I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3191 Origin Qi Stars, Kun in the North Ming Dynasty

Xiao Yuanyan's spirit sensed a mysterious space, which faintly exuded a kind of attraction. His heart moved slightly. Following this sense, his spirit seemed to hit something and entered a mysterious world. Everything around has undergone tremendous changes. The air current here is turbulent and exudes an ancient vicissitudes of life, just like the ancient wilderness and the beginning of chaos. This is the Taichu Heaven, the special place that Source Master can reach after breaking through the Taichu Realm. space.

The so-called Taichu Heaven was rumored to be formed when the heaven and earth first opened. It is an extremely mysterious space. However, only in the Taichu realm can one be able to sense it, attract the Qi of the Taichu, and refine one's own origin energy. This is the origin of the name Taichu Realm. It is said that there are nine levels in the Taichu Heaven, which contain the ancient Taichu Qi. Absorbing this Taichu Qi can continuously transform one's own Qi Palace, causing huge changes in the Qi Palace. Finally, when it reaches the limit, the Qi Palace will evolve. Directly transformed into the so-called Divine Mansion.

"The soul guides the primordial energy and transforms the qi palace to change the world. These ancient breaths should be the primordial energy. They can refine the source energy and transform the qi palace!"

Xiao Yuanyan understood clearly in his heart, and a feeling of joy rose up. His soul stepped into this mysterious and mysterious Taichu Heaven. This was the real breakthrough to the Taichu Realm.

In the chaotic space, traces of black-yellow air flow floated, exuding antiquity. For these mysterious black-yellow air flows, Xiao Yuanyan's soul instinctively developed a desire to devour it. His soul condensed into substance, exuding a faint brilliance. , standing between the heaven and the earth, looking forward to the brilliance, the powerful perception spreads, the Taichu sky seems to be boundless, and the end of this world is not sensed.

"The next step should be to use the power of the soul to transport the Taichu Qi here back to the human body and transform the Qi Mansion."

In the Taichu Heaven, the more powerful the soul is, the more advantages it has. The efficiency of guiding and transporting Taichu Qi is far better than others. Xiao Yuanyan's soul chuckled. He was born with a powerful soul, and he also practiced the Great Moment of Destruction. The idea is that the soul has entered the late stage of reality and is only one step away from reaching the transformation state. Almost no source master in the Taichu state can compare with him.

Generally speaking, if the source master fails to practice the concept of divine soul and relies on the improvement of cultivation to change the divine soul, when he reaches the Taichu realm, the realm of the divine soul has just entered the early stage of the virtual realm. Since Xiao Yuanyan has been practicing, he has only been like Yaoyao. A girl's soul with mysterious origins can be compared with him. The others are all virtual realm souls, which shows how difficult it is to achieve the real realm of souls.

Xiao Yuanyan has just stepped into the Taichu Realm, and his soul has already reached the late stage of the Real Realm. He can be said to be proud of the others and stand out. He has an extremely huge advantage and can enter the ninth level of the Taichu Realm faster and attack the Divine Mansion Realm.

The power of Xiao Yuanyan's soul surged and turned into an extremely huge millstone. At a glance, you couldn't see its power at all. The upper and lower parts of the millstone rotated at the same time, and a terrifying devouring power erupted, stirring the wind and clouds and crushing them. The heaven and earth sucked the black and yellow air currents floating between the sky and the earth into the millstone, purified it, and poured it into the soul below the world-destroying mill.

Generally speaking, when a Source Master breaks through to the Taichu Realm, the power of his soul can last at most for one stick of incense in the Taichu Heaven. The Taichu Qi that can be absorbed and transported is extremely limited, and he will have to withdraw from this world because the power of his soul is too consumed. .

But Xiao Yuanyan is different. His soul seems to be tireless. The world-destroying great mill transformed by the power of the soul swallows the black and yellow air currents within tens of thousands of miles of Taichu Realm, triggering strange phenomena in the world. Tornadoes of air currents are surging, and they are constantly being blown away. The millstone swallowed it, and the black-yellow air flow poured into the soul. The originally bright white soul turned into a black-yellow color, exuding an ancient and vast aura. Until the soul could no longer contain Taichu Qi, he did not feel a trace of fatigue.

"It's time to go back. This Prime Qi is enough to temper the Origin Qi in my body, allowing me to advance further in my cultivation!"

Xiao Yuanyan's mind moved, and his soul began to leave Taichu Tian. The tyrannical soul whizzed down with a massive amount of black and yellow air, and continued to fall along the connection with the physical body.

