I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2960 Hope to become a god, God favors it

"Xiao Tao, why did you come here suddenly?"

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Tao who appeared from the void, with a look of surprise on his face. He still understood Jiang Tao's character. He liked to retreat into seclusion and practice. He rarely contacted him on weekdays and would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

"How did you deceive Saint Saran, and he couldn't even see that you had blasphemed your faith?"

A suspicious expression flashed across Jiang Tao's clear eyes. He sat on the sofa nearby. Instead of directly using his spiritual power to pry into Jiang Li's privacy, he asked directly.

Jiang Li had a proud smile on his face, sat opposite Jiang Tao, and explained with a smile.

"I deceived him with the Blasphemy Worm and stole the power and trust of Saint Saran. In the end, he will not know that he is a worm who truly believes in him!"

"Blasphemy bug?"

"What it is?"

Jiang Tao is not omniscient and omnipotent. He has never heard of blasphemy bugs. He looked at Jiang Li with some curiosity. He did not expect that there is such a strange creature that can actually blaspheme faith, deceive saints and even gods. If he can see it, he will definitely increase it. own knowledge.

"The Blasphemy Worm is the most wonderful kind of insect created by the Queen Mother. This insect is used to steal divine power. It was created by the strongest Mother Queen among the Zerg tribe, specifically to lurk in the Kingdom of God, and then attach itself to believers to steal divine power. .This is a blasphemous bug."

Jiang Tao carefully explained the origin and effect of the Blasphemy Insect. The Mother Queen is the insect queen of the divine insect race in the universe. After getting it, a race can be hatched. If the insect queen controls the divine insect, the Queen Mother can control a race. Spawning an endless army of Zerg, overwhelming all enemies, is a very terrifying existence in the universe. By chance, Jiang Li subdued the egg of a Zerg Queen, so he was able to create the Blasphemy Worm.

"So you got the Mother Queen of the Zerg. No wonder my father can research Tai Chi Rice. He has already obtained the technology related to the Zerg!"

Jiang Tao's face showed a bit of surprise. The birth of Tai Chi Rice was subversive. Although Jiang Zhendong was a great scientist, he could not create something out of nothing to achieve leapfrog progress in science and technology. It turned out to be the Zerg technology given by Jiang Li. The research was successful.

"How does the blasphemy bug blaspheme faith?"

Jiang Tao's eyes were as bright as a torch, and his eyes were full of curiosity. He stared at Jiang Li, wanting to study the Blasphemy Bug.

"The blasphemy bugs will condense into a spiritual wave, simulating my soul thinking, and then I will believe in Saint Saran. The power given to me by Saint Saran will be absorbed by the blasphemy bugs, thus reaching the point of stealing divine power. Every god in the Kingdom of God , will reward the most devout saints. The Mother Queen once created all kinds of blasphemy bugs, which silently infiltrated the believers of the Kingdom of God, stole power, and blasphemed the gods. The power gained in the end was all Giving the Mother Queen its true body is the secret of the Zerg race, and it is also equivalent to a parasite."

Jiang Li turned his hand, and an insect appeared in his hand. It was only seven inches long. It had horns, wings, scales, and claws. It looked very much like the legendary dragon, but it was just a smaller version of the dragon.

Jiang Tao stared closely at the little bug, and his spiritual power manifested, completely wrapping the blasphemy bug, penetrating inside and outside, and carefully observing the structure and mystery of the blasphemy bug.

"Interesting, the Zerg race is really powerful. This blasphemy bug is actually equivalent to your clone, exuding the same fluctuations as your spiritual power, completely replicating everything about you!"

There was a bit of surprise on Jiang Tao's face, and countless insects appeared in the depths of his eyes. They were of different shapes and mysterious. They were constantly twisting their bodies, like dragons and snakes. They were densely packed. If a patient with trypophobia saw it, they would instantly Will faint.

Jiang Tao's light of wisdom continued to shine, and his eyes emitted a gleaming light. Jiang Li was startled, and he saw countless insect shadows drilled out of Jiang Tao's eyeballs, vast and endless, forming a The Zerg army filled Jiang Li's room.

"This is the Zerg army!"

Jiang Li had a look of shock on his face. He didn't understand why Jiang Tao could create so many Zerg armies with different shapes and functions just by looking at the Blasphemy Bugs.

