I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2950: Strength is the most important thing, a great disaster is about to happen

"How could you be in the realm of fetal breath and be stronger than me!"

Jiang Hailong looked at the cold-faced Jiang Tao, his eyes full of disbelief. He never thought that Jiang Tao would be a strong man in the fetal breath realm. Even Jiang Nalan, the pride of the Jiang family, would At this age, the strength is definitely not enough to comprehend the state of fetal breath.

What Jiang Hailong didn't expect was that Jiang Tao actually had no taboos and was lawless. He attacked him on the spot in the interrogation room, and his strength was actually stronger than him, a veteran in the fetal breath realm. He almost had no way of fighting back. Li was subdued by Jiang Tao like a dead dog.

"Jiang Tao, how dare you attack me? You must know that we are interrogating you according to interrogation procedures. If you do this and violate the laws of our Starry Sky University, you will be punished!"

At this time, Jiang Hailong once again moved out of the rules and laws of Starry Sky University and wanted to threaten Jiang Tao and ask him to let him go.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Tao's eyes, and the coldness became a bit stronger. His five fingers increased their strength again, and like five daggers, they penetrated deeply into Jiang Hailong's flesh and blood. He said very arrogantly.

"Jiang Hailong, you are so stupid. You don't understand the rules and laws of Starry Sky University at all. Strength is respected, and the strong follow the rules and laws!"

"Judgement? I have only heard of the strong judging the weak, but I have never seen the weak judging the strong. You are so confused!"

Jiang Tao's words echoed in the interrogation room, causing the expressions of all the instructors to change drastically, but they had to admit that what Jiang Tao said was the truth. The most important thing in Starry Sky University is strength. It is a naked competition between the weak and the strong. Even as a student, if your strength exceeds Mentors do not need to care about the identity of the other person. Strength is king, which is also the most respected philosophy of Starry Sky University. The purpose of Starry Sky University is to cultivate strong men for the Human Federation, so that they can fight for the Federation and gain more resources and territory.

Jiang Tao glanced coldly at Song Shuren, who was shivering, and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He was a clown. If Jiang Hailong hadn't supported him this time, he wouldn't have dared to cause trouble for himself. Jiang Tao then stopped at Jiang Hailong's painful face and said with a sneer.

"I have never been threatened. If you dare to yell in my ear again, believe it or not, I will make you eat shit in front of everyone, so that you will lose face and you will no longer be able to stay at Star Sky University! "

Jiang Tao's words were so poisonous that Jiang Hailong was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to make a sound in front of Jiang Tao. If he was really forced to eat shit, he would never be able to raise his head again.

Jiang Tao nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and smashed Jiang Hailong on the metal wall of the interrogation room. A human figure suddenly sunk out. Jiang Hailong's mouth was full of blood, and he slowly slid to the ground, his body twitching continuously. Then, he was hit hard again. At least half of the bones in his body were broken, and he shrank into a ball in pain.

"I will let you go this time. If you dare to use these dirty tricks on me next time, I will kill you directly. Will the federal high-level officials sanction me at that time?"

Jiang Tao turned around and left without any scruples, leaving only the instructors with different expressions. Looking at Jiang Hailong curled up miserably on the ground, a look of awe flashed on his face. Jiang Tao was only in his first year at Starry Sky University. He has already understood the realm of fetal breath. He is definitely a genius among human beings with a bright future. He will definitely be appreciated and valued by the top leaders of the federation. He is not something they can offend.

People like Jiang Tao are rare. Once he reaches a higher level, his status will increase tenfold. Not only the senior officials of Starry Sky University, but also the senior officials of mankind must pay attention to Jiang Tao.

It is difficult to understand the realm of fetal breath. Every expert in the realm of fetal breath can directly immigrate to the human elite area. Jiang Tao has become a strong expert in fetal breath at such a young age. He is definitely a genius. As long as he grows up smoothly, human beings will surely Once again, a saint-level supreme figure is born, with an unrivaled price. Such people have great luck. They are existences that the Human Federation attaches great importance to. They need to devote all their efforts to cultivating them. Don't say that Jiang Tao didn't directly kill Lu Jin. Well, even if Jiang Tao killed Jiang Hailong, the top human beings would at most give him a gentle warning and punishment, which would end the matter.

It is precisely for this reason that Jiang Tao has no scruples and directly reveals his strength in the realm of fetal breath, giving Jiang Hailong a severe lesson without worrying about being punished at all.

