I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2965 Let it attack and win easily

"It's past twelve o'clock. It seems that the Huaxia Group still knows the importance. It knows that Jiang Tao is far more important than Jiang Zhendong and the Chidi Group, and even more important than the Thirty-six Huachengs on Earth. A saint can make the Chinese people regain their strength. It’s not enough to build hundreds of Chinese cities!”

The role of a saint is far beyond imagination. If Jiang Tao becomes a saint, it will be enough to change the current situation of the Chinese people, and he can rebuild Thirty-Six Huacheng at will.

Just when Goliath was extremely disappointed and was about to leave the room, the light brain suddenly sounded a voice, a clear and pleasant voice, revealing a faint anger, like a wounded beast, full of aggression.

"Goliath, tomorrow at noon, see you or leave, life or death depends on heaven!"

Goliath was inexplicably surprised and turned around to look at the virtual figure that appeared in Guang's mind. It was Jiang Tao. There was a proud look in the depths of his eyes and he responded quickly.

"Okay, tomorrow at noon, in the African desert, life or death depends on fate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Tao's virtual figure disappeared. Goliath laughed loudly and couldn't help being happy. Jiang Tao was still too young. His parents and family were his weaknesses. As expected, he still couldn't hold it back and chose a duel irrationally. , this time I must kill this Chinese genius.

"Hahaha, Huaxia Group is probably going to be very angry now. A future Chinese saint is going to perish like this!"

On the second day, deep in the African desert, the scorching sun was high, the scorching sunshine was falling, and the air was slightly distorted. There was hot sand under your feet. If you don't wear shoes, it can be enough to burn people. Hundreds of miles away, two groups of people were confronting each other. It is the camp of the Huaxia Group, and one side is the camp of the Western God Group. The two sides are at war with each other, and the relationship seems to be very tense. Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the duel to begin.

Even in the void, there were two huge ideas coming faintly, making the masters from both sides look respectful and their eyes were full of awe. This was the saint from both groups paying attention to this place.

One is the founder of Huaxia Group, Hua Liudao. This is a Chinese genius as famous as Jiang Nalan. He is a saint of the Chinese. However, his strength is still slightly inferior to Jiang Nalan. He is unable to support himself and maintains the Chinese people with difficulty. status and situation.

The other is a Western saint, Saint Augu, who is also a saint of the main god group. Saint Saran was calculated by Jiang Tao using the coordinates of the dragon dimension. He traveled in this dimension and was trapped in it, making it difficult to come back for a while. There was even a possibility that he would not be able to come back, so Saint Augu came forward.

The duel between Jiang Tao and Goliath actually alarmed the two saints. This shows how sensational it was. Both the Eastern and Western camps attached great importance to this duel. The Lord God Group wanted to kill the future saints of the Chinese people. Huaxia The group wants to see the butcher Goliath defeated with their own eyes.

The saint of Hua Liudao came here to confirm whether what Yan Tao said was true and whether Jiang Tao had broken through to the realm of a saint.

As for the coming of Saint Augu, it was purely because of the coming of Hua Liu Dao. Just in case, he paid attention to this duel to prevent Hua Liu Dao from secretly taking action to help Jiang Tao kill Goliath.

After all, it is too easy for a saint to kill a strong man who is sitting and forgetting without anyone noticing, and a saint is not bound by the laws of the human federation. As long as other saints are not caught, he will be killed. Goliath's death was blamed on Jiang Tao, and there was nothing anyone could do.

When the bright sun was hanging high in the middle of the sky, two figures appeared from the sky and landed in the vast desert in an instant. They were the two protagonists of this duel, the Chinese Jiang Tao, the powerful genius, and the Western Human Goliath, Marshal of the Human Federation.

This was the first time Goliath saw Jiang Tao. He looked up and down, feeling the energy in Jiang Tao's body, and sneered.

"Jiang Tao, you are indeed more talented than your elder brother Jiang Li, but you are not as knowledgeable as him about current affairs. If I were you, I would choose to be patient. Even if all my family members are dead, I have to break through the realm of saints before I can show my face. !”

