I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 308 Detachment

"I've met Mr. Zhu!"

Wang Shouren did not get up. After all, the emperor was sitting on the ground. It would be rude to stand up by himself, so he just held his hands in hand to show respect.

"Master Wang, you're welcome!"

Zhu Xiao still respected Wang Shouren and returned a rare gift, which made Zhu Houzhao's eyes widen. You know, Zhu Xiao had never been so polite to him. It seemed that Wang Shouren was more valuable than he thought. There should be something extraordinary about it.

"I'd like to ask, Mr. Zhu, have you ever practiced martial arts?" Wang Shouren is a gentleman, unwilling to beat around the bush, and straightforward in his dealings.

Zhu Xiao was a little surprised to see Wang Shouren being so direct. He didn't expect Wang Shouren to be so keen. He noticed something strange about himself as soon as he showed up. He spoke directly without any hesitation, which made it difficult for Zhu Xiao to hide it.

"Master Wang is very direct. I have indeed been practicing martial arts in the Huashan Sect since I was a child. My tutor is Mr. Yue of the Huashan Sect!"

Zhu Xiao smiled freely and told Wang Shouren directly about his martial arts experience without any concealment.

"No wonder, famous teachers produce great disciples, and Mr. Zhu is even better than his masters. I think this makes the master very happy!"

Wang Shouren meant something. Yue Buqun and Wang Shouren actually had a relationship. Back then, Yue Buqun also hung out among scholars for a period of time, in order to better understand Confucian classics and improve his own realm. Once again At the literary meeting, Wang Shouren once met Yue Buqun.

"Master Wang is so complimentary!"

Zhu Xiao didn't admit or refute, he just said something modestly and stopped mentioning it.

"Disciples don't have to be inferior to their teachers, and teachers don't have to be better than their disciples. There is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in skills, that's all."

Wang Shouren took a deep look at Zhu Xiao and recited a famous quote from Han Yu's "The Master's Theory".

Zhu Xiao just laughed it off and did not continue.

When Wang Shouren saw this, he did not continue to ask questions. They are all smart people. Zhu Xiao's reaction had already confirmed Wang Shouren's guess. There was no need to pierce the window paper.

Li Xunhuan, Shangguan Haitang and others looked at each other one after another, and they all had guesses about Zhu Xiao's identity. Only Cheng Shifei looked dull and had no idea about everyone's plans.

Cheng Shifei looked at Zhu Xiao, thinking that he was trying to build a relationship and get closer, so he casually mentioned that he had learned martial arts from the Huashan School as an introduction.

"Huashan Sect, I know, I even learned the Huashan Sect's Broken Jade Fist back then!"

Wang Shouren, Li Xunhuan, Shangguan Haitang and others changed their expressions when they heard this. They were not fools like Cheng Shifei, who did not understand the rules of the martial arts and secretly learned martial arts from other sects.

"I still have several martial arts tattoos from your Huashan sect on my body!"

Cheng Shifei didn't notice the sudden change in everyone's expressions, and was still showing off his tattoo to Zhu Xiao. Back then, because time was running out, Gu Santong tattooed the secrets of various sects that he had secretly learned on Cheng Shifei's body. , let him learn martial arts according to the tattoo in the future.

"Then we are destined!"

Zhu Xiao glanced at the people who were secretly on guard, and couldn't help but feel funny in his heart. He was not a stubborn old man who would not let go of his family's inheritance. Besides, the Huashan sect's martial arts that Cheng Shifei learned were all from the original Huashan sect. Martial arts, at best, can be regarded as top-notch martial arts in the world, but they are far inferior to the current martial arts and mental methods of the Huashan sect. The Huashan sect now uses them to teach outer disciples, so it is not a big deal.

"I also feel that way!"

Cheng Shifei was in high spirits, completely unaware of how dangerous his behavior just now was. He was just walking in front of the gate of hell. Even Zhu Houzhao was sweating for his cheap brother-in-law and started to move to let his sister Yun Luo The princess' thoughts on remarrying.

"Master Zhu, you have a magnificent gift. Li is here to thank me as a little brother!"

Li Xunhuan was well aware of the rules of the Jianghu sect, and when he saw that Zhu Xiao had forgotten the past and let Cheng Shifei go, but Cheng Shifei was completely unaware of it, he couldn't help but express his gratitude for this friend he had just made.

"Li Tanhua, you're welcome. Martial arts were created to spread and be learned. If one day, everyone in the world has learned the Huashan sect's martial arts, it means that the Huashan sect has truly prospered!"

Zhu Xiao yearned a little leisurely, but unfortunately he knew that his idea was simply a fantasy. Even if Yue Buqun pampered him again, he would not let him do this.

"The fire is passed down from generation to generation and never ends! Mr. Zhu has such a big heart!"

Wang Shouren understands Zhu Xiao's thoughts best. Confucianism emphasizes teaching without distinction and spreading knowledge without reservation. Zhu Xiao's thoughts are almost the same as Wang Shouren's. They both want to spread the knowledge they have mastered and want more people to know. People learn their own thoughts and martial arts.

"I'm just thinking about it. If I really have to do this, I'm afraid the master will have to clean up the family!"

Zhu Xiao imagined Yue Buqun's reaction and couldn't help but shudder. He didn't want to think about such a terrible scene anymore. It was really not good for his physical and mental health.

"Master Wang, you are ridiculous. You go around giving lectures, teaching all kinds of things, and spreading knowledge. That's what I admire. I have also heard about your spiritual philosophy, and I was deeply inspired!"

Zhu Xiao respects Wang Shouren very much. This respect will not change due to his strength and status, but respects his character and wisdom.

Wang Shouren was not modest. This was indeed what he had always done. Therefore, he was not as hypocritical as the average sour scholar. Instead, he accepted Zhu Xiao's compliments.

When Zhu Xiao saw Wang Shouren accepting his praise happily, his eyes showed appreciation. This is Wang Shouren, this is a true Confucian.

After looking around, Zhu Xiao suddenly nodded towards Zhu Houzhao and said reluctantly.

"There is no banquet in the world that must come to an end, and we have to say goodbye today!"

Zhu Houzhao stood up hurriedly and asked timidly, "Can't you stay a little longer? Besides, haven't you seen your father yet, and haven't you returned to the master's gate to say goodbye?"

"No need, why make them sad anymore!"

"It is better to choose a day than to hit the sun, and to hit the sun is not as good as today!"

Zhu Xiao waved his hand to stop Zhu Houzhao's persuasion and smiled at everyone. shouted loudly.

"Everyone has a chance to be a witness today!"

"I don't know what Mr. Zhu has to do. I need my witness. Just bring it up, but don't you dare not try your best!" Li Xunhuan is a gentle person. He believes that Zhu Xiao has saved their lives and should repay them. Therefore, he did not hesitate and took the lead to express his position.

Everyone nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"Zhu Xiao is transcending here today. You all are destined to get something from me!"

Zhu Xiao laughed loudly, jumped up, and stood in the air, looking down at everyone. The look in his eyes made people dare not look directly.

Zhu Xiao moved his right hand towards the void in front of him, and the space was broken, revealing a dark hole. Zhu Xiao lowered his head and glanced at everyone, then stepped directly into it. The hole disappeared directly, leaving only the stunned people. .

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