I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3030 Taiyin Sword Domain, Ten Gates Only Consciousness

In this world, apart from the world where everyone lives, there is also a strange world that is difficult for ordinary people to visit. In this strange world, there is no sky above, no earth below, and there are no people, gods, Buddhas, sun, moon, or stars. There is no concept of time or years, everything is so bizarre.

In this world, the sky is empty! The earth is empty! Empty people! God is empty! Buddha is empty! The day is empty! The moon is empty! The stars are empty! Time is empty! It is infinite, boundless, so it is called Jiu Kong Unbounded!

A huge palm, glowing with silvery cold starlight, fell into this world, grabbing the whole world in its hand. The starlight shone and was dazzling, compressing the entire Jiukong Wujie together, returning to the origin. It turned into a cave seed that shone with seven colors of light. Within the seed were the heaven, earth, sun, moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, just like a world of mustard seeds, extremely tiny.

"Ascension into feathers, martial arts transcendence!"

The two men in Fengyun exclaimed. They thought of the ascension of immortals in myths and legends, and a firm belief arose in their hearts. They pursued and vowed to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts in this life, become immortal and ascend, and transcend martial arts.

"Finally home!"

Waves of cold air hit his heart, making Ji Boyi couldn't help but tremble. The sound of dripping water gradually became clearer as he opened his eyes. He wanted to move, but found that there were no muscles in his body. Perception is like a frozen piece of ice.

"Nearly three years have passed. As my cultivation level increases, the time ratio between the dream world and Kunxu Realm is getting smaller and smaller!"

Ji Boyi's innate Taiyin divine body has been absorbing the earth evil yin energy in this place all the time in the past three years. Now, almost every cell in the entire body is filled with huge earth evil yin energy. The deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness is cold. The Taiyin Treasure Mirror blooms with a cool and bright brilliance, extremely gorgeous and holy. The silver glow is like a layer of silver gauze, covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness. Even the Buddha lying in the void is covered with silver cassocks, looking much softer. , without the solemnity and sanctity of the past.

A ray of bright white light like running water kept swimming in the sea of ​​consciousness, and its sharp aura almost made any skill and energy retreat. Like a killing air sword that can cut through everything, its innate killing aura was melted into a dreamy and blurred sword light during the three years when Ji Boyi's body was stiff and unconscious.

"The Taiyin Sword Chapter has finally entered the palace. It is worthy of the Earthly Evil Yin Vein. If it were anywhere else, there wouldn't be such a sufficient amount of Yin Qi to advance my magical power."

As his thoughts flowed, Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness shone brightly, and the moonlight of the Taiyin sword, as white as flowing water, spilled out the misty moonlight, overflowing from the sky between the eyebrows, with a gentleness like a gauze, passing through it. He hit the cave wall in front of him, and silently, a large piece of dark stone was chopped off by the light of the Taiyin sword, as fragile as tofu.

"Yes, every inch of the Earthly Evil Yin Vein has been eroded by the Earthly Evil Yin Qi for many years. It is dozens of times harder than hundreds of refined steel, but under the light of my Taiyin Blade, it is still as fragile as tofu. It can be chopped into pieces easily.”

Ji Boyi saw the power of the most famous qi weapon and magical power of the Taiyin Star in the past, and couldn't help but marvel at how the first generation of Taiyin Star, which was completed in the past, fell. If the Taiyin Sword Chapter absorbed the earth evil yin of seventy-two stars Qi, the innate killing sword Qi has been achieved, and it is even powerful enough to kill the second ancestor and the three emperors who are the gods.

According to the records on the Taiyin Treasure Book, when the Taiyin Sword Chapter enters the room, if you can combine the light of the sword with the seeds of the cave, you can build an innate killing air sword that can crush the void and destroy the world. This state is that The most powerful killing method of the Taiyin Star in the past dynasties is called Taiyin Sword Domain!

When Ji Boyi transcended the world of wind and cloud, he remembered this and took Jiukong Wujie away directly and forcibly. For this reason, he was also confronted by the will of heaven in the world of wind and cloud, in order to practice the Taiyin sword domain.

Ji Boyi's mind moved slightly. The true energy flowing in the dantian has refined the remaining earth evil yin energy in the divine body, turning it into a wave of black water, sweeping through the acupoints and meridians of the body.

"The black water never ends, the starry sky river!"

In the blink of an eye, bright stars emerged from the black water, forming a starry sky and river at high and low levels. It was like falling alone into the vast universe. This is the true black water method of Xuanwu Palace. He has improved rapidly over the years and was trained to an extremely high level by Ji Boyi. Only Ye Guangji can surpass him, not because the other party's understanding of the true method of black water surpasses him, but because of the other party's cultivation level. Even more powerful is the peak of the Dao Jindan.

