I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 311 Empty Seeing

"I don't know what terrible things this child has gone through, but with his strong will, he actually dragged his body like this all the way to me. It's fate!"

The old monk was originally a Shaolin eminent monk and a respected figure in the world. Originally, he came out this time to resolve the grievances between his disciples and the Mingjiao Dharma King, and to save the disciples and the Mingjiao Dharma King. However, he did not expect that he would actually be here. I met Li Ziyi everywhere, and my heart seemed to be moving, and I actually thought of taking Li Ziyi as my disciple.

The old monk took out a pill from his pocket. This was originally Shaolin's Small Return Pill. It could increase one's skill and heal most internal injuries. It was extremely precious, second only to Shaolin's Great Return Pill. Even with his status in the Shaolin Temple, he has only kept one as a backup over the years.

The old monk didn't give up at all, and directly put the elixir into Li Ziyi's air. Then he fed Li Ziyi some water from a bowl and helped him take the elixir.

The effect of Xiao Huan Dan was excellent. After a while, Li Ziyi's face started to improve, and there was a trace of blood on his withered face. It was worthy of being a secret elixir from Shaolin.

Although the old monk is interested in accepting a disciple, after all, his identity and status are not a decision that can be made lightly. He needs to carefully examine the other party's origins and experience to avoid causing losses to the Shaolin Temple.

Thinking of this, the old monk took off his cassock, wrapped it around Li Ziyi, picked him up, and ran towards the direction where Li Ziyi came from.

The old monk looked at the traces of the scimitar on the ground and was not worried that he was looking in the wrong direction. This was caused by the scimitar beside Li Ziyi dragging on the ground. The old man had just seen that the scimitar beside Li Ziyi had been curled up. The blade was broken. He thought it was caused by a brutal battle, but now it seemed that it was worn on the ground.

The old monk kept running in the direction where Li Ziyi came from, but the further he walked, the more surprised he looked on his face. Although he knew that the child in his body had a very strong will, he did not expect that it was so powerful, which was simply beyond the old monk's imagination.

The old monk estimated that he had walked nearly 30 miles, but he still had not reached the end where Li Ziyi came. It can be seen how far the comatose child had gone simply by relying on his will. This made his desire to accept a disciple even stronger. Yes, this is a good young man. He is gifted, mentally strong, and determined. He can definitely pass on his legacy.

The old monk continued to run forward, and after walking for another 20 miles, he came to the place where Li Ziyi buried his body during the day.

The old monk looked at the dead bodies of the Mongolian soldiers on the ground and couldn't help but recite the Buddha's name aloud, "Amitabha!"

The old monk came to the corpse and examined it carefully, and found that all the soldiers were killed by bows and arrows. They were all killed with one blow, without any exception.

The old monk couldn't help but take a breath. These people were all shot by the Mongolian eagle shooters. He had seen the eagle shooters in the Mongolian army. Although their martial arts were not very skilled, they were a great threat and could be used in battles. On the ground, he shoots the golden eagle flying high in the sky. If he is on the battlefield, this kind of person is a big killer, and he can kill the heads of thousands of soldiers.

The old monk thought about what happened here, surveyed the scene, and saw the tombstone erected by Li Ziyi.

The old monk looked at the six characters "Tomb of Troubled Times" written in blood on the wooden board and couldn't help but darken his face. He had already made some guesses about the matter, but just in case, he still had to check it himself.

The old monk put Li Ziyi down and came to the tombstone. He clasped his hands together and confessed secretly in his heart. He stretched out his hand to pull out the tombstone and shook the soil away with his palm, revealing the corpse in the pit.

The old monk couldn't help but feel ashamed when he looked at the people who died tragically in the pit. He covered them with soil again and inserted the tombstones again.

The old monk sat on the ground, crossed his legs and meditated, and recited the Buddhist Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra.

"I have heard that for a time the Buddha was in the Trayasa Heaven, preaching the Dharma for his mother. At that time, all the Buddhas in the immeasurable worlds in the ten directions, as well as the great Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, came to assemble and praise Sakyamuni Buddha. Able to manifest the power of unimaginable great wisdom and supernatural powers in the evil world of five turbidities, tame strong sentient beings, and understand the laws of suffering and happiness. Each of them sent his attendants to inquire about the World Honored One..."

The scriptures were recited over and over again in the old monk's mouth. He had decided to recite the scriptures a hundred times for these people who died tragically to atone for his sins. In order to verify Li Ziyi's identity, the old monk offended the deceased. , which made the old monk feel guilty, so he worked so hard to save the deceased. You must know that with his status, he is not required to do such things on weekdays, and naturally there are younger disciples to do it for him.

The sky turned from dark to bright, and soon rose to the middle of the sky. In the hot summer, the old monk never showed a trace of sweat. At his level, he was still immune to the cold and heat, but Li Ziyi beside him had a lot of sweat on his forehead. He was sweating less, but he was still asleep and didn't feel hot at all.

"At that time, all the indescribable and indescribable Buddhas, Tathagata, and the eight great bodhisattvas, gods, dragons, and eight tribes who came from the ten directions heard that Shakyamuni Buddha praised and praised Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. His majestic power was unbelievable, and he sighed that it had never been seen before. At that time, From the Trayast Heaven, immeasurable incense and flowers rained down, and heavenly robes were adorned with pearls. They made offerings to Sakyamuni Buddha and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. All the people in the assembly paid homage again, joined their palms and retreated."

The old monk finally completed his salvation and recited the sutra a hundred times. Then he stood up, walked towards Li Ziyi, picked him up, and left the place, heading towards Songshan Mountain.

Songshan Mountain was called "Waifang" in ancient times, "Shangshan" and "Chongshan" in the Xia and Shang Dynasties, and "Yueshan" in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Songshan Mountain was regarded as the central left Dai (Taishan) and right Huashan (Huashan), and Songshan was designated as Zhongyue. , was originally called "Zhongyue Songshan". Songshan Mountain is located northwest of Dengfeng, Henan Province, adjacent to the ancient capital Luoyang to the west and Zhengzhou to the east. It belongs to the Funiu Mountain System.

The total area of ​​Songshan Mountain is about 450 square kilometers. It is composed of Taishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain, with a total of 72 peaks. The main peak, Junji Peak, is located in Taishi Mountain, and the highest peak, Liantian Peak, is located in Shaoshi Mountain. Mount Song overlooks the Yellow River and Luoshui in the north, borders Yingshui and Jishan in the south, connects to Zhengbian in the east, and connects to Luoyang, the ancient capital of the Thirteenth Dynasty in the west. It is an important barrier to the east of Luoyang, the ancient capital. It has always been a place in the capital and has a profound cultural heritage. It is China's The birthplace of Zen Buddhism and a holy land of Taoism. More than 30 emperors and more than 150 famous literati have visited Songshan. There is a famous saying in "The Book of Songs" that "Song is as high as the mountains, as high as the sky."

Shaolin is located in Songshan Mountain. It is the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world. It is the leader of the righteous way and is powerful in the world. It has seventy-two unique skills. Many people in the martial arts world know one or two basic martial arts such as Shaolin's Luohan Fist. That's why the world's martial arts comes from Shaolin. Good reputation.

"Senior brother Kong Jian, why are you back?"

As the abbot of Shaolin, Kong Wen knew his senior brother very well. He was compassionate and highly skilled. He was ranked first among the four great monks in Shaolin. Even he himself was convinced and admired him.

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