I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3289 The Witch's Love, the Aurora Society!

In the suburbs of Backlund, in the Red Rose Manor.

Prince Edsac's round face showed a livid look, his eyes were coldly staring at the woman opposite, his breathing was rapid and heavy, and he asked loudly with irrepressible anger in his voice.

"Why are you running away again?"

At this time, His Highness the Prince was like a volcano about to erupt, his gaze was voracious and fierce. He stared at Triss who looked uncaring, hoping that the other party could give him an answer. He really didn't understand that he had already After giving all her sincerity and even giving up her future, why doesn't this woman from a commoner family know how to cherish it?

Triss was wearing a long black dress, with a graceful figure, a sad smile on her slightly round face, her eyes were blurred, and she looked past Prince Edsac out the window, her voice was faint and ethereal.

"Did you just see the falling meteorite? Did you feel the vibration of the earth?"

Prince Edsac was confused by Triss's words. The expensive decorations in the room had been scattered all over the floor. They were shaken by the meteorite that had just landed. They were in a mess. Only the old butler stood with his hands tied, wearing a black tuxedo without any wrinkles, and The surroundings were out of place.

"Isn't this a rare thing?!"

Prince Edsac frowned slightly, his eyes were deep, unable to hide his inner disappointment, and he said in a nonchalant manner.

"Prince Edsac, your perception is too slow!"

"I tell you frankly, I am actually a witch. Does that make sense?"

Triss shook her head slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with Prince Edsac's reaction, and went straight to the point, telling her true identity.

"You go out and guard first, don't allow anyone to come in!"

Prince Edsac's face changed slightly, his eyes moved to the old housekeeper, and he ordered in a cold voice.

The old housekeeper nodded in agreement, walked out of the room, and stood guard at the door, like a loyal guard, not allowing any creature to approach the room.

Prince Edsac sighed, his eyes softened a lot, he was fascinated and affectionate, and he spoke in a gentle voice.

"Triss, I've known you are a witch for a long time. I don't mind. Even the potion materials you purchased were provided by me. I've also seen your wanted poster. I've done far more for you than you imagine." There’s even more!”

Triss was not moved by Prince Edsac's infatuation. A playful smile appeared on her face. She looked at him jokingly, raised her eyebrows and said sarcastically.

"Since you know that I am a witch, do you know that I used to be a man? The predecessors of all witches are men!"


Prince Edsac's face changed drastically, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe the sound he heard, and his dumbfounded look made Triss amused.


"I said, I was a man before, bigger and thicker than you. It was the witch's potion that changed my gender. Do you feel disgusted after knowing this? Do you still love me?"

Triss had a crazy expression on her face, venting her inner anger and grievance wantonly, staring at Prince Edsac, full of sarcasm and ridicule. She laughed with tears in the corners of her eyes, feeling extremely disgusted by this bullshit love. Every time she thought of waking up in the arms of Prince Edsac, she got goosebumps all over her body.

Having said this, Triss took two steps closer to Prince Edsac, full of pressure, making him take two steps back, as if she could not accept this cruel reality.

Prince Edsac's face changed, his mouth opened and closed again, hesitatingly looking at the beauty in front of him, still not believing it, he shook his head and said.

"No, you are a real woman, I am absolutely sure of this!"

The hesitation on Prince Edsac's face became firmer, and his voice became louder as he continued.

"Since I met you, you have been a real woman. I don't care what you were like in the past. I am in love with you, the current witch Triss!"

Triss was stunned for a moment, stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and stared blankly at the infatuated prince in front of her. She felt a little touched in her heart and didn't know how to deal with it.

"You are a fool and a wretch!"

"Don't you understand yet? The encounter between you and me was arranged, and even if you liked me, it was arranged and manipulated by others! Do you really believe in love at first sight? Don't you think the relationship between us is developing too fast? For this reason, you even gave up the throne you were pursuing and forgot about Audrey Hall, whom you once loved. How crazy!”

When Prince Edsac heard this, he felt like he was waking up from a dream, as if he finally realized that something was wrong. His expression was complicated, his eyes fluctuated violently, and his deep voice echoed in the room.

"You are indeed my type. All this is as crazy as a dream, but I still fall in love with you. I never thought I would be so crazy!"

The corners of Triss's mouth turned up, with a mocking smile on her face, and at the same time she said coldly with a hint of sympathy.

"We are all puppets in the hands of others, and our fate has been arranged!"

"You are the scapegoat introduced by the royal family, and I am the hostage left here by the Witch Sect!"

"The Witch Sect has put important things into my body. If they betray their faith, the royal family can destroy me. This is the Witch Sect's way of showing sincerity, so I have been living under strict surveillance by both parties without any freedom!"

"You are not much better. If the cooperation between the two parties is exposed and the three major churches and nobles know about it, you will be the scapegoat, and the royal family will announce to the public that Prince Edsac is guilty of serious crimes, greedy for beauty, and secretly raising witches. After the incident was exposed, he committed suicide by shooting himself. In this way, all the truth will be covered up, and it has nothing to do with the Augustus family! "

"no, I can not!"

