I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2971 The tallest, kills giants

The giants have always been aliens. They look almost exactly like humans, and even think in a very similar way. However, they are many times larger than humans. Humans are like dolls in front of giants. The huge size also represents the strength of the giant, which is also far superior to humans. This is destined innately.

Whether it is the legends of ancient Chinese civilization or the myths of Western civilization, there are giants appearing. They are ferocious, powerful, and violent in character. They are absolutely terrifying existences. They have been passed down through the ages and are reflected in various civilizations. This shows their great influence. .

And now, a starry sky giant has actually appeared in the space node in the Bermuda Triangle. One arm is more than thirty meters long. The body must be about a hundred meters long. How powerful must be the vitality of such a huge body.

In fact, since humans entered the galactic era, traces of giants have been found on many planets and even in space. However, the giants discovered by humans were only three or four meters tall. They were not much stronger than humans, and their vitality was not that great. It's too strong, and humans can easily defeat it.

In fact, it is very rare for a giant to exceed ten meters. The larger the body, the more powerful it is and the more vitality it has.

The physical structure of giants is almost the same as that of humans. They can also practice martial arts. Their understanding of martial arts is even deeper than that of humans. Their martial arts talents are also very powerful. The giants can live freely in space, hunt all kinds of creatures, and roam freely. Wuji and even many starry giant beasts are food in their mouths. They are a very powerful race with a reputation far and wide that threatens countless civilizations.


The huge hand stretched out from the whirlpool on the sea surface, and then a head popped up, opened its bloody mouth, raised its head and let out a roar. The sound waves turned into substance, shattered the clouds in the sky, spread out, and caused There was a strong wind above the sea, lightning and thunder, the sound was frightening and extremely terrifying. Silver snakes danced, silver-white light illuminated the entire sea surface, and the rumble of thunder mixed with heavy rain fell.

The giant's head is as big as a house, and its bloody mouth opens wide. The sound waves it emits can directly tear apart a small battleship. There is a twisted rune on the giant's broad forehead, which is innate and can make the giant survive. As the giant grows and becomes more and more powerful, this natal magical power becomes more terrifying. It is the last trump card of every giant and can easily defeat enemies of the same level.

"This is the War Witch Giant!"

Jiang Tao's eyes fluctuated slightly, and his eyes were placed on the runes on the giant's forehead, with a somewhat thoughtful expression on his face.

The War Witch Giants are the best among the giants. They are naturally strong physically and huge in size. They can be called the strongest among the giants.

It is rumored that the war witch giants come from a very ancient and powerful dimension. In the distant era, some giants from that dimension passed through the node of the earth and ran to the three-dimensional material world, wandering in the depths of the universe. Their bodies were comparable to battleships. They can store huge amounts of energy, allowing them to fly in the vacuum of space for long periods of time. Their lives are extremely long, extremely destructive, and their personalities are violent and very difficult to deal with.

Once upon a time, there was a marshal in the human federal army. When he led a fleet to sail in space, he encountered a war witch giant. It was a war witch giant with a height of 1,000 meters. Its strength was extremely terrifying, and it directly destroyed the entire fleet. It exploded, and everyone died in the hands of the wizard giant and became his food.

The thousand-meter War Witch Giant is not the most powerful. The most powerful War Witch Giant can reach a height of 10,000 meters. It has huge vitality, strong Qi and blood, and how much energy it can contain in its body!

What is the concept of a war witch giant that is tens of thousands of meters tall? Mount Everest, the highest peak on earth, is only over 8,800 meters above sea level. In other words, a war witch giant stands taller than Mount Everest. If such a powerful being appeared on the earth, he could easily rise with just one breath. It can easily destroy a city, and the Witch War Giants also have a habit of appearing in groups.

Now that a 100-meter-tall wizard warrior giant has appeared on the earth, it means that there must be a group of wizard warrior giants near the space node. If they all descend on the earth, they will definitely cause huge harm to the earth. Damage, loss of life, and even the entire human race on the earth will be swallowed up by the war witch giant.

