I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3274 The eldest son of the Hall family, the opening of the door to destiny


The endless void was dark, filled with endless whispers, resounding throughout the universe. Great and strange beings hovered in the solar system. They were shrouded in black mist, exuding an ominous breath. An extraordinary characteristic polluted everything around them. Even the void became abnormal, twisting and swimming, like a venomous snake, spitting out scarlet snake tongues, containing deadly poison. If there were extraordinary people who could hear the whispers in the starry sky, they would inevitably fall into madness, degenerate into indescribable monsters, and become the carrier of the coming of the old days, bringing the whole world into destruction.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded in the Milky Way. The blazing white stream of light passed through the endless universe, came to the solar system, and shot towards the blue planet. There was an extraordinary barrier outside this planet, protecting the life on this planet from being polluted by the gods outside the starry sky, but this invisible barrier was also fading at this time, and some cracks appeared.

The Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Primal Hunger, and the Son of Chaos, four ancient and mysterious beings, surrounded the aqua-blue planet. They exuded a chaotic and ominous aura, and penetrated through the gaps in the barrier to pollute the interior of the planet, trying to find a suitable carrier to descend into this world.

The blazing white stream of light passed by the three terrifying and powerful Outer Gods, passing through the thick black fog, seemingly unaffected by the endless whispers, passing by them easily without attracting any attention, until the stream of light fell into a gap in the barrier, which made the three Old Gods react. Endless whispers resounded through the starry sky, stirring up the earth, wind, water, and fire. Countless hideous and terrifying tentacles danced, with mouthparts and eyes all over the tentacles, evil and strange, gloomy and ominous, and fiercely whipped the invisible barrier, stirring up ripples, like water waves, spreading out.

Seven rays of divine light shone and merged into the invisible barrier, repairing the cracks on the barrier and resisting the attacks of the old gods. The roar resounded through the void.

The stream of light passed through the invisible barrier, entered the aquamarine planet, and landed in the capital of the Kingdom of Loen, Backlund, Queens.


A baby's cry sounded in a noble manor. The newborn baby was picked up by a pair of powerful hands. A man with a bright smile appeared in the baby's eyes. A trace of fluctuation flashed in his clear and bright eyes, and then a faint feeling of fatigue surged into his heart. Endless whispers kept ringing in his ears, trying to pollute his soul and drag him into the endless abyss.

"Tsk, it's really annoying. Didn't I just borrow a road from you? Do you have to keep pestering me like this?"

An idea came to the baby's mind, and then he yawned loudly, pursed his pink little mouth, and the whispers in his ears seemed to have no effect on him, and he fell into a deep sleep calmly.

Earl Hall was dressed in aristocratic clothes, with two beautiful mustaches at the corners of his mouth, and his brown eyes were shining with joy. His slightly bloated body was bent, and he held the baby carefully with both hands, with a smile on his face, and whispered softly.

"He is the eldest son of my Hall family, the future heir to the earl. I will leave the family's glory, status, money, power, everything to him!"

Earl Hall carefully looked at the sleeping baby in his hands, his face full of doting. The baby was white and tender, very cute, his little nose twitched regularly, his breathing was steady, and he slept very sweetly, which made everyone around him smile faintly.

The Royal University of Loen is the most famous university in the Kingdom of Loen. It only accepts talents among the children of nobles and commoners. It has the most complete teaching facilities, the most knowledgeable and powerful faculty, and has produced countless military and political officials. It is a talent reserve base established by the royal family of the Kingdom of Loen.

The library of the Royal University of Loen is magnificent, with hundreds of thousands of books, covering everything, and recording countless secrets and knowledge. Even the most knowledgeable scholars who enter here will maintain the most humble and pious attitude, eagerly absorbing the knowledge in it to make themselves more knowledgeable.

