I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3248: Breaking the Means, No One Dares to Stop

In the No. 1 building, Zhao Mushen, who was sitting by the window, stood up suddenly. His handsome face showed a surprised expression. He stared at Xiao Yuanyan with a frown, and his voice became a little higher.

"Another slap. Xu Ming's strength is not weak. Even I am not sure that I can win within ten moves. This Xiao Yuanyan is so powerful!"

Zhao Mushen's face gradually became ugly, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he lowered his head to think. After a long time, a faint voice came out.

"I am the strongest person in the young generation!"

In the No. 2 building, everyone in the Martial God Domain also had different expressions, and their faces were shocked. Xiao Yuanyan's strength exceeded their expectations. Xu Ming was the eighth on the God Mansion List, but he was defeated in one move, which was simply blinding everyone's eyes.

Wu Yao's red dress was like fire, her black hair was like black ink, and her phoenix eyes were full of domineering aura. Behind her, a phoenix appeared, and the phoenix was singing for nine days, full of amazing fighting spirit. She stared at the proud figure standing in front of the No. 6 building and murmured.

"It is indeed a real dragon in the world!"

In the No. 3 building, everyone in the Zixiao domain was also in a complicated mood, with their eyes wide open, looking unbelievable. Only the soft and beautiful girl had a calm expression on her face. She had seen Xiao Yuanyan's talent and comprehension in the past, and had expected his strength.

"It's worthy of him!"

In front of the No. 6 building, Xiao Yuanyan faced the hostility of thousands of people in the Demon Puppet Domain. There was no fear on his face. He was calm and calm. He put his left hand behind his back, slowly retracted his right hand, tilted his head slightly, looked at Xu Ming lying in the rubble, and said without a trace of fluctuation in his voice.

"Building No. 6 belongs to Tianyuan Domain. It is more appropriate for Yaokui Domain to return to their own building No. 9!"

After saying that, Xiao Yuanyan ignored the thousands of people in front of him, took a step, and walked straight forward.

"Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, the disciples at the front of Yaokui Domain felt a terrifying pressure, the source energy in their bodies was surging, and their faces changed. They seemed to be hesitating whether to take action. As Xiao Yuanyan kept approaching, their bodies reacted before their brains, and they moved to the sides, not daring to block the way.

Xiao Yuanyan took the lead, and the disciples of Tianyuan Domain followed closely behind him. As he moved forward, the disciples of Yaokui Domain separated like waves, making way for a road. No one dared to block it. This is the real pressure of the heroes.

As Xiao Yuanyan and others entered Building No. 6, the disciples of Yaokui Domain reacted, their faces flushed, and they seemed to be ashamed of their retreat just now, but no one dared to enter Building No. 6 again to challenge the majesty of Tianyuan Domain. They could only take Xu Ming back to Building No. 9 in disgrace.

Xiao Yuanyan's actions today shocked countless people. The Nine Domains Conference, which was about to begin, instantly ignited, and everyone was discussing today's conflict.

"I didn't expect that Tianyuan Domain actually produced an unparalleled genius. The results of this Nine Domains Conference should not be the bottom?!"

"Indeed, who would have thought that the eighth and tenth on the Divine Mansion List were severely hit by a slap from the chief pavilion master of Tianyuan Domain. Such strength should not be inferior to those few!"

"This Nine Domains Conference will be exciting to watch. Who will win the championship in the end is still unknown!"

The next morning, the morning light broke through the darkness and sprinkled on the world, bringing warmth and hope. The morning sun gradually rose, and the golden light became more and more brilliant, and finally changed the color of the world.

The atmosphere in the Fallen City was ignited. Today is the opening day of the Nine Domains Conference. All forces are gearing up, with amazing fighting spirit and high morale.

At the beginning, the Nine Realms Conference was just a contest among the Nine Realms. Later, as time went by, many top forces also wanted to join in and obtain the qualification to compete. After all, the innate spiritual energy in the Fallen Abyss is rich, which is of great benefit to the Divine Mansion Realm and is coveted.

At the beginning, the Nine Realms turned a blind eye to the demands of other top forces. However, as these forces grew in power, in order to stabilize the situation in the Nine Realms, the Nine Realms finally opened a loophole and allowed other top forces to join the Nine Realms Conference, forming the so-called three levels.

The first level of the three levels is that many top forces in Hunyuantian join forces and divide into nine routes to intercept the disciples of the Nine Realms from entering the Fallen Abyss. This level is also called the Nine Dragons Killing. As long as the interception is successful, the intercepted realm can be replaced and the qualification to participate in the Nine Realms Conference can be obtained.

