I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3087 Innate Qiankun Gong, Qianli Ze Three Domains

"Your Majesty's Hun Tian Bao Jian is getting more and more profound!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the corpse of the strange bird that fell to the ground, with a look of admiration on his face, and said to Ji Boyi.

Ji Bo Yi's handsome and elegant face showed a humble smile, and he smiled without showing any pride. He looked unusually calm, which made the admiration in Jiang Ziya's eyes even more obvious.

"E Chongyu's men actually have people who can control birds, and they are quite capable. It seems that our trip this time is destined to not be too peaceful!"

Jiang Ziya said to everyone with a heavy expression that Nan Chu was stronger than everyone imagined. I thought that except for the Demon Lord, others did not need special attention, but now it seems that it is not that simple and is destined to be in constant trouble.

"If you take the mountain road, you need to pass through the Luohun Mountains that stretch for more than a thousand miles. They are either steep cliffs or dense forest canyons. They are extremely rugged and difficult to travel, and there are also hidden countless ancient ferocious beasts and unknown poisons. Once they fly over, We will be besieged by all the ferocious beasts and poisonous creatures. It will take about a month to climb mountains and ridges, with steep twists and turns, if everything goes well."

Zhiwei also had a solemn look on his face, frowning slightly, thinking carefully, and analyzing the next itinerary and difficulties to everyone.

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya shook his head slightly, thinking that this way was not feasible. He moved his eyes to look at the old old woman, and asked.

"Grandma Zhen, you know the south best, what will happen if we switch to the water route?"

"The waterway is Qianli Ze. As the name suggests, it is a vast area of ​​more than a thousand miles. It is the largest swamp area in the world. Qianli Zeli includes many areas. Although there are mountains and mountains, there are insect poisonous marsh gas, floating mud and quicksand. There are countless evil poisons that are hard to guard against! Compared with the Rising Soul Mountain Range, many people mistakenly believe that Qian Lize can escape, but the result is that they will become thousands of innocent souls. But if everything goes well, it will not take half a month to reach the demon territory. "

"But it's faster to take the water route. You can quickly meet up with our soldiers and horses. You don't have to worry about encountering any enemies then!"

Apparently Po Po believes that everyone should take the water route. Although it is not safer than other roads, it will be very convenient in terms of time.

"Poor mother-in-law makes a wise decision and buying time is the most advantageous!"

Ji Boyi agreed. Although Qianli Ze is extremely dangerous, there are phantom realms and fairy realms hidden in it. The former is inhabited by extremely terrifying demons, and the latter is the residence of the Emperor of Heaven, with countless wonders left behind by the Lord of Immortals. Rare treasures and magical skills are the main reasons why Ji Game agreed to come to the south in the first place.

"Although I have obtained the Innate Qiankun Kung Fu, the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, and the Hun Tian Baojian, there are never too many magical skills and secrets. Han Xin points out soldiers, the more the better. These will turn into my accumulated heritage, increase my wisdom and knowledge, and make me more Cultivation to the peak quickly!"

Ji Boyi's eyes fluctuated slightly and he looked at Ji Fa beside him. He looked more childish and innocent now that he was missing a soul.

"Furthermore, I have only acquired the first six of the seven innate Qiankun Gong. The last one, the earth-shattering one, was only taught by Yiyouzi to Ji Fa. That is the essence of the innate Qiankun Gong!"

"But with the first six skills, I also deduced a version of the seventh skill, but I don't know what the difference is with the original version?"

The deep hidden Xuan Gong power in Ji Boyi's body flows slowly, exuding the vastness and thickness of the universe. It is extremely pure and is not weaker than the power cultivated by other special skills such as Tianmo Gong. This extremely pure power begins to faintly After merging with the Huntian Treasure Mirror, a more mysterious power was born, which seemed to be the most original existence in the world.

Xiantian Qiankun Kung Fu, as the top divine and demon-level martial arts of the righteous path, has the clearest and most powerful heritage.

In ancient times, the earth was filled with floods and flames. As the leader of the human race, Emperor Xuanyuan prayed to God for a way to save the human race. The Emperor in heaven felt Xuanyuan's sincerity and ordered the black turtle to retreat from the flood and the dragon and horse to suppress the volcano. On the backs of the black turtles and dragons, there are mysterious text patterns carved on each of them. After Xuanyuan Huangdi burned them, he named them Hetu Luoshu.