In a corner of the library where no one was watching, a young man in a black tuxedo sat here. He had a dazzling golden hair, which was more dazzling than the bright sunshine outside the window. His sword-like eyebrows were raised, and he was full of heroic spirit. In his deep eye sockets, a pair of bright and gentle eyes were particularly deep. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his high nose bridge, and his thin lips were tightly pursed, revealing a bit of indifference. He focused on the book in front of him, turning the pages from time to time, making a rustling sound of paper friction. The crisp bird song came from outside the window, making people feel a bit of peace and tranquility.

"If there were no old whispers in my ears, it would make people feel more quiet!"

The young man raised his head and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose. A gleam of brilliance flashed in his peaceful and wise eyes, which was extremely sharp. He closed the book in his hand, and a few big words appeared on the cover of the book.

"The Book of Secrets: Gods in the Mist!"

This man is Earl Hall's eldest son and the future Earl of the Hall family. He is Ilsi Hall, an outstanding student of the Loen Royal Academy. He will graduate this year and join the Loen Kingdom Backlund Police Department.

Earl Hall, as a confidant of George III of the Loen Kingdom and a member of the House of Lords, has already cleared the way. Ilsey can serve as deputy director after entering the Police Department. He is mainly responsible for the daily administration of the Police Department, as well as The starting point of the first four groups of the Special Operations Department can be said to be a height that ordinary people cannot reach in a lifetime of hard work. They were born in Rome.

The first four groups of the Special Operations Department of the Backlund Police Department are responsible for normal security work, including the security maintenance group, VIP protection group, important place protection group, and case detection group. Starting from the fifth group, they are mainly responsible for supernatural events. , most of the team members are extraordinary people, law enforcement officers of major churches, mainly responsible for the church, and have little to do with the internal composition of the police department, they are just affiliated with a name.

As the heir to the earl, Ilsey has a noble status, handsome appearance, erudite knowledge, and has huge wealth. He has countless assets under his name, including real estate, fields, pastures, mineral deposits, jewelry, stocks, shares and bonds, which can bring him money every year. With an income of millions of pounds, she is the best marriage partner for countless noble girls. Therefore, in order to avoid these intruders, he rarely participated in high-society social events, salons, banquets, and concerts. He was never seen at all.

Ilsi stood up, with a tall and straight posture, put the book in her hand under her arm, and walked slowly outside.

It is July now, and the campus is full of flowers. Roses, peonies, peonies, tulips, platycodons, and lilacs are all in brilliant colors. The air is filled with fresh fragrance, which is refreshing.

The bright and even brilliant sunshine falls from the sky, shining brightly on Ilsi's blond hair, making him even more heroic and handsome, like the ancient sun god in myths and legends, shining so brightly that people dare not look directly at it. He was walking on the long bluestone road, surrounded by silence, with only a light breeze blowing, and his blond hair dancing. He was filled with the aura of wisdom and amazing charm.

"I have seen almost all the books in the Royal Academy. There are only some extremely secret books left. They are hidden in the deepest part of the academy and are not disclosed to the public. They are knowledge that only the children of the royal family are qualified to read. I don't know at all. Might see it!”

"But I don't need to worry about that knowledge. It's just some top-secret knowledge about the path of God, magic potion formulas, and rituals. These are of little use to me. After all, I have already chosen my own path."

"After the original Creator fell, he split countless sources and transformed into countless old gods. Among them, at the top of all the old gods are three pillars. One is God, known as the omniscient and omnipotent, and the other is the Lord of Mysteries. , known as the King of Time and Space, and one is the Fallen Mother Goddess, known as the Beginning of Evil.

Now God and the Lord of Mysteries are fighting each other, falling into eternal slumber, existing in the form of Sefirah, almost equivalent to death. After the Fallen Mother Goddess also split into the mother nest and two extraordinary pathways, she is not much different from the other outer gods, except that the symbol of the pillar is still there.

Among them, the Lord of Mysteries has many vestments. He is not only known as the King of Time and Space, but also has many titles such as Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, Destiny Beacon, Origin Castle Incarnation, and Ruler of the Spirit World. He has left many for his recovery. Backhand.