Jiang Tao showed a cautious look on his face. This hundred-meter-tall giant was just a young war wizard. After his head was exposed, his body emerged from the whirlpool. His whole body was covered with scaly skin, as if he had worn a A layer of armor, huge energy emitted from the inside of the body, overwhelming the river.

That's not all. Under the whirlpool on the seabed, deep in the distant passage, Jiang Tao also heard the roars of countless giants, which seemed to be urging the giant in front of him to climb out quickly and make way for them.

Jiang Tao frowned slightly and sighed. He was really a hard worker. He had just dealt with the Saint Angel and the undercover President when he encountered the War Witch Giant coming to the earth. If he didn't take action, he would just rely on the power of the army on the earth. It must be an ending where the entire army is annihilated and the earth is destroyed.

"Forget it. If you are rich, you can help the world. If you are poor, you can live alone. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. Who makes me the tallest person on earth now!"

Jiang Tao's face had a bit of sadness and a look of reluctance. He slowly raised his right hand and shook it gently. The endless dimensions were torn open, and huge energy surged out, turning into a thousand-meter-sized weapon. His giant hand spread its five fingers, and with a gentle squeeze, he grasped the war witch giant in his palm, and exerted force gently.


This war witch giant, which was comparable to the realm of fetal breath, was crushed to pieces in an instant, and its flesh and blood burst out, falling into the sea with a splash of waves.

Jiang Tao's body flashed, and he got directly into the vortex, heading towards the other end of the space node. Only by killing these giant war witches first could he seal the space node and prevent other alien creatures from appearing on the earth. .

There is an unstable space channel in the vortex. The power of space inside is chaotic, the void is twisted, and all scientific theorems about space are no longer applicable. Jiang Tao's body shook slightly, and the powerful force instantly suppressed the space channel, and he transformed into a The streamer got out of the passage and came to the other side of the space node.

Behind Jiang Tao is the space node. In front of him is a group of witch giants, 1,000-meter-long witch giants. There are dozens of witch giants, and even at the end of this group of giants, there are A war witch giant as majestic as a mountain. This giant's body is comparable to Mount Everest, eight or nine kilometers high. The aura on his body is so huge that even the endless void cannot bear it, and cracks appear. .

This war witch giant is so powerful just by standing in the void. If it takes action, the sky and the earth will change color, and all ghosts and gods will be shocked. There is an extremely clear rune on the forehead of this war witch giant. This rune It seemed to be alive, shining with radiance, and faintly terrifying energy fluctuations came out, tearing apart an ancient and huge dimension, and countless pure and majestic energy poured out, pouring into the War Witch Giant In that majestic body.

"The warrior giant in the realm of saints!"

A bright light flashed in Jiang Tao's eyes, seemingly with a bit of surprise. He had just killed a saint angel and understood the secrets of the great avenue in the virtual godhead, and then he met another great saint giant. If You can kill him and devour the essence of the avenue and the runes of the law in his body, which will definitely make Jiang Tao's strength skyrocket again, condense the three thousand avenues faster, and enter the realm of the saint of the avenue.

These war witch giants are not just beasts with instincts. They have profound wisdom, know how to join forces, and are proficient in martial arts. They are even more sophisticated in martial arts than humans, and their fighting experience is even more powerful. Every move is in harmony with the mystery of the road, and they are infinitely powerful and have huge vitality. , extremely terrifying in strength.

"This is the node of the universe. As long as you reach the opposite planet, you can reach any place through it."

"This is a miniature human being, pitifully weak. But it can practice and become stronger."

"Food, it's the best food."

"Pure souls can also be used for sacrifices and offered to God."

"Catch more of these humans and dedicate them all to the great God."

"God will give us the best."

The war witch giants shot down a series of mental waves, and Jiang Tao had the illusion that he was the prey. This shows that the spiritual cultivation of these war witch giants is also very powerful.

Facing these behemoths, Jiang Tao showed no fear at all. He took the initiative and shouted. His voice was so loud and exciting that it penetrated gold and cracked stone. The sound waves were like waves, rushing toward the War Witch giants, making them slightly stunned.

