I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3084 Hun Tian Bao Jian, the eighth golden dawn

"It all depends on people. Even if we risk our lives, we must let the prince live. Please tell me how to do it!"

Jianwei's attitude was firm and resolute, which aroused the passion of Bai Maohu, Lei Zhenzi and others.

"I am a poor man with little talent and little knowledge. I can only think of three ways to save the prince."

"One of them is the rare thousand-year-old fairy lotus of our Guangcheng Immortal Sect, also known as the Tianfu fairy lotus. It is a sacred object in the heavenly fairy world. The fairy lotus can bloom and bear fruit only once every hundred years, so it is very precious."

"Lotus seeds are like elixirs, which can bring people back to life. One seed can increase one's skill for thirty years. They are a rare and supreme elixir in the world. In addition to lotus seeds, lotus roots also have supreme effects. They can refine bones and muscles, regenerate dead flesh, and improve the overall health of the body. Paralysis can also be cured!"

When Wei Zhi and Wei Jian heard this, they looked happy. You must know that Ji Chang is the successor of Guangcheng Xian Sect. As long as he speaks to the master of Guangcheng Xian Sect, Yiyouzi, there should be no problem.

Unfortunately, things were not as easy as Zhiwei and Jianwei imagined. The white-haired tiger suddenly spoke and poured cold water on them.

"It's broken. I once heard the master say that Taoist Yiyouzi had used up all the lotus seeds and lotus roots of the Immortal Lotus in order to save him. There will be no Tianfu Immortal Lotus within a hundred years."

Upon hearing the bad news, Taoist Master Huigu smiled bitterly, while Wei Zhi and Wei Jian looked miserable.

Only Ji Boyi was calm and composed, and seemed to really put his own life and death at risk. He had known this for a long time. He was not pretending to be weak to get the Tianfu Immortal Lotus, but had other agendas.

"Taoist Priest, what about the second method?"

Zhiwei did not give up and immediately continued to ask. Taoist Huaigu did not hide anything and told him about another more precious divine object.

"It is said that the demon clan in the south also has a rare treasure of heaven and earth, called Jiutian Ice Cicada. It is made from the purest and purest, most yin and coldest spiritual energy in the fairy world. Ordinary people can live forever and be reborn after taking it."


Hearing these two words, everyone frowned and looked sad, knowing that this was not possible.

The full name of the Demon Clan is the Baidi Demon Clan. They are a semi-barbaric people in the south who live in the jungles of the deep mountains and ridges. Ten years ago, the Demon Tribe was led by the Demon Commander and his army killed 700,000 members of the tribe. The Demon Tribe leader, the Demon Lord, was even captured and sent to the Heavenly Prison. King Zhou tortured the Demon Lord for ten years, but was still unable to pry out the whereabouts of Jiutian Bingchan from his mouth. This method should not work either.

"Please also ask the Taoist priest to tell you the last method."

However, Zhiwei looked at Taoist Huaigu with his last hope and asked for advice on the last method.

"It is said that Empress Nuwa once refined stones to mend the sky, and the five-color stones left behind were turned into sky crystals. There are ten of them, which contain all kinds of energy of nature. Among them is a Blood Sky Sky Crystal, which contains majestic vitality and blood. If the prince If you can master this ancient and unparalleled magical martial art, absorbing the blood and energy of the sky, you can also expel the evil energy from your body and be reborn!"

Hearing the words of Taoist Nostalgia, Ji Boyi's eyes fluctuated slightly. The Huntian Baojian was the purpose of his trip, and it was not in vain for him to perform such a painful show.

When Bai Maohu and Lei Zhenzi heard this, their faces showed joy and they spoke quickly.

"Great, I happened to sweep the Piaomiao City Lord's Huntian Treasure Mirror earlier and got ten great sky crystals. The master gave them to me for collection before he left! Wait a minute, I will bring the sky crystals to you Prince!"

After the white-haired tiger finished speaking, he immediately went to his room. A moment later, he came back with heavy steps, holding a big bag.

"These are the ten heavenly crystals, and the complete set of Hun Tian Baojian is also recorded on them. Your Majesty, please practice quickly!"


The cloth bag fell on the square table in front of Ji Boyi, and the ten sky crystals were half exposed, blooming with colorful brilliance. The power of flowing water, flames, clouds, blood, sunlight, and stars slowly rippled out, invading everyone. inside the body.

Ji Boyi realized that the tendons that he had deliberately corroded with demonic energy actually began to slowly recover under the nourishment of the divine power of the sky crystal, and he couldn't help but feel amazed.

The names of the ten heavenly stems are engraved on each of the ten heavenly crystals. There are several lines of small characters below. One of them is engraved with the character "ren" and the three characters "bloody sky" are engraved on it.

"It seems that my life is not deserved!"