The Black Water True Technique in Xuanwu Palace and the Great Liuguang Technique in White Tiger Palace can lay the foundation for cultivating the Star Tribulation Immortal Body. As a genius with a self-condensing Dao foundation, Ji Boyi is expected to defeat Yin Jingkao, and naturally has the support of other palaces. , Black Emperor Elder Ye Guangji taught the Black Water True Dharma, the fundamental inheritance of Xuanwu Palace, to Ji Boyi to increase his chances of winning in Tianfu's martial arts performance.

When it comes to understanding the true method of black water, Ji Boyi can confidently say that no one in the entire Star Palace can surpass him, not even the Star Lord Hua Qingyu. Ji Boyi is infinitely wise, well-informed, and has profound martial arts cultivation. Unpredictably, if cultivation had not required step-by-step hard work, he would have survived the four-nine heavenly tribulations, cultivated the fruit of heaven and humanity, transcended the Kunxu Realm, and pursued a higher realm.

Hoshino Tianhe's magical power can only be mastered by a few people in the huge star palace. This is the basic method of controlling the star formation in the sky. It contains the principles of infinite advancement and achievement of the world of stars. When Ji Boyi used this magical power, he noticed a sudden chill that penetrated his heart from the depths of the Disha Yin Cave.

These cold air gathered into a river, and the waves were turbulent and vast, rushing towards Ji Boyi. Even though Ji Boyi had already turned nine and had a solid foundation at this time, he still felt an inexplicable chill pouring out from the deepest part of his heart, making him endure it. I couldn't help but shiver.

"It seems that there are great things hidden deep in the Earthly Evil Yin Vein. Unfortunately, my current cultivation level is not enough, so I cannot step into the deepest place. I can only look forward and sigh."

Ji Boyi's face showed a slight look of regret, and the bright starlight shone in his cold and clear eyes, shining through the nine heavens and ten earths, penetrating the endless space, and saw the endless treasure light emanating from the deepest part of the Yin Vein of Earth Demon, Earth Demon The Yin Vein is a treasure cave that has been laid out by countless ancestors of the Star Palace with great effort. Naturally, the secrets inside are not just a little evil Yin Qi.

It was useless to think too much. Ji Boyi gathered his mind. A bright ray of sword light cut off the distracting thoughts in his mind. His mind turned into a bright moon, cold and bright, unstained by dust, and extremely calm. He began to prepare to practice the Taiyin Sword Domain.

"The sky is boundless, the Taiyin Sword Domain!"

After realizing the truth in a dream, all physical things cannot be brought back, but the true essence, cultivation level, realm, and even various conceptually nihilistic things can travel through the world with his soul and descend to the Kunxu Realm.

In the world of wind and cloud, Jiukong Wujie, which he captured from the Buddha Kingdom with his supreme supernatural power, could no longer see its original evil aura. The golden Buddha light rose in Ji Boyi's palm, and the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning were everywhere. The empty world followed his thoughts and descended into this cold and dark Earthly Evil Yin Vein.

This Jiukong Wujie now only has the purest cave power left. The origin of it has already been penetrated by Qi Grave's magical power, and turned into a cave seed glowing with colorful light in his palm. The white and blurred Taiyin sword light in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly jumped out from the center of his eyebrows, turning into The dreamy brilliance cut into the boundless sky in the palm of my hand.


With a loud noise that created the world, Ji Boyi only felt that the nine empty spaces that were originally empty had completely ushered in the end. The bursts of killing aura communicated with the origin of destruction in the end of the law, completely cutting off the original void. All that was left was the pure murderous thought that the world was heading for destruction and all things were dead.

"The twilight is without beauty, the night light comes to the dust, the mirror disk reincarnates, the snow, moon and flowers bloom!"

The formulas flowed in Ji Boyi's heart, like clear water, cleansing his mind and body, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Jiukong Wujie and Taiyin sword light in front of him.

At this time, the dreamy and misty Taiyin sword light gradually spread out in the boundless world, and merged with the original power of this world to refine this cave into an innate killing air sword.

Ji Boyi's eyes were focused, his face was calm, and only his lips moved slightly. The secrets of the formulas on the Taiyin Treasure Book were constantly perfected and deduced by Ji Boyi, making the Taiyin Sword Domain more exquisite and complete. The light of wisdom shone brightly and turned into a bright sun. Rising in the sea of ​​consciousness, it is juxtaposed with the Taiyin Treasure Mirror in the sky. The sun and the moon shine together, and the yin and yang combine. It is extremely mysterious, forming a sun-moon Taiji diagram.