Losing the qualification to participate in the Nine Realms Conference is not a big loss for a behemoth like the Nine Realms. However, the qualification being taken away will make the Nine Realms lose face. Naturally, it is necessary to try to avoid such a thing. Therefore, the Nine Realms Conference has never had the Nine Realms being taken away for so many years.

The people from the nine domains will each take a road, which is decided by drawing lots. The roads are divided into nine levels, with the first level being the most difficult and the ninth level being the easiest.

According to the rules that we have learned before, the first road is reserved for the champion of the last Nine Domains Conference, so the Wanzu Domain is responsible for this road, and the other eight roads are allocated by drawing lots.

However, the situation this year is special. Many top forces have set their sights on the Tianyuan Domain. Since the disappearance of the Great Venerable Cangyuan, the strength of the Tianyuan Domain has been declining. In addition, the intentional or unintentional suppression and weakening of the Tianyuan Domain by the other eight domains has given these top forces hope, just like jackals seeing aging lions and tigers, they want to challenge the status of the overlord and replace it.

The red light of the avenue illuminates the world, and dozens of figures tear through the void and descend on the sky above the Fallen City. Each figure exudes a terrifying pressure, and the entire void is frozen by the powerful source energy. Everyone bows and salutes.

"Meet the Lords of the Law Domain!"

These fourteen figures are all powerful people in the realm of law, nine of them are from the Nine Realms, and the other five are from other top forces in Hunyuantian.

After the fourteen powerful people in the realm of law exchanged some ideas, Zhao Xianxuan from Wanzu Realm came out and looked down at everyone. He had long white hair scattered behind him, unruly, handsome, and had an extraordinary temperament. Between his smooth eyebrows, a vermilion mole seemed to be flashing with a faint light, which made him mysterious.

He swept his eyes over everyone in the city, his expression was stern, and he spoke slowly. His voice was majestic and transmitted to everyone's ears, detonating the whole city.

"The Nine Realms Conference has officially begun, and the draw will begin now!"

Zhao Xianxuan is the direct disciple of Wanzu Dazun. He is extremely powerful and ranks third on the Law Realm list. He is the top powerhouse second only to Jiuyu Dazun. He is one of the most promising people in Hunyuantian to break through the Saint Realm.

Zhao Xianxuan waved his sleeves, and in a huge square in the center of the Fallen City, the earth shook, the ground began to swell and crack rapidly, and a platform of a hundred feet rose up, attracting everyone's attention. Then, he lightly tapped his index finger, and the source energy gathered on the stone platform, and a mud bucket appeared, with eight mud sticks in it, shining brightly, blocking everyone's sight, making it impossible for people to peek into the contents.

"Wanzuyu is the champion of the last Nine Domains Conference. According to the rules, there is no need to draw lots, and the first-class road is directly allocated."

"So the other eight domains come on stage and start drawing lots!"

In the Nine Domains Manor, eight figures shot out from the high building, crossed the void, landed on the high platform, and stood in eight directions, looking at each other, with amazing fighting spirit flashing in their eyes.

The eight people stretched out their hands at the same time, reaching into the mud barrel, each holding a mud stick, and made their choice.

In the void, Zhao Xianxuan's handsome face showed a faint smile. No matter how Tianyuan Domain draws lots, it will eventually draw the most difficult second-class road. Tianyuan Domain will definitely lose the qualification for the Nine Domains Conference this time.

Xiao Yuanyan suddenly frowned slightly, looked up at Zhao Xianxuan in the sky, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, a ray of source energy flowed out from his fingers, fell on the mud sign, and dispersed an extremely hidden source energy.

"To play such a trick in front of me, it's too much to take me in your eyes!"

Xiao Yuanyan's eyes were bright and bright, seeing through the brilliance shrouded on the mud sign, a "nine" came into his eyes, if he hadn't just discovered something strange and defeated the source energy that Zhao Xianxuan had hidden on the mud sign in advance, this "nine" would have become "two". Obviously, Zhao Xianxuan from the Wanzu Domain was full of malice towards Tianyuan Domain.

At the same time when the secret source of energy was defeated, Zhao Xianxuan's face changed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He stared at Xiao Yuanyan on the high platform, and his face could not hide his surprise.

"He can actually find and disperse the source of energy hidden in the mud stick!"

"In this case, it will be difficult for me to change the result of the draw!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the mud sticks in the hands of the eight people. The light gradually dissipated, and the numbers appeared in everyone's sight.

