I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 316 Arhat Fist

Among these disciples, Yuan Hui saw Hui Lun, a young novice monk who was delivering food to him. In fact, although Hui Lun was about the same age as Yuan Hui, he was much taller than Yuan Hui. He was a few years earlier than Yuan Hui in the Shaolin Temple. The reason for becoming a monk is just because Huilun has just passed the three-year training period, so he can only practice the most basic Arhat Quan. Don’t think that Arhat Quan is on the verge of extinction. Everyone in the world knows one or two hands of Arhat Quan, which means that Arhat Quan is useless. .

Luohan Quan is said to have been created by Bodhidharma, the founder of Shaolin. In the twelfth year of Liang Datong's reign, Bodhidharma went barefoot to the Central Plains and gave a lecture on Zen Buddhism in the Shaolin Temple. He saw that all the monks were sallow and thin, weak in energy, and some even fell asleep and died of illness. He said with emotion: "Although monks do not value the body, It is also not allowed to have a clear understanding of nature, causing the soul to separate. If you want to understand nature, you must first strengthen your body, then the body will be strong and the soul will be easy to understand. "So he created the eighteen-hand Arhat Boxer and taught it to the monks. After practicing it for only a few months, the individual A man full of energy is the starting point.

At that time, the so-called Luohan Boxer only had eighteen hands. In its practice, it always embodies the Zen spirit of "no thoughts as the sect", focusing on breathing and breathing, the movement of Qi through the six meridians, guarding the mind, keeping the conditions, and calming the mind. It is not chaotic, so it is also called "Shaolin Xinfa Arhat Boxing". There is a poem that says: "Dharma did not write a single word when he was born. He only relied on his mind and effort. If he wanted to find the Dharma in the sutras, he would dip the tip of his pen into the Dongting Lake."

Yuan Hui watched the little novice Huilun practicing the eighteen postures of Luohan Fist. The seemingly simple postures of Hunyuanyi Momentum, Hunyuanyi Momentum, and Immortal Palm Pushing Clouds Moment actually gave birth to the wisdom of Bodhidharma and could strengthen the body. Increasing physical strength is an excellent foundation-building martial art. It is precisely because of this that Shaolin Temple teaches Luohan Quan as the first martial arts for Shaolin disciples. Disciples like Yuan Hui directly inherit and practice the seventy-two unique skills. On the contrary, it is very rare.

Yuan Hui looked at Huilun who was seriously practicing martial arts and nodded and shook his head at the same time. He nodded because Arhat Quan does have merits and Bodhidharma's wisdom is indeed extraordinary. The Arhat Quan he created is suitable for almost everyone's practice. Don't underestimate it. Looking at universal skills, creating a third-rate skill that can be practiced by most people definitely requires more wisdom than creating a first-rate skill that is only suitable for a few people. It can better reflect a person's martial arts wisdom. .

Yuan Hui shook his head because Hui Lun was indeed not very enlightened. He simply imitated the Arhat Fist taught by the monks, without any changes. His movements were rigid and mechanical. If he continued to practice the Arhat Fist, he would only get twice the result with half the effort. The effect is relatively poor, and it is difficult to quickly polish the physical body to meet the conditions for practicing internal strength.

Yuan Hui looked at the disciples in the field who were practicing martial arts in full swing. Although she didn't know the internal skills and mental methods, she basically knew the characteristics and concepts of this skill by observing their movements and body changes. Once you hit the target, you can perform an eighty-nine-point performance in an instant. You only need to go back and improve it to reach the level of the original technique.

Yuan Hui went around in a circle and felt that he had gained a lot. He secretly learned a lot of Shaolin stunts. Although he had never seen the secret book, through his own deduction, he already knew almost everything, so he left here quite satisfied. , walked towards the outside of the practice room.

After Yuan Hui left, a group of novice novices came to Hui Lun, formed a circle, and whispered to Hui Lun about Yuan Hui just now.

"Huilun, is that young monk just now the newly initiated Master Yuan Hui?" One of the young monks, relatively strong and extremely tall, seemed to be the leader of this group of young monks. He asked Huilun in a low voice. When hearing the news about Yuan Hui, they kept their voices low because they were all new disciples at the lowest level of Shaolin. They had just started practicing Arhat Boxing, and they were afraid that if they spoke too loudly, they would attract attention.

"That's Master Yuanhui!" Huilun stopped what he was doing, looked at his curious companions, and nodded in confirmation.

"I really envy Master Uncle Yuan Hui. At the same age as us, he became a disciple of Kong Jian Shen Monk. He rose to the sky in one step and could directly practice my Shaolin magic skills, unlike us who can only follow the steps step by step!"

The young monks around them all nodded their heads. Indeed, Yuan Hui's luck and good fortune made them all very envious. After all, not only was Yuan Hui higher in seniority than them, but he could also practice cultivation directly without the need for three years of testing. Martial arts, and guided by a master like Kongxing, how could he not make them envious.

"Uncle Yuanhui, it seems that he has not started practicing martial arts. Uncle Kongxing has urged him many times, but he has ignored him!"

When Huilun thought of delivering the meal directly, he encountered a conversation between Kongxing and Yuanhui, and told everyone what he knew.

"Ah, is it true?" All the young monks were shocked. How could anyone not practice martial arts under such superior conditions? This simply broke their cognition.

"It's true, Master Uncle Yuanhui. He has only been reciting scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion and not practicing martial arts at all! Master Kongxing's uncle is very angry!" Huilun thought about the time when Kongxing went crazy, which made him tremble with fear. , that emptiness is like a glaring Vajra, which is intimidating.

The young monks all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Huilun's daily gossip about Yuanhui and emptiness. They all had a look of pity for Yuanhui on their faces. They all thought that Yuanhui was in the midst of blessings and did not know how to be blessed. Don't know how to cherish opportunities.

"What are you doing, why don't you hurry up and practice martial arts!"

At this moment, a shirtless Shaolin monk roared at the group of young monks. He was responsible for teaching the new disciples martial arts. He was a monk from Luohan Hall. He was the same generation as Yuan Hui. Of course, he had the same status as Yuan Hui. Hui is incomparable, after all, one is an ordinary warrior monk, and the other is a disciple of the Shaolin monk, and heir to the mantle.

The young monks, not daring to say anything, immediately dispersed, took up their stances again, and began to fight the Arhat Fist.

Unknowingly, Yuan Hui has been wandering around the temple all afternoon. This is the first time that Yuan Hui has a clear understanding of Shaolin Temple. Before, he only focused on recuperating his body and reading Buddhist scriptures, so he never browsed the scenery of Shaolin Temple.

When we returned to the meditation room, it was already sunset on Xishan Road, and the red sunset illuminated Yuan Hui's thin body, as if covered with a layer of red cassock, and he looked very much like a young holy monk, which made people admire him.

"Uncle Yuanhui!" Huilun was waiting outside the meditation room at this time, holding Suzhai in his hand, which was the dinner prepared for Yuanhui.

"Come in, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Yuan Hui looked at Su Zhai, who was already cold, and understood that Huilun must have been waiting outside the meditation room for a long time. He reached out and pushed open the door of the Zen room, let Hui Lun in, and motioned for him to put Su Zhai on the table.

"Disciple didn't wait long!" Huilun didn't take any credit. He was a relatively simple little monk, not good at words, and even a bit dull.

Yuan Hui glanced at Huilun's expression and saw that he didn't feel any strange or dissatisfied. She pondered in her heart and then said, "Huilun, I saw that you have started practicing Arhat Boxing today!"

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