I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2945 Ranking first, expelling the Sun and Moon Group

Jiang Tao fought consecutively and won every battle. When it was the twenty-seventh round, the optical brain started to remind him.

"Jiangtao-san, your twenty-sixth battle has ended, and your points are 52. As long as you win the next battle, your ranking points will enter the top ten. Please work hard!"

"Can I enter the top ten in the next game? It's too easy!"

Jiang Tao's eyes fluctuated slightly, as if the calmness of the clear lake was broken, and the ripples spread in circles. As long as he enters the top ten in the qualifying round, he can be awarded the Elite Preparatory Medal and obtain the immigration qualification for the elite area. This is the dream goal of his father Jiang Zhendong, and he is about to achieve it.

As the points get higher and higher, the opponents become more powerful each time it is a turn, because the optical brain will choose people with similar points to fight against, and it is impossible to have people with too big a difference in points.

Jiang Tao closed his eyes and waited quietly. His mind was calm and free of any disturbance. He was like the saint Buddha, as motionless as a mountain. His wisdom guided everything, eliminating all distracting thoughts. He was spotless, his mind was like a mirror, and his body was like a mirror. Like Bodhi, the whole person exudes an aura of stability from the inside out. Jiang Tao has made some progress in his mental state at this moment. His soul is exuding a gleaming light, crystal clear, like a treasure of glass.

For half an hour, Jiang Tao slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were black and white, clear and bright, like cold stars, dazzling. He looked at the opposite side of the ring, and a ray of energy appeared again, wrapped in a figure. It was him this time. As long as he defeats this opponent, he can enter the top ten in qualifying.

The energy spreads.

What emerges is an arrogant man, with a body like a sword, standing upright, majestic and independent, like a saint standing on the top of a mountain, surveying thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, taking all the picturesque mountains and rivers into his mind, exuding the temperament of a leader , this person is also a yellow race person, exuding a temperament that is different from ordinary people in the Federation, otherworldly, unconventional, like an outsider.

Jiang Tao's expression moved slightly. He detected a distinctive aura from this opponent. This was not the aura of a citizen of the Human Federation, but the aura of a cultivator.

"Interesting, people from the world of cultivation actually infiltrated Starry Sky University and infiltrated undercover agents into the Human Federation. What is this, Infernal Affairs?"

The Human Federation often sends undercover agents to the world of cultivation to infiltrate alien cultivation sects. Many people have even become direct disciples of the cultivation sects and hold high positions. Unexpectedly, the correction sects from alien planets have also begun to send undercover agents to the Human Federation. But it really becomes me in you, and you in me. The whole thing is an Infernal Affairs.

This person's name is Meng Xingyun. He is considered to be the strongest among the candidates of Starry Sky University this time except Jiang Tao. His spiritual cultivation has already comprehended the realm of great concentration, and his vitality has reached 3, which is far beyond the other students. If not, If nothing goes wrong, this person should be able to enter the top ten in qualifying.

Meng Xingyun seemed to be used to being aloof, his eyes flickered slightly as he stared at Jiang Tao, with a touch of pride on his face, and said coldly.

"You are strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Xingyun gave people the feeling of being a conqueror without fighting. He was tall and huge, like a Buddha. He could suppress his opponent with one hand. His voice stirred the heavens and shocked the hearts of the people.

"Interesting, you actually want to use your psychic powers to hypnotize me!"

Jiang Tao stands on the earth and has transformed into an ancestral shaman-like existence. He is one hundred thousand feet tall and huge. The evil energy around him is astonishing. As long as he puts his feet on the earth, he can be invincible, even if Meng Xingyun is above the nine heavens. Even the Buddha cannot subdue the ancestral witches who fight in heaven and on earth.

Meng Xingyun's spirit was shaken, and the powerful spiritual power was withdrawn, and he was slightly shocked. He did not expect that Jiang Tao's spiritual power was indestructible and could not be hypnotized at all, so he was bounced back.

"You have a good spiritual state!"

Meng Xingyun still maintained a high posture, as if a senior was evaluating a junior. He suddenly stretched out his hand, and without moving his body or steps, he rushed straight over. His whole body was like a mountain moving on the earth out of thin air, and then His fingers were like swords, slashing down.