In the holy site, in the collapsed valley, a black-yellow torrent suddenly appeared in the sky, pouring down, covering Xiao Yuanyan's entire body, and continuously pouring into his body.

"This is Taichu Qi, someone has broken through to the Taichu realm!"

"Who on earth broke through the Taichu Realm so quickly!"

The geniuses in the Holy Relic Land looked up into the void, looking at the black and yellow torrent like a river pouring down, with a look of horror on their faces, and said in disbelief.

"Even if you break through the Taichu realm, it's impossible to absorb so much Taichu Qi?"

These geniuses all come from major forces and are very familiar with the information about Source Master's breakthrough to the Taichu Realm. How can anyone guide and transport such terrifying Taichu Qi? It's like the Taichu Heaven is broken, causing Taichu Qi to flow into the world.

Countless figures shot out and headed towards the direction where the black and yellow air was pouring down. All the geniuses were moved. They wanted to see what was going on. There was such a terrifying Taichu Qi falling into the holy place.

Xiao Yuanyan ignored the outside world, and the black and yellow airflow hanging down from the sky continued to fall, and was integrated into the Qi Mansion by him, and the world of Qi Mansion began to undergo huge changes. As more and more Taichu Qi entered, the Qi Mansion began to expand and extend. It was so vast that there was no end in sight. Some ancient lines were looming in the Qi Mansion, like the original traces of origin between heaven and earth, containing incomparable mysteries. The mystery of the Qi Palace made the Qi Palace even more solid and magical. Wisps of colorful light still emerged, and the golden Qi Palace turned into a seven-color Qi Palace. This is a mutated Qi Palace that has never appeared before, hiding unknown secrets.

After Xiao Yuanyan sensed the blending of the Origin Qi and Taichu Qi entrenched in the Qi Mansion, a mysterious mist rose up. The mist condensed, and finally turned into star-like light points above the Qi Mansion. It is filled with extremely condensed and pure source energy, and on every light point and star, it seems that the phantom of Kunpeng can be faintly seen. With the appearance of the Origin Qi stars, the Origin Qi in Xiao Yuanyan's Qi Mansion was also rapidly consumed.

"This is the symbol of Taichu Realm, the Origin Qi Star!"

Xiao Yuanyan stared at those light stars. These Origin Qi stars are the symbols of Taichu Realm and possess powerful power. When fighting with others, if these Origin Qi stars are detonated, the bursting Origin Qi will have more powerful explosive power. and lethality.

When ordinary Origin Masters break through to the Taibei Realm, they can generally condense about twenty Origin Qi stars. Only the proud ones can condense a hundred Origin Qi stars. It is said that when you reach the ninth level of the Taichu Realm, the more Source Qi stars are condensed in the Qi Mansion, the higher the level of the Divine Mansion will be in the future.

Xiao Yuanyan stared at the dazzling Origin Qi stars in the world of Qi Mansion, which were densely packed like a starry sky. He was very satisfied. He had just entered the first level of Taichu Realm and had condensed at least a thousand Origin Qi stars. His foundation and foundation could be called It is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Xiao Yuanyan slowly opened his eyes, calm and calm, like a deep pool, exuding a fatal attraction, unfathomable and intoxicating. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, which was originally ordinary. Qi's appearance was actually filled with a strange sense of beauty at this time, exuding a strange charm. He raised his head and looked up at the sky. The endless black and yellow air flow had disappeared at this time, and only the dim sky came into view.

Xiao Yuanyan withdrew his gaze and looked at the corpse of the wind and thunder beast lying on the ground. Wisps of white mist rose again and condensed into a blue-black jade slip. He slowly reached out to touch it, and a stream of information poured in. In his mind, just as he expected, this jade slip recorded a small Tianyuan technique called Da Feng Lei.

“The Holy Land has gained a lot this time, and it’s time to end it!”

During this trip, Xiao Yuanyan not only broke through the Taichu Realm, but also obtained a lot of Xuantian Origin Technique and Xiaotian Origin Technique, which was a huge gain, and he also had the opportunity to join the Six Sacred Sect. As for the great fortune and great opportunities here, Xiao Yuanyan is not very interested. Although the blood of saints is precious and powerful, he does not have the habit of integrating the blood of others into his body. He believes that with his own qualifications and talents, even without the blood of saints, Blood can still reach the pinnacle of this world.

"With Yaoyao here, the great creation of the Holy Relics Land is none other than Zhou Yuan, how can someone else take his turn!"