Xiao Yuanyan from Tianyuan Domain drew the best lot, which was number nine, Wu Yao from Wushen Domain was number three, Su Youwei from Zixiao Domain was number five, Wang Xi from Xuehai Domain was number four, Li Tongshen from Shengwen Domain was number eight, Jiugong from Xuanji Domain was number two, Xu Ming from Yaokui Domain was number six, and Yuan Kun from Yushou Domain was number seven.

"Wow, the Tianyuan Domain is so lucky that they just happened to draw the ninth-level road. It seems that the first level will not be difficult for them!"

"It's really a piece of shit luck. The weakest Tianyuan Domain just happened to draw the ninth-level road!"

There was an uproar in the Fallen City, and everyone was talking about it. Everyone showed a strange look on their faces. The Tianyuan Domain was so lucky that they drew the easiest ninth-level road. It seems that they will not be deprived of the qualification for the Nine Domains Conference.

"The number of lots has been determined, and all parties should start preparing!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless lights and shadows suddenly swept into the sky in the Fallen City, covering the sky and the earth, with an amazing momentum.

Dozens of miles outside the Fallen City, there is an ancient mountain range with complex terrain and abysses. Behind this mountain range is the Fallen Abyss. Xiao Yuanyan led the Tianyuan Domain to gather here.

"This time we have drawn the ninth level road. Only one top force is blocking us. There are only 2,000 people. They are not strong and pose no great threat to us!"

When this was said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. They were lucky this time and drew the best. They should be able to pass the first level easily.


Zhao Xianxuan waved his sleeves and a source of energy shot out. The heavy bell sounded through the world and he announced.

"The time has come. The Nine Domains Conference is officially opened. All parties, go out!"

Countless figures bursting with majestic source energy moved at the sound, rushing straight into the sky, like locusts passing by, covering the sky and the earth, and covering the bright sun.

"Let's go too!"

Xiao Yuanyan looked back at the elites of the four pavilions of Fenghuoshanlin, and took the lead. Lu Xiao, Mu Liu, and Han Yuan followed closely, and then the deputy pavilion masters, commanders, and members of the four pavilions followed one after another, breaking through the air towards the ancient mountain range in the south.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yuanyan led everyone in Tianyuan Territory to the front of this ancient mountain range. It was steep and tall, like a towering divine sword, with a sharp edge and a peak that could not be seen at a glance, which made people feel awe.

Xiao Yuanyan did not hesitate at all and rushed straight into the forest, not afraid of the possible obstacles ahead, wanting to rush through the first level in one go.

In the mountains, the shade of the trees is dense, and you can faintly see the red flags waving through the gaps. Powerful auras cover several peaks. There are two thousand people surrounding the flags. Everyone has a burning gaze and flashes with amazing fighting spirit, wanting to complete the feat of slaying the dragon.

Xiao Yuanyan stopped and looked up at the red flag. The red light was all over the sky, like a blazing flame, and the light of source energy was faintly flashing on it. The flag sealed the certificate of entering the Fallen Abyss. To pass this level, you need to rush into the formation and seize the flag.

"Master Xiao Yuanyan, I am Zhao Wenzhou of the Chiyan Sect, and I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Under the red flag stood a burly figure, wearing a red robe and carrying a red sword. His hair and beard were like blazing flames, showing red. The whole person was like a ball of flame, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

"Interesting, these top forces are hiding their weaknesses. This Zhao Wenzhou is as strong as Chen Xuandong, enough to be in the top ten of the Divine Mansion List, but I have never heard of his name before. It seems that he was specially trained to participate in the Nine Domains Conference, hoping to succeed in slaying the dragon!" Zhao Wenzhou did not hide his own powerful source energy fluctuations. The red flames swept through, igniting the void and turning it into a raging sea of ​​fire. The momentum was huge and the power was terrifying. "Master Xiao, if you want to get through, you still need to beat me. If you lose, leave the qualification for the Nine Domains Conference!" Xiao Yuanyan's mouth curled up slightly. He liked this kind of unruly opponent. The more confident and rampant the opponent was, the more decadent he would be after being defeated by him. This contrast could make him feel a little bit of fun. "I'll take care of Zhao Wenzhou, and the others are up to you!"

Xiao Yuanyan didn't say anything nonsense. He glanced at Lu Xiao and others behind him, and casually gave an order. His figure rushed to the top of the mountain like a flash of lightning, and appeared in front of Zhao Wenzhou to confront him.