"Sky God Sword Technique!"

This is A-level martial arts. When Meng Xingyun's finger sword slashed down, the entire sky was enveloped. There was no way to escape or avoidance. This kind of momentum and sharpness had nothing to do with power, everything was A general trend, a kind of momentum! In the realm of martial arts, it is no longer about convincing people with force, but overpowering them with force.

Jiang Tao's eyes narrowed slightly, a ray of cold light shone, he raised his right hand, stood still, and punched out, a fighting spirit that refused to obey the gods and Buddhas rose up, his fighting spirit soared into the sky, he was invincible and unstoppable.


The hands of the two did not collide, but they made a violent sound. This was because the air brought up by their moves exploded. The air waves rolled, and the two of them fell back and faced each other again.

"You are indeed very strong, you are the strongest opponent I have ever encountered!"

Meng Xingyun's expression finally became a little heavier. He felt that part of Jiang Tao's strength was not weaker than his own, which made him wary.

Jiang Tao's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the student who was suspected of being an undercover alien from an alien planet with a half-smile, then shook his head slightly and said.

"It's a pity that you are not strong enough and you are not my opponent!"

As soon as Jiang Tao finished speaking, the person disappeared in place and appeared in front of Meng Xingyun. A hand stretched out, like a Buddha's palm falling from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole world was encompassed by this palm. Inside, there was only one hand left in the universe, which was completely unable to resist. The five fingers turned into five huge mountains and pressed hard on Meng Xingyun's body.

"Crack! Click!"

Meng Xingyun's chest collapsed, his sternum was shattered, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. He collapsed on the ground and slid backwards along the floor of the ring. His eyes were full of disbelief. He was defeated. It was an undisputed defeat. The opponent's strength far exceeded him and he was completely unable to resist. It left a shadow of failure in his heart. The realm of Dading was somewhat unstable and his realm had retreated.


A beam of energy fell, covering Meng Xingyun, and teleported out of the arena. This was Starry Sky University's protection mechanism, which could treat students' injuries as quickly as possible and rarely lead to death.

"The battle is over, Jiang Tao wins. Congratulations on entering the top ten in the rankings!"

The top ten in the rankings are open to the public, and the eliminated students can also see the battle between the top ten, which attracts the attention of countless people.

This time, there are three yellow people in the top ten of Star University, one is black, and the other six are white. It can be seen that white people still have a certain advantage in vitality, and there are also many martial arts masters among them. , the current structure of the Human Federation is also dominated by white people.

In fact, this is also related to the disappearance of Wang Chao and Ba Liming.

If the barbarians and the Di come to China, then the Chinese will come over to them; if the Chinese barbarians come to the barbarians, then the barbarians will come to them! This is the distinction between primary and secondary, which has been the philosophy of China since ancient times.

Half an hour later, an opponent appeared in front of Jiang Tao again. He was a Caucasian, tall and exuding a powerful aura. His vitality was close to 3. His strength was second only to Meng Xingyun and even more powerful than Jiang Li today. Quite a few, Jiang Li did not enter the top ten this time, and happened to be eliminated by Meng Xingyun, ranking eleventh in the qualifying round.

This white man was powerful and decisive in killing. Without any unnecessary words, he started to attack as soon as he appeared. With one punch, an illusion appeared. Countless meteors fell from the nine heavens, like big fireballs, and the sky fire destroyed the entire place. In the world, the oceans are raging, floods are spreading, and they are flooding towards the land. This is the A-level martial arts that white people are best at, the Doomsday Divine Fist, which is extremely ferocious.

Jiang Tao watched the iron fist attack very calmly. Seeing that the fist was about to hit him, a cold light appeared in Jiang Tao's eyes. He suddenly raised his right foot and stepped hard, and his figure disappeared. In front of the opponent, he appeared behind the opponent, raised his right hand, and suddenly dropped it, like the sky falling, pressing on the opponent's shoulder.

"Crack, click, click!"

