I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3169 The python swallows the dragon and outlines the origin pattern

Li Ziyi was greatly embarrassed when he heard this, and fled back to the bedroom in a state of embarrassment. Liu Qianqian's eyes widened, innocently looking at Li Ziyi who suddenly returned to the bedroom, and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong, do you also want to rest for a while?"

"Get up quickly, mom has already made breakfast!"

Li Ziyi hurriedly walked to the bed, stretched out his hand and pulled Liu Qianqian up. Her delicate body in sexy underwear made his mouth dry for a while. He muttered a few words of color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and urged Liu Qianqian who still didn't want to get up.

"Don't stay in bed. Mom heard it all last night. If you don't get up, I really won't be able to behave in front of her in the future!"

When Liu Qianqian heard this, her pretty face turned red. She remembered that the commotion last night was really loud. She didn't expect that her mother heard it. She became angry and pinched Li Ziyi's waist hard with two slender fingers. complained.

"It's all your fault. I asked you to be quiet last night, but you didn't listen and my mother heard it. Now it's better!"

Li Ziyi pretended to be in pain and grinned, making Liu Qianqian unable to bear to continue pinching him. He quickly let go of the soft flesh around his waist, stood up and put on his clothes. The two of them left the bedroom together and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. It was just the two of them. She kept her head down the whole time, not daring to look at the mature Liu Xiaoli. She was like an ostrich burying her head in the sand, deceiving herself and others.

The Great Zhou Dynasty went to the northwest area of ​​Great Zhou City, where there was a Great Zhou Mansion.

The so-called Great Zhou Mansion was created by Zhou Qing's personal orders a few years ago, and at the same time he mobilized military masters as mentors. When the Great Zhou Mansion recruits students, there is no distinction between high and low status. Even civilians, as long as they have the talent for cultivation, You can also be qualified and allowed to enter the Great Zhou Mansion to practice. Many civilians have changed their destiny because of this, crossing the class and becoming the powerful class of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Over the years, Dazhou Mansion has trained many talents for Dazhou, so its status has become higher and higher in the Dazhou Dynasty. Therefore, even His Highness Xiao Yuanyan studied here, at the gate of Dazhou Mansion The place is heavily guarded, with armored guards strictly checking the identity cards of all entrants.

A slender figure slowly came from a distance. He checked his identity card with the guards before allowing him to enter. This man was wearing a white cotton robe, simple and ordinary, with a slightly delicate and unremarkable appearance. A pair of eyes are piercing, bright and clear, like a baby, innocent and very eye-catching.

In the Xiyuan of Dazhou Mansion, in a spacious and bright church, desks are arranged neatly. In front of the desks, many boys and girls sit on their knees, and the atmosphere is quiet.

Xiao Yuanyan was sitting on his knees in front of a desk in the seventh row. There was a smooth jade board on his desk, and a long dark red pen lying flat on one side. The whole body of this pen is made of ruby. The vellus hair on the tip of the pen is made of the softest hair from the belly of the Flame Rat. It is slender and sparkling with light. It is a source pattern pen.

The most important thing for carving the source pattern is the source pattern pen. All source patterns require this pen as a medium to outline the mysterious and profound source patterns, thereby stimulating the source energy between heaven and earth and exerting great power.

Therefore, the importance of the source pattern pen is self-evident. Without the source pattern pen, no matter how high the attainment of the source pattern is, the power of the source pattern engraved will be three points weaker.

Xiao Yuanyan held the ruby ​​Yuanwen pen in his hand and stared ahead. A middle-aged male lecturer was imparting knowledge about the Yuanwen in a serious tone and calmly.

"The so-called source pattern, the soul is the guide, the tip of the pen is gathered to outline the source marks, every stroke, the soul is used as the ink, so the carved source pattern can activate the source energy of heaven and earth."

"You must remember that when inscribing the source pattern, you need to be calm and not have any distracting thoughts. Turn the source pattern pen in your hand into a part of yourself. Only in this way can the soul be concentrated on the tip of the pen, so that the pen can follow the heart and complete the work in one go."

Xiao Yuanyan was multitasking, running away from work, and glanced at a thin young man. He was dressed in rich clothes and had a hosta on his head. He exuded a noble air, but his face was a bit childish and pale, as if he had a stubborn disease. , The body is weak and does not look like he will live a long life.

"The python swallowed the dragon. The Dawu Dynasty was ruthless. Not only did they allow King Wu's children to seize the fortune of the Holy Dragon from His Highness the Crown Prince of Zhou, they also sealed the resentful dragon poison into Zhou Yuan's body, devouring his essence and blood continuously. As it grows stronger, until it matures and explodes, it will completely devour the vitality of His Royal Highness, who is blessed with great luck!"

