I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3000 Car Crash, Three Yin Phantom Fingers

An extremely huge soul moved towards the real world from the endless nothingness. There was a dead silence in the sea of ​​nothingness. There was no existence except Jiang Tao. He felt the location of the body in the infinite distance, with a bit of excitement. To my delight, the speed has accelerated again, surpassing the concept of time and speed. This is a speed that is difficult to describe in words.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the endless void. Jiang Tao had no time to dodge and ran straight into it. Everything was so sudden that Jiang Tao was stunned and stopped in place.

"Is there any mistake? Car accidents can happen in the void. What did I hit?"

Jiang Tao carefully felt a touch of golden light deep in his soul. It was a reclining Buddha. It was majestic and sacred, with a majestic appearance. It seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping. Its eyes were full of compassion. It was lying in the void with a magic seal in its hand. , there is still a weak soul wrapped in the golden light of this Buddha. Unfortunately, in the impact just now, this weak soul has been destroyed, leaving only an empty soul shell, and even the soul inside this big Buddha is His will was accidentally swallowed and refined by Jiang Tao.

"Hey, he's actually a fellow Earthling. When I see a fellow fellow, my eyes well up with tears. I really didn't mean it. Who would have thought that this old bald ass would be racing in the sea of ​​nothingness and collided with me, accidentally killing you two? They were all killed, and it had nothing to do with me!"

Jiang Tao secretly murmured in his heart that the strength of this giant Buddha is not weak. It can barely move in the void. It has coerced such a fellow earthling who wants to reincarnate in another world. It is just bad luck that he directly bumped into Jiang Tao who was racing in the void. , the spirit and form were completely destroyed, leaving only the final body. However, this body was somewhat interesting and had other mysteries, which made Jiang Tao look somewhat interested.

"That's all, isn't it just to kill you? Let me finish your unfinished business for you!"

Jiang Tao thought for a moment, tore out a piece of his soul, and merged it into the souls of the Buddha and fellow earthlings. Then he ejected it from his body with a shock, and the Buddha turned into a golden light and surged in its original direction again.

"I'd better hurry back to the main body. This time I transcended the galaxy world. I gained a lot. I got many secrets of different avenues and world knowledge. It should be able to improve the main body's realm a lot again!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tao's huge soul moved forward at full speed from the sea of ​​nothingness, always paying attention to whether there were other weak existences to avoid accidental car accidents.

The sky is blue and stretches as far as the eye can see, and the sun hanging high in the sky exudes a light that makes everyone helpless. However, the faces of the people on the streets rarely see expressions of unbearable heat.

Some people on the roadside are wrapped up tightly in long robes. If such strict clothing were placed on the earth, it would definitely attract the attention of countless people. However, in this feudal ancient times, this was just a very common and normal dress. , everyone is dressed like this.

Ji Boyi belongs to the Ji family of the Taiyue City family in Xuzhou. He has a handsome appearance, and his appearance is even more beautiful than that of a woman. If he wears a women's palace dress, he can bring chaos to the world and charm the kings and all living beings. Such an all-powerful appearance will appear on a man's face. It was really weird, which made him very unhappy.

Ji Boyi walked on the street with an expressionless face, a dead fish face, and his eyes were indifferent and cold. Feeling the looks of countless men and women around him, he kept sighing in his heart. He never thought that one day he would become a pretty boy, and both men and women would look at him. Her appearance is amazing, she is so girly.

"Damn it! I didn't expect that I would come to the world of the Lord of Stars, and become the protagonist of this world. Ji Game, the person whose destiny star came to the world, and it is also the star of lunar. Generally speaking, those who have the destiny of lunar are This woman fell into Ji Boyi’s hands this time, it’s really strange!”

This world is called Kunxujie, and it is very similar to the ancient world of China. Ji Game even found some clues from ancient book records and discovered an amazing secret, that is, there was an earth before this world. The fellow traveler has traveled through time, and his achievements are extremely astonishing. He has become the human emperor among the two ancestors and three emperors of this world, and the supreme existence in the realm of heaven, humanity, Tao and fruit.