With a faint smile on his face, Ji Boyi looked at the Huntian Baojian that fell into his palm easily, and couldn't help but sigh at Ji Fa's good luck.

"My cheap brother is indeed the son of luck!"

At this time, Taoist Huaigu and others began to resign, leaving room for Ji Boyi to practice the Huntian Baojian.

In the world of Emperor's Legend, Empress Nuwa is the undisputed strongest person. The Huntian Treasure Book she spent millions of years creating can only be described as vast, profound and vast. Especially for the highest realm of Xuan Universe, no one has ever cultivated it to perfection. This is a realm equivalent to the level of the Dao Fruit of Heaven and Humanity.

Ji Boyi was sitting alone in the main hall of Chaoyang Temple, looking at the ten heavenly crystals placed in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a faint smile, and began to comprehend the secret art of gods and demons, the Huntian Baojian.

At the same time, an old man whose body was half black and half white came towards Chaoge with a young man who was all black. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and looked up at the blue sky. A purple star that was originally dim began to bloom. There was an unprecedented bright halo, and in the halo, various natural phenomena loomed, colorful, magnificent and mysterious, even overwhelming the natal star of King Zhou with overwhelming momentum.

"The Ziwei Star is moving, and the Lord of the Stars is coming!"

On the Temple of Heaven, the high priest had just placed Ji Fa, and he felt the same emotion. He looked up at the sky, saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

"How could this happen?!"

After Ji Boyi obtained the Huntian Treasure Mirror, he has been practicing this secret art of gods and demons in Chaoyang Temple. The Huntian Treasure Mirror and the Xiantian Qiankun Gong are both righteous and mysterious arts left by the gods. They are easy to learn but difficult to master. Ordinary people need at least five skills. It takes more than ten years to cultivate it to a profound level.

However, this is not difficult for Ji Boyi. He is extremely intelligent and has astonishing understanding. He has successfully mastered the first five levels of the Huntian Baojian in just a few days.

Ji Boyi sat cross-legged in the room with his eyes closed tightly. The movements and mental techniques of Huntian Baojian turned into words, flowing slowly in his heart. All kinds of spiritual secrets emerged in his soul, and he understood them. , the realm of cultivation continues to improve.

The Huntian Treasure Mirror is divided into ten levels, namely Baiyunyan, Meixiadang, Tukunlun, Bibingxue, Purple Galaxy, Dark Chaos, Indigo Sea, Golden Dawn, Blood Sky, and Xuan Universe!

Except for the mysterious universe, which is the highest realm that cannot be cultivated by ordinary people, each of the other levels represents a kind of innate energy. Before the creation of the world, the world was in emptiness. After the five innate powers, various innate energies began to be born, and the essence of these innate energies was the innate Tao Qi.

Every kind of innate Tao Qi can be said to be the crystallization of the Great Dao, a masterpiece of creation, containing incredible mysteries. However, the innate Tao Qi only exists in the process of the five innate Tao Qi, which is extremely short-lived. Then came the creation of the world and the birth of all things. At this time, the world is filled with innate energy.

Although this innate Qi is not as mysterious as the crystallization of the Great Dao such as the innate Dao Qi, it is no small matter and is extremely magical. It can give birth to all kinds of rare treasures from heaven and earth, as well as gods, demons and immortals who are born with great magic power. The seven great ancestors are widely spread in the Kunxu world. The True Fire and the Seven Innate True Waters are the representatives of the innate Qi.

The white clouds and smoke crystals represent the innate pure air, the clouds and mist are clear and soft, the soul is included, the mind can travel thousands of miles, and the sword is omnipotent.

Meixiadang Tianjing contains innate rays of light. Almost all the gods in myths and legends have radiant rays of light, which are holy and unsullied. This is the reason why. If any monk has innate rays of light to protect his body, he does not need to expend any energy. He can keep his body clean and flawless for a long time, and he will be blessed with immeasurable light.

Tu Kunlun represents the innate thick earth air of the five elements; Bibingxue represents the innate ice air that freezes all things; Zi Xinghe represents the innate purple air that fills the void and stabilizes the spirit; Dark Chaos represents the innate Yin air, which is one of the two rituals. , if practiced together with the innate Yang Qi, you can even obtain the innate Tai Chi Liangyi Dao Qi, which is not between the virtual and the real, mysterious and unpredictable; Indigo Sea is the innate water Qi, which can evolve into one of the seven innate true waters, with great power Vast, deep and far away.

Jin Chenxi is no longer an innate energy, but a blend of innate gold energy and innate Yang energy to form a boundless divine energy that can destroy all things and burn the void.

The Blood Sky is even more incredible. It is made from the combination of three types of innate energy, namely, innate blood energy, innate aura, and innate vitality. The difficulty of cultivation is even ten times that of Jin Chenxi. It was at this level that the heroic Piaomiao City Lord emerged. If you make a mistake, you will die.

