I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2955 Three Flowers and Five Qi, Sacrifice to Heaven Ceremony

"Thank you for helping me realize the realm of annihilation. With this experience, I will soon be able to understand the realm of fetal breath and form a holy fetus!"

Jiang Lishu was convinced. After Jiang Tao used his spiritual power to hypnotize him, he enlightened his mind and took him to experience the Buddhist realm of great annihilation. If Jiang Tao had not awakened him in time, the light of his soul would have been extinguished. Completely plunged into silence, never to come out again.

"We are all a family, why should you be so polite? Although you were able to enter the realm of fetal breath in the past, you only relied on external objects, which was not conducive to your true understanding of fetal breath. Today I will help you enter the realm of annihilation and understand The true meaning of Buddhism is to let you realize the realm of fetal breath earlier!"

Jiang Tao calmly accepted his elder brother's thanks. This was the Buddha's enlightenment. It was nothing to accept a big gift from him for helping Jiang Li become enlightened.

"You must understand the realm of fetal breath as soon as possible. The situation on the Emperor's Planet is unstable now. A more powerful cultivation civilization has joined in. If you want to help the Daqian Empire destroy Starry Sky University, a catastrophe is about to occur. You need to quickly improve your strength to Turn disaster into good fortune and turn danger into opportunity!"

Jiang Tao's expression became a little more solemn, and his eyes looked in the direction of the Daqian Empire. His gaze seemed to penetrate the surrounding energy wall, and he saw the scene inside the Daqian Academy without any hindrance. Several extremely powerful auras gathered here. That was a supremely powerful person in the realm of sitting and forgetting. His vitality had exceeded 100, and he was extremely terrifying.

The brotherly duel between Jiang Tao and Jiang Li finally decided the winner. Jiang Li was completely defeated, but it was not without gain. With Jiang Tao's enlightenment, he should soon be able to understand the realm of fetal breath and become a true master. Even in the Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger Starry Sky University, he is definitely one of the top masters.

"The result of the decisive battle, Jiang Tao won and qualified for the immigration elite area!"

Guang Nao's voice sounded in the ring without any emotional fluctuations, arousing the admiration of countless people watching the battle.

"It's finally over. There is still no suspense. The first place is still Jiang Tao's, but Jiang Li's performance is also very amazing. He has actually understood the realm of Changding. His spiritual power is extremely powerful. Even among old students, very few people can do it. Defeat him!"

"Yes, Jiang Li was defeated by Meng Xingyun when he entered school. This time he defeated Meng Xingyun easily. It can be seen that Jiang Li's strength has improved greatly. He is simply reborn and will become a great player in the future!"

"The Jiang family is really amazing. My father developed Tai Chi rice, which overturned the situation of the human federation. If it is promoted, it will greatly increase the power of the Chinese people. Their two sons are also extremely outstanding. One has understood the realm of fetal breath, and the other has achieved Changding." They are all the best among men and the proud ones of heaven. They will definitely have a place in the human federation in the future!"

Jiang Tao and Jiang Li are tyrannical in cultivation and are far ahead among the students. They have been entered into the information of Starry Sky University and will even be backed up one by one deep in the upper echelons of the human government as a talent reserve.

If something happens and the human government needs talents, they can choose from them.

For example, if the leader of the fleet fighting on an alien planet dies and needs talents in this field, he will be selected from Starry Sky University. Or if a general in the army commits a crime and is arrested, and who needs to be replaced, the first consideration will be Starry Sky University. For outstanding students in the university, Xingkong University is the Hanlin Academy where Jinshi was awarded in ancient times.

This is the case for those editors and editors of the Hanlin Academy. When the country has no business, they are allowed to edit books, repair books, and give lectures. When there is business, they are quickly promoted to important ministers, pillars of the country, and are highly valued.

In the midst of the discussions among these mentors, a wave of energy was transmitted to the Jiang Tao brothers. The next moment, an email appeared on Jiang Tao's computer chip.

"Congratulations, classmate Jiang Tao, for winning first place. Your account will have a scholarship of 10 million stars and a Five Qi Chaoyuan Pill. At the same time, your family can obtain the qualifications for the immigration elite area. The procedures have been completed. "

There was a happy expression on Jiang Tao's face. This was not for himself. For him, it didn't matter whether he was in the elite area or elsewhere. Strength decided everything. He was happy for his family. Jiang Zhendong's success over the years The hope finally came true. Jiang Tao did not live up to his family's trust and successfully obtained the immigration qualifications for the elite area. From then on, the Jiang family could be regarded as the human elite, the real upper class of human beings.

