Chapter 298 Turn a blind eye and listen but not hear.

"Ye Gucheng!"

The swordsman in white replied coldly. His voice was exactly the same as his appearance. It was as cold as the moon and made people forget the world.

"The Lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng, is as good as his name suggests!"

Zhu Houzhao touched his hand and praised Ye Gucheng. He was worthy of being a swordsman in the world. He was impeccable and enviable.

"Your Majesty, you are also very good. Even if you are in danger, you still remain as still as a mountain. Your heart and mind are far beyond ordinary people. If your Majesty learns swordsmanship, you will definitely be famous in the world!"

Ye Gucheng did not belittle Zhu Houzhao because he was an enemy, but admired his courage and courage. The emperor's heart was indeed comparable to that of others. Even though Zhu Houzhao was not well-known in external rumors, every emperor had his own merits. The place is by no means as simple as what outsiders see.

"Hahaha, I think so too. Meeting Lord Ye today feels like meeting a confidant, which makes me happy. Unfortunately, some people say that I am not suitable for practicing swordsmanship. I am at most a second-rate swordsman. Your evaluation of me is completely opposite to his!"

"I never lie!"

Ye Gucheng still had a cold face, and there was no tactfulness in his words.

"I naturally understand Ye Gucheng's character, but in that person's eyes, all swordsmen in the world are second-rate, so there is no conflict, so I gave up the idea of ​​learning swordsmanship. After all, no matter how hard I try, I can't do anything in martial arts. It’s hard to impress him, so just be your own emperor!”

Zhu Houzhao seemed to be thinking of Zhu Xiao, recalling that he asked Zhu Xiao if he could reach the realm of heaven and man if he learned martial arts.

Zhu Houzhao can still remember Zhu Xiao's eyes full of contempt, which means you have the nerve to ask this question shamelessly.

Zhu Houzhao was also young at the time, and his face turned red with shame at Zhu Xiao's contempt, and he no longer had any desire to practice martial arts.

"Who is that person?"

Ye Gucheng didn't feel angry because he became a second-rate swordsman in the eyes of others. He was like a fairy looking down on the world, without emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy, watching everything in the world with a cold eye. But he was still curious about Zhu Houzhao's high regard for a person, and couldn't help but ask.

"That person is Zhu Xiao. I wonder if City Lord Ye has ever heard of his name!"

Zhu Houzhao seemed to have thought of something funny. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and put on a smile. He knew that although Zhu Xiao was a great disciple of the Huashan Sect and was regarded as a master of heaven and man, he did not have a good reputation in the world. Even if Even though Huashan Sect is now famous, he, the great disciple of Huashan Sect, is still a transparent person.

"Zhu Xiao? I've never heard of it, but His Majesty admires it so much. I guess he's definitely not someone who is seeking fame and reputation. It's just me who is ignorant."

Although Ye Gucheng knew about the Huashan Sect and knew Feng Qingyang and Yue Buqun of the Huashan Sect very well, he never took the three generations of disciples of the Huashan Sect into his heart, so he never noticed Zhu Xiao's existence.

However, although Ye Gucheng is arrogant, he has never been arrogant or arrogant. He knows that there are countless masters in the world, and it is impossible for anyone to know all the masters. Although Ye Gucheng met Zhu Houzhao for the first time, he still admired Zhu Houzhao's ability and courage. The fact that Zhu Xiao was so highly praised by Zhu Houzhao was definitely something special. It would be difficult for a person who deceives the world and steals fame to hide it from Zhu Houzhao.

"It's not the fault of Lord Ye, he doesn't like fame and fortune, and only a few people in the world have heard of his reputation!"

Zhu Houzhao knew that Ye Gucheng would never mention Zhu Xiao's name, so he mentioned it just to see Zhu Xiao's joke.

Zhu Houzhao looked around the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but still did not find Zhu Xiao's figure. He was surprised and finally had some understanding of the methods of the masters of heaven and man.

In fact, Zhu Xiao has been in the Hall of Supreme Harmony tonight. Before Wang Ying came in, Zhu Xiao and Zhu Houzhao were chatting, but now he is indeed invisible. If Ye Gucheng hadn't appeared, Zhu Xiao reminded himself, Zhu Houzhao I thought Zhu Xiao had already left this hall.

Even though Zhu Xiao was always in the hall, no one in the hall noticed Zhu Xiao's figure, and even when Zhu Xiao was talking, no one noticed him. If Zhu Houzhao never noticed Zhu Xiao because he had never practiced martial arts, but Ye Gucheng was a great master swordsman and could not see Zhu Xiao. This made Zhu Houzhao truly understand the power of the realm of heaven and man, although the great master was far away from heaven. The realm of human beings is only one step apart. It is indeed the difference between heaven and human beings, and the difference between immortals and mortals cannot be compared.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me? I'm by your side, don't worry!"

Zhu Xiao's voice rang in Zhu Houzhao's ears, but the people around him didn't notice it. As an emperor, Zhu Houzhao was well-informed. Naturally, he had seen how to transmit sounds into secrets. Many worshipers in the palace knew this technique, but Zhu Xiao He definitely never used this technique, but spoke normally. Zhu Houzhao could still tell this clearly.

But even so, everyone in the palace, including Ye Gucheng, turned a blind eye to Zhu Xiao's voice and turned a blind eye to Zhu Xiao's existence.

This is already a legendary magical method. When martial arts has reached this point, it can no longer be called martial arts.

"It's such a pity that we can't meet such a master!"

Ye Gucheng sighed, said no more, and retreated behind Prince Nanping, signaling that he was done.

"From today on, I am the Lord of the Ming Dynasty. Wang Ying won't kill this rebellious official and traitor who pretends to be me!"

The Crown Prince of Nanping was very proud at this time. His twenty years of hiding, twenty years of imitation, and twenty years of forbearance were all rewarded today. From now on, he will be the Nine-Five-Year-Old Lord and the common ruler of the world. No one can go against his will.

"Old slave, I obey!" Wang Ying bent down at this moment, took out a piece of white silk from his words, wrapped his hands around it, and approached Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the groveling Wang Ying and sighed with some pity.

"I just wanted to let His Majesty leave peacefully, but it's a pity that Your Majesty doesn't know what's good. Now I sigh, it's already too late!"

Wang Ying's expression was distorted. This kind of eunuch has always been psychologically distorted. At this moment, he was overcome with the pleasure of revenge. He wished he could strangle Zhu Houzhao's neck immediately and watch the death struggle of his former master.

A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of Prince Nanping. Although Wang Ying was his, the person who betrayed his master could not be trusted. Today, he could turn against Zhu Houzhao. How could he know that he would not betray him in the future? He couldn't help but list Wang Ying as one who must be eliminated. in the list.

Wang Ying would not know that his future master had already murderous intentions towards him. He walked towards Zhu Houzhao with a ferocious smile. Seeing that Zhu Houzhao showed no fear, he insulted Zhu Houzhao in his mouth, "You must beg for mercy obediently, so that I can Give you a pleasure!"

Although Ye Gucheng's sword was dusty and he helped King Nanping rebel, he still maintained his magnanimity and drew his sword.

"Zheng!" The sound of the sword sounded, Wang Ying paused, turned his head and looked behind him, not understanding what happened.

Prince Nanping was also surprised and looked at Ye Gucheng in confusion.

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