I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3292: Knowledge Key, Transaction with Emperor Roselle

"No matter what, if it weren't for Mr. Fool's retinue and your news, the Goddess Church would not have reacted so quickly, eliminated the Witch of Despair, and prevented the original Witch from awakening!"

Audrey actually didn't know that it was Ilsi who prevented the original witch from awakening. He destroyed Triss's sapphire ring, temporarily eliminating the risk of the original witch awakening.

"However, the coming of the true Creator was not prevented by the Church of the Goddess. I heard that when Archbishop St. Anthony arrived at the scene, the altar had been destroyed, leaving only a mess on the ground. An angel of the rank of angel appeared in Backlund. A powerful person, this is comparable to the Pope!"

Audrey got a lot of information from Earl and Mrs. Hall. With a look of surprise on her pretty face, she revealed the secrets she knew.


Klein's face shrouded in gray mist showed a look of astonishment. During the Backlund smog incident, a strong man with an angelic rank actually ended up. This was beyond his imagination, and he was secretly grateful and afraid.

"If I hadn't been vigilant and cautious, I might have fallen into this storm and died again!"

Klein doesn't know whether he can be resurrected again after his death, and he doesn't dare to take risks, because one resurrection does not mean that he can be resurrected indefinitely. All gifts of fate have already been marked with a secret price. He doesn't know what he will have to pay for his resurrection once in the future. The price is most likely unbearable for him.

"The original witch wants to wake up, and the true creator is trying to come. What exactly happened to Backlund in the past few days? Is it so dangerous?"

The Hanged Man Alger, Magician Volsi, and Moon Emlyn showed obvious shock on their faces. They had no idea that two evil gods would almost appear in Backlund, which was enough to destroy the entire Loen Kingdom. It's just too dangerous.

"The existence of the entire human society is too fragile. It is entirely because the balance between the gods is barely maintained. If you are not careful and the balance of fate tilts just a little, it will be enough to completely destroy human society!"

Klein felt a lot of emotion in his heart, his eyes were complicated, and his heart was filled with fear. He became more and more in awe of the gods.

"Mr. Fool, no matter what, I have to thank your family member. If he is willing, I am willing to give him some reward as a thank you for his contribution to Backlund!"

Miss Audrey was not short of money, and she didn’t even have much of a concept of money. It wasn’t until she entered the realm of extraordinary people that she realized that her annual income of more than 100,000 pounds could buy almost all the potion materials she needed. , only to understand how important money is.

"He has left Backlund!"

Klein escaped from Backlund this time and was extremely poor. Hearing what Audrey said, he felt crazy. However, in order to maintain Mr. Fool's dignity, he could only reluctantly refuse this generous reward. Drops of blood.

"That's such a pity. I have also prepared ten thousand pounds. It seems that I can only ask Mr. Fool to help me convey my gratitude to him!"

Audrey had a look of regret on her face, shook her head slightly, and spoke to Mr. Fool again.

"My heart aches even more!"

Klein couldn't help but have the urge to accept the ten thousand pounds. He worked as a detective in Backlund. If he was lucky, he could only earn one to two thousand pounds in a year at most. And if you are unlucky, like this commission from Prince Edsac, which almost cost you your life, Audrey casually took out 10,000 pounds as a reward. This is an income that Klein can only get in ten years. .

Faced with Miss Justice's clear and bright gaze, Klein maintained his image and nodded slightly reservedly, indicating that he understood.

Queens, inside Hall Manor.

Ilsey was sitting in the study, with a calm expression and peaceful eyes. He was holding a pen in his hand, which he had made himself. The tip of the pen scratched across the parchment, and beautiful words emerged one by one, arranged neatly, like a machine. Printed in general.

If someone turns on their spiritual vision at this time, they will see that every word on the parchment is emitting a soft and bright white light, an extraordinary spiritual light. This is because Ilsi has gathered extraordinary characteristics at the tip of the pen.