Countless Zerg phantoms twisted in the void, swallowing each other and merging, like rivers converging into a sea. Countless Zerg phantoms disappeared, and the room instantly became empty, leaving only a huge insect egg. This is the egg of the Queen Mother.

"Is this the Zerg Mother Queen?!"

Jiang Li couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked hard a few times, and his spiritual power flew out. He carefully observed the structure, information, and energy fluctuations of the Egg of the Mother Emperor. They were exactly the same as the Egg of the Mother Emperor that he had conquered. , if the egg of the Queen Mother was not composed of soul and energy, Jiang Li would definitely think that Jiang Tao had also subdued a Queen Mother.

"Yes, I carefully observed your blasphemous insect, studied the secrets of the insect race, traced back to its origin, and created a technique that can possess the power of the insect mother queen!"

Jiang Tao reached out and made a move, and the illusory egg of the Queen Mother merged into his body. The aura on his body changed instantly, exuding the same fluctuations as Jiang Li, like Jiang Li's clone, and even the frequency of the fluctuations of his thoughts were exactly the same. , a complete copy of Jiang Li.

"This is the ability of the Blasphemy Bug!"

Jiang Li felt the aura emanating from Jiang Tao's body, which was exactly the same as his own, and the same as the blasphemy bug in his hand. He looked at Jiang Tao with dumbfounded eyes. He always knew that Jiang Tao was a genius, but he never thought that he would be such a genius. It was simply beyond the realm of possibility. Human imagination can control the abilities of the entire Zerg race just by looking at the Blasphemy Bug. It is simply too terrifying and shocking.

"I will teach you this part of the skill of the blasphemy worm. You can use this skill to replace the blasphemy worm. The effect is the same, and it is more secretive!"

Jiang Tao raised his right hand and flicked his fingers, and a small insect appeared in the void. Its chubby body twisted slightly, its head and horns were sharp, its claws were sharp, and its scales were strong. If it hadn't been known earlier that it was a Zerg, everyone would have Everyone would think that this was a miniature version of the divine dragon. The blasphemous insect swam around its body, turned into a stream of light, and penetrated into Jiang Li's mind.

An extremely mysterious scripture echoed in Jiang Li's mind. Every word was like a pearl. Jiang Li's mind was completely immersed in this scripture, and his face showed a look of fascination and wonder. There were not only blasphemous words in this scripture. There are ever-changing ways to cultivate abilities, and they are even more profound.

After a long time, Jiang Li opened his eyes. Two tiny blasphemous insects faintly appeared in the pupils of his eyeballs. They were swimming like dragons and exuding the same aura fluctuations as Jiang Li.

"Xiao Tao, you are so scary. Fortunately, you are my brother. If you were my brother, I would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating, and live in fear and anxiety every day!"

Jiang Li looked at the handsome and handsome Jiang Tao with complicated eyes. He was shocked beyond words. For the first time, he had a vague understanding of Jiang Tao's genius. Before, he only knew that Jiang Tao was a genius. This was a kind of With an extremely broad understanding, he has no idea what kind of genius Jiang Tao is. He only knows that his cultivation is unpredictable.

Jiang Tao had a faint smile on his face, shook his head slightly, looked very humble, stood up from the sofa, looked at Jiang Li, and said.

"I won't stop you if you plan to go to the world of cultivation as an undercover agent. My cultivation level is about to reach a breakthrough, and I happen to be going to that world. If anything happens, you can contact me!"

After Jiang Tao finished speaking, before Jiang Li could react, his figure had disappeared into the room, as if he had never been there before.

"Your brother is terrible!"

A figure appeared in the room, wearing an ancient robe, with a refined temperament, pure and elegant. It was Xiao Di, a strong man close to the realm of manifesting the saints. At this time, he had a look of great admiration on his face, and looked at Jiang Li commented.


Jiang Li looked at the little emperor with doubtful eyes, a little confused as to why the little emperor said that.

"The Mother Queen of the Zerg is an extremely terrifying existence in the universe. The structure and information of her body are full of mysteries. Even the wisdom of the gods cannot fully analyze it, let alone trace it back to its origin. Just through a blasphemous insect, we can deduce the mother of the Zerg. All the information about the emperor, if it were so simple, the Zerg would not become the overlord of the universe, and even the gods would have their faith blasphemed, their power stolen, and even the Kingdom of God was broken by the Zerg Queen!"