In the interrogation room, a figure suddenly appeared. This figure was shining with brilliance. The whole figure was made of energy. This was the manifestation of the holy fetus of a supremely powerful man. He was wearing a Confucian shirt, elegant and handsome, and his body revealed There is a feeling of concern for the country and the people, worrying about the world first, and rejoicing after the world is happy.

"Well, where is Jiang Tao?"

This person's voice was full of authority as he questioned everyone in the interrogation room.

Song Shuren looked at the holy fetus in awe, bent his waist, and did not dare to neglect, and answered quickly.

"Vice principal, Jiang Tao has left!"


Liu Qingwu had a look of astonishment on his face. He learned about Jiang Tao's interrogation from the Starry Sky University's optical brain. Without caring about anything else, he directly manifested the Holy Embryo and came to rescue him. He didn't expect to wait for him to come. By then, Jiang Tao had already solved the problem, but it was a step too late.

"Song Shuren, tell me what's going on. If something happens to Jiang Tao, you won't be able to feel better!"

Liu Qingwu had a gentle personality and was definitely not a domineering person. However, when faced with the possibility that his students would suffer unfair treatment, he still became furious and directly threatened him.

Song Shuren and others had bitter looks on their faces. This was really a case of stealing the chicken but losing the rice. They had offended Liu Qingwu and had no choice but to win over Jiang Tao, and the loss was huge.

"This is what happened. Jiang Tao suddenly rose up and showed his strength in the fetal breath realm. He directly seriously injured instructor Jiang Hailong and left!"

Liu Qingwu had a look of shock on his face when he heard this. Jiang Tao actually understood the fetal breath realm and defeated Jiang Hailong. He, the mentor, didn't know it at all. Jiang Tao hid it too deeply.

Liu Qingwu was dubious and looked at Song Shuren and others. Their faces were full of seriousness and their eyes did not dodge. What they said should be true, so they faced Liu Qingwu's gaze calmly.

Liu Qingwu's eyes then began to move, and he looked at Jiang Hailong who was lying by the wall. Most of his bones were broken, and his left shoulder was even more bloody. The bones were all broken out. He had suffered heavy injuries and looked very miserable.

"This brat actually hid his clumsiness in front of me and quietly understood the realm of fetal breath!"

Liu Qingwu complained and cursed, but the expression on his face was full of pride and pride. Jiang Tao was his student. Both of them were prosperous and devastated. The stronger Jiang Tao was, the better. Liu Qingwu did not blame Jiang Tao for hiding it. As for his own strength, he even wished that Jiang Tao's strength could be concealed even more.

"Jiang Hailong, this happens only once. I don't want it to happen a second time. Otherwise, even if you have the support of the Jiang family, I won't be able to tolerate you!"

A chill flashed in Liu Qingwu's eyes, and he threatened Jiang Hailong, who had been severely injured. The principal of Starry Sky University basically doesn't care about anything and never shows up. He may have gone to Starry Sky to fight. Now there are only a few vice-presidents in charge of the university, and every vice-president has great powers.

As the vice-president of Starry Sky University, Liu Qingwu naturally has a backer. He has a strong relationship with his superiors and is not afraid of the Jiang family. The Human Federation is not the only saint named Jiang Nalan, and people like Jiang Nalan will not Paying attention to the battle in the realm of fetal breath, he spent all his time fighting for planets and fighting with the peerless masters of the world of cultivation, and he couldn't spare the energy to pay attention to this little thing.

This incident did not cause any disturbance, and the Jiang family did not dare to use these methods against Jiang Tao again. After all, Liu Qingwu was not someone to be trifled with. The power of the Jiang family at Star Sky University could not shake Liu Qingwu, so it was better not to provoke Liu Qingwu. .

However, this incident also reminded Jiang Tao that he needed to speed up his cultivation. After all, the Jiang family is a giant. In addition to Jiang Nalan, the supreme powerhouse in the realm of manifestation, one of the pillars of the human federation, there will definitely be no shortage of sitting and forgetting. The great master of the realm.

Jiang Tao's current strength is still a bit lacking. He needs to break through to the Hunyuan Qi as soon as possible. By then, his vitality will reach more than 70, which will definitely not be weaker than the masters of the Zuowang Realm. His spiritual power will even surpass the masters of the Zuowang Realm. Only then can we not be afraid of the threats from the Jiang family and only need to be wary of Jiang Nalan.