Marshal Goliath is indeed ruthless, selfish, extremely vicious, and disdainful of family ties. His parents and sisters are not as important as his own practice. If he has Jiang Tao's qualifications and does not become a saint, he will never expose himself to the world. A powerful enemy is in sight.

When Jiang Tao heard this, he didn't have any emotional fluctuations. He looked very calm. Goliath was already dead in his eyes. No matter what Goliath said, it would not change his fate of defeat. Even the thoughts of the Augu Saint Even if he comes, he will not be able to stop Jiang Tao from killing Goliath today.

"Goliath, you forced my eldest brother to sell the patent rights of Tai Chi rice to the board of directors of Star University. You also wanted to cut off his cultivation path and force him to believe in Saint Saran. There is no need to talk nonsense today. There is only one thing between you and me. If you are still alive, take action!"

Jiang Tao's words were very cold, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. The aura on his body gradually rose, and chill filled the world. The hot desert seemed to have fallen into a cold winter, and white mist appeared in the air. The sky and the earth changed color, revealing extremely tyrannical spiritual power.

Goliath's face showed a bit of solemnity. Jiang Tao's strength was really terrifying. He had just experienced a human nuclear explosion test, and he still had such tyrannical power. He easily changed the climate of the African desert. He could not be allowed to continue to grow. Otherwise, even if he devours the Red Emperor Group, he will be troubled day and night, worrying that he will take revenge on him after he is promoted to a saint.

Thinking of this, Goliath's deep blue eyes flashed with astonishing murderous intent. In a flash, he appeared in front of Jiang Tao. With a fist, a milky white holy light behind him condensed into a gorgeous movement. It stops flashing and flying, and you can faintly hear the prayers of the gods.


Goliath punched through the air, killing him. The wind and thunder shook, dragons and tigers roared, the heaven and earth changed, and the sun and moon shook.

"Holy strike, absolute glory, Immortal King, Hammer of the Titans."

From the mouth of Marshal Goliath, the strongest tiger roar erupted, and a huge amount of energy spurted out, condensed into a vortex, moved at high speed, and with a flash of fist, it had already attacked Jiang Tao's body.

"The long-lost ancient secret skill, Titan Divine Fist."

Hualengjia's expression suddenly changed. This was not the martial arts of humans on earth, but the martial arts of alien civilizations. It belonged to the martial arts of the Titans, who were even more powerful than the Saiyan giants. The Titans also came to the earth. In ancient Greek mythology, the Titans were originally the rulers of the universe and were later defeated by Zeus, the Aspirin god.

Although these are myths, there must be historical relics before myths can emerge. Titan Divine Fist, giant martial arts, once used, can break even the sky.

Hualengjia is one of the leaders of the Huaxia Group. The highest leader of the Huaxia Group is the sage, Hua Liudao. However, Hua Liu Dao retreats all year round, traveling to the distant depths of the starry sky, and even to many dangerous dimensions, and basically does not care about human affairs. Therefore, the power of Huaxia Group is basically in the hands of a few big bosses.

Hualengjia is a young man, who seems to be less than thirty years old. He is wearing a Zen robe and holds a rosary in his hand. He has some Zen thoughts. His name is also based on a scripture, the Lankavatara Sutra.

The so-called "Lengjia" is Sanskrit, meaning "difficult to enter". In a very ancient martial arts novel, the Nine Yang Sutra is recorded in the Lankavatara Sutra. However, the texts of the Lankavatara Sutra itself are profound in meaning and sublime in subduing demons. They are texts that reveal the mind and nature and understand the highest meaning of life and the universe. They are simply not comparable to the Nine Yang Sutra. When people pursue the Nine-Yang Sutra in the Lankavatara Sutra, they are actually buying a coffin for a pearl.

Hualengjia is the leader of the new generation of the Hua family, and he is also a powerful genius. He has already entered the state of sitting and forgetting when he is only thirty years old. He has become one of the leaders of the Hua family. He is the youngest among them. He will definitely be determined in the future. To take charge of Huajia and Huaxia Group.

Marshal Goliath's fist power is highly concentrated, and it appears to be only a ball the size of a bowl. In fact, once it explodes, it can destroy continuous mountains. Each of his punches has such power, it is almost comparable to the uncanny craftsmanship of nature. He can strike with one blow and then strike in succession, bang bang bang bang bang! Countless fists blasted out, sealing off the surrounding area, leaving no one with any chance to dodge.

