I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3286 Audrey's Question, Witch Triss

"Who is Miss Justice's brother? He can give her alchemy items, which are as powerful as artillery. Even the strongest in the mid-level can't resist it!"

"And I am also aware of the undercurrent brewing in Backlund. I have long persuaded Miss Justice to stay away from Prince Edsac. Could it be that he is the mastermind behind it!"

Countless thoughts emerged in Klein's mind, and countless truths were shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see the situation clearly. He became more and more eager to leave Backlund and did not dare to continue to get involved. He was just a Sequence 6 faceless man. It simply cannot withstand the impact of wind and waves.

"There are so many things, Ins Zangwill, the woman wearing the sapphire ring, Prince Edsac, Miss Justice's brother, the whole incident is like a mess, Backlund is like an active volcano at this time, once The impact of the outbreak will be huge, no less than the incident of the Evil God’s Descendants in Tingen City!”

Klein felt awe in his heart and restrained his body language. He did not want the members of the Tarot Society to spy on his emotional changes and details, so he could only continue to manipulate Mr. World to speak.

"Miss Justice, how did your brother remind you in the first place?"

An eerie voice came out of Mr. World's mouth. He was like a poisonous snake hiding in a corner, making people feel a bit chilly.

Audrey frowned slightly, carefully recalled what happened at the party that day, pondered for a while, and said.

"That day, Duchess Negan held a party. My brother met Prince Edsac at the party. They talked for a while, and then he came to me. This was the first time I saw him. With that kind of reaction, he was avoiding it like the plague, reminding me not to have anything to do with Edsac, and not to inquire about anything about His Highness the Prince!”

Klein listened carefully to Miss Justice's words and constantly analyzed the information. It seemed that Miss Justice's brother was not the mastermind behind the scenes, but he seemed to have noticed something, so he reminded his sister to stay away from Edessa. Prince Gram.

Klein leaned back, his expression a little more relaxed, the gray mist rippled slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he spoke lightly.

"Gentlemen and ladies, see you next week!"

After the matter was discussed, the crimson light flickered, and Audrey and others disappeared into the gray mist space.

Hall Family Estate, Queens.

Audrey stood in front of the boudoir window, dazed. This tarot party had both good news and bad news for her.

The good news is that the power of Moonlight Rose far exceeds her imagination, which weakens her desire to improve her strength. Even if she is promoted to a Sequence 7 psychiatrist, her combat effectiveness will not be greatly improved, and it will definitely not be as good as Yue. Colored roses add much to her strength. Moreover, Ilsi could give her such terrifyingly powerful alchemical items, which showed that the family's strength was far from what she saw, and she no longer had to worry about the safety of her father and brother.

The bad news is about Edsac. Mr. Fool’s gaze is all about big events. Big changes may occur in Backlund, causing huge tragedy. This makes the enthusiastic and kind-hearted Audrey worried.

"Maybe my brother will know something, but I can't ask him directly!"

Audrey took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, calmed down her complicated emotions, and walked towards the piano room. She had a piano lesson next, and she needed to throw away all distracting thoughts and not show anything strange.

Before the piano teacher arrived, Audrey sat alone in front of the piano, her fingers kept falling, and beautiful notes sounded. She was using music to cleanse her soul and make herself forget her worries.

After the song was played, the big golden retriever dog lay down next to Audrey without knowing it. Its eyes shone with wisdom. It looked up at the beautiful girl and spoke with concern.

"Audrey, your piano sound tells me that you seem to have encountered some problem?"

Audrey was stunned for a moment and looked at the serious-looking dog with bright eyes. She suddenly felt that having a mind-reading dog at home was not a good thing.

At night, the crimson moon climbed into the night sky, and the strange moonlight fell on the earth, illuminating the darkness, but it did not give people any sense of peace of mind, but made it more annoying.

In the luxurious villa, a sumptuous dinner began. The long dining table was filled with delicious food. Members of the Hall family gathered together, enjoying the delicious food. The atmosphere was harmonious and relaxed, and they talked casually about the things they encountered today. , it's fun.

Audrey absently cut the steak on the plate. This was a steak produced on Ilsey's farm. The meat was tender and tender, and the fat was like snowflakes all over the whole steak. It was very beautiful. When you took a bite, the juice was plump and the cavity was filled with aroma. .

Audrey swallowed the steak in her mouth, listened to the chat between her father and brother, pretended to be casual, and asked.

"Dad, what happened to Prince Edsac? I rarely see him recently!"

Audrey still couldn't hold back her curiosity. She had already thought of the reason. She said she had heard some rumors in the aristocratic circle. This kind of thing was very common and her family should not notice anything strange about her.

The smile on Earl Hall's face suddenly disappeared, the knife and fork in his hand stopped, and he looked at his favorite daughter, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Did you hear something?"

Audrey read a lot of information from the expression on Earl Hall's face. It seemed that there were indeed rumors about Prince Edsac in the aristocratic circles. A sweet smile appeared on her face and she said crisply.

"It's just some rumors, but judging from your reaction, Dad, it seems that these rumors are true!"

