I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2980 The jade dish of good fortune takes the initiative

Outside the solar system, a cosmic storm was born. This cosmic storm was so huge that the violent storm shattered time and space. Even the saints at the avenue level did not dare to go deep into it, as there was a possibility of falling.

This cosmic storm is very huge. There are no planets or meteorite belts in it. It is completely the violent flow of the cosmic storm. The violent flow is the power of smashing space and then combining and then destroying it. It is equivalent to the saint self-destructing all the time. No wonder it is ordinary Even the masters at the Grand Avenue level can't resist it.

The universe is so vast and filled with wonders. Although the Saint is powerful, he still appears as small as a drop in the ocean in front of the third-dimensional universe.

In the middle of this cosmic storm, there is a huge altar that rotates crazily, absorbing the power of the storm and blooming with light. The cosmic storm here is equivalent to the self-destruction of countless saints at all times, and the energy is incredibly powerful. This altar continuously absorbs the energy of the storm and converts it into base energy, which is used to replenish energy and even practice magic weapons and improve cultivation. This method is an extremely complex technology, compared to the technology of the Human Federation. It is much more developed, obviously it comes from a higher civilization, and this civilization is the demon clan.

The demons are an advanced civilization, and it is normal for the demons to have the power of technology. In the third-dimensional universe, if magic weapons and cultivation are too strong, they will be suppressed. Only the power of technology can be used to their fullest. Therefore, it is also natural for the demons to fully develop technology. It's normal, they are preparing to rule the three-dimensional universe.

This huge base, about the size of two or three earths, formed a flying saucer, which was safe and sound in the storm. On top of the flying saucer, there were rising and falling demons everywhere. Those demons were very strong, and each one was about 30 meters tall. It is three meters tall, its body is pitch black, its head has horns, its eyes are purple, its hair is green, and there are fangs at the corners of its mouth. This is the basic characteristic of demons. Only the advanced demons are exactly the same as humans.

Human beings are the most perfect form of evolution. This is caused by the special reasons of the earth. It is the most suitable form for cultivation. Therefore, even the immortals in the immortal world look like humans.

Countless demons were praying in the flying saucer. An ancient portal appeared above the flying saucer. Inside the portal was the passage to the demon world. It was just an energy passage, a temporary passage. Energy could fall from it, but people could not. It is impossible to ascend or come out from it. Only the celestial sphere of all realms can open the passage to the material world.

The Demon Clan is the enemy of the Immortal Realm. It is an orderly ethnic group with strict discipline and clear hierarchy. It is different from the Nether Clan. However, the laws they practice are opposite to those of the Immortal Realm, and they are more inclined to destroy darkness.

There is an extremely powerful being in this huge flying saucer. His body is like a shadow, looking very illusory and indifferent. This is a middle-aged demon saint. Many lights and lights appear above his head. The runes seemed to be suppressing the aura on his body, so as not to be rejected by the rules of the third-dimensional universe. This demon saint was far superior to the masters of the underworld and vampires who were sacrificed by Jiang Tao before. He was a man who condensed the seven great laws. of saints.

The flying saucer continued to swallow up the huge energy in the cosmic storm, and flew towards the direction of the solar system. The speed was extremely fast, and it was almost a light-year away in an instant. Looking at it like this, it won't take long for the demon clan's flying saucer to be there. Can descend beyond the earth.

Suddenly, a man walked out from the cosmic storm. This man was wearing a blood-colored robe. He was a powerful saint of the blood race. Seven great avenues surged in his body. He roared and suppressed the surrounding cosmic storm. He After appearing, a bloody light was emitted, which seemed to be calling the powerful demons in the flying saucer.

Boom! The flying saucer shook, and the demon clan strongman Mo Yixiong appeared. He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the blood scene of the blood clan saint with great fear, and asked.

"A powerful being from the blood realm, what do you want to do when you come to our demon base?"

"Honorable Demon King, I am here to join forces with you. We, the Blood Realm, want to unite with the Demon Realm to fight for the Heavenly Sphere of All Realms."

Blood Demon Xue Jing's face was full of cruelty and cunning, his eyes flashed with scarlet light, and a sea of ​​blood emerged around him, swallowing up the energy in the cosmic storm.