After more than 20 years of hard study, Xuanyuan Huangdi understood the principles of Yin and Yang Bagua from the Hetu, and created the innate Qiankun Gong. Then, with the help of the jade sword in Longma's mouth, he observed Luo Shu and also understood the Qimen Formation. , the way of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, relying on the two secrets learned from the Hetu Luo Book, Xuanyuan Huangdi defeated the Chi You demon, reached the peak of humanity, and ascended to the heaven. After Huangdi Xuanyuan succeeded, he took over the position of Emperor of Heaven and obtained the Sword of Heavenly Emperor, the most powerful weapon in the world. Afterwards, he went through catastrophes and reincarnations, leaving countless romantic debts in the world. Finally, he was killed by the celestial demon under the catastrophe. Sneak attack, bad retribution.

As time went by, Hetu was passed into the hands of the Qiankun Patriarch, who founded the Guangcheng Immortal Sect, and Luoshu was the treasure of the Kunlun Sect, which was the lineage of Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao. It is precisely because of this origin that the Guangcheng Xian Sect and the Kunlun Sect are regarded as representatives of the righteous path. Although Ji Chang was only a Xibohou, in the eyes of the people of the world, especially among the martial arts people, his reputation was higher than that of King Zhou.

As the prince of Xiqi, Ji Boyi's status is even higher than that of Ji Fa. He has practiced the innate Qiankun Gong since he was a child, and the righteousness of the Xuan Gong in his body is extremely pure. The seven skills of Qiankun, except for the last earth-shattering one, are familiar with the other six skills. . In addition, he is wise and knowledgeable, and has the Zhenwu Sword Cultivation and other methods of the Kunxu Realm as a reference. Only then can he integrate these two top righteous secrets into one with great wisdom, great perseverance, and great fortune.

Along the way, everyone's pace was still slower than expected, and they encountered some obstacles and troubles, but fortunately it had little impact on them. After about ten days, they finally arrived at the nearest place in Qianli Ze In the fishing village, Ji Boyi and others rested for the night and adjusted their condition.

Early on the next morning, everyone got on a long, narrow and light boat, and the boatman rowed with strong arms, moving like an arrow.

The boat moved like flying, and by noon it had glided a hundred miles and reached the edge of Qianli Ze. I saw dark clouds and miasma gathering on the lake in the distance. Terrifying, eerie and chilling.

"Everyone, be careful. There is a plague swamp ahead. Be sure not to inhale the miasma, and beware of attacks by evil spirits and poisonous creatures, as well as floating sand whirlpool traps."

"This place is filled with poisonous gas for hundreds of miles, but the concentration of miasma is higher than that of air, so the two feet of space above the water is still fresh air. As long as we walk close to the water, we can get through!"

Grandma Jiu has profound skills. When her voice reaches everyone's ears, it is very clear, condensed and undisturbed, which is admirable.

"This plague swamp is one of the three areas of Qianli Ze. As long as we can pass three levels in a row, our work will be considered complete this time!"

Grandma Zhen said loudly again that she loves everyone, and explained the dangers to everyone. Qianli Ze covers thousands of miles and includes three different regions: Plague Swamp, Shura Fantasy Realm, and Penglai Immortal Realm. Each region is full of mysteries, weirdness, and very dangerous. For thousands of years, it has swallowed up thousands of lives. Dry bones and wandering souls are everywhere!

The first level is the plague swamp area. The miasma of swamp gas can kill people invisible even more than the plague. There are countless evil and poisonous substances in the swamp, and they like to eat the living people. Quicksand and whirlpool traps are all over the swamp, and all of them are covered in blood. The poison in the throat is hard to guard against!

But what is more dangerous is the Shura Fantasy Realm. It is said that the most powerful, ferocious and cruel devils in the legend live there. The fantasy realm is filled with an evil force that seizes people's minds. Even gods who fall into it will be destroyed. Will be controlled by illusion and change from good camp to evil camp.

Finally, there is the Penglai Immortal Realm, whose name has only been heard but has never been seen by anyone. It is just the opposite of the Marsh Realm and the Fantasy Realm. The beautiful mountains and valleys in the territory are full of fairy birds and beasts. Mortals who practice in the Immortal Realm can reach the heaven, but these are It's just a legend, because everyone who enters the Immortal Realm can never return to the mortal world, so in the eyes of everyone, these three realms are very dangerous and terrifying!

Jiang Ziya's face turned solemn when he heard this, black and white flashed in his eyes, he looked at everyone, and gave a serious warning.

"There must be evil spirits in the fantasy realm, while the fairy realm is full of cryptic secrets. Please don't wander in!"