Don’t look at the fact that the Great Zhou Dynasty today is in a corner, just a small country in this endless vast continent, but fifteen years ago, the Great Zhou Dynasty was a powerful state in the heavens, with all the countries coming to court, and it was powerful in all directions, even today The country's fortunes are at its peak, with countless origin masters, and the top Dawu dynasty is its vassal state.

During the hundreds of years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Wu family has been loyal to the Zhou family in all directions. Later, when the Great Zhou Dynasty was established, the Zhou family recognized their contribution and named the Wu family hereditary King Wu, enjoying unlimited rights. The Wu family also protected the country for hundreds of years. Zhou border, shocking all sides.

The Wu family has kept a low profile for hundreds of years, and has gained extremely powerful power, winning over many princes in the Zhou Dynasty. Fifteen years ago, without the Zhou Dynasty being aware of it, they rebelled brazenly and defeated the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty. After being defeated, in just one year, the Zhou family retreated to their ancestral home and huddled here.

The reason why the Wu family dared to rebel was because of a prophecy: if the python swallows the dragon, the great Wu will rise!

The Dawu Dynasty surrounded the Zhou family in Dazhou City, but did not attack, just to wait for the birth of the Dazhou Prince Zhou Yuan and fulfill the prophecy of the python swallowing the dragon.

Zhou Yuansheng, the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had a vision. Purple air was steaming, he was surrounded by dragon energy, and the dragon's roar shook the heaven and earth. It was the aura of a holy dragon. He was born with eight meridians that opened automatically. He had passed through the realm of opening the meridians and reached the realm of nourishing qi when he was just born.

This is the destiny of the legendary holy dragon, which is unique in millions. In the future, it can enter the great realm, be the same light as the heaven and the earth, and live the same life as the sun and the moon. It is an unprecedented holy dragon of the Zhou family!

King Wu's wife had been pregnant for three years without giving birth, just to give birth to a pair of children at the same time on the day of Zhou Yuan's birth. The boy was surrounded by the aura of a dragon and python, and the baby girl had the aura of a sparrow in her head. They also had luck.

On that day, King Wu threatened Zhou Yuan's thousands of miles of land and hundreds of millions of people and let his two sons and daughters seize Zhou Yuan's holy dragon destiny. In order to prevent the king of Zhou from being destroyed and destroying Zhou Yuan's holy dragon destiny, he made a decision They swore that the Dawu Dynasty would not attack the Zhou Dynasty within a hundred years and allowed them to recuperate and recuperate. From then on, Dawu was protected by dragons and phoenixes, and the country prospered and prospered.

That day, outside the city, the pythons sang in unison, and the glow was brilliant. Taking advantage of the situation, the sacred dragon in the city screamed, turned into blue smoke, and curled away. This was the python swallowing the dragon. Zhou Yuan's eight meridians were destroyed, the Holy Dragon's luck dissipated, and he became a useless person, unable to practice. If Queen Qin Yu hadn't sacrificed her life span and instilled Qi and blood into him, she would have died long ago.

“When heaven entrusts a person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. Therefore, tempting his heart and forbearance has benefited him beyond what he could do.”

Xiao Yuanyan shook his head, looking like an old master, looking very funny. Fortunately, he was not conspicuous and did not attract the attention of the lecturer in front. Otherwise, he would have to go out and stand for punishment.

"Next, continue to practice the three Origin Patterns I taught you before. I hope someone can successfully complete one of them."

After the middle-aged male lecturer finished explaining all the knowledge about Origin Patterns, he looked at all the students and asked.

As soon as the lecturer said this, there was a wailing sound in the book garden, and the young and girl's expressions turned bitter, just because practicing the Origin Pattern seemed simple, but after every practice, it would make people feel exhausted and sleepy.

In this world, Master Yuan is the mainstream. Source pattern is not the main path of cultivation, but it is broad and profound.

The source pattern is guided by the soul, gathers the tip of the pen, outlines the source marks, and can activate the source energy of the world. Each source pattern is composed of source marks. Generally speaking, the more source marks contained in the source pattern, the higher its grade. The more powerful it becomes. It is divided into nine grades, with the first grade having the lowest source pattern. The Origin Pattern focuses on the soul. Once refined, it can complement the Origin Master's way.

Only with a powerful soul can one be able to carve high-level source patterns. If you want to strengthen your soul, there are only two ways. One is to wait for your own strength to improve. The soul will be strengthened as your strength improves. However, the progress is slow and the improvement is limited. The second way is to practice soul forging. However, soul forging skills are quite rare in the world, and only some big forces possess them.