"This "Key to Knowledge" has been written, and the sage's potion in my body has been completely digested!"

The pen in Ilsi's hand stopped, and she leaned back on the chair. Her calm and bright eyes flashed with a touch of joy, and she stared at the pile of parchment in front of her. A sense of satisfaction came to her heart. In order to quickly digest the devil, Medicine and extraordinary properties, he completed a book on occult knowledge. This book records in detail various secrets of extraordinary paths, including taboos of gods. It can be said that once the contents are released, it will definitely cause an uproar and lead to disputes.

"It's a pity that this book is only suitable for collection. It should be kept in a high cabinet and cannot be seen by outsiders casually!"

Ilsi sighed. Knowledge is power, and occult knowledge is even more so. It is also full of fatal dangers. Even a strong person in the middle sequence will be confused after seeing the contents of this "Knowledge Key". It's possible that you can't bear it anymore, lose control directly, fall into madness, and turn into a monster.

"Audrey always sneaks into my study. The contents of this book are still too dangerous for her to keep in the study!"

Ilsi frowned slightly, thinking of the girl who always sneaked into her study in the middle of the night and secretly copied Emperor Russell's diary. There was a big golden retriever dog outside the door, so she felt helpless and sighed a little. tone.

"It seems that we should put it in the knowledge hall of the spirit world!"

Thinking of this, Ilsi bound a pile of parchment into a book, and then threw it away. The space in front of him was slightly distorted, and the parchment scroll disappeared in front of him.

In the spirit world, the sea of ​​spirituality rolled, the waves were surging, and there were bursts of roars. A huge island rose from under the sea. In the center of the island was a majestic and solemn hall, which was filled with all kinds of books, covering everything. Each book exuded a soft glow. It was not a physical existence, but just the embodiment of knowledge in Ilsi's mind.

Suddenly, a parchment scroll appeared in the hall and landed on a bookshelf, shining with countless mystical knowledge. Then the brilliance converged and became ordinary. The island sank under the sea again, stirring up huge waves.

Ilsi stood up from his chair and walked to the window. He watched everything revive. The warm spring breeze blew across his face, giving him a refreshing feeling. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a bright smile. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses, and his clear and firm voice echoed in the room.

"It's time to take this step. Only by becoming the Knowledge Emperor of Sequence 1 can I conceal all my information and be promoted to the Hermit of Sequence 0 when George III is promoted to the Black Emperor of Sequence 0!"

"When I am promoted to the Hermit of Sequence 0, I can compete with Adam, the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Whether it was the Backlund smog incident or the actions of the royal family, they were all secretly guided by the fantasy angel Adam. As the King of Angels, He possesses the uniqueness of the audience's extraordinary path. He is the eldest son of the ancient sun god, the king of angels beyond Sequence 1, the backer of the ancient sun god's resurrection, and the mysterious leader of the Dusk Hermit Society.

As an angel of the audience path, Adam wanted to be promoted to a sequence 0 visionary. He had to make the development of the times conform to his expectations, and then take the potion in the prescribed trend of the times.

Adam's godhood ceremony was a war that swept the world. In order to complete this ceremony, Adam first let the Loen royal family discover the Red Priest Path, the remains of the mausoleum of the Sequence 0 Blood Emperor under the noses of the three major churches.

In order to get rid of the control of the church, George III began to secretly excavate the remains and began to work on the promotion ceremony of the Black Emperor. To be promoted to the Black Emperor, a large number of people need to be driven to see nine pyramid-like mausoleums.

So George III used a Red Priest Path Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic as a reward and reached a cooperation with the Witch Cult. The Witch Cult began to sell people to the royal family in various ways, and the Backlund smog incident was a trick thrown by the royal family and the Witch Cult to make their own prince a scapegoat and cover up the secrets of missing people and building mausoleums at the cost of innocent civilians in Backlund.

After that, Adam will use the Psychological Alchemy Society and the Dusk Hermit Society to secretly guide the Feysac Empire to prepare for war, so as to complete his godhood ceremony.