"There is only one celestial sphere of all realms, and it cannot be divided equally. There can only be one ruler of all realms in the future."

"Although we demons and you vampires are both evil, ours is evil and lawful, and you are evil and chaotic. I don't want to cooperate with you."

Mo Kaixiong doesn't seem to want the vampires to cooperate. He has a very bad impression of the vampires. Many masters of the demons were tricked by the vampires and learned bloody lessons.

Among the demons, there is order and strict hierarchy, and they are an orderly group. However, in the blood world, they are very chaotic, devouring each other, and are precarious.

"Don't you even want the jade plate of creation?"

Hearing this, Blood Demon Xue Jing laughed. He still knew the reputation of the Blood Clan very well. It has long been a stinker on the streets. In all the worlds, its reputation is only slightly better than that of the Nether Clan, but there are only a few of them. , he is considered a raccoon dog. It is normal for him to be rejected by the demon clan, but he has already thought of a countermeasure. The jade plate of creation is the treasure that the demon clan is determined to obtain.

The jade butterfly of good fortune is a rune that was bred from the will of the fairy world in ancient times. It is also the supreme artifact of heaven. The emperor's jade seal and the commander-in-chief must be stamped with the mark of this jade plate of good fortune. Otherwise, there is no law at all. Potency. Heavenly Court cannot issue orders now because this thing has disappeared. Now, there is a legend left in the fairy world, saying that whoever can find the jade plate of creation will be the son of the fairy world and the master of the fairy world. And he can also become the master of all realms.

In the ancient fairy world, several great emperors took turns presiding over the heavenly court. Not long ago, several great emperors disappeared. It was rumored that they might have fallen into the third-dimensional material world, but these great emperors took away their The most important token in the fairy world is the jade dish of good fortune. If anyone can find this jade dish of good fortune, he can master part of the rules of the immortal world, dominate the heaven again, and make hundreds of millions of sects in the immortal world surrender under his feet.

As the mortal enemy of the fairy world, the demon world naturally wants to obtain the jade plate of creation, control the fairy world, and turn it into a part of the demon world. All the immortals will become their sacrifices and can be offered to the devil's providence.

"The Jade Plate of Creation? Are you talking about the Jade Plate of Creation, the highest artifact missing from the Immortal Realm? A token of heaven? A token of the commander-in-chief who unifies all realms?"

When Mo Yixiong heard this, his body shook wildly, his eyes suddenly opened wide, two magic lights shot out from his eyes, penetrated the cosmic storm, and exploded a star in the distance. There was a violent explosion, and endless energy rolled. The agitation was swallowed up by the huge cosmic storm, integrated into the flying saucer, and turned into countless energy blocks, pushing the flying saucer forward quickly.

"Yes, the clues to the creation of the jade disc are in one place. Don't you want to look for it?"

"As long as you demons cooperate with me, we all have a chance."

Xue Jing had strong confidence on his face. The jade plate of creation was extremely attractive to the demons. He did not believe that the demons would not be tempted and would definitely choose to cooperate with him.

"You are a powerful being in the Blood Realm. We have found clues to the creation of the Jade Disc, so we will not cooperate with you. You should leave quickly. Your coming here is a glimpse into the secrets of our demon clan."

Mo Yixiong's reaction was completely different from what Xue Jing had expected. They actually knew some information about the Jade Disc of Creation and directly rejected Xue Jing's cooperation proposal. Obviously, they were still very worried about the Xue Clan.

"Have you found a place called the World of Cultivation? That place is somewhat similar to the Immortal World. It seems to have been created by the Great Emperor of the Immortal World before his fall?"

"But let me tell you, the jade disk of creation is not in that place, but in a very powerful star field called the Tower of Immortality."

Xue Jing didn't panic at all. He seemed to have known for a long time that the demons had obtained the information about the Jade Disk of Creation. He quickly revealed the information he knew and used it as a bargaining chip to invite the demons to cooperate in attacking the earth.

The world of cultivation is a miniature fairy world that has been reduced by hundreds of millions of times. The terrain, the sky, the laws of God, and the atmosphere of the world are all very similar to the fairy world. It was created by a fairy emperor before his death. The world of cultivation is inextricably linked to the earth. Therefore, in the ancient times of the earth, there were legends of the fairy world and legends of heaven, but I don’t know who passed them down.