There was a somewhat mysterious expression on Xiao Yuanyan's face. The place of holy ruins was the place where ancestor Cangxuan fell. He died to protect Yaoyao. He believed that Yaoyao was the future of the human race, so he would inevitably put her down. The blood of the saint was given to Zhou Yuan, allowing him to increase his strength and protect Yaoyao, the hope of the human race, in the future.

At this moment, a change occurred in the sky, and tens of thousands of rays of light gathered together to form a huge stone monument. The stone monument seemed extremely far away, but it could be seen clearly with the naked eye, making people feel extremely mysterious.

There were writings on the stone tablet. Xiao Yuanyan looked at it carefully and clearly saw the ancient fonts. Although he didn't recognize them, he could clearly understand the meaning.

"Only those whose names are left on the tablet can enter the holy place."

There are also four ancient large characters on the top of the stele, indicating outstanding achievements.

It is said that there is a mysterious place in the Holy Relics Land, where the Great Creation is hidden. This place is the Holy Land. However, the Holy Land has never appeared before, and this is the first time.

"Is it because of Yaoyao?"

Xiao Yuanyan withdrew his eyes from the stone tablet, with a thoughtful expression on his face. He knew in his heart that Cangxuan Ancestor must have sensed that Yaoyao had entered the holy place, so he opened the holy place.

The ancient words on the stone tablet were seen by all the geniuses, and the entire Holy Land was boiling. Everyone's eyes were blazing. They all knew what entering the Holy Land meant, and the greatest creation of the Holy Land was hidden there.

As a result, countless geniuses began to think about what the outstanding achievements written on the stone tablets meant, and what they could do to leave their names on the stone tablets.

At this moment, the stone tablet above the sky changed. Countless geniuses felt the change and looked up with shock on their faces.

Light condensed on the holy stele, and ancient words slowly appeared on the stele, Xiao Yuanyan, cut off the wind and thunder, and enter the beginning.

Just nine words, but it set off a huge wave in the land of holy monuments. Countless geniuses stared at the holy monument in stunned silence, shocked by the information revealed on it.

"It turns out that the person who just broke through the Taichu Realm is Xiao Yuanyan. Where did this guy come from, and he was able to enter the Taichu Realm first?"

"This person is definitely the supreme genius. Even Wu Huang, who is known as the Great Martial True Dragon, failed to enter the Taichu Realm, but he broke through first. He must be extraordinary!"

In the distant mountains and forests, Wu Huang, who was wearing a golden robe, had an ashen complexion, his eyes were fixed on the holy monument, and he said in a cold voice.

"Damn, how could he enter the Taibei Realm so quickly? Even if I get the great fortune in the Holy Land, I can't improve my cultivation too much and still can't defeat him!"

"Is it possible that he is the real holy dragon and Zhou Yuan is just a fake dragon that confuses everyone?"

Wu Huang was filled with shock and doubt. The real dragon's shadow behind him was ferocious. He raised his head and roared angrily. He was lost in thought for a while.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Wu Huang. He was dressed in white and had a handsome face. He was as gentle as jade and unparalleled in the world. Yaoyao's ethereal and mysterious eyes condensed with cold light, and a bright light emerged between her smooth brows, and an extremely powerful wave of soul was slowly released.

"If you bully Zhou Yuan, I will bully you!"

After saying that, the girl raised her hand, pointed out a finger, and went straight to the golden Origin Qi above Wu Huang's head. The void shook, and the Origin Qi exploded. Wu Huang was unable to resist, and his body continued to retreat.

"You want to stop me?"

Wu Huang's face became even more ugly, and he looked at this perfect girl with a gloomy look. An astonishing chill was exuding all over his body. He felt extremely aggrieved. He had been repeatedly frustrated during this trip, and was defeated at the hands of Xiao Yuanyan many times. Now Yaoyao appeared again, and his strength made him feel afraid.

"I want to try, if I defeat you, will it count as an outstanding achievement?"

The elf-like girl's voice fell, her long sleeves shook slightly, scrolls floated in front of her, and astonishing source energy fluctuations slowly emitted.

A quarter of an hour later, the holy stele above the sky shook again, and ancient words appeared, Zhou Xiaoyao, fighting Wu Huang, Wu Huang retreated. The second name appeared, and the whole sacred place was boiling. Wu Huang was the real dragon's luck, Prince Da Wu, who was famous in the vast continent. No one knew about it. No one knew about it. He actually lost to Zhou Xiaoyao, this is really shocking.

Wu Huang is the top figure of the younger generation and one of the strongest contenders for the great creation of the Holy Land. But now he was defeated by Zhou Xiaoyao, and he was an unknown person. How could he not make people talk about him?