There was an extremely solemn look on the little emperor's face, as if he recalled the scene of the war with the Zerg that year. It was extremely tragic and bloody. Even the strong man who showed his strength did not dare to say that he could escape unscathed. He was the most terrifying mother queen of the Zerg. learn.

"Becoming a saint can control part of one's own destiny, and becoming a god can save the destiny of the race. In a cruel universe, this is the law of survival. God is the existence that stands at the top of the food chain."

"I thought that after you got the Great Emperor's relic, you would be the most promising person in the Human Federation to become a god, not Jiang Nalan, let alone the Saint Saran!"

Jiang Li was stunned when he heard this, pointed his finger at his nose, and asked in astonishment.

"You are saying that I have more hope of becoming a god than Jiang Nalan and the others. How is this possible? The gap between me and them is as big as heaven!"

"Yes, I'm talking about you!"

The little emperor nodded firmly, sighed, and explained to Jiang Li.

"The reason is very simple. The Great Emperor's relic is a withered godhead. It has lost all its power now, but it still has spirituality. If it recognizes you as its master, it is equivalent to the position of an emperor. You are the prince of the kingdom and will inherit it in the future. The throne. Others want to start from scratch and build a kingdom. How difficult is this? It is easy to become a saint, but it is difficult to become a god. The difference between the realm of becoming a saint and the realm of becoming a god is thousands of miles away."

"I don't want to think about this matter for the time being. It's like an ordinary civilian who doesn't even have food and clothing and wants to run for president. Now I can't even refuse Saint Saran. How can I consider so many things!"

When Jiang Li heard Xiao Di's explanation, he did not show a proud expression. He was still self-aware of himself, and the realm of gods was too far away from him.

"That was just my idea before, but now my idea has changed!"

"I am now extremely certain that the person with the greatest hope of becoming a god in the Human Federation is your brother Jiang Tao. His wisdom and understanding are so terrifying and unfathomable! All realms are not difficult for him. He only needs to follow the steps. Successfully ascend the throne of the Kingdom of God, stand high above, look down on billions of living beings, and become the most powerful god in the universe!"

The little emperor gave Jiang Tao extremely high evaluation and praise, which surprised Jiang Li. The little emperor was not an ordinary person. He was originally stronger than Jiang Nalan today, with broad knowledge and wisdom. If it weren't for his bad luck, , died, and now has even become a god. Such people admire Jiang Tao so much, which makes him fully realize how talented his brother is.

There are forests all around, tall trees, birds everywhere in the sky, powerful beasts roaring in the mountains and forests, huge rivers roaring in the distance, and farther away, flames shoot out from the ground, raging fires are burning, as if traveling to the west Remember the mythical Flame Mountain.

Deep in the sky, suddenly a large western lizard-like dragon flew around, tearing apart birds and preying on them. What a magnificent mountain and river, beautiful scenery, rich, full of aura, powerful and violent, the land is extremely fertile, and the plants are extremely lush. , every plant seems to have green vitality seeping out of it. This is simply an ideal paradise for mankind.

Eternal green, eternal nature, this is not a planet, but a world, one and a half dimensions, with an area the size of three solar systems. In the sky, a group of brilliance shines eternally, like the scorching sun, giving the entire earth Provides light and heat.

There are no stars shining here. The huge brilliance in the sky is the energy condensed by the will of the entire world of cultivation. The will of this world of cultivation constantly absorbs energy from all planes and condenses it into a brilliance like the scorching sun, which is much larger than the sun. times, you can illuminate your own world and make your world full of vitality.

The world of cultivation is such a half-dimension. Once promoted to a real dimension, the will of the world can become a god.

Jiang Tao was wearing a green robe, with a black hair draped behind his back. He was handsome and handsome, outstanding, with refined temperament and holy purity. He felt the faint sense of rejection coming from the void and knew that this was God's rejection. His spiritual power vibrated, and the breath on his body Ever-changing, the whole person seems to have turned into a stone embryo of heaven and earth. After thousands of years of polishing, it has been created by heaven and earth, absorbed the essence of the sun and moon, and finally been conceived, transformed into a living being, nourished by nature, and is the true son of the world. The bells of luck are favored by heaven and earth.