However, Jiang Tao is not without a trump card. If Jiang Nalan notices him before he grows up, the worst he can do is flip the table, summon his true form to come, wipe out the Jiang family, and smash the world. No one can play with it. .

But now Jiang Tao will not do this. If the main body takes action, it means that his reincarnation experience has failed and he has not gained any benefits. Apart from being able to breathe out, he has gained nothing.

Jiang Tao flew in the void at an extremely fast speed. A wave of air rolled behind him, and it was so violent that it could tear apart the sonic mecha. This is because Jiang Tao's physical body is so powerful, harder than a super mecha, that he can withstand this rapid flight. The tearing force brought by it, after his figure disappeared into the distance, bursts of air explosions were heard in the air, which showed that Jiang Tao's speed had far exceeded the speed of sound.

"I must be promoted to Hunyuanxi as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tao's face became more solemn. He felt the aura of great catastrophe. Starry Sky University was very likely to face drastic changes. It seemed that the Daqian Empire had received help from a more powerful world of cultivation and was about to start a decisive battle with Starry Sky University. .

There are many starry battlefields in the Human Federation. There are enemies not only on the Emperor Planet, but also in the cultivation worlds of other galaxies. Recently, Jiang Nalan and other supreme powerhouses in the manifest realm have invaded a more powerful cultivation world. Zhenghe The supreme powerhouses in this world are fighting fiercely, with no end in sight.

Several ancestors of that cultivation civilization came to the Emperor Planet, making inroads in the east and west, intending to destroy the Starry Sky University, the cradle of the Human Federation's training of masters, and put the Human Federation into a situation where it was unable to succeed.

As long as Starry Sky University is gone, humans on earth will no longer be able to cultivate peerless experts within a hundred years. A vast war is about to begin, and the Daqian Empire will fight back with all its might.

Jiang Tao's spiritual power is extremely powerful, not weaker than the master of sitting and forgetting, and his senses are far superior to those of fetal breath masters. Naturally, he noticed something strange, so he wanted to increase his level of strength quickly so that he could survive this crisis.

"There are a lot of spiritual veins on the Emperor Planet. As long as I find one spiritual vein and swallow up all the spiritual stones, I will be able to advance to the Hunyuan Qi as quickly as possible. It is even possible to reach the realm of oblivion. !”

Jiang Tao's spiritual realm is unpredictable. The only obstacle to advancing to the realm of Hunyuan Breath is resources and energy. If he relies on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it will take at least a year or so to enter the realm of Hunyuan Breath. But if he can find With a spiritual vein and a large amount of spiritual stones, he can shorten this time several times. As long as he refines the spiritual stones, he can advance to the realm of Hunyuan breath without any hindrance.

As Jiang Tao flew, he kept pinching and deducing in his hands, changing the direction of flight from time to time. He completely integrated his spirit and soul into the world, comprehending the various mysteries between heaven and earth, capturing the information in the dark, and deducing the location of the spiritual veins. s position.

Suddenly, Jiang Tao pointed his fingers, and the afterimages disappeared. A look of joy appeared on his face, and he said happily.

"We found the location of the spiritual veins. That direction is the Black Dragon Pond!"

Jiang Tao checked his chip and determined the location of his spiritual veins, with a look of clarity on his face.

Black Dragon Pond is very famous in the Starry Sky University forum. There is something called Dragon Grass that grows in Black Dragon Pond. It has very high nutritional value and contains powerful energy. It is a kind of heaven that is more advanced than the Fruit of Life. The material is precious and expensive.

But the dragon-seeking grass is a kind of food for black dragons, so it is very dangerous to go there, and you have to go deep into the water to get it.

In fact, the black dragon is not a real dragon, but a giant snake with a huge size. The Black Dragon Pool is not a deep pool, but a huge river and sea, covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

Some students once dived in a battleship, but the battleship was sunk by the giant snake. Therefore, those who want to collect dragon-seeking grass must sneak into it silently, driving a battleship or a mecha. If they alert the black snake, they will definitely die. However, it is very dangerous to sneak into it physically, let alone the water pressure. There are turbulent undercurrents inside, and there are other monsters hidden inside, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to come back.

Each dragon-seeking grass is of a sky-high price. After humans take it, there will be an extra dragon's breath in the body. This is also a special energy. People who take it can improve their physique, make their own blood stronger, and possess some legendary dragon attributes. This grass is now used in scientific experiments and has been made into many precious medicines, but unfortunately they are all spread in elite areas.