After the appearance of the Holy Monument, countless battles broke out in the Land of Holy Relics, but none of them were recognized by the Holy Monument. This shows how difficult the conditions are to achieve outstanding results. If you want to leave a name on the monument, I'm afraid you should reach the Taichu Realm battle to be considered worthy.

Subsequently, the battles in the Holy Relic Land continued to break out, and names appeared on the stone tablets one by one. Each battle was the intensity of the Taichu Realm, which meant that the supreme geniuses were competing again. One of them left his name, and the other lost. Extremely cruel.

"Jiang Quan, Dongxuan Continent."

"Result: Fight Zhenxu, win."

"Zhu Ying, Dongxuan Continent."

"Result: Battle against Green Radish, small victory."

"Zhou Yuan, the vast continent."

"Achievements, Zhan Zhuyao."


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and there were as many as thirty-eight names on the stone tablet. During this period, fortunes continued to appear in the Holy Land. After a fierce battle, someone with good luck finally obtained the fortune, and the strength Improve quickly and reach the sky in one step. Many geniuses who were stuck in the late stage of Tianguan realm took advantage of this to break through the bottleneck and step into Taichu realm!

The rules of the Holy Monument are not only that battles are considered achievements. As long as you can obtain good fortune and enter the Taibei Realm, you can leave your name on the monument. In other words, the thirty-eight people on the monument now all possess the strength of Taichu Realm!

Before entering the Holy Relics Land, the countless prodigies who could reach the Taibei Realm of strength could be counted on one hand, but now the number has increased sharply to thirty-eight. This shows that there are many opportunities for creation in this Holy Relics Land. If you have more, you can reach the sky in one step.

The holy monument high in the sky vibrated and made a roaring sound. Billions of rays of light bloomed, dazzling and dazzling. A giant tower emerged from the light and fell into everyone's eyes. In front of the giant tower, tens of thousands of rays of light condensed into a platform.

At the same time, an ancient voice seemed to have penetrated time and space, resounding between heaven and earth, full of indescribable majesty and mystery.

"Those who leave their names on the tablet can enter the Holy Tower."

"Those who climb to the top of the Holy Tower will receive great blessings."

The sound resounded throughout the world, and the entire holy site was in an uproar instantly. Xiao Yuanyan looked up at the holy tower, smiled slightly, and said softly.

"It's interesting, I'll join in the fun too."

As soon as the words fell, the soul stirred up the connection in the dark. The three characters Xiao Yuanyan on the holy monument bloomed with bright light, turned into a beam of light and fell from the sky, shrouding it. Xiao Yuanyan's figure emerged on the platform in front of the holy tower. The door of the Holy Tower slowly opened, making a roaring sound.

Xiao Yuanyan lowered his head and looked down, watching the thirty-seven beams of light slowly rising up around the genius, he chuckled and said loudly.

"I'll take the first step and wait for you in front!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yuanyan stepped into the Holy Tower without any hesitation, and his figure disappeared from the sight of the other geniuses. Everyone's faces showed anxiety, fearing that Xiao Yuanyan would get there first and gain access to the Holy Land. The great good fortune in the world.

Xiao Yuanyan raised his head and looked ahead. A towering and majestic mountain came into view. The entire mountain was emitting holy light and shrouded in clouds and mist. The highest mountain top was hidden in the clouds and mist, making it impossible to spy. In front of him was a stone staircase made of huge bluestone. Each step of the stone staircase was taller than a person. The stone staircase continued to spread up until the end of the line of sight. From a distance, it looked like a creeping snake. The green dragon, the bluestone is old and mottled, and seems to contain a mysterious atmosphere. There is only one road leading to the top of the entire holy mountain.

Xiao Yuan's soul was powerful and his senses were keen. He felt a dangerous aura from the stairs, but he still didn't hesitate. He stepped onto the stairs, the source of energy surged under his feet, and he looked like a ghost, running towards the top of the mountain at a very fast speed. go.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound from the end of the stone staircase, the heaven and earth shook, and green light shone, pouring down like a torrent, majestic and endless, as if everything in its path would be destroyed.

"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun!"

A clear voice echoed from the stone stairs. God Xiao Yuanyan seemed to have transformed into an extremely huge Kun, swimming in the blue torrent, like a fish in water, swallowing the infinite source energy contained in it. The energy in his body continued to surge and increase, and his speed increased dramatically. Still rushing towards the end of the stone staircase. (End of chapter)

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