Ilsi's face showed a solemn expression. The fantasy angel Adam is not an ordinary angel king, but the incarnation of the ancient sun god. He has been planning to recast the throne and shine the glory of the eternal sun again. He is definitely not weaker than the seven gods, and even more dangerous.

"But the goddess of night, the lord of storms, the eternal sun, the god of steam and machinery, etc. should not want to see the resurrection of the ancient sun god. They are the culprits who caused the fall of this half-old sun, and they will not welcome his return!"

Several angel kings under the ancient sun god's throne conspired with other true gods to organize the Redemption Rose and backstab him, which eventually led to the fall of the sun god and was eaten. The three angel kings were promoted to gods of sequence 0.

Ilsi showed a cold smile on her face, her figure became illusory, and a cold voice was left in the room.

"It's time to meet the romantic Emperor Roselle!"

In the endless ocean, there stood an island of considerable size. On the island, huge dark green and almost black trees stood tall, covering the ground and obscuring the mountain peaks.

Ilsi stood on the calm sea, observing the island. In his real vision, the island was shrouded in a faint, twisted black, making it impossible to see directly what was inside.

"Sure enough, it is here. There is still some pollution from the outer gods of the starry sky on the island!"

Ilsi boarded the island and followed a road opened up by humans into a dense and dark forest. There were no birds singing, no beasts roaring, and no insects crawling in the forest. It was so peaceful that it seemed as if time had frozen, and so dead silent that it seemed as if there were no living creatures.

Ilsi seemed to be walking through an uninhabited cemetery, and every giant tree was a tombstone. If it were any other weak-minded Beyonders, they would have tensed up their spirits, shouldered heavy pressure, and were gradually approaching the edge of losing control, but the expression on Ilsi's face did not change at all, as if she had gotten used to moving forward in danger and weirdness.

Ilsi walked for two quarters of an hour, and did not see any living creatures, and did not even feel the wind. Everything here seemed so dead and silent.

Suddenly, Ilsi's vision widened. The tall trees began to become sparse. There was a large open space outside the forest. Countless creatures were crawling on the ground. There was a giant red dragon with skin flowing with flames, and wood tumors acting as eyes. , a tree man with a slit as a mouth, a demonic wolf with eight legs, a giant with abnormally long limbs, a feathered serpent with dark green scales and greasy feathers that looks like a hillock just coiled there, and a feathered serpent that looks like a mixture of humans and beasts. All kinds of creatures.

At this time, these terrifying creatures were all facing one place, with their upper bodies prostrate and their heads close to the ground. They seemed to be worshiping an unknown existence, and none of them made a sound.

In front of these creatures, there are five human beings lying on the ground. They are all wearing luxurious clothes from the Russell period. Their faces are pale and their skin is shriveled. They are more like living corpses than humans.

In front of these creatures is a huge stone with a simple shrine made of dark red wood placed on it. It was empty inside, with no statues of gods, or badges composed of symbols. The things these creatures worshiped did not seem to exist.

Ilsi seemed to be invisible, walking among these creatures. His expression was indifferent and cold, like a superior god. He looked down at these inexplicable and strange creatures, and clearly saw that there was no trace of living things around them, and his eyes were dull and cold. , with pale skin, in a state of alternation between life and death.

Ilsey left here and continued to move forward. After walking for about two minutes, a wooden house appeared in front of her. It seemed incompatible with the environment on the island. The wooden house was brown-green in color and was no more than two and a half meters tall. It seemed to be Prepared for humans, but every detail reveals roughness and simplicity.

Ilsi looked through the door and saw an old man. He was wearing luxurious clothes from the Russell period. He had white hair, an old appearance, and a pair of light blue eyes that were extremely cold and dull.

"He should be Russell's follower, Lieutenant General Iceberg, Edwards!"

Without disturbing the old man, Ilsi passed through the wooden house and continued walking towards the mountain peak in the middle of the island.