Practitioners are called source masters because they inhale the energy of the origin of heaven and earth and transform themselves. Origin Qi is also divided into nine levels, the third level is called Xuan, the sixth level is called Heaven, and the ninth level is called Saint. They are Nourishing Qi Realm, Tianguan Realm, Taichu Realm, Shenfu Realm, Tianyang Realm, Yuanying Realm, Dharma Realm Realm and Saint Realm.

"Hmph! What are you howling for? The three origin patterns I taught you, the barbarian cow pattern, the light body pattern, and the iron skin pattern, are all just entry-level origin patterns."

The middle-aged male lecturer had very strict requirements for the students. He frowned in dissatisfaction and said with a bit of hatred for the iron.

Xiao Yuanyan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, holding the Origin Pattern pen in his hand, his heart as quiet as a deep pool. He stared at the smooth jade plate, and a light appeared between his eyebrows. Then, at the tip of the Origin Pattern pen, there was a red light flashing, and the pen tip slowly Slowly scratching across the jade board, leaving behind a series of complicated traces, like antelope hanging horns, exuding some mysterious Taoist charm, cleverly combined together to form an iron skin pattern, which contains a certain meaning. A magical power.

"Okay, that's right. The lines are perfect and the writing is full of spirit. This iron-skinned line can be regarded as a successful masterpiece."

The middle-aged lecturer had already stood beside Xiao Yuanyan at some point, with a satisfied smile on his serious face, nodding in admiration.

Other people in the church raised their heads and looked at Xiao Yuanyan, with a bit of amazement in their clear eyes. Although the iron-skin pattern is only an inferior source pattern, it still contains hundreds of source marks, which requires spending money. It takes lots of time to practice to be successful.

Before the other students took action, Xiao Yuanyan had already succeeded. He was also a student. He was so good, how could he not attract attention? Even Zhou Yuan, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, looked surprised.

Although Zhou Yuan's eight meridians were abolished, he was born with great luck after all, and his soul was different from ordinary people. He quickly held his breath and eliminated Xiao Yuanyan's influence. He concentrated on sketching the traces of origin. The tip of his pen flowed quietly like water, without the slightest trace. Stagnant, with a flowing beauty, and successfully completed iron skin lines.

The middle-aged lecturer was immediately overjoyed and walked to Zhou Yuan's side. Compared to Xiao Yuanyan, who came from an ordinary background, Zhou Yuan was the one that the Great Zhou Mansion focused on, and he praised him.

"His Royal Highness, your talent is extraordinary, your understanding is extraordinary, and you can do it smoothly and in one go, which is amazing!"

Zhou Yuan still has some self-awareness. Although he has good talent in the way of origin patterns, he is still not as good as Xiao Yuanyan, a civilian genius. In this moment, the other man has already used the remaining barbaric cow patterns and The light body tattoo engraving was successful.

The middle-aged lecturer also saw Xiao Yuanyan's results, with a look of joy on his face and said to the other boys and girls.

"You should learn more from His Highness the Crown Prince and Xiao Yuanyan to improve your learning efficiency. It's just an inferior source pattern. After practicing for a month, you still can't succeed. It's really shameful!"

All the boys and girls shook their heads when they heard this. They still knew how much they weighed, and their talent in the Origin Pattern was far inferior to that of Xiao Yuanyan and Zhou Yuan.

Suddenly, a sneer came, and everyone looked over. Sitting there was a handsome young man in brocade robes, with a bit of rebelliousness. He looked at Zhou Yuan provocatively and said sarcastically.

"The lecturer's words are wrong! Our main thoughts are more on opening the meridians. Naturally, we cannot devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the study of Origin Patterns like His Highness Zhou Yuan. Otherwise, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?"

The young man in brocade is named Xu Lin, and his father is the governor of Zhenxi County in the Zhou Dynasty. In terms of status, he is naturally far inferior to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Zhou Yuan. However, as we all know, there is someone behind Xu Lin, and his backer is the young prince of Prince Qi. Qi Yue.

The King of Qi is the object of support of the Dawu Dynasty. In recent years, he has been making troubles and making the Zhou Dynasty uneasy.

Because the Zhou family was afraid of Dawu and were afraid of giving them an excuse to deal with the Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou could not directly take action against the king of Qi. They secretly fought endlessly and played games with each other.

As the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Yuan often had conflicts and frictions with Qi Yue, who was also studying in the Great Zhou Mansion. This Xu Lin was a pawn and often provoked Zhou Yuan.

However, Xu Lin never provoked and suppressed Xiao Yuanyan, firstly because Xiao Yuanyan was a genius in cultivation, with extremely fast cultivation speed and strong strength, so he was no match for him. The second reason is that Xiao Yuanyan can surpass Zhou Yuan in the cultivation of Origin Patterns, so that Zhou Yuan will not be the one to dominate, and he is the one Xu Lin needs to win over.