The colorful cave seeds on the palm of the hand are constantly trembling, like a flame in the cold wind, as if it will be extinguished in the next moment. Ji Boyi focused more on guiding the destruction of Jiukong Wujie with his spirit, and merged with the Taiyin sword light.

As time goes by, the colorful cave seeds in the palm gradually bloom with a silvery white light, which is cold and poignant, like the lonely bright moon in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the sun, moon and stars appeared in Ji Boyi's crystal eyes, exuding bright and gorgeous starlight. This was the characteristic of him pushing the life star technique to the extreme. This easy-to-count magical power followed His continuous progress has long advanced to an incredible level, and he can even vaguely see through the barriers of the world and penetrate directly to the origin of the avenue.

In the boundless sky, the Taiyin sword light has cut off the last sun, moon, and starry sky, and has begun to merge with the unknown time and space. A peerless edge that is indestructible and can cut everything begins to emerge from the colorful palm of the hand. Mixed with silvery white cave world revealed.

Ji Boyi's palm skin, which had been tempered for many times and was harder than fine iron, was actually scratched by this sharp edge. Crystal blood seeped out and was absorbed into the Nine Sky Unbounded, accelerating the progress of the Taiyin Sword Domain. After a while, , the silvery white light has invaded most of the Jiukong Wujie area, leaving only a little colorful source light in the final center.

"At one go, the Taiyin Sword Domain appears!"

Ji Boyi's crystal eyes suddenly opened, and the power of the soul burst out at this moment, completely scattering the dreamy and blurred Taiyin sword light, and at the same time, Jiu Kong Wujie was also shattered at the same time. Amidst the chissing sound, a stream of golden essence surged out from Ji Boyi's palm, like a flame, melting the dissipated silver-white sword light and the broken Jiukong Wujie into a looming and looming void. of misty brilliance.

The light is cold and intoxicating, just like the bright moon in the sky, but within this gorgeous light, there is a murderous aura that can chill anyone's heart.

According to the records of the Taiyin Treasure Mirror, after the Taiyin Sword Domain is refined, the sword can be moved at will, and the light of the sword can kill everything with just a thought.

Ji Boyi's soul returned to his position, and he looked at the rock wall aside with cold eyes. Wherever he looked, a silver-white brilliance flashed away. When he reacted, the cave wall in front of him was completely cut open, and an opening was opened. Another channel. The power is countless times more powerful than the simple Taiyin sword light.

The power of the Taiyin Sword Domain is so terrifying that it can truly kill everything with a single thought. This powerful destructive power has completely exceeded the limit of the Daoji realm. Only the top masters of the Dao Jindan realm can resist this. Waiting for the terrifying edge.

Although the Taiyin Sword Domain looks like just a void Taiyin Qi Sword, it is actually a domain covering a hundred feet in radius. Anyone who steps into this position can be killed by Ji Boyi's thoughts.

After a little trial of the power of Taiyin Sword Domain, Ji Game has vaguely figured out the essence of its operation. The so-called sword can be used at will within the scope of one's own domain. It can indeed be done, and it can even be used against masters who have surpassed one's own realm. However, once the opponent is too far away and beyond the scope of the domain, this move will not be possible. I'm afraid the power will be greatly reduced.

"Although the power of the Taiyin Sword Domain is extremely powerful, it still requires a set of sword techniques to exert its strongest power. I can integrate thousands of sword ways to create a Taiyin Ten Tribulations, so that it can be combined with the Taiyin Sword. Domain compatibility, as a supporting sword technique!"

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Ji Boyi's mouth, and his mind began to sink into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. He used his infinite wisdom to organize and deduce various sword techniques in order to create a peerless sword technique that could fit in with the Taiyin sword domain and enhance this magical power. The power.

The Divine Treasure of Wisdom continuously shot out fierce sparks, and Ji Boyi extracted the essence of several exquisite sword techniques and merged them into one supreme sword technique.

Countless sword techniques turned into ten vague figures under the operation of Ji Boyi's wisdom treasure. They were constantly operating in the void, each with its own unique sword intention. The ten figures were Ji Boyi's supreme cultivation. The evil yin energy of the earth is condensed to form a virtual shadow.

There is no weapon in the hands of the virtual shadow, but in every movement of his hands, there are countless flashes of sword light. It was as if there were ten identical masters of swordsmanship, constantly performing martial arts and testing swords in this evil Yin vein. This is the scene in Ji Boyi's sea of ​​consciousness now. He turned the imaginary into reality and deduced the ten catastrophes of Taiyin. evolved in reality.

