I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2985 Spiritual Stone Star Territory, Eternal Divine Light

"I hope you can help me cover my aura so that I can travel unimpeded in the three dimensions. The suppression of us by the material world is too powerful!"

The princess of the dragon clan also made her own request. She is from the dragon dimension. Although she has descended into the material world through the space channel, she is still suppressed by the laws of the material world and cannot fully exert her own strength. She needs to be careful at all times to be rejected by the universe. go out.

Human beings on earth were born on the celestial sphere of all realms, and their souls have special characteristics that allow them to travel unimpeded in the three-dimensional universe. Moreover, Jiang Tao is so powerful that he can use his own breath to cover up the dragon princess's breath, allowing her to exert her power in the three-dimensional universe without being restricted.

Now the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Celestial Sphere has expanded into the Milky Way, which is a distance of about 100,000 light-years. Outside of this distance, the Dragon Princess basically cannot display any magical powers. The higher the cultivation level, the more powerful she is. Being severely suppressed.

Therefore, in the three-dimensional universe, few masters come down, because the driving force of the universe is simply destructive to the oppression of masters, especially gods. When gods come here, they are just one word, death!

The Wanjie Celestial Sphere itself is actually the agreement of Wanjie, which was created by Wanjie to fight against the three-dimensional universe. Among all the worlds, a god was finally born. After the death of this god, he actually fell into the three-dimensional universe and became the nourishment of this universe. In this way, all the worlds became the food for the growth of the three-dimensional universe. This The universe is still expanding. Sooner or later, it will swallow up all the worlds. Finally, the universe will return to chaos again. The three-dimensional universe can give birth to all things and destroy all things. Therefore, the three-dimensional material world is among the worlds. The most alien existence.

"Your cooperation deal is fair, I can help you cover up your breath!"

"However, the third dimension is so vast. Looking for the body of a god is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is difficult to find unless you know the coordinates of the death of your dragon god!"

Jiang Tao was sure that the Dragon Clan must have a way to determine the location of the Dragon God's death. He looked at the Dragon Clan Goddess calmly and motioned for her to take it out without wasting time.

"Of course, how can you find it without coordinates? It is very difficult to find a corpse in the vast universe. Fortunately, I can find the breath of our dragon clan's magic weapon."

While talking, the princess of the Dragon Clan took out a golden seal. There were many free little dragons on the seal, shining brightly. There was nothing magical about it. However, in the deepest part of the seal, there seemed to be an ancient power. Summon, call people to a magical place.

"This is the dragon-seeking seal of our dragon clan. It is the child of that magic weapon. It was bred from the body of that magic weapon. Therefore, this seal can automatically sense the breath of the mother's body. In the dragon world, I use the great power to search the world. With my magical power, I have sacrificed this seal and finally know the location and coordinates of the fallen artifact. As long as I follow this aura, I can find the bodies of the fallen Dragon God and those gods from other worlds."

Jiang Tao nodded. It seemed that the Dragon Princess was well prepared. She had already made a plan. Every step was considered. His spiritual power was shaken. He happily covered the Dragon Princess and said to her.

"As expected, you have condensed the ten great laws. I don't know what to call them?"

The princess of the Dragon Clan felt the extremely powerful aura around her and was secretly shocked. This aura was like the starry sky and the sea, mysterious, boundless and bright. It was definitely not something she could resist. A strange light flashed in her starry eyes and she looked at Jiang Tao , sensing the fluctuations of Jiang Tao’s soul fire, he said in great amazement.

"I didn't expect that you are only 24 years old. I really don't know how you cultivated. I feel that you are no longer weaker than a god. I didn't expect that the earth would give birth to such a stunning figure!"

"You can call me Long Wa!"

"Let's go, let's go back quickly!"

Jiang Tao nodded slightly and ignored Long Wa's praise for him. He took a step and arrived at the edge of the Milky Way. A moment later, Long Wa followed closely.

In the starry sky, a man and a woman are walking.