Jiang Tao and Jiang Li chatted for a while, then left alone, returned to his room, took out a Five Qi Chao Yuan Dan in his hand, threw it into his mouth, moved his throat slightly, and swallowed it.

Jiang Tao only felt that the power of various medicines was surging, and those medicines turned into tiny particles, circulating inside the body.

"It's indeed a magical medicine."

Jiang Tao's spiritual power is now extremely powerful. His mind can penetrate into the microscopic world and see the particles turned into drugs flowing through his body and settling deep in his blood.

However, it is useless to precipitate the power of the medicine. The power of these medicines must be used to strengthen the physique and improve the genes. So Jiang Tao suddenly penetrated the whole body with a powerful spirit, and the body immediately roared like a tide. All those particles were defeated and turned into energy. Attached to the depths of the genetic chain, it began to strengthen the genetic chain and enhance the physique.

The fetal breath is the beginning of non-humanity, which means that after the fetal breath, the mental power is very strong, and one can observe the changes in one's own genes, and then use energy to change some subtle aspects of the genes, and gradually the body becomes separated from the human body.

Jiang Tao is in this realm, using the Five Qi Chaoyuan Dan to strengthen the genetic chain, and using the Emperor's Body method to improve the physique within it. After a while, the entire medicinal power completely melted, and five air waves appeared above Jiang Li's head, like water waves, gathering into a mass of Qingyun. The energy and spirit overflowed, and three lotus flowers, one red and the other red, appeared in the Qingyun. , one is green, the other is white, the whole room is filled with a mysterious artistic conception, full of a stable and peaceful atmosphere, like a pure land fairyland, intoxicating.

The five qi are coming to the source, and the three flowers are gathering at the top. This is a vision that can only be manifested after practicing to an extremely advanced level. It represents that Jiang Tao's vitality and spiritual power have begun to enter the realm of transcendence and sainthood, and he is no longer an ordinary human being. .

After the start of the second school year, Jiang Tao moved out of the freshmen training base and reported to the old student base.

"You have left the Novice Academy, and your room and dormitory are now assigned to No. 31, No. 7777, of the old campus."

Waves of email messages were sent, and the sound of the optical brain sounded in the chip.

Jiang Tao has since lived in the Laosheng Base. This is the most dangerous place in Starry Sky University and is very vulnerable to attack. If natives from alien planets come, the first one to attack is the Laosheng Base.

"It's better to go to the mission building and see what mission is given to me this time."

Jiang Tao went directly to the mission building. After a while, when he arrived inside the building, he saw that it was full of students who came to pick up missions or pay missions. All of them were old students. The old students needed to perform the mandatory missions of Starry Sky University and serve humanity. The Federation has to make contributions, but Starry Sky University does not support idlers.

"Classmate Jiang Tao, your mission is to go to the Daqian Empire to spy on intelligence, steal the top secrets of the indigenous people, and at the same time find opportunities to destroy the Daqian Empire's dragon veins and Feng Shui formations, causing the opponent's national destiny to decline!"

The voice of Guang Nao sounded and arranged a very dangerous task for Jiang Tao. Of course, this is also a kind of training and training. Because Jiang Tao's strength has exceeded that of ordinary students and he has understood the realm of fetal breath, so Starry Sky University will give him Jiang Tao arranged such a difficult task with the consent of Jiang Tao's mentor Liu Qingwu. It was not some secret operation to plot Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao's mission of sneaking into the Daqian Empire and stealing the top secrets of the indigenous people, if replaced by an ordinary student, would inevitably lead to a narrow escape, or even a tenth of death. Only a master like Jiang Tao who has formed a holy womb can be confident that he will survive from the Daqian Empire. Return alive from the Qian Empire.

When Jiang Tao heard about such a difficult task, he still looked calm. His current strength was no weaker than Chen Tianshu of the Daqian Empire. As long as he was not besieged by several masters of the same level, he did not have to worry about safety issues at all.

Jiang Tao accepted this extremely difficult task, left the hall directly, put on a set of Daqian Empire clothes, left Laosheng Base alone, and went to the Daqian Empire.

In the depths of the Daqian Empire, Jiang Tao transformed into a scholar, elegant and handsome, with a jade tree facing the wind, and a gentle manner. He looked like he had read poetry and books, and had an erudite attitude, but he did not look like a human being on earth at all.