Jiang Tao's body flashed and he appeared in the crowd of wizard warrior giants. The terrifying spiritual power spread around himself and merged into the endless void.

A dream world was born. In the eyes of the giant, the entire ocean disappeared and was replaced by a world of countless flowers in bloom. A god appeared in the middle of each flower. This god sang many spells and intertwined in the air. The densely packed scriptures, this is the Dream Qianqiu of the Meng Sect, the giant sect in the world of cultivation, and the avenue of virtuality and reality is the most suitable for dealing with these powerful witch-warring giants.

In an instant, dozens of giants were immersed in the dream world, unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, and dream reality. They were confused and staggering around like they were drunk. They fell into an endless psychedelic dream that they couldn't extricate themselves from. Their minds were completely blinded. Being hypnotized would not cause any harm to Jiang Tao at all.

"Yellow beams are a dream, and they are all swallowed up!"

Jiang Tao suddenly roared, and the dream world collapsed instantly. The souls of dozens of war witch giants also roared and were pulled out of their huge bodies, with balls of blood flying into Jiang Tao's body.

The blood was golden in color and as bright as flowers. It looked different in size, as small as a soybean and as large as an apple. It was completely incompatible with the physique of a giant.

Because with the size of a giant, a drop of blood must be about the size of a watermelon. It is absolutely impossible to be so small, but the ball of blood in front of you is so big, and the soul is contained in this golden blood. Once it is sucked into the body by Jiang Tao, the Great Emperor's fetal drum Wandering endlessly, I could only feel the aura of virtual godhead.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that the war witch clan is actually the blood of Yagod!"

The war witch giant does not practice the Holy Fetus, but constantly purifies the blood in his body, and finally purifies traces of sub-god blood. The energy is extremely condensed and pure, containing the giant's life essence and even the aura of the virtual godhead. This bloodline is the bloodline that the war witch giant develops into a god. A drop of blood represents the essence and soul of the body, as well as the will to practice martial arts.

Law runes were born one after another in Jiang Tao's body, gathering together the source of a great avenue, turning into a bright galaxy, swimming slowly in the starry sky of the mind, like a divine dragon, with a mighty, sacred, and tyrannical aura emanating from it.

Jiang Tao then turned his attention to the last war witch giant. The opponent had gotten rid of the influence of the dream world and his eyes became clear. His body was extremely majestic and huge, comparable to Mount Everest. Jiang Tao was as small as an ant in front of him. It looks unremarkable.

The eyes of this war witch giant shone with the light of wisdom, and he looked at the dead tribesmen with a gloomy expression. He was careless and did not expect that Jiang Tao's spiritual power was so powerful that it even confused him for a moment. Just this short moment. In an instant, all the other war witch giants had fallen into Jiang Tao's hands and became part of his strength, supporting him in continuing to move forward on the path of cultivation.

"Human, you are very strong, not even weaker than me, but you should not kill my people. Prepare to accept the wrath of my clan of witch giants!"

This war witch giant spoke. His mouth was bigger than the lake. His voice was loud and high-pitched. The sound wave was a powerful attack. It could easily tear apart the strong men in the realm of fetal breath. The void could not bear such a loud sound, and a twisted shape appeared. It looks like undulating waves.

Jiang Tao's face was calm, his body was tall, and he was at the same height as the wizard warrior giant's eyes. The wizard warrior giant's eyes were bigger than a house, hundreds of meters in size. Jiang Tao was not as big as one of his eyelashes. It's really like a confrontation between an ant and an elephant.

"So much nonsense!"

Jiang Tao spoke extremely rudely and took action directly. An energy body appeared behind him. It was huge, no less than a warrior giant. This was Jiang Tao's holy fetus, and his face was exactly the same as Jiang Tao's. Jiang Tao's body gradually merged into the holy fetus. The flesh and blood was transformed into energy, and the spiritual power controlled the Holy Fetus. With one step, the void shook, and his body was like lightning. His shoulders sank, and he slammed into the witch warrior giant.