The man is Jiang Tao and the woman is Long Wa. In one step, the two of them traveled dozens of light years or even hundreds of light years away. The two reached an agreement. Jiang Tao helped Long Wa cover up her soul aura and get out of the galaxy. Find the corpses of dragon gods and otherworldly gods.

Sure enough, as soon as she left the Milky Way, Long Wa's whole body trembled, and she seemed to be under great oppression. However, Jiang Tao's soul aura enveloped her body, completely assimilating her aura.

In addition, Jiang Tao's own aura is also connected with Long Wa, allowing her to take some of her origins. Of course, in return, Long Wa's origin was also given to Jiang Tao, which means that in the future, Jiang Tao will not be rejected by the dragon world's providence when he goes to the dragon world. This is an equal exchange.

The two walked side by side and soon left the Milky Way. This was not a wormhole jump, but a cosmic plane shift. Jiang Tao's cultivation was extremely terrifying, more powerful than the providence of the world of cultivation. Even if the world of cultivation was promoted to... The complete dimensional world is comparable to gods, and is not necessarily Jiang Tao's opponent today. His accumulation of heritage is really too strong. The three thousand avenues have opened up countless avenues, which can lead to becoming an emperor.

Jiang Tao and Long Wa just strolled in the garden and walked in the starry sky. The stars were flashing by. Although they were beautiful, they were very boring. In the universe, most of the traveling time is boring and lonely, because there are only a few dead planets with no life. Occasionally, there are some planets with life on them, and those are also some primitive animals, because on the planet, they have to be born. It’s really hard to be strong.

Long Wa held the seal and kept traveling. At the sensing location, the two crossed the Milky Way and traveled to the extragalactic galaxy. The speed accelerated again, and Long Wa displayed a mysterious movement technique. With the cultivation of the ten avenues, she spans time and space, transforms the invisible into the tangible, and uses the way of heaven to understand the soul. She has the power to appear anywhere at will.

"Is this the movement technique of your dragon clan? Is it really wonderful?"

A flash of light flashed in Jiang Tao's eyes, he looked at Long Wa thoughtfully, and asked.

"This is the secret skill of our dragon clan, the art of three realms."

Long Wa spread her body skills and pushed them to the extreme. In the end, she even stepped out and crossed a galaxy, tens of thousands of light years, or even one hundred thousand light years. The speed was so terrifying that even Jiang Tao couldn't help but marvel, She showed a proud look on her face and introduced very proudly.

"Ordinary people from the Dragon Clan can't activate this secret skill at all, because they don't have enough magic power, but I have cultivated ten avenues, so I can barely activate it."

I don't know how long they have been flying, but Jiang Tao can no longer sense the world of cultivation. At this time, he has completely lost contact with the world of cultivation. Obviously, this is because the distance is too far. They have left the Milky Way at least 100 million light years away.

One hundred million light years away, it was difficult for Jiang Tao's cultivation to sense the existence of the world of cultivation. However, at this point, he was too lazy to think about it. Finding the corpse of the god was the key.

The planets are getting bigger and bigger one by one. Jiang Tao and Long Wa fly farther, one hundred million light years away, two hundred million light years away... five hundred million light years away, one billion light years away... On the earth, people can observe star fields many billions of light years away, but in fact, such observations are unreliable, because the scenes they see are actually things that happened many billions of years ago. Hundreds of millions of years are enough for a lot of things to happen.

The older the galaxy, the more mysterious it is. Jiang Tao has never leaped so far before. The range of human activities is within hundreds of thousands of light years at most. Just wandering in several star fields around the Milky Way.

Now, Jiang Tao has almost reached the ancient galaxy that he has never seen before. He has seen many beautiful and strange scenery, including planets that are larger than the solar system and even the world of cultivation. They release blazing gas and huge The gravity of these planets can even be sucked in by powerful people. In addition, there are all kinds of cosmic storms, cosmic turbulence, cosmic vortices, and cosmic aurora. Some planets are very large, but It is light and airy, as if bubbles are floating in the universe, constantly wandering. This is a wandering planet, or in other words, it is not a planet, but a cosmic jellyfish-like creature.