Prince Edsac could not accept such a cruel truth, his face was twisted, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was hideous and terrifying.

"Tell me, what exactly are the Witch Sect and the royal family cooperating on?"

"I'm just a hostage who can be abandoned at any time. Do you think they will tell me such an important secret? This is why I always want to escape!"

Triss had a self-deprecating smile on her pretty face, her eyes were devoid of any light, dim and gray, without a trace of hope. She lowered her head and her smile became sad and sad, as if she had exhausted all her resistance and had completely accepted her tragic fate in the future, and whispered.

"Now that you know all the truth, what do you want to do with me? Kill me directly, get rid of all suspicion, and stay out of the matter. Or continue to follow the royal family's arrangements, restrict my freedom, and pretend that nothing has happened!"

Prince Edsac's face was extremely gloomy. At this time, he already knew the truth of the matter. Countless thoughts emerged from his heart, and he fell into a state of confusion for a while, not knowing how to deal with the witch in front of him.

After an unknown amount of time, Prince Edsac raised his head and stared at Triss, as if he wanted to carve her deeply into his memory. There was a look of dejection on his face. He pointed behind him and spoke. said.

"Let's go, go through this secret door, don't be noticed!"

As a member of the royal family, when Prince Edsac built the manor, for safety reasons, he naturally built a secret passage to allow him to quickly evacuate and get out of danger. He regarded this passage as a retreat, but now he told the special passage unconditionally. Liz, obviously he has left his hope of survival to his beloved witch.

"You have to let me go!"

Triss was stunned. What Edsac did surprised him. Even though he knew she was a witch, he still let her go.

"I will stop Finkel and try to delay as much time as possible for you. I hope you can escape!"

Finkel is the most powerful Beyonder in Red Rose Manor, one of the commanders of the royal guards, the executor responsible for monitoring the witch Triss, and the housekeeper of Edsac.

There was a bit of confusion in Triss's eyes, but then she rushed towards the secret door. When her body was about to enter the secret passage, she looked back at Prince Edsac, who was sitting motionless on the sofa. He couldn't help but ask.

"what would you do?"

Edsac looked deeply at the afterglow outside the window, as if looking for the shadow of his past, and said calmly and freely.

"Let me live in this love story fabricated by others and welcome its final outcome! Regardless of whether the outcome is good or bad, I will accept it calmly!"

Infatuated people always appear among nobles. They have good cultivation, rich knowledge, and rich assets, so they will give up everything, including life and dreams, for that illusory love!

Queens, transformed into an Extraordinary Path and became a Sage in Sequence 2 of the Secret Peeper Path. Ilsi was in a good mood. He was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the sunset that dyed half of the sky red. A bit sad and poignant.

"The witch died of love, and the prince finally became a witch. It's really touching!"

"Goodbye Edsac!"

"We are barely friends. Although I can't save your life, I can mess up the situation and let your lover escape!"

Ilsi's eyes were deep, as if she could glimpse the trajectory of fate. She returned to the desk, picked up a quill, and beautiful handwriting appeared on the paper.

"The royal family is suspected of cooperating with the Witch Sect and other cult organizations to plan a major event in Backlund, involving the original witch, Chike!"

Ilsey folded the paper, picked up the paper with her right hand and flicked it. The void was slightly distorted, and the paper disappeared into the study.

St. Samuel's Church, in a quiet room.

Saint Anthony Stevenson, one of the thirteen archbishops of the Church of the Night Goddess and the head of the Backlund Diocese, looked at the paper that suddenly appeared in front of him with a solemn expression. He saw spiritual light from the paper, a stream of The breath of destiny's revelation hit his face. He knew that the other party was worried that he would not believe the news, so he imprinted the breath of fate into it to prove the authenticity of the news.

"The fateful revelation of the master of prophecy!"

St. Anthony had a white face without a beard and deep eyes. He was wearing a black and red archbishop's robe. It did not give people a sense of darkness, but instead gave him a bright and majestic meaning. He pondered for a moment, got up and walked out of the room, and came to the Chanis Gate under the church. forward.

Death Master Daly Simone led the team of Nighthawks to guard the door. When he saw Saint Anthony, he quickly bowed and saluted with a respectful and pious expression.

"I have met His Excellency the Archbishop!"

Saint Anthony did not wait for the other party to ask, and spoke directly.

"Get ready, I'm going to awaken a sealed artifact!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Archbishop!"

Daly Simone did not hesitate and began to make preparations. The sealed object that can be awakened by Archbishop Saint Anthony is definitely not simple. It should involve a level 0 sealed object. Sealed objects of this level are very dangerous and receive the highest attention. The highest level of confidentiality, no inquiring, no leaking, no description, no prying.

Saint Anthony waited quietly, and the information about Sealed Artifact 017 emerged in his mind. This Sealed Artifact was not an object, but a living angel. He was beautiful in appearance, with black hair and eyes, and looked like a young woman. Actual age cannot be estimated. He does not have the angel wings recorded in the classics. Judging from his appearance, he is almost the same as an ordinary person. He has no ability to think and has lost all his intelligence.