Human Emperor Shao Yong, a successor of Huashan Taoism, is good at counting plum blossoms. He is the most accomplished among the second generation successors of Huashan Taoism. He understood the innate skill from the "Xiantian Tu", which is a supreme skill that can condense the three innate treasures. Dafa, Shao Yong somehow ascended from the earth to this world, achieved the achievements of the Human Emperor, the fruit of heaven and humanity, and left behind the mythical martial arts "Book of the Human Emperor"!

The Kunxu Realm is divided into twelve regions of Kyushu. The place where Ji Boyi is located belongs to Chixian Shenzhou. Under the rule of Chu State, on the opposite side of the Endless Sea, there are also some blond and blue-eyed foreigners who cross the ocean from time to time. came here. Moreover, all the laws of physics and mechanics in this world are exactly the same as those on Earth. The only difference is probably that there is something like martial arts here that can defy the heavens.

The Ji family is a relatively famous martial arts family in Xuzhou, and is well-known in the entire Chixian State. But where he is now is Jiangdu City in Yangzhou, where he was sent to study at Beidou Star Academy for some reason.

Just as Ji Boyi was walking on the street, a young man wearing a blue shirt and sweating profusely ran across from him, waving and shouting at him, attracting people nearby to watch.

"Master Yi, what's wrong, the third lady and Qian Ziying are quarreling and are about to start a fight. We can't stop them!"

Ji Boyi had a headache, and his sister couldn't calm down. A hint of gloom flashed in his eyes. Ji Boyi's relationship with his sister was very ordinary. This didn't mean that Ji Boyi didn't care about family ties.

Ji Boyi is a concubine and is not valued by the family. Last year, he and his sister came to Jiangdu City according to the family's instructions and successfully passed the entrance examination to enter the Beidou Star Academy, which is famous in the entire Chixian State. Since he is usually relatively stable and has good talents, his cheap father sent Ji Yiyi to take care of the daughter who is usually the most favored by his father.

Ji Boyi's father is the head of the Ji family. Although he is not good-looking, he has an amazing ability, which is to give birth to sons. Due to his achievements in martial arts, even though he was nearly a hundred years old, his cheap father continued to marry women after becoming the head of the family, and a child was born almost every year.

Due to the skills he practiced, Cheap's father already had thirty-seven sons but only three daughters, so he loved his daughters far more than his sons. Moreover, this sister who is studying with Ji Boyi is the youngest one. It can be imagined that she is always loved and loved, which also leads to her domineering personality. She is a wealthy lady who cannot be offended!

Because his mother died early, Ji Boyi has almost no sense of presence in the Ji family. If he hadn't been quite stable and had good martial arts talent, he would have been forgotten by his cheap father.

However, Ji Boyi relied on this stability to be favored by his cheap father and was sent to Jiangdu City. He accompanied this rich lady to the Beidou Star Academy to study, and he was no different from a book boy.

In terms of status in the Ji family, Ji Game and this little sister can be said to be heaven and earth. He can only get the most basic living expenses every month, while the money his little sister spends every month is equivalent to his year. Sum. His main task is to be the nanny of his own sister, and the fatigue and headache of being the nanny of a willful rich daughter can be imagined. Today I took a rare opportunity to take advantage of the holiday to get some fresh air, but was interrupted by her again.

After Ji Boyi heard that his little sister was in trouble again, he felt impatient in his heart. He took a step forward and appeared in front of his servant Asong. This guy was the little sister's confidant, eloquent, sweet-mouthed, and very fond of Ji. Ji Game doesn't have much respect, and some look down on Ji Game, a young master who is not taken seriously.

"Master, hurry up and help the third lady. I think Qian Ziying is so angry that he is going to kill someone. If something goes wrong with the third lady, neither you nor I can afford it!"

A Song was very unruly. He stretched out his hand to pull Ji Boyi's sleeve, trying to pull Ji Boyi over quickly.

A trace of disgust flashed in Ji Boyi's eyes, and he avoided Asong's pull without any trace, his face darkened, and he asked.

"Speak slowly, don't be impatient, what exactly happened?"

Ah Song noticed Ji Boyi's displeasure, and a trace of disinterest flashed in his eyes. To be honest, Ji Boyi, a bastard, may not live as comfortably as a servant like him. Of course, Ah Song also knows that the other party is a young master after all. You can also practice martial arts. Your future may be different from your own, and you still know how to pay attention to it.