Jiang Tao has never seen a creature as big as a planet, and this is the first time he has seen it. In addition, he also saw some half-dimensions that are exactly the same as the world of cultivators. There are also creatures living in them, but they are not the world of cultivators. There are Some of them are actually legends and civilizations of magic, swords, heroes, and knights. Some are not human beings, but dimensions of alien civilizations. Some have even just developed various mountains, rivers, primeval forests, and... There is no intelligent life brewing, but of course some of it contains pure technology, various battleships, and spaceships, exploring around itself with a radius of tens of thousands of light years.

Some intelligent life forms are snake-like monsters with many tentacles and can build machines many times faster than humans. A lot of knowledge has never been seen before by humans. Before they knew it, Jiang Tao and Long Wa had arrived in a river system tens of billions of light years away. This ancient river system conveyed some aura of prehistoric times everywhere. , Jiang Tao felt that he had completely forgotten time, as if he had arrived in ancient times.

On Earth, you can see things tens of billions of light years away, but those were scenes tens of billions of years ago. No one knows what they look like now.

But now, Jiang Tao has come here in person, watching the ancient changes here, and feels that his life is not in vain. Along the way, Jiang Tao's spiritual thoughts reached many civilizations. He recorded this knowledge deep in his mind, then gathered it together and analyzed it with his virtual godhead.

Coming out this time was really a long journey. If he hadn't been searching for the body of the god, he wouldn't have been able to go so far.

Suddenly, the Xunlong Seal burst out with a strong light, Long Wa's face showed a look of surprise, and he said quickly.

"There is a response, hard work pays off! We continue to search, and we will soon find the place where God fell."

The two advanced again for about four or five days, and another star field appeared in front of them. This star field was not an ancient star field, but had the breath of a baby that had just been born. It seemed that the star field had only been condensed not long ago.

At a glance, this star field looks like a long sword. It is almost one-tenth the size of the Milky Way, but some of the planets in it are sparkling, full of compelling aura, and tyrannical majesty.

These planets are actually crystal clear, like diamonds, and contain rich spiritual energy. There are so many planets in a galaxy, and all the planets are actually made of whole pieces of spiritual stones. In the sword-shaped galaxy in front of us, there are many star-like planets, all made of spiritual stones, which are exactly the materials that humans lack.

Spirit stones are always the best energy for ordinary beings in the universe to practice. Although humans on earth can absorb the energy of the immortal world, this energy can only be digested by masters in the realm of forgetfulness. After ordinary people inhale it, their bodies will explode. So much The planets are all spiritual stones. If they are all transferred to the world of cultivation, the overall quality of human beings on earth will improve a lot.

In the world of cultivation, there are many mineral veins and spiritual stones, but many sects have divided them up, and there are still too many monks and too few monks. The population in the world of cultivation is increasing, and the spiritual stones cannot make ends meet. Any mineral vein can cause competition among the sects, and they will not hesitate to kill people and destroy the sect.

There are trillions of human beings now, and the number of people who absorb spiritual energy is an astronomical number every day. But now, it is not a problem of mineral veins, but the entire planet is filled with spiritual stones.

Jiang Tao walked along and saw many planets. Some planets were made of diamonds, some were made of gold, some were made of silver, platinum, many metals, and even the whole planet was made of flesh and blood. . But this is the first time I see the entire planet being made of spirit stones.

"This star field was transformed by God. In the center of this star field, there is the corpse of God, which has not yet been melted!"

"The corpse of a god is extremely terrifying. After death, the vitality is emitted and can be transformed into spiritual stone planets."

Long Wa's face showed a solemn look, and she looked cautious. She was extremely afraid of the existence of gods. Even the dead bodies of gods were not something she could resist at will. If she was not careful, she might be able to resist them. Fall.

"Be careful. The power contained in these spirit stone planets is very powerful. They even contain the resentment of the gods when they died. Once resentment arises, I will be killed."