"You only have one chance, I hope you can grasp it and do your best!"

Xiao Yuanyan looked lazy, his whole body was loose, his muscles were relaxed, and he tilted his head to look at Zhao Wenzhou, who was facing a great enemy, and said to him without any care.

Zhao Wenzhou couldn't care less about talking at this time. He keenly sensed the extremely dangerous aura coming from Xiao Yuanyan. He put his right hand on the hilt of the red sword behind him and untied it from his back. Then he held the sword tightly with both hands. The red source energy burst out with all his strength and poured into the sword. His eyes were focused, and he shouted loudly. The source energy under his feet gushed out, and he rushed towards Xiao Yuanyan. He slashed with a sword, and the red sword light was like a divine punishment, shattering the sea of ​​clouds, collapsing the mountains, and tearing the earth apart, a scene of destruction.

Xiao Yuanyan narrowed his eyes slightly, slowly raised his right hand, and reached out to the void in front of him, breaking through the limitations of space, and appeared directly on Zhao Wenzhou's chest, imprinting it fiercely.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of bones breaking continued to ring out. Zhao Wenzhou's chest collapsed, and the bone fragments pierced through his flesh and blood, exposing himself outside. His body was like being hit by a huge mountain, and he was thrown back and fell hard, embedded in the rocks. With his body as the center, cracks spread outward, and he was like prey falling on a spider web.


Zhao Wenzhou opened his mouth and sprayed out a blood mist. His face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and his head struggled desperately, tilted high, and the red source energy around him dissipated. His right hand trembled and raised, and he stretched out a finger with effort. His blood-stained lips trembled, trying to say something.

"You you.!"

Before he finished speaking, his fingers fell powerlessly, and his head tilted. Zhao Wenzhou had fainted. He was seriously injured and dying, and his breath was extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

Xiao Yuanyan withdrew his gaze from Zhao Wenzhou, with a hint of disdain, and appeared under the red flag in a flash. He stretched out his white and slender right hand and lightly touched the red flag. The light on the flag flowed and fell into his palm, condensing into a scroll, which was the pass certificate for killing Jiulong.

In the mountains, the Tianyuan domain and the Chiyan sect had just collided, and before they could fight, the first level was over. Everyone looked at the miserable Zhao Wenzhou with dull eyes, trembling all over, and then looked up at the invincible figure under the red flag in awe.

"The first level is over, you guys make way!"

When the people in the Tianyuan domain heard this, their eyes were fanatical and their expressions were ecstatic, and they shouted loudly.

"The chief pavilion master is mighty!"

The expressions of the people in the Chiyan sect changed, and their expressions were extremely ugly. They were unwilling, but they did not dare to continue to stop him. According to the rules of passing three levels, Xiao Yuanyan got the pass certificate, and they had lost the qualification to stop him and were eliminated.

If the Chiyan Sect continues to pester them, it will be regarded as a provocation to the Nine Regions. Although they are also considered the top forces in Hunyuan Heaven, they still dare not challenge the majesty of the Nine Regions head-on.

Xiao Yuanyan looked indifferent, walked forward calmly, and ignored the Chiyan Sect disciples who blocked the road ahead, giving people a sense of unstoppable momentum.

The Chiyan Sect disciples did not dare to violate the rules after all, and separated to both sides like waves, making way for a road.

Seeing this, the two thousand people in Tianyuan Territory were all excited, their hearts were surging, and their heroic spirit rose in their hearts. They followed closely, passed through layers of mountains, and appeared outside the Fallen Abyss first.

As time passed, the fog covering the Fallen Abyss became agitated, and a team of people walked out of it and appeared in the sight of everyone in Tianyuan Territory.

"These are people from Wanzu Domain. They are taking the first-class road, but they are only a quarter of an hour slower than us. This speed is too fast!"

The eyes of the people in Tianyuan Domain fell on Zhao Mushen, who was at the front of the team. He was tall and straight, with a tiger back and a bee waist. His black and smooth black hair was scattered on his back. He had a handsome face, cold features, and eyes like cold stars, full of indifference to the world. When he saw the people in Tianyuan Domain, his eyes fluctuated slightly, revealing a trace of surprise.

"It turned out that Tianyuan Domain passed the first level first!"

Zhao Mushen's eyes flashed with thought, shook his head, and did not take it to heart. Although Tianyuan Domain's strength was the last among the nine domains, it was also one of the nine domains. This time, it was the ninth-class road. It was only against one of the top forces, so it was natural to win. After all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

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