Jiang Tao has been reincarnated many times and has been a scholar countless times. He is also a master of acting. Naturally, the scholar who plays the role of the Daqian Empire is easy to find and will never be discovered. Jiang Tao even used the database of Star University to record the Daqian Empire. He has studied the classics thoroughly, and even Chen Tianshu, the dean of the Daqian Empire Academy, dare not say that he is better than him in the knowledge of the Daqian Empire.

The Daqian Empire was divided into provinces, state capitals, counties, towns, and then villages. There are temples in every village for ten miles, and they all worship the same existence, that is, the Emperor God, which is the providence of the entire Emperor Planet itself.

Unlike the Human Federation, there are countless sects, some believe in Buddhism, some believe in Western sects, some believe in Allah, and some even believe in some messy things. Because of this, the beliefs of the Daqian Empire on the Emperor Planet are unified. For tens of thousands of years, the emperors of the country have held large-scale heaven-sacrifice activities every year to worship the Emperor God. In this way, the will of this empire and the Emperor Planet's own planet will create an inseparable bond. connect.

The whole country will sacrifice to the emperor gods day and night, and communicate with the emperor's own destiny. In this way, the national destiny of the entire empire will be communicated with the destiny of the planet itself. In the long run, the entire empire will have smooth weather, no disasters, and the national destiny will be prosperous, and masters will emerge one after another. .

There is no such situation in the history of the earth, because the gods are in chaos. Therefore, dynasties changed frequently. In fact, in the Chinese history of the earth, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people believed in the importance of sacrifices. The only major national affairs were sacrifices and wars.

In the national era, people thought it was feudal superstition and did not believe in it. However, after scientific and systematic research, they felt that the human heart can indeed change some subtle changes in the planet, but it must be accumulated over time. Originally there were people on earth who worshiped the will of the planet itself, namely Houtu God and Huangtian God. But it was short-lived and had little impact.

If there is a thousand-year dynasty that worships the will of the planet every day, it will remain standing like the Daqian Empire. This is actually the ancient idea of ​​​​the right time, the right place, and the right people.

Jiang Tao walked in the territory of the Daqian Empire and saw many farmlands appearing on the land, between rivers and lakes. There were some houses scattered in the suburbs, and even villages and fortresses, all of which were well built. Productivity beyond the ancient feudal level.

Jiang Tao saw something shaped like rice growing in those farmlands. This was the foundation of agriculture in the Daqian Empire. It was a plant called golden millet. He quietly brought some over and it turned out to be golden grains of rice. He pinched it open Later, it was discovered that it contains a variety of minerals. The nutrients in it are very high-grade and have the taste of super protein. If this kind of food is made into porridge, the effect is very good and can very well improve the people's physique. No wonder the entire Daqian Empire The soldiers and horses are strong.

Jiang Tao discovered that in the center of a large field, there was a temple with red walls and yellow tiles. In the temple sat a god with a snake body, a human head, and a dragon behind him. He seemed to be able to move clouds and rain, and control thunder and lightning.

In front of the temple, incense is constantly burning, and people keep coming to kowtow, pray, light incense, and chant words with great piety.

"Emperor God, you are the venerable one of heaven and earth. We sincerely pray that we will be free from all diseases, have good weather, and have successful careers."

This temple has been standing for many years and has always been popular. If you observe carefully, you can find that the god in the temple is indeed somewhat supernatural. The statue of the god emits a spiritual light invisible to the naked eye, which is improving the climate of the world.

“Sure enough, the Daqian Empire communicated with the will of the Emperor Star, offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and obtained the slow improvement of the will of heaven and earth. This is indeed a great undertaking that cannot be completed overnight.

Jiang Tao frowned slightly and murmured to himself that he knew that the Daqian Empire could achieve this step because the entire Daqian Empire had sacrificed for tens of thousands of years.

Jiang Tao's mission this time is to stop Daqian Empire's heaven-sacrifice activities. Not only him, Starry Sky University also sent many teams, some of which are extremely high-ranking mission teams, God Team, Samsara Team, Eternal Life Team, etc. , the students of these teams are extremely powerful, not weaker than the senior instructors of Starry Sky University. Every member is in the realm of fetal breath, and they will also come to stop the Daqian Empire's heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

In fact, this time the Daqian Empire held a ceremony to worship the sky, mainly to use the majestic power of nature to obliterate Starry Sky University. This matter was also promoted by the masters of the mysterious world of cultivation. The masters of the mysterious world of cultivation came to reinforce this time, but they actually harbored evil intentions. It is to capture the will of the entire Imperial Planet.