Ji Boyi's eyes were as crystal clear as jade. As the light flashed, one of the figures had been destroyed by an invisible force and disappeared without a trace. Then, the dissipated Yin Qi of the Earthly Evil regrouped into a more solid figure, and once again used subtle Unparalleled sword skills. This time it is more mellow and smooth than before, but its sharpness has not diminished at all.

It can be seen that this sword technique became more and more powerful with Ji Game's continuous overthrow and repetition, with fewer and fewer flaws, until it reached the perfect state he expected.

Ji Boyi's thoughts were divided into ten, and the sparks of wisdom were constantly circulating. His mind, which should have been more tired, became clearer and clearer. It's like wiping away the dust on the pearl with a clean cloth, revealing the crystal clear thoughts. Gradually, Ji Boyi felt that his original idea of ​​reaching the limit broke through the previous boundaries with a loud bang.

The nine great divine treasures each have their own functions and correspond to one of the original principles between heaven and earth. The great divine treasure has three realms, the immortal divine treasure has nine levels, and the wisdom divine treasure also has ten gates of consciousness.

However, Qi training monks focus on the three great divine treasures of immortality, heavenly secrets, and Taoist heart. Zhenwu monks value the divine treasures such as vitality, blood essence, and strength that enhance combat power. The remaining Dao divine treasures are for everyone who wants to achieve heavenly power. The threshold that the Humanity Fruit must cross.

There is only the Divine Treasure of Wisdom, but it is the most easily ignored among the nine Divine Treasures, because compared to the other Divine Treasures, the efficacy of the Divine Treasure of Wisdom is undoubtedly useless.

Basically, every monk who can reach the realm of Taoji is not stupid. After the wisdom treasure is opened, it can only make people's ears and eyes clear, and things can be done more easily. For combat power and longevity, it basically has no big effect.

Among the nine great divine treasures, the divine treasures of wisdom and understanding of Tao principles are not as good as the divine treasures such as Tao Xin, and in terms of the blessing of combat power, they are not as good as the divine treasures such as Liji. Therefore, most monks will basically not spend a lot of energy practicing after opening this sacred treasure.

Ji Boyi's master, Yu Haojiang, once commented on the Divine Treasure of Wisdom, believing that Xing Gong belongs to heretics and the focus of majoring in it is on the Divine Treasure of Taoism, the Divine Treasure of Heaven and the Divine Treasure of Wisdom. It is best not to spend too much time on it.

Among the nine divine treasures, the divine treasure of wisdom contains immeasurable wisdom and is extremely mysterious, but why don’t monks pay attention to the divine treasure of wisdom?

The reason is very simple. The Divine Treasure of Wisdom is different from the other eight sacred treasures. Its cultivation is a helpless matter that relies heavily on fate. Many people are unable to enter the realm of the ten consciousness-only realms throughout their lives.

Simply put, the cultivation of the Divine Treasure of Wisdom relies on chance. When the opportunity comes, it will naturally improve. If the opportunity does not come, no matter how much energy and time is spent, it will not be able to improve the realm of the Divine Treasure of Wisdom and enter the ten gates of consciousness.

The so-called "Ten Doors of Consciousness Only" refers to the ten realms of cultivating the divine treasure of wisdom. All dharmas are manifested by one mind, so it is said that all dharmas are mind-only.

It is said that those who can penetrate the ten gates of consciousness can obtain the supreme power, courage and wisdom of the Buddha. When Ji Boyi deduced the ten catastrophes of Taiyin with the Divine Treasure of Wisdom, he easily penetrated the first level of the ten consciousness-only realms, and the only consciousness-only realm exists when we meet!

Those who meet each other only know justice. The four divisions have each set up, and they have seen and asked questions. Today, there are many people, so we meet each other. The king of eight consciousnesses and all mental states are all divided into two parts. You can see the points immediately. From the transformation of union, it is phase separation. It is said that the eight consciousnesses and all mental states are understood, and the transformed phases are divided, and the original shadow is sufficient.

Buddhist practice is different from martial arts practice. The so-called foundation of the great path is equivalent to the eighth consciousness in Buddhism, Alaya consciousness. If you want to achieve the first level of the ten consciousness-only realms, you must penetrate your own eight consciousnesses and achieve an eternal state of concentration.

Due to various obsessions, sentient beings have false and distorted views, and then create karma and receive retribution. Life and death continue without rest. In fact, all kinds of suffering and troubles are manifested by consciousness alone, and there is no so-called reality outside the mind. All the dharmas outside the mind that sentient beings cling to are all caused by obsession. And all dharmas within consciousness also arise according to him. Then causes and conditions combine to create all kinds of illusions. (End of chapter)

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