"What did you say?!"

"It is possible that the jade disk of creation is in the Tower of Immortality, but is it true? The Tower of Immortality is one of the two most mysterious places in the three-dimensional universe, and the other place is the Brain Starfield of the Universe. These two places, It represents the core secret of the third-dimensional universe. We demons have also broken into it before, but they were all wiped out. How do I know if you are deceiving me?"

Mo Yixiong was shocked again. The runes and laws on his body were shaking. The breath in his body leaked out. His shadow-like body became real in an instant. The laws of the third-dimensional universe were immediately sensed and began to vibrate. It seemed that he wanted to Drive this supremely powerful demon from the material world.

Nowadays, the heavenly sphere of all realms has not yet fully awakened, so the third-dimensional material world does not allow too powerful beings from other dimensions to enter. Now it can only accommodate the arrival of saints who have condensed the laws of the six avenues, Mo Yixiong and Xuejing. They all came to the third-dimensional material world through other means and with great difficulty. They usually restrain their breath to avoid being rejected by the universe.

Mo Yixiong reacted and quickly restrained his breath. His body turned into a shadow again. He was extremely indifferent. There was still a look of shock on his face. He looked at the blood scene to confirm whether what he said was true.

"I definitely didn't lie to you. This is the highest secret in the universe, but I have studied it carefully."

The expression on Xue Jing's face is very serious, and his cunning eyes are full of sincerity, which makes people feel very awkward, just like a very vulgar and dirty person, but his eyes are full of righteousness. The picture is so beautiful that people can't believe it. .

"Do you know how many outstanding figures there are among the humans on earth? The killing gave the angel clan a headache. They knew the clues to the creation of the Jade Disc, so one went to the Tower of Immortality and the other to the Brain of the Universe. You guys The demons have controlled many natives in the world of cultivation, so they should have gotten a lot of news, right?"

"Yes, we demons know that there are two powerful figures among humans on earth, one is called Wang Chao and the other is called Ba Liming. These two figures are very cruel and have the power of gods. So we are plotting secretly now, just to think To seduce these two characters.”

Mo Yixiong did not deny it, with a solemn look on his face. He was obviously very afraid of Wang Chao and Ba Liming, even to the point of awe. The pupils in his eyes shrank to a point, and he said extremely seriously.

"The strongest person in the human race today should be Jiang Tao. He has built an Infinite Palace on the celestial sphere of all realms. It is regarded as a forbidden area by all major races. Unless this person is removed, all our plans will not be realized!"

The expression on Xue Jing's face was very solemn. He had once secretly spied on Jiang Tao's strength, but he felt that it was unfathomable, like the vast ocean. He couldn't touch Jiang Tao's details. He had no confidence that he could defeat Jiang Tao, so he came to look for it. The demons cooperated to kill Jiang Tao and seize control of the Ten Thousand Worlds of Heaven.

"Although Jiang Tao is only a Dao Saint now, his strength is unfathomable and will definitely not be weaker than my current strength. In time, he will definitely become someone like Wang Chao and Ba Liming, so we must get rid of this person now. How? ?”

"Jiang Tao is just a small person. It's easy for our demon clan to kill him! But he is a talent. I want to absorb him into the demon clan. He will definitely become a good fighter against the fairy world. I will not cooperate with your vampire clan. Yes, your reputation is really bad. You need to be on guard at all times. If you are not careful, you will be devoured by your vampires!"

Mo Yixiong laughed loudly and once again rejected Xuejing's request for cooperation. He placed his status very high, thinking that Jiang Tao was not worth mentioning and could easily surrender him, just like Jiang Nalan among the human race. As long as he is given benefits, he will definitely join the demon clan.

Jiang Nalan has disappeared from the Human Federation since he was defeated by Jiang Tao. He is now fighting fiercely with the angel clan, demon clan and other major races, playing both sides, constantly scheming, and working hard to improve his cultivation level. He secretly saves money. Strength, lying down and tasting courage, just to wait for the opportunity to avenge his shame and kill Jiang Tao.

"Won't you cooperate? Then I have no choice but to cooperate with humans. They should be very willing to destroy the demons!"

