night, a great noble, and influential. Don’t cause conflicts and misunderstandings!”


Ikanser nodded. The Hall family is now the largest partner of the Church of the Night Goddess in Backlund. They provide a large amount of money to the Church of the Night Goddess every year to help the Nighthawks update their equipment and purchase potions. It can be said that the Church of the Goddess of the Night They did not dare to inquire rashly because of the prohibition. They needed to communicate and negotiate with the Church of the Goddess of the Night before they could come to inquire.

The next day, the people of Mechanical Heart went to Hall Manor and asked Ilsi some questions. They had already ruled out the suspicion of the Hall family, and coming here to ask questions was just a routine matter.

The whole process was harmonious and friendly. After all, the Church of the Goddess of Night also sent a bishop to accompany them, and Mechanical Heart was not allowed to ask any questions unrelated to this.

"Lord Hall, can you tell us why Prince Edessak invited you to Red Rose Manor?"

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