Ilsi's eyes flickered slightly, and the lenses reflected the light, making it difficult to see his inner activities. He watched with interest as Audrey tried to extract confidence from her father, appearing calm on the surface.

Earl Hall looked at his daughter's curious eyes, rubbed his forehead in distress, thought for a moment, and then said.

"It's not a big deal!"

"Audrey, I understand your curiosity. This matter is considered a royal scandal, but it does not involve politics. Prince Edsac fell in love with a commoner woman, which led to the death of a noble descendant, and the royal family blocked the matter. Spread, don’t want to cause too much impact!”

Earl Hall did not tell Audrey the truth of the matter. The water involved was too deep for a girl to know. Sometimes, the less you know, the safer it is.

Among the Hall family, only Earl Hall and Ilsey knew the conspiracy hidden behind it. The conflicts between the royal family and the three major churches were not something ordinary people could get involved in. It was best not to know about it.

"Prince Edsac is still not mature enough. He is destroying his own future by doing this!"

Lady Catherine put down the knife and fork in her hand, wiped the corners of her mouth gracefully, reached out to pick up the wine glass on the side, took a sip, and commented on His Highness the Prince's actions.

Audrey frowned slightly, her eyes sparkling with wisdom. She was not easily brushed off. She gained confidence and spoke again.

"I don't understand why the love story of Prince Edsac led to the death of a descendant of a nobleman?"

A young man next to Ilsey was immersed in cutting the steak on the plate. He was Louis Hall, the youngest son of Earl Hall. His appearance was similar to that of Earl Hall when he was young. He also began to participate in the discussion. Said with a smile.

"This reminds me of the plot in a love story. It is a common thing for followers of the Storm Lord to duel for ladies and honor."

"Perhaps Prince Edsac and the noble descendant underestimated their enemies and chose to duel for that beautiful commoner woman. The result is obvious that Prince Edsac won!"

"Those are old stories that should be kept in museums and will never happen in reality!"

Earl Hall glanced at his younger son. Compared to his eldest son Ilsi, the younger son was much more ordinary and was not mature enough to shoulder his responsibilities.

Audrey didn't believe in such a thing as a duel for love. Edsac was a prince and not someone a descendant of a noble family could afford to offend, she said again.

"I know a little bit about Prince Edsac's character. He is not a fool who duels for love. Moreover, rumors have spread. The news that the royal family wants to cover up will definitely not be that simple!"

Audrey's reasoning was very reasonable and showed extraordinary wisdom, which made Earl Hall nod secretly. She was indeed his daughter, and her behavior was completely different from Louis's.

"No matter what truth the Augustus family wants to hide, it has nothing to do with our Hall family. Audrey, don't ask for more details. Knowing too much will not do you any good!"

Ilsey interrupted Audrey's questioning and took a deep look at Miss Justice, which made her reluctantly drop the topic and start talking about other things.

As the woman that Prince Edsac once pursued, Audrey could be interested in Prince Edsac's love story and there would be no problem in understanding it. However, if the topic went deep into the royal family and politics, it would be unreasonable, so she I didn't dare to continue to ask questions, so I could only stop.

After dinner, Ilsi returned to her room, opened the window, looked up at the crimson moon shining in the night sky, frowned slightly, and whispered.

"The red moon is really uncomfortable, giving people a bloody and dark feeling!"

"Although the goddess of the night also has the title of Crimson Lord, she is not Sequence 0 of the Moon Path after all. The moon is still hanging in the sky. Only this path will also lead to human beings' degeneration. Otherwise, I can try to promote the Moon of Sequence 0 and convert the Crimson Moon Become a silver moon!"

Ilsi sighed regretfully, looked away, and murmured, remembering Audrey's reaction at dinner today.

"It seems that Klein has also noticed the hidden undercurrent of Backlund. He should leave Backlund soon. After all, such a big thing is not something that a small Sequence 6 Faceless Man like him can participate in. He still has Not really a fool!"

The Fool is the Supreme Sequence 0 of the Seer Path, a god-level existence. Although Klein can use the Source Castle, one of the nine sources of matter, to pretend to be a god and play ghosts so that others cannot spy on his fate, it does not mean that his strength can really Fight against high-sequence powerhouses.

The next day, Klein first performed a divination to see if he was suitable for a trip to Red Rose Manor today. The divination result was not ideal.

Divination is not a panacea. Klein had a vague premonition of the coming storm. He could not delay it any longer. If he wanted to leave Backlund quietly, he must go to Red Rose Manor and end Prince Edsac's murder. Otherwise, he will definitely be noticed by someone who is interested. At that time, he is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself and will be treated like garbage.

Klein made a decision in his mind and no longer hesitated. He put on a double-breasted gown and a half-high silk hat, walked out of No. 15 Minsk Street, and headed towards Red Rose Manor. In order to leave Backlund, he had to Take some risks.

Outside the Red Rose Manor, Klein passed the inspection of the red-coated soldiers and handed over the revolver he carried. Under the guidance of the servant, he walked through the road paved with gray stone slabs, bypassed the pool spraying clear spring water, and entered the main house. house, went to the second floor, and arrived outside the room that according to the layout should be the tanning room.