Although the spirit stone planet in front of her was very tempting, even Long Wa couldn't help but be tempted, but she did not move, but observed the changes in this star field with great caution.

The span of this star field is about 10,000 light-years, which is much larger than the cultivation world, but it does not form a half dimension, it is just a star field. In the center of this star field, there is a faint and strong light. There was also a hazy mist that covered everything, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Long Wa's spiritual thoughts penetrated through, and when she reached the outside of the star field, she immediately felt a huge gravitational force, pulling herself in, which was equivalent to a super large black hole in the universe.

"God's resentment is all over this star field. In the center of this star field, about a thousand light years in radius, there are the corpses of the gods that have not yet been melted. I don't know how many corpses of that god there are, but there must be two. Among the above, one of them is the elder of our Dragon Clan.”

Long Wa hurriedly withdrew his spiritual thoughts, which seemed very difficult. If he were an ordinary Taoist saint, he would most likely be swallowed directly and would be unable to resist the suction force.

Jiang Tao looked at this galaxy very calmly. The fire of his soul continued to shine, and his cultivation level improved. Along the way, his spirit fully felt the passage of time and the changes in the universe tens of billions of light years away. The expansion of time and space and the collapse of the void formed knowledge and insights, which were absorbed by him. His soul fire seemed to be affected and transformed. Originally, his soul fire was golden in color, but now it has become pure. Those golden flames have become softer and no longer sharp. This is a kind of return to nature.

"These spiritual stone planets are connected together, and the planets naturally condense into a large formation. If they are collected by force, the balance between the galaxies will be destroyed at once, and the entire galaxy will explode. By then, you will probably be in trouble. It’s hard to withstand such a horrific explosion!”

Jiang Tao withdrew his gaze. He had already seen through the details of this galaxy and looked at Long Wa. Since the other party was so confident that he could collect the body of the god, there must be other ways.

"That's right, this star field is very dangerous. Even I can't take away the body of God."

"The tiger's power of death is still there, and all beasts dare not approach its body, let alone a god. The god itself is an existence that cannot be blasphemed. Even if it is dead, there is still an instinctive law to protect its body. Only this The three-dimensional universe can slowly melt it, just like an animal carcass melting into the soil!"

"However, I have my own way. This dragon-seeking seal is a key for us. Enter the center of this star field, find the dragon artifact, and refine it to get the inheritance of the dragon ancestors, and let it The remaining divine thoughts can inspire his body, perform Nirvana sacrifice, and return to the Dragon Realm. The corpses of other gods can also take advantage of the power of the sacrifices of the seniors in the Dragon Realm to make this star field lose balance, and finally bring the entire star field to its knees. Absorb into it.”

Long Wa raised her hand, and the Xunlong Seal emitted a shimmering golden light, which turned into some golden sand, wrapping the two of them and breaking into the star field. As soon as the Xunlong Seal was sacrificed, the pressure in the star field was greatly reduced. The two entered the star field and were not pulled by gravity.

However, the closer to the center of the star field, the ray of light became more and more intense. Finally, it turned out to be like a mountain and a sea, with a raging tide. Its brightness surpassed the brightness of the sun by countless billions of times.

In the universe, there are many stars that exceed the brightness of the sun, but the brightness in the center of the star field in front of us is too terrifying. This bright light generates extremely high temperatures and can even melt the saints who have condensed the five principles of the great road. .

"Absorb these powers quickly and strengthen the soul. The light here is not ordinary light, but a divine light with eternal attributes erupted from the fall of the gods. This is a rare magical power, even for us dragons There is no boundary!”

Long Wa absorbed the light from outside. The rays of light were extremely heavy and were sucked into her body. The power in her body immediately began to rotate. It seemed to become as great as the solar system, and its power was irresistible.

Seeing this, Jiang Tao also opened up all the cells in his body, turning them into an extremely bright starry sky and universe. He emitted infinite suction and sucked into his body the divine light that was only born when the gods fell.

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