Among them, the protagonist of the Lord of Mysteries, Klein Moretti, is the chess piece of the Lord of Mysteries. He controls the Source Castle, one of the nine sources of matter. Later, in order to avoid being contaminated by the Lord of Mysteries, he became the carrier of his recovery and also fell into In deep sleep. Even before Klein, there were two chess pieces, the Black Emperor Roselle and the Goddess of Night.

Emperor Roselle was mentally contaminated by the Lord of Mysteries. In order to resist the erosion of this old pillar, he had to fall into a deep sleep to prevent the resurrection of the Lord of Mysteries.

"The Lord of Mysteries and God died together, and fell into sleep in the endless darkness together. The Source Castle, one of the nine sources of essence, has been obtained by Klein, but no one has obtained the Wilderness of Knowledge. It was sealed in the West by the Lord of Mysteries. In the mainland, it is in line with my path. The throne of the omniscient and omnipotent should be replaced, and I can take his place!"

The path of the Transcendent Earth that Ilsihor chose is the General Knowledge. This path can eventually become the perfect person of Sequence 0. It is the most suitable path for him. Now, relying on his wisdom and profound knowledge far beyond ordinary people, he has A long way has been traveled along this path.

"It's time to go home. That little girl Audrey wants me to bring her some desserts from Mellie's Cottage. You can't go too late, otherwise all the desserts will be sold out!"

Meili's Cottage is a very famous cake shop in Queens. The desserts there are of various varieties, with high-quality raw materials and excellent taste. They are very popular among aristocratic ladies. Their servants line up to buy them every day, and the supply exceeds the demand.

Ilsey walked out of the Royal Academy, returned to Queens, and came to a beautifully decorated cake shop. Ignoring the people in line, she entered the shop directly and took away an exquisite dessert. There was no one in the whole process. It is the privilege of the nobility to raise objections.

Hall Family Manor Villa, as soon as Ilsi stepped into the room, a maid came over and was about to take the dessert from his hand. Ilsi shook her head and said to the beautiful maid.

"No, this is what Audrey wants to eat. I will deliver it to her personally!"

Audrey is the only daughter of the Hall family and Ilsey's biological sister. This generation of the Hall family has three children, the eldest son Ilsey, the second son Louis, and the apple of his eye, Audrey. Audrey is the most favored child of Earl Hall, and even the eldest son Ilsey is ranked behind her. .

"Where is Audrey now? I'll go find her!"

Ilsi took off her black tuxedo, changed into a casual dress, and asked the maid beside her.

"Miss Audrey should be in her room now. The Earl gave her a mirror, which is said to be a treasure of the ancient Black Emperor of the Solomon Empire. It is an extraordinary item. She is admiring this mirror!"

"The magic mirror of the Black Emperor of the Solomon Empire is interesting!"

Ilsi's handsome face showed a thoughtful expression, and his eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses were shining. He took a step and went to Audrey's room.

"The door of fate is about to open. The fool has received a gift that has been marked with a price by the Lord of Mystery!"

In Audrey's boudoir, a blonde girl sat in front of the dressing table. She was quirky and beautiful. There was a curious light in her big eyes. She looked at the bronze mirror in her hand with ancient patterns engraved on the surface and several cracks. Her crystal-clear and plump red lips opened and closed, and she said coquettishly.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror, wake up quickly!"

"In the name of the Hall family, I order you to wake up!"

Audrey Hall has been trying for more than ten minutes, changing countless ways, but the bronze mirror still has no reaction, which makes her dejected, with a bit of grievance in her big eyes. She pursed her rosy lips and muttered softly.

"It's so abominable! Dad is really lying to me. He also said that this mirror is a treasure of the Black Emperor of the ancient Solomon Empire and an extraordinary item. I have tried so many ways, but there is no reaction at all!"

Before the blonde girl finished speaking, the bronze mirror on the table suddenly burst into a deep red light, covering her.

Audrey Hall regained her sight above the gray mist, with a frightened and confused expression on her little face. She looked around and saw a man with a blurred head and a hazy figure across from her, who had the same reaction.