Boom! The heavenly will of the cultivator's world shook slightly, and a blue stream of luck fell from the sky and landed on Jiang Tao's head. This was the favor of luck, the proud son of heaven.

A satisfied smile appeared on Jiang Tao's face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he secretly admired in his heart.

"My method of using the spiritual embryo of heaven and earth to deceive the will of the world has indeed had extraordinary results. I have suddenly become the son of destiny in the world of cultivators. The destiny favors me, and I am comparable to God's own son!"

Generally speaking, the energy and soul of humans on earth will cause the backlash of God's will in the world of cultivation, just like a virus invading computers, and the energy and sunshine of this world is like an anti-virus program, killing viruses on humans on earth. Therefore, after entering the world of cultivation, humans on earth cannot inhale the spiritual energy and sunlight of heaven and earth here, otherwise they will be burned by internal fire and turned into ashes.

The providence of the world of cultivation is very powerful, with almost no mistakes. It is much more powerful than the optical brain of the main god of mankind on earth. It can count every plant and tree in the entire world, even a bacterium, and a tiny molecule. Humans on Earth belong to the invading alien species. They can easily sense that if they want to survive here, they cannot use energy and must use pure physical power.

Of course, it is not completely impossible. Just like Jiang Tao can deceive God's will, other masters also have their own methods to sneak into this world of cultivation, sneak into it, seize resources and luck, and even want to devour God's will.

"Now that I am a child of luck, it should be easy for me to encounter adventures and fortunes when I go out. I will get treasures every time I fall. I can easily join the major sects in this world!"

Jiang Tao gently rubbed his chin with his fingers, a look of anticipation on his face, as if he wanted to experience the aura of the protagonist. Smooth sailing, treasures, techniques, and the old man will all be delivered to him, making it easy for him to become a manifest saint. Strong.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Tao's figure disappeared and went to the depths of the world of cultivation. He wanted to test how useful God's favor was.

A huge mountain is as straight as a pillar of heaven reaching into the sky. The peak is tens of thousands of meters high, shrouded in clouds and mist. There are many countries below the peak, and there are more peaks in the distance. All the buildings on the peaks are palaces. In the center of the mountains, there is a vaguely dreamlike world contained within it. This is the Meng Sect, the largest sect in the world of cultivation. Meng Zong leads an empire of approximately 10,000 humans, with a land area approximately equivalent to two planets.

In the center of Meng Sect, there is a cave sky, and the owners of these mountains are all deputy sect leaders. The structure of our Meng Sect is the feudal system of the dynasty, and the deputy sect leaders are feudal officials with fiefdoms.

Jiang Tao inexplicably fell in love with a deputy leader of the Meng Sect, and he became a true disciple of the Meng Sect. Jiang Tao had to sigh, being a child of luck is great, and all your wishes come true, no matter what you do, It's like God's help, everything goes smoothly.

After Jiang Tao successfully infiltrated the Meng Sect, he learned more about the situation in the world of cultivation. He also learned that the world of cultivation is now facing not only the invasion of the human federation, but also a powerful enemy, the Holy Light Tribe. The image of this race is almost the same as that of Westerners. They are exactly the same, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a white appearance, but this is the surface image of the Holy Light Clan. Their real appearance will have a pair of energy wings behind them, a halo above their heads, and their bodies will be taller. , just like angels in Western religions.

The strength of the Holy Light Clan is very terrifying. They are an energy body in themselves. Their body structure has no flesh and blood. They are a kind of powerful biological energy. They are equivalent to the realm of fetal breath when they are born. Moreover, they have successfully given birth to many new lives in the world of cultivation. They are so hidden from the sky that even God cannot detect them.

Jiang Tao is very interested in this Holy Light clan. Because the world of cultivation has been invaded, God will give huge rewards for killing evil spirits from outside the world. It is similar to God's blessing and initiation, which can improve the realm of cultivation without any side effects.

Jiang Tao is not easy to take action against humans on earth, but he is not so polite to the Holy Light Tribe. Moreover, the Holy Light Tribe appears in groups, numbering in the tens of thousands. Jiang Tao can completely devour these Angels of the Holy Light Tribe as energy. , you can also get the blessing and empowerment from God, killing two birds with one stone, and you can quickly be promoted to the realm of manifestation.

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