I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 320 First meeting

After this true sun fire entered Yuan Hui's body, it continued to burn the inside and outside of Yuan Hui's body. A red glow visible to the naked eye flashed under the skin, and with the continuous burning, Yuan Hui's skin was faintly a little... It becomes transparent and looks like a ruby ​​statue from a distance.

The power of this true sun fire is limited. As time goes by, the true sun fire in Yuan Hui's body gradually dissipates. Yuan Hui draws down a beam of true sun fire again and repeats the body refining just now.

There are some differences between the golden body in the mind space and the physical body in the outside world. After all, the golden body is transformed by spiritual power, not the physical body. With the introduction of the true sun fire from the outside world, the power of the sun's true sun fire in the mind has increased. The golden body introduces the changed true fire of the sun into the golden body. The golden body is like burned gold. Some gold liquid flows out on the surface of the body. The volume of the golden body gradually becomes smaller, but the density of the golden body Yuan Hui can feel that the degree of condensation of his spirit has increased. If the previous mental power was wooden, the current mental power gives people a metallic texture with a hint of edge. It can be seen that this How powerful is the effect of tempering the golden body with the true fire of the sun.

Originally, the "Golden Body of Perfect Enlightenment" created by Yuan Hui had ten levels. Because the realms of warriors are divided into acquired, innate, master, grandmaster and heavenly beings, the "Golden Body of Perfect Enlightenment" had exactly two levels at each level. The first layer needs to be forged by the true fire of the sun, and the first layer needs to be refined by the lunar moonlight. The two are dependent on each other. The sun's true fire burns impurities into ashes, while the lunar moonlight can wash the ashes out of the body, and then repair and nourish the body's side effects caused by the sun's true fire, allowing the body to recover faster.

The afternoon gradually passed. The setting of the sun slowed down the power and temperature of the true sun fire, and the effect of physical training was weakened. At this time, Yuan Hui had completed the first level of the "Golden Body of Enlightenment". , just waiting for the arrival of night to bring down the lunar moonlight to refine the physical and golden bodies.

Yuan Hui gradually stopped working. At that moment, Hui Lun was carrying a food box, followed by a young monk with delicate features, and walked towards Yuan Hui's meditation room.

"Huilun, does Master Yuanhui really agree with you to bring me here?" Huifa was a little worried. He didn't want to be hated by Yuanhui and lose the opportunity just because Huilun wanted to help him. Although Huifa yearned for Yuanhui very much. Huifa is confident that even if he doesn't get anyone's advice, he still won't fall behind others.

"It's true! Master Uncle Yuan Hui told me personally at noon today!"

Huilun turned to look at Huifa, and replied to Huifa very seriously. Because he was so excited, his hands moved so much that the food box was lifted up.

Huifa nodded quickly to show that he understood, reached out and pressed down Huilun's raised hand, carefully stared at the food box, and blamed Huilun.

"Be careful not to overturn the meal! I don't want Master Uncle Yuan Hui to be deprived of his dinner when I meet him for the first time."


Hui Lun quickly stabilized her hand, carefully opened the food box, took a look at the vegetarian food inside, and saw that the vegetables inside were not spilled, so she safely closed the food box.

"It's okay, let's keep walking!"

Huilun pushed Huifa, who was still on the spot, and gave him a strange look. At this time, Huifa's eyes were staring blankly at Yuan Hui not far away.

Hui Lun happened to see Yuan Hui completing the exercise, no different from usual days.

Yuan Hui glanced at the two of them, nodded, and returned to the meditation room.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Hui Lun pushed the stunned Hui Fa again and looked at Hui Fa with confusion and worry.

"Did you just see Master Uncle Yuan Hui?"

Huifa was very excited and grabbed Huilun's arm, and asked loudly, his voice was a little broken, obviously because he was too excited.

"I saw it. Did you also see it once in the practice room?" Huilun didn't understand Huifa's excitement. Wasn't it because he met Master Yuan Hui? Why was Huifa so excited?

"Didn't you see that Uncle Yuan Hui's body was glowing just now? It was a red glow, like an Arhat in the world!"

"You may be dazzled, because the sunset is shining on Master Uncle, and we are walking towards each other, so it looks like Master Yuanhui's body is shining!"

Huilun pointed at the glow of the western sky and explained like Huifa.

"Yeah, maybe!"

Huifa was a little afraid to confirm. He didn't know if he was dazzled, but there was a faint intuition in his heart that told him that it was definitely not caused by the sunlight.

"Hurry up and go, Uncle Yuan Hui has already gone in, let's not waste any time!"

Huilun dragged Huifa, who still had doubts, towards Yuanhui's meditation room.

Yuan Hui is sitting on the futon meditating at this time, recovering her mind. Don't think that Yuan Hui's practice is extremely smooth, but it consumes a lot of money. Mental power is originally yin attribute, and the true fire of the sun is the most yang and the most strong, which is very good for the spirit. He has great restraint. Of course, this restraint will weaken and disappear with the transformation of mental power. At that time, the original yin mental power will change and be contaminated by the yang characteristics of the true fire of the sun, reaching the realm of yin and yang. , this is when the Yin God turns into the Yang God, and finally the Yin God and the Yang God combine with each other to become the Yuan Shen, and having the Yuan Shen means that this person will never fall into reincarnation and transcend life and death.

Yuan Hui meditated like this for half an hour, blankly ignoring the Hui Wheel and Hui Dharma in the room.

Yuan Hui waited until her mental strength was fully recovered. This time she opened her eyes, and saw that Huifa had waited for such a long time without any trace of impatience. Her evaluation of Huifa in her heart was even higher.

Foolish people like Hui Lun are mostly very patient and will not get bored by waiting. Yuan Hui is not surprising at all, but smart people are often unwilling to wait, like to take shortcuts, and have poor patience, but Huifa obviously does not have this shortcoming, which is why Yuan Hui admires him very much. People who are talented and able to endure will usually achieve good results in the end, so Yuan Hui doesn't mind giving Huifa a push on his growth path, allowing him to reach a higher level.

"You must be Huifa!"

Although Yuan Hui asked a question, there was no doubt in her tone.

"Disciple Huifa, pay homage to Master Yuanhui!"

Huifa took a step forward, clasped his hands together, and saluted Yuan Hui.

Yuan Hui nodded, "From now on, you can follow Huilun to deliver food to me. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you!"

"Disciple is willing, thank you, uncle, for making it possible!"

Huifa suppressed his excitement and nodded, and answered without any delay, fearing that if Yuan Hui took back the words, he would miss the opportunity.

Yuan Hui looked at Huifa excitedly, knowing in her heart that this was a smart man who knew how to cherish opportunities, and nodded.

"You can go back today!"

Yuan Hui did not point out the Dharma because it was his first time seeing it, but sent him and Huilun away.

Yuan Hui understands one truth, that is, one must not draw conclusions based on first impressions. As the saying goes, one can tell one's strength by taking a long road, and one can tell people's hearts over time. Moreover, Yuan Hui still understands the principle of not preaching lightly, otherwise the other party will definitely not know how to cherish it.

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