Then, Audrey looked at the last figure in the place. He was shrouded in gray-white mist, mysterious and unpredictable, exuding a strange and powerful aura, which made Audrey's heart jump and she asked in awe.

"Dear sir, where is this place?"

The mysterious figure paused slightly, looked at the two people who suddenly appeared, thoughts surged in his heart, and he remained silent. Then he seemed to have thought of something, and as his thoughts turned, a temple rose from the ground.

The temple was majestic, with towering stone pillars supporting the dome. Just below the dome, a long bronze table appeared in the gray fog. There were ten high-backed chairs on the left and right, and the same seats were placed in front and behind. The back of the chairs was bright and shining, and the deep red was dark, outlining a strange constellation that did not correspond to reality.

Audrey sat opposite a figure opposite her, in the position closest to the top. The mysterious figure sat between the two, calm and composed.

Audrey looked left and right, with a surprised expression on her pretty face, and whispered.

"It's really amazing!"

Audrey stopped the little movement in her hand, feeling nervous, excited, curious, happy, and very complicated. Her eyes flashed brightly, and she looked at the mysterious figure in the center and asked carefully.

"Sir, is this the mysterious extraordinary power?"

"What should I do to become an extraordinary person and master supernatural power?"

Audrey longed to become an extraordinary person. As the jewel in the Hall family's palm, she should have access to extraordinary ways and could easily become an extraordinary person, but so far, she is still an ordinary person.

In the Kingdom of Loen, if humans want to become extraordinary people, they need to join the Church of the Goddess of Night, the Church of the Lord of Storms, or the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery. To become a member of the Night Watchman, the Punisher, and the Mechanical Heart of the three major churches, you need to gain extraordinary power at the cost of freedom.

Alternatively, you can also look for the royal family, a noble family that has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and an evil organization hiding in a dark corner like a street rat, and you can also become an extraordinary person, but you need to pay a certain price. After all, all the gifts of fate have already been marked with a price in secret, right?

Although Audrey yearns to become extraordinary, she is unwilling to pay the price of freedom, so she can only find other ways to enter the extraordinary world.

The figure opposite Audrey saw that this mysterious and strange existence did not speak, thought for a while, and looked up and said to the lady of the earl's family.

"I have two sequence 9 potions in my hand, which can allow you to step into the ranks of extraordinary people!"

"Which two sequences?"

As a daughter of aristocracy, Audrey is naturally not unfamiliar with the extraordinary path, and clearly knows the meaning of these two potions.

If humans want to become truly extraordinary, they can only rely on potions. The name of the potion comes from the blasphemous slate. After being continuously translated into Giant, Elven, Ancient Hermes, Ancient Feysak, and Contemporary Hermes, it has long undergone changes that conform to the characteristics of the times. The name is not the point, but whether it can represent the core symbol of this potion.

"One is a sailor, and the other is an audience."

"Sailors can give you excellent balance, so that you can walk freely like the earth even on a ship covered by a storm. You can also gain excellent strength and phantom scales hidden under your skin, which will make you as difficult to catch as a fish, and as flexible as a sea creature in the water. Even without any equipment, you can easily dive for at least ten minutes."

"As for the audience, you can get outstanding spirit and keen observation. I believe that you have watched opera and drama, and you can understand what the audience represents. Like a bystander, you can examine the actors in the secular society and see their true thoughts from their expressions, their manners, their habits, and their unknown actions."

At this point, the figure paused, took a deep look at Audrey opposite, and reminded emphatically.

"But you must remember that no matter it is a luxurious banquet or a busy street, the audience is always just the audience."

Audrey's eyes lit up, and she was obviously very interested in the audience. After thinking about it, she asked.

"I like the audience very much. I wonder what I need to pay to get this potion?"

A family member wants to watch the Lord of Mysteries. I am not good at this Western fantasy Cthulhu style, so I can only bite the bullet and try it. There must be something wrong with the writing. Please forgive me.

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