Suddenly, Ji Boyi seemed to sense something. When he looked up, he only saw countless clouds and miasma and poisonous flying insects in the sky. On top of these poisonous miasma flying insects, there were countless birds gathered together, and a strange man sat cross-legged. On top of a large eagle, it seems to be spying on everyone's whereabouts.

"Here we go again, this time it flew so high, even I can't kill these birds and that person!"

Grandma Zhen took the lead, and countless poisonous miasmas centered on her, turning into an invisible whirlpool. This master of the Poison Dao is not afraid of these highly poisonous things. Instead, he practices his own poisonous skills, which is terrifying.

"After entering the swamp area, the vision is unclear. I will keep shouting and commanding, and you must follow me. Some places in the swamp area are also solid, but most of them are floating mud or quicksand. Don't get off the boat unless necessary! "

"If we get separated, go straight south and meet at the other end of the swamp!"

Ji Boyi withdrew his gaze after hearing this. He did not feel any obvious hostility from this strange man. He had a vague guess that the other party might not be a subordinate of the Marquis of Southern Chu, E Chongyu, and that he might have another purpose in spying on their whereabouts.

"With my power, how can the miasma get close to me?"

Ji Boyi activated Xuan Gong's righteous energy, and the pure Yang energy shield spread, wrapping the entire boat, and followed Granny Jiu in front.

When Jiang Ziya saw this scene, he also activated the mysterious power in his body and followed Ji Fa to protect him. However, Zhiwei, Jianwei and others were not strong enough and could only push the miasma away a few inches.

"We and the Crown Prince are too far apart from each other."

However, compared to the second lieutenant, Bai Maohu and Lei Zhenzi could only hide in the boat to avoid the poisonous miasma. Po Po, the veteran of the demon clan, is the most poisonous thing in her own right. She stands at the front of the boat, constantly absorbing and devouring these poisonous gases, and practicing her already extremely terrifying poison skills.

Everyone walked for more than ten miles without any accidents. In the process, Ji Game saw countless bright flowers wrapped in miasma, as well as various deformed poisons, without changing his expression.

Suddenly a crocodile jumped out of the water, opened its mouth and attacked the sword captain on the left. The latter immediately drew his sword and chopped it off. Xueliang's sword energy exploded and had already chopped off the head of the crocodile at the front. Its blood turned out to be black and purple, and turned into black smoke when it came into contact with the water.

The sword in the sword captain's hand, because it was contaminated with the poisonous blood of the crocodile, lost all its luster in the blink of an eye and became dull.

"What a powerful poison, it can actually contaminate weapons!"

The sword captain was surprised and immediately used his power to shake away the poisonous blood on the sword blade. At this moment, a strange and harsh sound suddenly came from the thick swamp gas.

"It's a whistle unique to Nanchu spies. Are they really going to intercept us here?"

Grandma Jiu's demon clan has been at war with Nanchu for a long time. She is very familiar with this whistle sound and immediately stopped absorbing the poisonous gas.

Ji Boyi opened his right eye, and the five-colored divine light was flowing in it. He had seen through the strong miasma, and found a field with bright poisonous flowers growing somewhere in front of him. A man whose whole body was covered with green herbs was making this strange noise. Deliver the sound.

"As soon as the war starts, I will find a way to leave and go to the fairyland to see it!"

While Ji Boyi was thinking, he suddenly felt constant vibrations under his body and ripples on the lake surface, as if something terrible was about to appear.

"These loud noises are..."

Grandma Zhen's face changed drastically and she quickly warned, but before she could finish her words, all the boats were overturned by an incomparable force, and a huge thing as big as a mountain emerged from the lake.

"It's an octopus. The drums are beating loudly to scare this giant creature!"

As Po Po exclaimed, everyone returned to the boat and fell into the lake. Unexpectedly, countless huge octopuses rushed out of the lake and began to attack them.

"You can only stun, not massacre!"

Grandma Zhen shouted sternly, reminding everyone of the taboos, but unfortunately she was a step too late.

Ji Boyi stretched out the sword finger of his right hand, and tens of millions of brilliant sword energy fell down like stars exploding, covering all the octopuses and smashing them to pieces.

"Tell the princess that the prey has been trapped in a trap!"

"Rocket launch!"

Somewhere in the swamp in the distance, among the rocks, the graceful E You'er sat on the shoulders of a giant. She smiled sweetly and ordered. She was the daughter of E Chongyu, the Marquis of Southern Chu, and was ordered to come to stop Ji Bo Yi and his party. people.

"Oops, let's get out of here!"

Ji Boyi's Galaxy Sword fell like thousands of meteors, killing everything and killing the octopus, but Grandma Jiu's expression changed drastically and she quickly urged.