Zhou Yuan did not refute Xu Lin. His inability to open his pulse was a permanent scar on him. There was a look of sadness on his face, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

The middle-aged lecturer glared at Xu Lin, who wanted to continue taunting him. He was full of intimidation. After all, Da Zhou Mansion was the best school in the Da Zhou Dynasty. If he was expelled, it would be a huge loss to Xu Lin. He would not You're stupid, you won't confront the lecturer.

"Okay, that's it for today, continue tomorrow!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately cheered. No student liked the class. It is human nature for teenagers to be playful.

Xiao Yuanyan also had a smile on his ordinary face. He put away the books on the table, stood up and walked out of the church, turning a blind eye to the dispute between Xu Lin and Zhou Yuan behind him. He was just a commoner, why bother to get involved? When fighting with the powerful, it is best to keep a respectful distance.

The next day, Xu Lin clashed with Zhou Yuan again. The reason was that Xu Lin plotted against Zhou Yuan's friend Su Youwei and took away her place in the college entrance examination. In order to help her regain her place, Zhou Yuan used the Juyuan Jade as a bet to challenge Xu. Forest.

Da Zhou Mansion, martial arts arena. Martial arts performance stages stood one after another, with many young people shouting and fighting, their fists and kicks vigorous, and their momentum was not weak. Many onlookers under the stage burst into cheers from time to time, including some young and beautiful girls, with beautiful eyes looking forward, This aroused the enthusiasm of the young people on the stage, and they used various methods to show off in front of the beautiful lady.

Xiao Yuanyan sat quietly under the martial arts stage, watching Xu Lin slowly walk up. Under the propaganda of some people, the news of Zhou Yuan's appointment with Xu Lin had spread throughout the Great Zhou Mansion. Under this martial arts stage Countless people gathered, all eyes focused on the stage.

"His Royal Highness is in big trouble this time. He can't open his pulse and is weak. How can he beat Xu Lin? He has opened two pulses and is considered the best among our students!"

"This Xu Lin is really a bully. He must have used some despicable means to force His Highness Zhou Yuan."

The meridians are divided into eight meridians. Every time a meridian is opened, the physical quality will be improved. The strength, speed, reaction, etc. are far superior to those who have not opened the meridians. Opening one meridian can easily defeat dozens of unopened meridians. By.

Not only was Zhou Yuan unable to open his pulse, he even had the Resentful Dragon Poison sealed in his body. His body was weak and he was no match for Xu Lin, so it aroused countless people's discussions and made it very noisy.

It can also be seen from this that Zhou Yuan has a good reputation, and most students think Xu Lin is cunning and fight against him.

"How do these people know that he is the protagonist of the world, the son of destiny? If he cannot defeat the strong with the weak, how can he slap the villain in the face and win the admiration and admiration of everyone!"

Xiao Yuanyan was not worried about Zhou Yuan at all. After all, the opponent was the leading actor in this world. With the halo of the protagonist, there was no way Xu Lin, an NPC, could defeat him. He only needed to quietly enjoy the battle.

Xu Lin obviously heard the grievances of the students in the audience and didn't take it seriously. He showed a somewhat proud smile on his face. Today he will definitely teach Zhou Yuan a lesson. Although he does not dare to hurt Zhou Yuan's life, he will definitely hurt this person. It is still possible for him to be the crown prince. In this way, Zhou Yuan will definitely become a laughing stock and the prestige of the Zhou family will be damaged.

Suddenly, the crowd in the audience parted, and the thin Zhou Yuan strolled in. He looked like a young man, a little lean and bookish, with a gentle and elegant temperament, like a frail scholar.

Next to Zhou Yuan was a young girl. She was wearing the uniform of a student of the Great Zhou Mansion. It was a little loose and had a faint outline of well-developed curves. She had a pair of slender straight legs, white and tender skin, a straight jade nose, and willowy eyebrows. She is a rare beauty, especially with a tear mole in the corner of her eye, which adds a bit of flavor to the girl.

An anxious and worried look appeared on the girl's face, her slender white hands grabbed Zhou Yuan's sleeves, her rosy mouth opened and closed, and she tried to dissuade him.

"Your Highness, let's forget it. I don't want the place in this big exam!"

"That won't work. I fought hard to get this spot for you. If you can enter the top ten in the exam two months later, you can get the guidance of the palace master, which will be of great benefit to your cultivation! "

This pretty girl is Su Youwei. She has a strong talent for cultivation. She was a genius discovered by Zhou Yuan. He recommended her to practice in the Great Zhou Mansion. She has already opened up the third line and is expected to open up the fourth line before the big exam. In the Great Zhou Mansion His reputation is great, no less than that of Xiao Yuanyan.

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