The so-called people who are not from our race must have different minds. The Daqian Empire thought that help was coming, but they didn’t know that it was the scourge of the world. This time, the Daqian Empire sacrificed the whole country’s strength to make wedding clothes for others. There must be something behind it in the world of cultivation. Some ancestors in the realm of manifest saints controlled it from afar, so that they could capture the will of the planet in one fell swoop and refine it into earth-shattering artifacts. However, this was also counterattacked by the will of the emperor star.

Even the masters of the Manifestation of the Human Federation also got involved, hoping to reap the benefits and create the Daqian Empire and the powerful cultivation civilization in one fell swoop.

The imperial capital of Daqian is brightly lit, with taverns and brothels everywhere, where people are singing and dancing. There are also some flowing water paths in the city, where ships come and go, and birds sing and dance, but there is no atmosphere of fireworks at all, just like heaven and earth.

The entire capital city of the Daqian Empire was spotless, with no sewage or even domestic garbage. There is absolutely no trace of mosquitoes, flies, snakes, insects, rats, ants and other filthy things. This is a city blessed by God.

In modern society, unless it is an elite area, even Jinghua City will have some unsanitary corners that are extremely dirty. However, when Jiang Tao walked around the capital, there was no garbage at all. This is extremely terrifying. This is because every night at midnight, the wind will sweep through every corner of the city and clear away the filth. This is the power of heaven and earth.

There are many masters in the entire Daqian Emperor City, and many powerful auras are shooting here and there all the time. Sometimes they even find the spiritual thoughts of strong men in the fetal breath realm. The aura on Jiang Tao's body changes drastically at this time, like a monk from Daqian Academy, and Unidentified.

Jiang Tao stayed at the best inn in the imperial capital of the Daqian Empire, the Qiankun Inn. This inn was opened by relatives of the Daqian Emperor. As long as you had money, you could enjoy all kinds of wonderful things in it. Opposite the Qiankun Inn was the Daqian Academy, which was highly regarded as Surrounded by high walls, the walls are covered with scriptures and filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Jiang Tao's spiritual power merged into the deepest part of the void, and he carefully sensed the qi in Daqian Academy. Chen Tianshu's qi was captured by him. In the depths of Jiang Tao's mind, the image of Chen Tianshu emerged, and everything around him The scene disappeared, only a figure stood proudly.

He was a scholar, a great Confucian, a scholar who had compassion for heaven and earth, and saved the world from the fire and water. He stood with his hands behind his back, showing the starry sky, his spirit was unique, and his wit was natural.

The spirit of Chen Tianshu is integrated with the Tao, and the wisdom of forgetfulness can change the celestial phenomena in a single thought. This is the state of sitting and forgetfulness, that is, the unity of heaven and man!

Jiang Tao immediately understood that Chen Tianshu was no longer a fetus, but a master of sitting and forgetting, and he became even more terrifying. However, Jiang Tao is still not afraid of the powerful Daqian who ranks first in the Star Sky University standings. Although he is still in the realm of Hunyuan breath, his vitality and spiritual power have surpassed Chen Tianshu, and his strength is even better than Chen Tianshu. This is also The reason why Jiang Tao could spy on Chen Tianshu without being discovered.

"It's a pity that if Chen Tianshu was born in the Human Federation, he would never be in such a difficult situation as he is now. After all, the strength of the Daqian Empire is still not as good as that of the Human Federation and that huge cultivation civilization. He is just struggling to support it now!"

Jiang Tao withdrew his spiritual power, shook his head slightly, and sighed, full of regrets for Chen Tianshu. He was a true scholar with great compassion and great ambition. Unfortunately, he encountered the Human Federation and his homeland was in a precarious situation.

Jiang Tao once again looked at the Daqian Imperial City, and in the deepest part of the imperial city, he also noticed several extremely powerful auras. They were no weaker than Chen Tianshu. The Empire is incompatible with a more grand and majestic energy. They should be the monks of the Human Federation who are currently fighting against the forces of advanced cultivation civilization.

"These people are also extremely powerful, but they are still a little less pure than Chen Tianshu, a little bit less!"

Jiang Tao commented on the strength of the Zuowang ancestors, and his words were full of appreciation and importance for Chen Tianshu.

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