"I'm sorry, Master, I was a little anxious and forgot the rules for a moment!"

"Master Yi, you also know that the young lady and Ji Qianran have always been at odds, and that Qian Ziying recently hooked up with Ji Qianran. After the young lady met the two of them in the college, she made some sarcastic remarks about Qian Ziying. His face is getting worse and worse, and he will finally hit the lady!"

Ji Boyi frowned when he heard this. This little girl really feels uncomfortable if she doesn't cause trouble for a day. They are hooking up in the world. What does it have to do with you? You insist on talking too much to ridicule others. You deserve to be taught a lesson.

Although Ji Boyi thought so, as the eldest lady's nanny, he still had to take care of this matter and wipe the butt of this arrogant and domineering little girl. Otherwise, he would be really wronged and he would inevitably be reprimanded by his cheap father.

Thinking of this, Ji Boyi swam like a fish in the crowded street, got into the crowd, and headed towards the Beidou Star Courtyard at an extremely fast speed.

Ji Boyi came to a star stage in the academy where people gathered, and he could vaguely hear his little sister's shrill scolding.

"Qian Ziying, you really want to hit me for this bitch!"

Ji Boyi secretly said something wrong, and without caring about hiding his clumsiness, he jumped onto the star platform. He only saw a majestic man wearing a yellow brocade robe with anger in his eyes, and he palmed a man who looked very... The four or five year old girl waved away.


Ji Boyi shouted loudly, his internal energy surged, and he put the two fingers of his right hand together. He raised his hand slightly in the air, and a sharp edge passed through the air and pierced Qian Ziying's palm.

This sharp edge was so cold that white frost condensed in the surrounding air. This is the Ji family's secret skill of the Three Yin Phantom Fingers. It is the most suitable technique for Ji Game, because he has the destiny of Taiyin and can practice The power of the Yin attribute skills doubled, and the cold air in the air made the surrounding spectators feel a biting chill. They all looked sideways and quickly backed away, surprised by Ji Game's strength.

Sanyin Huan pointed at Qian Ziying's palm, and a stream of Yin Qi penetrated into his body, causing his face to change slightly. He stepped back a few steps, and a layer of white condensed on the star platform under his feet. Frost, Qian Ziying's face was pale, her eyebrows were like rime, a trace of shock flashed in her eyes, she looked up at Ji Boyi, and said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that your three yin phantom fingers are so cold!"

Ji Boyi sighed. He really didn't want to take action, but his father's fate was difficult. Ji Borou was his little sister. Even if he made a mistake, he could not tolerate being taught by others.

"Brother Qian, I'm sorry, my martial arts skills can't reach the level of elegance!"

Qian Ziying took a deep look at Ji Boyi. He was the best in the Beidou Star Academy. Ji Boyi could knock him back with one strike of the Three Yin Phantom Fingers. His strength should not be underestimated. It seemed that this bastard of the Ji family He usually hides his clumsiness very deeply. If it hadn't been for today's fight, he wouldn't have noticed Ji Boyi at all.

"Brother Ji, I have heard about your sister's bad mouth for a long time. She has offended many people. It is a miracle that she can survive to this day!"

As soon as Qian Ziying said these words, Ji Zhuorou, a beautiful girl, became furious and cursed at Qian Ziying with a very fiery personality.

"Qian Ziying, please clean your mouth. The stench is killing me. Did you eat dog shit this morning?"

When Ji Boyi heard this, he glanced at Qian Ziying, whose face was ashen, knowing that today's things might not go well again, but before Qian Ziying could speak, a girl in red beside him also spoke. .

"I'm in urgent need of meat. You'd better ask your father to change your name back. Every time I call your name, it feels very funny!"

The name Ji Borou was thought up by Ji Boyi's cheap father after racking his brains, and it has a good meaning. "Bo" refers to a piece of fiefdom belonging to their Ji family. After the little sister was born, it was put in her name as a gift. The last word "soft" expresses the family's hope that she can become a gentle and gentle girl.

It's just that this name is connected with the surname Ji, and the homophonic pronunciation always makes people want to laugh.