Of course, the dragon-seeking grass is also a very precious treasure in the cultivation civilization, and it is of great use. The dragon's breath contained in it can neutralize the metallic aura of the flying sword, allowing the cultivator to further integrate with the flying sword, and hopefully refine the flying sword. , integrating the flying sword into the body of the cultivator.

Jiang Tao flew again, heading towards the Black Dragon Pond hundreds of thousands of miles away. The speed was extremely fast. The airflow behind him tore apart the clouds in the sky, like a stream of light, shooting straight into the distance.

Jiang Tao fell from the sky and landed on a big tree a hundred meters high. Looking forward from a distance, I saw turbulent waves and sinking black water in front of me, like an ocean, stretching as far as the eye can see. This is the Black Dragon Pool, under the starlight, The waves are undulating, dark, mysterious and vast, and contain a terrifying power.

Jiang Tao ignored all the dangers in the Black Dragon Pond and sank directly into the water, hundreds of meters away. He felt the pressure around him increasing. This kind of pressure could damage the sonic mecha, but for Jiang Tao, But it's nothing.

There is no light in the depths of the water, and it is pitch black. However, Jiang Tao does not need light. He is now seeing the world with his mind, which is much more accurate and clearer than his eyes. With a slight sweep, he can clearly see the underwater area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius. , even a needle can be found. There are many fish under the water, and there are even some ferocious monsters.

However, Jiang Tao did not start killing. Any underwater monster was hypnotized before it even got close to him, and he exuded a peaceful and peaceful aura that could calm any irritable monster.

Jiang Tao dived all the way, swimming under the water, and kept scanning with his thoughts. He discovered that there were indeed many kinds of water monsters in the depths of the Black Dragon Pond, including many powerful monsters.

"Huh? There seems to be a fragrance? The elixir appears?"

As Jiang Tao's thoughts gradually swept away, he could feel the various energies of fragrance and spiritual energy. He suddenly found a medicinal gas appearing in the distance, and immediately swam over. Sure enough, he found that there was actually a flower growing on a reef deep under the water. Colorful flowers.

"Five-color exquisite flowers? A good thing. They are medicinal materials for alchemy."

Jiang Tao immediately remembered that in the world of cultivation, this kind of five-color exquisite flower grows deep under the water. Although it is not as good as Xunlong grass, it is also born by gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There are five energy energies in it, which are entangled with each other. After people eat it, It is also a rare elixir that nourishes the five internal organs and strengthens blood vessels.

Jiang Tao's spiritual power fluctuated slightly. He plucked the five-color exquisite flower and threw it directly into his mouth. His body turned into a Bagua alchemy furnace, and the energy and blood in his body turned into real fire. The five-color exquisite flower was directly refined by Jiang Tao into a radiating elixir. The five-color radiant elixir blended into the flesh and blood in his body, slowly improving Jiang Tao's physique.

Five kinds of subtle energy dispersed into the five internal organs. Jiang Tao's five internal organs began to squirm. Moisturized by this energy, they suddenly began to spray out the five qi, making him slightly tipsy and feeling like the five qi were rising. The so-called three flowers Gathering at the top, the five qi moving towards the origin is a phenomenon among practitioners.

Jiang Tao took a closer look at the slight changes in his body, smacked his lips, and said.

"There is no increase in vitality, but the taste is pretty good. It's better than nothing!"

Jiang Tao's vitality is too strong. The impact of a five-color exquisite flower on him is too small, and the energy contained cannot improve Jiang Tao's vitality and strength.

The Black Dragon Pond is huge and stretches as far as the eye can see, comparable to smaller rivers and seas on earth. Jiang Tao searched for three days under strong water pressure. In the process, he found a lot of natural and earthly treasures, but he ate them all and turned them into life potential, without increasing his vitality.

"Hmm, the smell of blood? It seems like some kind of large beast is hunting?"

Suddenly, a faint smell of blood emitted from the water. Jiang Tao's spiritual power radiated around, and he discovered that in a dark lair sixty miles away, a behemoth one hundred meters long was biting and devouring an imperial elephant.


Jiang Li took a look and saw that it was the unique overlord in the Black Dragon Pond, the giant black python. He is born with a special ability to control water flow, and like the Vulcan Bird, he has water magical powers.

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