A sinister smile appeared on Xue Jing's face, and he threatened Mo Yixiong. This is the vampire, capricious, cunning, ruthless, and very difficult to deal with.

"Think about it, if you reject me, not only will you lose a friend, but you will also gain an enemy. It's really not worth the loss!"

"How are you going to cooperate?"

Mo Yixiong frowned. He felt that people in the Blood Realm were not easy to mess with. They were all demons. People in the Blood Realm were more cruel than the Demon Realm. They could do anything. After weighing the pros and cons, he still compromised and asked with some displeasure. .

"It's very simple. Let's join forces to kill Jiang Tao, then invade the world of cultivation and sacrifice all the humans. As for the reward of God's will from the sacrifice, how about we share it equally?"

A proud smile appeared on Xue Jing's face. Sure enough, the demon clan agreed to his request for cooperation. After all, no one wanted to have one more enemy of the vampire clan, who would have trouble sleeping and eating, like a light on their backs.

"Okay, let's go to the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Sphere together, kill Jiang Tao together, and then directly attack the world of cultivation and sacrifice all humans. The reward of God's will is enough for us to condense the virtual godhead and become a sub-god!"

Since Mo Yixiong had decided to cooperate with Xue Jing, he did not delay and decisively agreed to Xue Jing's proposal. The flying saucer shook suddenly and accelerated, like a meteor, flying towards the solar system. Countless stars along the way were destroyed by the universe. The storm swallowed it up and turned it into the power energy of the flying saucer.

Xinghua City is now empty, with only the Wuliang Palace standing here alone. The palace door is wide open, and a figure in the palace comes into view. He is sitting cross-legged on a futon, with his fingers forming a seal, shaped like a lotus, and looming behind him. A Buddha appeared, lying on his side in the void. The Buddha's eyes opened, and there were shadows of endless dimensions inside. The will of the world was like a hammer, constantly beating the Buddha's golden body, clanging. The sound stretches out in endless dimensions, like Zen music, extremely pleasant to the ear.

Suddenly, Jiang Tao frowned slightly, disappeared into the Infinite Palace, and appeared dozens of light years away outside the solar system. Looking at the approaching cosmic storm, he entered it in a flash.

"I'm here, you don't have to look for me anymore!"

Jiang Tao's figure appeared outside the flying saucer, standing in the cosmic storm, surrounded by surging energy. He closed his eyes tightly, as if he could still clearly see Mo Yixiong and Xue Jing, and spoke.


When Mo Yixiong and Xue Jing heard Jiang Tao's voice, their bodies trembled and they looked at each other. At the same time, they turned to look at Jiang Tao, showing surprise.

"You actually noticed our calculations, your amazing spiritual state, your ability to predict the future, and your ability to feel the autumn wind!"

Mo Yixiong looked at Jiang Tao carefully, with a look of surprise on his face, and exclaimed.

"Are you the strongest among humans today, Jiang Tao?"

"I didn't expect you to be so young. Judging from the time lifespan of your soul fire, it seems that it is only 24 ten thousand world years."

Among the heavens and the worlds, the real calculation of time is the year of the world, and the year of the world is actually the year of the earth. Because the earth is a special existence, it is the celestial sphere of all realms, and the time it takes to move can represent the total time in the universe.

Jiang Tao is only about 24 years old now, but Mo Yixiong and Xue Jing in front of him have lived for thousands of years, or even longer. Jiang Tao can cultivate to this level at the age of 24, which is simply a miracle among miracles!

"However, you are so brave that you dare to come alone. Do you know that you are in a desperate situation now? In fact, we have already felt it as soon as you entered the cosmic storm. This flying saucer of our demon race is called the Heaven-defying Battleship. It is the highest crystallization of our demon technology, sailing in the universe in the third dimension. I know that you humans also have technology, but it is too common. Human technology is just an advantage of some angels. It is simply incomparable to the technology of our demons.”

Mo Yixiong looked at Jiang Tao very arrogantly, his tone was full of contempt for human beings, he thought he was superior to others, and he spoke again with a sense of charity.

"Jiang Tao, I think you are also a talent, the best talent. We are reluctant to kill you, especially at this time, when the world is shaking, masters are coming, and all walks of life need to expand talents. If you sincerely join us, we can definitely Raise you to be the strongest.”

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