At this moment, countless dark and thick ink emitted from the octopus's body, covering the entire lake. A smelly and hot breath came, and countless rockets were shot like locusts.


The rocket landed on the dark lake and immediately burst into flames. These inks turned out to be extremely flammable, like petroleum, and the flames quickly spread across the water. The fire was blazing, and waves of fire rolled towards everyone. The flames burned the miasma, mixed with various poisonous flowers, plants, insects and snakes in the swamp, and turned into a poisonous fire with no solution, burning from all directions.

"Oops, there are still dozens of miles away from the exit of the swamp area. A few of us can support it, but the rest of us will probably be poisoned to death!"

Grandma Zhen looked anxious and shouted loudly, looking at Lei Zhenzi and others. They were weak in strength and had shallow skills, so they would easily fall into these poisonous fires.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he immediately activated his mysterious power and enveloped the white-haired tiger, Lei Zhenzi and Jiang Cong around him in his energy.

Although Ji Fa lost his whole soul, he still had no problem protecting himself since he practiced the Innate Qiankun Gong and the Huntian Baojian intensively and had taken Tianfu Xianlian before.

"Follow me and rush out as fast as you can!"

Ji Boyi's body was running with mystical skills, the Heaven Treasure Mirror, and the blue ice and snow were being used. The ice-cold snow air filled the air, extinguishing all the poisonous fires around him. At the same time, the ice air also froze the lake surface. He used his own powerful skills to open up a a path.

Everyone was a master of martial arts. Even the white-haired tiger with low martial arts skills was led by Jiang Ziya, a great master. They all turned into streams of light and rushed out in the boundless waves of poisonous fire.

"Haha, you are trying to kill yourself. I didn't expect that I could get the credit so easily this time!"

Thousands of elites were stationed on the rocks, and the leader among them was the Southern Chu Eagle General. He laughed out loud when he saw the flames soaring into the sky in the distance, and E You'er, who was sitting on the shoulders of the giant beside him, had the same look on his beautiful face. With a faint smile.

"Isn't this my trip in vain?"

Suddenly, the giant under E You'er spoke, and his voice buzzed like thunder. Some of the weaker soldiers who were closer were even shocked to the point where their ears and noses bleed.

"Senior brother, don't worry. With Grandma Jiang Ziyajiu's cultivation, she can escape from the sea of ​​fire. You will definitely have a chance to take action."

E You'er gently comforted the giant. This man was the eldest disciple of the Demon Lord. He had the bloodline of a mandrill. He had natural divine power and the Demon Lord's magical power. He could move mountains and was terrifyingly powerful.

"Hmph, even if they are lucky enough to escape, they will never be able to escape the next few traps you will follow, Junior Sister. I'm afraid that those who finally come to me will also lose their fighting ability."

The harsh and sharp whistle sounded again, reminding E You'er that Ji Boyi and the others had fought their way out of the poisonous fire.

"There is an army of Southern Chu ahead, waiting for work, everyone, be careful!"

Ji Boyi's right eye flashed with five-colored light, which turned into a sword light and killed his opponent. But halfway through, he felt something was wrong and stopped.

I saw dozens of military boats crowded together in front, and more than a dozen boats surrounding them outside. Every warship on board was full of people, with expressions of grief and indignation. You could vaguely smell an extremely strong smell of gunpowder smoke. But at this moment, the surrounding warships suddenly faced each other. Dozens of warships inside fired rockets and killed each other.


At this time, Ji Boyi had discovered that there were a lot of explosives on each military boat. The opponent's rockets were like locusts shooting into the pile of military boats in the middle. Countless explosives immediately exploded violently.

The violent roar lasted for half a quarter of an hour. Hundreds of soldiers were not spared. All of them were shattered into pieces. The remains and meat fragments were scattered all over the lake. The lake was also stained red with blood. It was simply a cruel slaughterhouse of hell.

Jiang Ziya and others had just come out of the sea of ​​fire. Seeing this tragic scene, they couldn't help but feel chilled and frightened, and they all spoke in shock and uncertainty.

"Why did Nanchu kill his own soldiers?"

Ji Boyi saw that the situation was not good and did not approach, but he was unharmed. He frowned in confusion and became more and more vigilant.

"Princess Princess, the blood trap has taken shape, they are already turtles in the jar!"

Sitting on the giant's shoulders, E You'er heard the spies' report, and a happy smile appeared on her beautiful and bright jade face.

"Haha, they will definitely feel confused and unaware of our plan. By the time they realize it, it will be too late. A disaster is imminent and there is no escape!" (End of Chapter)

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