All people and objects that are close to the 017 sealed object will disappear completely. Even if it is confirmed through divination and other means that the disappeared person H is still alive, their traces have never been found. The Church of the Goddess of the Night has already tried 1,820 times. Five methods, all ineffective. Moreover, the scope of influence of 017 Sealed Object will expand and contract irregularly, which has caused the disappearance of more than 70 researchers.

017 Sealed Artifact first appeared in the Pale Era of the Fourth Age. All detailed records about it have been lost. It is only known that it cannot be used and has been awakened five times.

As the head of Backlund Parish, Saint Anthony has the power to awaken Sealed Artifact 017, but when he leaves Backlund Parish, he still needs to use other Sealed Artifacts to clear all memories of Sealed Artifact 017. This shows that the Church of the Goddess of Night The importance attached to 017 Sealed Artifact. In the entire Goddess Church, only the Pope can retain the memory of this sealed artifact.

In a mysterious hall, four men in black robes knelt on the ground devoutly. In front of them was an altar with mottled marks, revealing the vicissitudes of time and its heavy atmosphere.

Suddenly, a graceful figure appeared behind the four of them. She had light steps, a fiery figure, and concave and convex shapes, exuding a fatal allure. This was a desperate lady in the Witch Path Sequence 4. Her soft and melodious voice echoed in the hall. Inside.

"Mr. A, are you ready?"

"It's already been prepared!"

A gloomy voice came out of Mr. A's mouth. He stood up from the ground and stared at the desperate lady in front of him with cold eyes.

Ms. Despair's graceful figure twists and turns, exuding infinite charm and temptation. Her clear and bright eyes are like a spring embedded in the earth, with ripples of light that make people sink. She chuckled and said lightly.

"You still don't seem to trust us."

"That's right!"

Mr. A is a member of the Aurora Society. He has an extreme personality, is ruthless and doesn't talk much. He turns a blind eye to the peerless beauty exuding fatal charm in front of him and speaks unceremoniously.

"Your reputation is not much better than that of our Aurora Society. If you suddenly come to our door and ask for cooperation, I will naturally not believe you!"

Ms. Despair is a little uncomfortable with Mr. A's outspoken style. People who have dealt with her in the past will be tolerant and modest for the sake of her beautiful face and devilish figure. This is the first time that she is so confused. madman.


"Mr. A, we can talk openly and honestly. There is a reason why we are looking for you to cooperate!"

"We have done some things and left traces. In order to avoid being discovered by the three major churches and the military, all traces must be erased!"

"Why erase all traces?"

Mr. A really doesn’t understand what the other party is doing. The Aurora Society has always been upright and courageous in taking responsibility. They dare to admit it when they do it, and they don’t even rush to admit it without doing it. There is nothing to clear up.

"The people of the Aurora Society are really a bunch of lunatics!"

Ms. Despair's expression was stagnant, and she secretly complained in her heart. All mysterious organizations would choose to hide in the darkness. Only the Aurora Society, a group of lunatics, were unscrupulous, flamboyant, and took the blame all day long. They wanted everyone to pay attention to them. It was simply unreasonable.

“We have different styles of doing things, so there’s no need to discuss that!”

"You just need to know that there is a basis for cooperation between us. We need to erase the traces. You can create a big turmoil and let your Lord come to the world!"

"Of course, the only price for this is that you need to bear this bad reputation and be hated by the three major churches and the military, but I believe you won't mind this!"

"In order to welcome the coming of the Lord, we will not hesitate even if we are hated and hated by all the powerful people!"

As expected, Mr. A agreed to the plan, not caring whether he would be hated by the three major churches and the military. There was a bit of excitement and madness in his voice.

"In that case, you can start the ceremony with peace of mind. We have arranged everything outside!"

Everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind, and all the arrangements are in place. Just wait for these madmen from the Aurora Society to start the advent ceremony, and all traces will disappear and no one will find them.

The iron-black and light-yellow haze descended on Backlund's eastern district, dock area, and factory area. It continued to spread outwards, trying to cover the entire Backlund.

Various scenes in the distance were submerged by the haze, and even the towering bell tower was only a blurry shadow. Countless workers and civilians felt uncomfortable. Cold and fatigue surrounded them, and their body temperatures rose, as if they were being... The harvested wheat fell to the ground one after another, and the whole process seemed so quiet.

In Queens, Hall Manor, Ilsi stared at the haze covering the sky, her expression changing, her eyes as deep as the abyss, but she couldn't remain indifferent in the end. Her lips moved, and the sound that shook the void echoed in the room.

"The fate hidden in the endless fog, please give me the ability to spy on the secrets, let me lock the location of the Aurora Society, and stop the endless misfortune and sin!"

In the spiritual world, a huge island rose from the vast ocean, and a palace of knowledge stood on the island, majestic and sacred. On the bronze throne sat a tall figure shrouded in fog. He slowly stood up from the chair and waved his right hand. The fog covering the spiritual world was dispelled, and countless spiritual lights filled his eyes. He saw a black evil horror figure, opened the door to the real world, and reached out to the real world, which seemed to be mixed with a few coincidences of fate.

"008 Seal, Alesuhod's Pen!"

"True Creator!"

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