The last level of the Mysterious Universe is theoretically meant to accommodate all the innate Qi in the universe. It can be achieved without human effort. Even if Ji Fa, the younger brother who has great luck and is blessed by Nuwa, finally fights against King Zhou, It's just that he has cultivated the Blood Sky.

In the quiet room, Ji Boyi's mind flashed with all the mantras and moves of the Huntian Baojian. The ten colorful sky crystals were supported by invisible energy and slowly rotated around him, with every trace of purity. The vast spiritual energy overflowed from the ten heavenly crystals and was refined by him into his own Dantian Qi sea. The sixth level of dark chaos was quietly completed.

Time passed by quietly like water. Unknowingly, Ji Boyi had been in seclusion for twenty days. The blue light shining around him fell silent. A ray of bright golden light was born and gradually became stronger. In an instant, the quiet room had become magnificent and extremely brilliant. , Jin Chenxi, the eighth level of the Huntian Baojian, has been successfully cultivated by Ji Boyi.

Ji Boyi's eyelids moved slightly, and he noticed an aura of awe-inspiring power hovering in the Chaoyang View. He slowly opened his eyes, which were full of colors and extremely gorgeous. He moved his red lips slightly and said lightly.

"Jiang Ziya has arrived. It seems that the day for Ji Fa to escape has arrived. It's time for me to go out too!"

The Kunlun sect and the Guangchengxian sect are of the same origin and are both the orthodoxy of Emperor Xuanyuan. It's just that the former practices the magic formation path evolved from Luo Shu, while the latter focuses on the innate Qiankun Gong, focusing on martial arts. In terms of origin, Jiang Ziya can be regarded as the same generation as Ji Chang, and the elder of Ji Boyi and Ji Fa.

"Senior Jiang is here to welcome you. I apologize if I missed the opportunity to welcome you!"

Ji Boyi changed into a golden cloud-patterned robe and came out of the inner room. He was gentle, elegant, noble and handsome, and bowed to Jiang Ziya.

Although Jiang Ziya was an expert outside the world, he did not dare to accept Ji Boyi's courtesy, so he quickly turned sideways and spoke.

"Don't dare, don't dare, the prince is a noble person, how can he be polite to a mountain man like me?"

The host and guest sat separately and exchanged pleasantries before hearing Jiang Ziya speak.

"King Zhou is unjust, and the country is in the hands of such a person, how can the common people deserve it?"

"Now King Zhou has detained the Second Young Master and wants to extract his three souls and seven souls to refine him into a spiritual being. How cruel. Even if I risk my life, I will never allow such a heartbreaking thing to happen. I must rescue the Second Young Master!"

Ji Boyi sat above, looking at Jiang Ziya who was upright and righteous. He wanted to say that it didn't have to be like this, but it was inconsistent with his identity. He could only nod and agree, with a heavy look on his face with a bit of worry and gratitude. said.

"Senior has great righteousness, and junior is grateful!"

Ji Boyi said this, but in his heart he secretly sighed and complained constantly.

"My cheap brother is indeed a child of luck, with a nine-five destiny. Just when he encountered a crisis, a master appeared to come to his rescue!"

"The second young master is now imprisoned in Lingyin Mountain. The high priest controls him with the Thousand Soul Lock Heart Nail. Only the high priest can break this thing."

Several people discussed how to save Ji Fa. Ji Boyi, as the prince of Xibohou, had a distinguished status, but he took the initiative to give up his position as the person in charge to Jiang Ziya, and he was willing to obey the command.

Jiang Ziya knew the high priest very well. He was an expert in magic and martial arts. He had served three generations of Shang kings and was ranked among the best in the world.

Although this person is powerful, I can still defeat him. Before he performs the magic of seducing and seizing souls, he should first remove the restrictions on the heart-locking nail. That moment is the best opportunity to save Ji Fa! "

Ji Boyi's expression was indifferent, his eyes were slightly rippled, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he spoke.

"The most urgent task is to find out the day and hour of the person who cast the spell."

In fact, with Ji Yi's cultivation of Tianji Yishu, he could calculate the time it took for the high priest to refine the spirit man with just a few clicks. However, he did not want to waste energy on Ji Fa, so he just thought that he did not understand the magic of divination. Fa, leave all these problems to Jiang Ziya to solve.

"The high priest's refining of spiritual beings is of great importance, and he will definitely report it to King Zhou. I can find out the information about this matter!"

Jiang Ziya has his own connections and good relations with some ministers in the DPRK, so he took the initiative to take over the matter and was sure to find out the relevant information.

"Senior's great kindness will be unforgettable to Xiqi!"