And Ji Zhuorou lived up to the name. Although she loved eating very much, she was extremely skinny, with flat chest, flat legs and hips, and an extreme lack of meat. Even though her face is exquisite, her body without a few ounces of flesh cannot attract the attention of the opposite sex at all. This is also the biggest pain point in her heart, and she is usually most taboo about being talked about. If she were at home, with her status as a little princess, not many people would dare to say that.

But it is different in Beidou Star Academy. The people who can study here are basically either rich or noble. There are only a few dozen who are equivalent to their Ji family status, and there are more than ten people above them.

Ji Boyi knew that today's situation was going to be difficult, so he secretly increased his vigilance. The internal energy in his meridians spread all over his body, and he was ready to take action.

"Bitch, there are actually people who are interested in you. One day you will be despised by everyone!"

Ji Zhuorou has a fiery temper, and she and Ji Qianran exchanged insults for a long time. She was no match for him at all. The other party was soft-tempered, very cunning, and Ji Zhuorou couldn't resist.

Sure enough, as soon as Ji Borou said these words, Qian Ziying and Ji Qianran's expressions became extremely gloomy. Qian Ziying's figure flashed and he was about to teach Ji Borou a lesson.

As soon as Ji Boyi moved his steps, he stood in front of Ji Borou. With a swing of his wide sleeves, Taisu Yin Kung was flowing in his body. He stretched out his five fingers, and strands of cold inner energy overflowed from his fingertips and gathered into a stream. Xuanyin sword energy attacked Qian Ziying's whole body.


Qian Ziying was stunned by this attack, but he did not dare to take a direct hit. Although he was about to cultivate his Qi and return it to his innateness, Ji Boyi's Taisu Yin Gong was a unique skill. He practiced the innate Yin Qi. In terms of power, It was even better than the innate Qi. The palms of his hands that he had just fought with Ji Boyi were still cold and stinging, and the Yin Qi in his body had not yet been expelled. One can imagine how serious the consequences of a hard fight would be.

Since it is forbidden to wear weapons in the Beidou Star Academy, Qian Ziying can only use his own folding fan to face the enemy. However, Qian Ziying is also a disciple of an aristocratic family, and the materials used for this seemingly decorative folding fan are also extraordinary.

The fan bone is white sun wood. This wood only grows in the land of the scorching sun. It absorbs the essence of the sun all year round. It is not only extremely hard, but more importantly, it has a pure yang energy that can protect the mind and avoid going crazy. The fan surface is made of sky silk, which is soft and tough. There is also a spirit gathering array carved by an expert on it, which can gather spiritual energy and realize the innate way. From this aspect, this fan has broken away from ordinary soldiers and can barely be regarded as a sub-grade magic weapon.

Facing Ji Boyi's sword finger, Qian Ziying flicked her fan, and a mighty and vigorous Yanghe energy neutralized the Xuanyin sword energy, and then turned into a streak of red light, rushing toward Ji Boyi's face opposite.

Ji Boyi felt that he was in the wrong. Today's conflict was all caused by Ji Zhuorou. He did not use all his strength. He just dragged Qian Ziying back by swimming. With one step, he ducked sideways like a fish swimming in the water to avoid the rapids. After passing Qian Ziying's attack, he then raised his index finger, and the innate yin energy in his body condensed, pointing at Qian Ziying's ribs.

This sword finger was extremely powerful, like a physical sword edge, and a cold air filled the surrounding air with white frost.

Facing Qian Ziying head-on, it was as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her body movements began to stiffen, and the fan in her hand was stimulated by the Yin energy, and independently vibrated pure Yang energy to help resist this Yin energy. He had just resumed his action and quickly pointed his finger at Ji Boyi's sword. Under the collision, he felt cracks appear on his finger bones, and waves of severe pain hit his heart.

Qian Ziying turned pale and stepped away. The two of them exchanged blows in the blink of an eye, but the difference between them was already clear after the two moves were exchanged.

On the other side, the uneducated Ji Zhurou has been swept on the shoulder by Ji Qianran. This is Ji Boyi's deliberate move. He wants to use Ji Qianran's hand to teach his unruly, willful, arrogant and domineering little girl a lesson. In the future, he can be more honest and restrained and cause less trouble for him. Beidouxingyuan is not the Ji family. There are countless children from aristocratic families, and many of them are even better than the Ji family, so they are not easy to mess with.

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