Throughout the entire process, Klein was always cautious, fearing that something unexpected might happen and cause things to develop in the worst possible direction and become uncontrollable.

"Dong dong dong!"

The servant knocked on the door and reported inside in a low voice.

"Detective Sherlock is here!"

The room was quiet for a moment before a deep voice came out.

"His Royal Highness, please come in!"


The door opened, and two tall guards came into view. Klein walked into the room under their scrutiny. Prince Edsac was sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, comfortably enjoying the bright warmth. sunshine.

Prince Edsac did not wear a coat, and his upper body only wore a white shirt with flower-like cuffs blooming like flowers and a light yellow vest. The attached sleeve pins, lapel pins, badges and other accessories were not conspicuous, but expensive enough. There was no smile on his round face, creating a serious and calm atmosphere. His eyes fell on Klein and he asked in a majestic tone.

"The truth of the matter has been investigated?!"

Klein didn't see the mysterious woman next to Edsac, and he was secretly relieved. He didn't want to be noticed by Sealed Artifact No. 008 now. With a respectful expression on his face, he took a few steps forward and bowed.

"No! I've tried divination and psychics, and I've also visited and investigated, but I haven't found any clues!"

A heavy look appeared on Klein's face. He did not dare to tell Edsac the clues he had investigated, otherwise it would be difficult to escape.

"My strength is too weak. Perhaps, Your Highness, you should find a stronger helper, such as Lord Ilsey Hall, whom you mentioned earlier. He is the heir to the Hall family. He is powerful and has wide connections. He should Can help you find out the truth! ”

Klein had a remorseful and sad expression on his face, carefully observing Prince Edsac's reaction. He had already made up his mind to get out of this matter. His little arms and legs couldn't bear it. No matter what, if Chi Yu was harmed, he wouldn't have a place to cry. At the same time, he did not forget to shift the blame, and took revenge on Ilsi who recommended him in the first place.

Edsac stared at Klein with majestic eyes and did not speak for a long time. He vaguely felt that Klein's face seemed to have changed a lot, and he must have been troubled.

Klein has been promoted to a Sequence 6 Faceless Man. Before entering Red Rose Manor, he used the Sequence characteristics to fine-tune his facial condition. His skin became dry, his eye bags were obvious, his beard was messy, and he looked very tired and several years older. look like.


Edsac sighed, unable to continue forcing Klein to investigate this matter, and said to him.

"I will continue to find someone to investigate this matter. You will write a report on the investigation and it will be over!"


Klein felt a little excited, and quickly took out a stack of papers from his pocket, handed it to Edsac, and spoke slowly under the surprised gaze of the other person.

"Your Highness, I have the habit of taking notes casually. You don't need to wait. This is the investigation report!"

Edsac flipped through the paper casually, and nodded slightly as he had a general understanding of the investigation process.

"No problem, that's it, I'll have someone take you back!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, Prince!"

"This incident has made me very tired, and it's finally over. I'm going to travel to the south to relieve the stress during this time!"

Klein first expressed his gratitude, and then pretended to casually mention the news that he was leaving Backlund.

"I am very sorry that I was not able to help His Highness the Prince!"

"Perhaps Count Ilsey Hall can help you investigate more truth!"

Klein spared no effort to shirk the blame, crazily recommending Ilsi to Prince Edsac, but this guy got himself involved in this conspiracy and almost capsized.

"Ilsi is different from you, and even different from Talim. He is a real nobleman and cannot be driven by me at will. He is not willing to help me investigate the truth, and I cannot force him. I have my own responsibility for this matter." If you plan, you don’t have to worry!”

Edsac's face changed slightly, and his expression became much colder. Ilsi's status in the kingdom can be said to be second only to the prince, and he is the top heir to the great nobles. Even if the heir to the throne is determined in the future, he will not be able to inherit the throne. He is not as high as the other party.

"I'm too talkative!"

Klein's heart trembled. He didn't expect that Ilsey Hall's status was so noble, and even Edsac, a prince, didn't dare to control him at will.

Klein did not dare to cause trouble, so he said goodbye vigilantly, and took the carriage in the manor towards Minsk Street.

Klein leaned against the carriage and looked at the distant manor. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was finally out of the way. However, before he could be happy, the carriage door suddenly opened and a figure came in.

A woman is wearing a long black dress and a sapphire ring on her finger. She has a strange shape and is very delicate. She looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, has a slightly round face, slender eyes, a gentle temperament, and a hidden sweetness. She is a charming beauty. .

Klein's face suddenly changed, and his eyes swept across the sapphire ring. He didn't dare to move rashly. The other party gave him a very dangerous feeling, as if he dared to jump out of the car or escape, an accident would inevitably happen.

Klein's heart became more vigilant, and he looked up at the other party. His eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he was extremely surprised and blurted out.


This is Triss, the instigator at the time, who caused the Clover tragedy and was a wanted criminal. How did he become the lover of His Royal Highness?

"You still know me!"

Triss seemed very happy, and she didn't feel angry after her identity was exposed at all. She looked at Klein with great surprise.

"What do you want to do?"

Klein looked at the other party's happy look, and his heart became more and more puzzled. He frowned and asked.

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