Ji Boyi quickly bowed slightly and clasped his fists, expressing his gratitude to Jiang Ziya. His attitude was sincere and respectful, which was deeply touching.

"I am doing my best to serve God. Success or failure depends on God's will!"

Jiang Ziya accepted Ji Boyi's thanks calmly, but he did not dare to guarantee that Ji Fa would be rescued. After all, King Zhou was not easy to mess with. He had swallowed up half of the Great Heavenly Demon Qi of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and gathered the Great Heavenly Demon Yuanshen to possess him. His strength was terrifying. Extremely.

After that, Ji Boyi continued to secretly cultivate the Huntian Treasure Mirror without paying attention to worldly affairs. However, Jiang Ziya led Zhiwei and Jianwei around Chaoge City, using various methods to find out information. Fortunately, hard work paid off. Finally on the fourth day, after the high priest had arranged all the people, he went into the palace to report to King Zhou to obtain the tiger talisman. He casually told the time for refining the spirit man, and Jiang Ziya learned the news. .

"It's the fifteenth of this month! That means there are still seven days left. At that time, Tengu will eclipse the moon. When the moon is completely eclipsed, the Yin Qi between heaven and earth will become extremely cold. It is easiest to attract three souls and seven souls."

Jiang Ziya was a master of celestial magic, with an extremely solemn expression. He calculated the changes in the celestial phenomena that day and found it extremely difficult.

"I dare to ask senior, how to refine this spirit man?"

Ji Boyi was proficient in the secrets of heaven and could naturally calculate the weather changes in seven days. He knew it in his heart, pretended to be ignorant, and continued to ask.

The high priest asked King Zhou for a ten-faced tiger talisman to contain the three souls and seven souls of the second son. Then place the tiger talisman at the location of the ten heavenly stems. The spiritual energy shocks all directions and can suppress the rebellion of rebels. Through this, the great merchants and the country will be able to prosper for eternity! "

"However, in order to prevent the emperor's dragon energy from dissipating the heavenly spirit energy, King Zhou cannot appear when refining the spirit man. This is good news for us. We only need to deal with three masters, the two high priests and the demon commander."

Jiang Ziya stroked the long beard under his chin with his right hand and began to dispatch troops to make arrangements to save Ji Fa.

"I can deal with the high priest. Cong'er is a man with copper skin and iron bones. Although he can't defeat the demon commander, he can fight for a while and buy us time!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the young man standing behind him. With dark skin, he immediately raised his chest with an expression of giving everything to him.

"As for the last soul priest, only you two, Zhiwei and Jianwei, can stop it with all your strength!"

"Senior, don't worry, we will stop him even if we fight to the death!"

Zhiwei and Jianwei had firm expressions on their faces, patting their chests to guarantee their victory, obviously putting their own lives and deaths at risk.

Hearing this, Ji Boyi sighed, the aura around his body rose, and a bright golden light shone. Under the shocked and surprised gazes of everyone, he slowly spoke.

"Leave the soul priest to me. The Huntian Treasure Mirror and I seem to be very compatible. Although I have only practiced for less than a month, I have already reached the realm of Jin Chenxi, enough to resist the soul priest!"

There was a look of shock on Jiang Ziya's face. He was proficient in magic and magic, but he knew very well how difficult it was to practice the Huntian Treasure Mirror. He didn't expect that the prince of Xibohou in front of him had such amazing talent. In less than a month, he mastered this magic weapon. He has reached the eighth level of his unique skills, and is no weaker than the Lord of Piaomiao City. He is simply a natural fit for this magical skill. Even if he ascends to immortality in the future, it will be no problem.

On the fifteenth day, on a full moon night, the cold and holy silver light fell, covering the heaven and earth with a layer of gauze, like a dream.

Under the bright moonlight, two altars, one large and one small, were built on Lingyin Mountain. The spiritual pool where the Dragon Turtle used to live has been drained and filled with mercury that contains the soul-soothing power. The faint silver light reflects the gloomy clouds in the sky, making the entire sacrifice place filled with an evil and strange atmosphere of chilling.

A huge copper coffin was placed on the small altar in the spiritual pool. The white-haired high priest quietly waited for the hour to come. On the altar in front of him, he placed a gold, silver, and copper three-sided tiger charm, preparing to recruit. Ji Fa's three souls, and the three pillars of longevity incense were lit on the left and right sides of the altar. The green smoke curled up like a sharp sword and rose straight to a very high place, almost merging with the clouds before dissipating.

On the other side, there is an altar in front of the soul priest, which is three feet high and divided into two floors. Surrounded by eight ferocious stone beasts, filled with gloomy murderous aura, there are also a golden dragon, two unicorns, Two phoenixes and two spirit turtles, a total of seven tiger talismans, are prepared to absorb the seven souls. (End of chapter)

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