Punch after punch, completed in an instant, like a giant ax opening a mountain, this is a series of attacks. Goliath had planned for a long time and used all his power in one move to kill Jiang Tao and turn him into a piece of rotten flesh.

It's a pity that Jiang Tao just stood there, letting him kill and beat him. The torrential rain-like fists struck his body, but he remained motionless, just like a thousand-year-old rock that remained motionless despite being washed away by waterfalls and waves. The energy of this bombardment was instantly resolved by his cells, converted into energy, and input into the law runes in his body.

Jiang Tao's body became a saint and he became the body of a great emperor. He can swallow and transform all energy. As long as it does not exceed his limit, he completely ignores any attack and can absorb almost all damage. There is no saturation phenomenon at all. The more others attack him, the more he becomes. powerful.

Everyone saw an unforgettable scene. Marshal Goliath seemed like a madman and kept hitting Jiang Tao with his fists and kicks. Jiang Tao looked at him coldly, motionless, his red lips moved, and his clear voice resounded throughout Africa. Da Desert said calmly.

"Fight, tell me when you've hit enough, and I'll fight back!"

"His magical skill is a weird and unique skill that can absorb all damage and convert it into energy. However, it also has a flaw, that is, there is a limit to absorbing damage. When he absorbs too much damage and the energy cannot be released, his cells will dry up. ,die."

Saint Augu's mind sent waves of fluctuations. As a saint, he had seen many people and naturally realized the power of Jiang Tao's body. He quickly reminded Goliath, but he didn't know that Jiang Tao had concealed his With his true strength, even he could not break Jiang Tao's physical limit. How could Goliath break Jiang Tao's physical body when he was sitting there and forgetting about others.

Goliath was also shaken and frightened. Hearing the reminder from Saint Augu, he came to his senses. He flashed and came behind Jiang Tao. He laughed evilly and launched a powerful attack again, shouting violently.

"Tide of Divine Light!"

Goliath struck with a punch, and suddenly, a lot of holy light rippled like water waves, and blazing white energy was generated behind him. In this blazing white energy, the image of an angel could be faintly seen, with a halo above his head, and behind him With eighteen wings and an extremely beautiful face, he knelt down on the ground with a pious expression and prayed to God. The scriptures resounded throughout heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a void crack opened in the sky, and a dimension filled with holy light energy opened. Endless white energy slanted out from it, converging into an ocean of light, like a tide, surging, violent, and fierce. Rushing towards Jiang Tao's back.

Although this move is not the most destructive, it outputs the most energy in an instant. Goliath wants to break the limit of Jiang Tao's emperor body in one fell swoop, making him unable to absorb such a huge amount of energy. His whole body will explode and his cells will be destroyed.


Goliath hit Jiang Li's body with one punch. Suddenly, in his ferocious smile, all the energy of the blazing white holy light bombarded Jiang Tao's body.

Jiang Tao's expression remained unchanged, and his body seemed to be transformed into a Bagua alchemy furnace, swallowing the endless divine light energy. The divine flames rose, and the endless holy light was refined into milky white elixirs. The fragrance filled the air, refreshing the heart and mind. When the furnace was opened, countless round elixirs were integrated into the cells in the body and became Jiang Tao's own power.

Goliath's expression changed slightly and became particularly solemn. He stepped back and distanced himself. His brows furrowed slightly and his eyes flashed, thinking about how to break Jiang Tao's physical limit.

"I don't believe that you can swallow energy infinitely. You just conducted a human nuclear explosion test yesterday. Even if you are in the state of oblivion, you must have been injured. You are not at your peak now!"

"Don't you like to swallow attack energy? I will let you swallow it all today. I don't believe I can survive you!"

Goliath's face was full of ferocity and violence, which was completely opposite to the gentlemanly demeanor of the past. His eyes were vicious and vicious. He slowly knelt down on one knee, clasped his hands together, and recited the incantation with great piety.

"Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, Just as we have forgiven our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

"For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever and ever. Loving Savior! Thank you and praise you. By faith I acknowledge God that you are worthy of all praise. The Bible is the only highest authority and only you can Deal with sin. Make your life holy! Amen!”

As Goliath's voice resounded through the sky, countless angels appeared behind him, two-winged angels, four-winged angels, six-winged angels, eight-winged angels, twelve-winged angels, eighteen-winged angels, countless angels. Standing in the void, he also knelt down on one knee, clasped his hands, and prayed devoutly. Endless platinum light shone throughout Africa, and the holy light shone everywhere, gathering between heaven and earth, incomparably majestic.

"Angel's Hymn, this is a unique skill of the Holy Light Clan, a secret that has not been passed down. I didn't expect that Goliath actually learned this technique. It seems that he is involved with the Holy Light Clan!"

Hualengjia's face turned cold, his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Goliath with murderous intent. The Holy Light Tribe is an alien creature and the enemy of the human federation, but Goliath is now displaying the power of the Holy Light Tribe. Fa Juju, if he is innocent and has no connection with these birdmen, it is absolutely impossible.

In the endless holy light, a huge cross took shape. The endless and majestic holy light began to shrink, and it was all integrated into the cross. It was hundreds of feet long, fell from the sky, and hit Jiang Tao directly.

Goliath had tried his best. After using this trick of Angel's Hymn, the energy in his body was empty. His face was pale, his hands and feet were weak, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at Jiang Tao. I want to see Jiang Tao torn into pieces by Angel Hymn with my own eyes.

Sacred and solemn prayers echoed, and countless angels danced around him. The cross fell crazily, bringing up a strong air current, causing the entire desert to riot. The yellow sand surged like ocean waves, raising tens of meters of air. High, Jiang Tao stood alone and stood motionless as the cross fell.


The sky is filled with yellow sand, the waves are shaking, the entire African land is shaking, the earth dragon is turning over, and magma is spewing out. It is a scene of destruction and destruction, which is extremely shocking and spectacular.

The cells in Jiang Tao's body were turned into runes of laws. The portals of small dimensional worlds opened one after another, and endless holy light energy poured into them. Runes were continuously condensed, and they were swallowed, refined and absorbed by Jiang Tao in an instant.

After an unknown amount of time, the earth stopped shaking and the yellow sand fell to the ground. Jiang Tao appeared in the eyes of everyone unscathed and safe.

Goliath's full blow and the extremely terrifying Angel's Hymn did not cause any harm to Jiang Tao. This result was completely beyond everyone's expectations, and they could not believe what they saw with their own eyes.

Especially Goliath, his blue eyes had lost their light at this time, his face was filled with surprise, and he murmured in disbelief.

"How is this possible? He has just experienced a human nuclear explosion test, how can he still take my strongest blow! This is unscientific!"

Jiang Tao looked at the absent-minded Goliath, a look of violence flashed across his handsome and cold face, and disappeared in a flash. The shocking killing intent instantly enveloped the entire African continent, and there was a loud roar. It resounded through the sky and the earth, shattering the clouds above the nine heavens, like thunder exploding, it was very astonishing.

"You have no strength, then go die!"

Saint Augu's thoughts suddenly fluctuated violently, and a majestic figure appeared in the void. Endless energy gathered and condensed into a substantial body. He opened his mouth to stop it.

"Goliath has lost, please stop!"

At this time, Hua Liudao's mind began to gather endless energy, and he condensed a body. He was a young man with a bit of disdain on his face, gentle eyes, a handsome man, and an ethereal temperament, but his shoulders were very broad, and he seemed to be able to Carrying mountains, when you see this young man, you will think of a poem, "Iron shoulders carry morality, this person's shoulders can carry morality."

"Ogu, stop when you say you should. Jiang Tao and Goliath are in a life-and-death duel. Even if you are a saint, you have no right to stop it!"

Jiang Tao even regarded Saint Augu's words as farts and ignored them. He appeared directly in front of Goliath. He grabbed Goliath's neck with his right hand and lifted him up in the air, with a smile on his face. With a ferocious smile, he said coldly.

"Goliath, you'd better open your eyes wide in the next life and see clearly who you can offend and who you can't offend. Don't make the same mistakes in this life again!"

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