This mountain peak is several hundred meters high. The top of the mountain is covered with tall black trees, but the belly of the mountain is hollowed out. A black mausoleum stands here in an extremely majestic manner.

Most of this mausoleum is made of mountains, with only a few traces of manual polishing. The shape is not the common pyramid shape, but more like a small mountain peak, which truly interprets the saying, a mountain is a mausoleum.

The mausoleum is engraved with various words and symbols, which may come from the "Civil Code" formulated and promulgated by Emperor Russell, or the new social trends he created, or the designs of certain inventions.

Ilsey took a look at the more than 30-meter-high mausoleum gate and was very sure that this was the final resting place of Emperor Rosal, the Black Emperor's mausoleum.

Ilsi raised her right hand and waved her palm. The tall and heavy stone door roared and slowly opened a gap. The entire island began to shake. The creatures on the island underwent tremendous changes. The flesh and blood on their bodies It began to rot, and the light yellow liquid dripped, exuding a fishy smell. Even the Iceberg Lieutenant General in the wooden house was the same. They had died long ago, but were contaminated by the fallen mother goddess and turned into a kind of A monster that alternates between life and death.

Ilsi felt a strange and depraved atmosphere permeating the island, and endless crazy murmurs and ravings echoed in his ears, as if they wanted to pollute him into a monster. A contemptuous sneer appeared on his handsome face, and the golden thread The brown eyes under the glasses shot out two cold lights and whispered.

"Don't say it's just some residual aura of the outer gods, even if I face the fallen mother goddess, I won't be affected in any way!"

Ilsi's spiritual light shone like a blazing sun. It was so bright that it could not be looked directly at. It blocked the breath that polluted her spirituality from the outside. She walked calmly and entered the mausoleum. The heavy stone door banged loudly. Closed, blocking out all the crazy murmurs.

The interior of the mausoleum is empty, with nothing except the dark walls and the high platform in the center. There is a chair prepared for giants on the high platform. It looks like it is made of iron, with complex and twisted strange patterns engraved on the surface, and the top of the backrest extends upward in the shape of a crown.

At this time, a black figure sat on this heavy and huge chair, with two slits on his face, as if he had two eyes that were not symmetrical. But there were no pupils in these eyes, which were all blood red. There was a gap under the two eyes, which was filled with the same pure blood red light.

Many gaps were opened in the black figure, spreading from the head, and bloody flowers bloomed in various parts of the body. At this time, Emperor Russell was like a layer of shadow, wrapped inside a ball of pure The glorious bloody red moon.

Emperor Russell turned into a shadow, trying to cover up the red moon, but cracks were torn open, allowing the blood-red moonlight to shine into reality. When all the cracks on his body are connected, the black shadow will be completely Dissipated, and a new crimson moon was born.

"Intruder, get out of here!"

The black figure lowered his head, seemingly trapped in endless pain and torture, and scolded sternly.

Ilsi stopped and looked up at the polluted black emperor. Her aura was so powerful that it was like a bright sun, shining brightly, swallowing up the blood-colored moonlight.

The gaps on the black figure closed, and Emperor Rosal seemed to have turned into a pure dark night sky. He temporarily regained his calm, staring at the young man who had entered his mausoleum without permission with astonishment, and said in surprise.

"How did you manage to remain unaffected and uncontaminated by Him?!"

"The sun rises and the moon sets, who can compete with me for glory!"

Ilsi's calm voice sounded in the empty mausoleum, causing Roselle's expression to change slightly, frowning, and asking again.

"Whose incarnation of the god are you, and what do you want to see me for?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ilsi's deep eyes, and she shook her head slightly, saying straight to the point.

"You are not the incarnation of the god, and you don't need to guess my identity!"

"I came here for only one purpose, I want the extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence 1 Knowledge Emperor in your hand!"

"In exchange, I can help you block the pollution of the Fallen Mother Goddess for three years, which is enough for you to purify your own extraordinary characteristics and come back again!" (End of this chapter)

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