Two huge and majestic giants collided together. The powerful impact shattered the void and tore apart an ancient and huge dimension. Countless pure and majestic energy poured out and poured into the War Witch Giant. In the majestic body, the War Witch Giant roared angrily, stopped his retreating body, and struck Jiang Tao with his fists like mountains. The trajectory of the fist is mysterious, the angle is tricky, and it constantly changes during the movement, full of the true meaning of martial arts and the great destiny.

Jiang Tao's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his hands, like a flying eagle falling, straight into the water, grabbing his prey accurately and sharply, holding the wrist of the war witch giant with both hands, exerting force from behind, and fiercely grasped the witch giant's wrist. It was thrown out.


The War Witch Giant was like an asteroid, streaking across the starry sky, dragging a long tail behind him. The flames were burning, extremely red, and the void was ignited with powerful energy.

Jiang Tao took a step forward, and the flow of time and space stopped. His figure disappeared in an instant, and his feet stepped hard on the chest of the war witch giant. The two of them were in the endless void, without the earth as a support, and the two bodies The mountain-like body continued to fall downwards, as if falling into an endless abyss with no end.

The war witch giant opened its bloody mouth like a river and let out an angry roar. It was like thunder shaking, and the surrounding stars were shaken. He suddenly bent his upper body and reached out to grab Jiang Tao's legs.

Jiang Tao's body flashed, disappeared again, and appeared behind the warrior giant. His fists were like Thor's hammers, wrapped with lightning, crackling across the starry sky, and struck hard at the spine of the warrior giant. .

"Click, click!"


The sound of countless bones breaking was heard. The War Witch Giant's facial features were distorted and full of pain. His eyes were widened and blood-red, and a wailing sound came from his mouth.

A sharp light flashed in Jiang Tao's eyes. The extremely tyrannical spiritual power, vast and mighty, with a hint of the will of the world, tyrannically and roughly invaded the depths of the brain of the war witch giant, and an invincible supreme master of the three realms emerged. In the spiritual world of the War Witch Giant.

This Emperor of Heaven was majestic and sacred, stalwart and powerful. He was surrounded by endless flames. His body was like a pine and cypress, and he was overflowing with domineering power. He pinched the seal in his hand, and a chaotic-colored copper bell fell into his palm. He grabbed the Chaos Bell. , and smashed down the unruly giant tens of thousands of feet below. All the stars in the sky shook, and endless starlight fell, gathering on the Chaos Clock, shining brightly.

The war witch giant roared angrily, the runes on his forehead lit up, and his natal magical power was activated. The ancient and mysterious dimensional portal suddenly doubled in size, and an extremely majestic pillar of energy fell into his body. After rising to about 10,000 meters, the endless earth elements gathered around him and condensed into a suit of armor, exuding a heavy aura and indestructible. A battle ax appeared in his hand and struck the Chaos Bell violently.

The ax blade struck the wall of the bell fiercely, shaking endlessly. The heavy and solemn bell rang, the battle ax shattered, the armor dissipated, the Chaos Bell fell carrying the weight of the thirty-third heaven, and the supreme strength fiercely It hit the head of the War Witch Giant.


The head exploded like a big watermelon and turned into countless shattered spiritual flakes. The Chaos Bell in the Emperor's hand kept vibrating. The bell resounded throughout the three realms, shattering all the spiritual power, swallowing it, and turning it into countless law runes. The stars are manifested on the clock wall. The entire chaos clock wall is like a galaxy, dazzling and dazzling.

Outside, the body of the War Witch Giant collapsed suddenly, and a drop of golden blood flew out from the body. This drop of blood was the size of a watermelon. It was very different from other giants. It was worthy of being the essence and blood of the Great Dao Saint, the virtual godhead. The aura was particularly strong, making Jiang Tao look happy.

Jiang Tao opened his mouth and inhaled, and this ball of sub-god blood was integrated into his body. His body seemed to be transformed into a Bagua alchemy furnace, and the laws of the great road were transformed into divine flames, burning fiercely. This ball of blood was continuously purified and refined, and integrated into countless cells. among.

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