The extremely powerful pressure fell, and the opponent's shoulder blades instantly shattered, and his spine and ribs began to break. The powerful white man fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, spitting out bright blood in large mouthfuls. It was poignant and beautiful. And bloody.

In the end, Jiang Tao was invincible and defeated his opponents one after another cleanly. He won the first place with an overwhelming victory.

"The top ten students will come to the top of the base to receive their medals. The other students can disperse."

"Now, you can choose to practice on the Emperor Planet and wait for the start of school in three months, or you can choose to take a wormhole jump on a battleship and return to your planet to announce the good news to your family. Remember, in three months, your university will Career will officially begin!"

Jiang Tao accepted the Elite Preparatory Medal from Starry Sky University and did not stay on the Emperor Planet for three months. Instead, he chose to return to Earth with Jiang Li. After all, he still had things to deal with and he would have to live at Starry Sky University for the next few years. , Jiang Zhenyue's matter needs to be dealt with cleanly, so as not to leave any trouble for his family.

On this day, the Jiang family had just finished breakfast when the sound of a car falling down suddenly sounded outside the villa.

Jiang Tao felt something in his heart, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes were full of cold light. He walked out of the villa and looked outside.

Outside the Jiang family villa, dozens of cars stopped in front of the villa, and then a group of people got out of the cars, all wearing the uniforms of the Sun and Moon Group. Then a follower opened the car door, and a middle-aged man walked out, it was Jiang Zhenyue.

At this time, Jiang Zhendong came out quickly. When he saw the scene in front of him, his expression changed suddenly and he seemed a little uneasy.

"Jiang Zhendong, we meet so soon."

Jiang Zhenyue waved his hand, and a group of people from the Sun and Moon Group surrounded the villa behind him.

"Jiang Zhenyue, do you dare to break into a private house?"

Jiang Zhendong took a step forward, resisted Jiang Zhenyue's momentum, and asked sternly.

"Break into a private house?"

An old man came out from behind Jiang Zhenyue. This old man had a strong aura and a calm temperament. This was Jiang Zhenyue's bodyguard leader, named Gu Xiong. He sneered.

"The villas around here have been bought by our Sun and Moon Group, and we are the owners here."

"Gu Xiong, don't talk so much nonsense to them."

Jiang Zhenyue waved his hand to stop him, and suddenly his eyes pierced hard, he looked at Jiang Tao and said coldly.

"Are you Jiang Tao?"

Jiang Tao raised his head slightly, his eyes full of contempt and lazily, dismissing Jiang Zhenyue's questions.

"Do you know that as a member of the Jiang family, your father does not have reproductive rights?"

Jiang Zhenyue's eyes were as sharp as a knife, staring at the three Jiang Tao brothers and sisters, and said coldly.

"The birth of you guys violated the Jiang family's family rules."

"What is the Jiang family plan?!"

Jiang Tao narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and let out a sneer, showing his utmost disdain for the Jiang family's rules.

"What are the Jiang family rules? Okay, okay!"

"Jiang Zhendong, do you know what the consequences will be if your son's words are known to some old men in the family?"

Jiang Zhenyue laughed angrily, looked at Jiang Zhendong, and said threateningly.

"What consequences?"

"My son is already a student at Xingkong University. Those old men from the Jiang family would go to Xingkong University to arrest people and enforce family law if they have the ability. I wonder if they have the guts?"

Jiang Zhendong had no scruples at this time, his face was cold, and he asked without fear of Jiang Zhenyue.


Jiang Zhenyue's face turned gloomy. The Jiang family could dominate many human cities, but they were still powerless against a behemoth like Starry Sky University. He looked at the Starry Sky University uniforms worn by the Jiang Tao brothers, and his face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

"The Jiang family's family rules will naturally be enforced by someone, and a student from Starry Sky University is nothing."

Jiang Zhenyue's eyes suddenly burst out with unprecedented light, filled with unforgettable hatred, and asked.

"Jiang Tao, I came here today just to ask you, who gave you the courage to kill my son?!"

Jiang Tao stood with his hands behind his hands, a faint smile on his face, and said casually.

"Why don't I dare to kill him?"

"He was just an ant. He was so weak, but he dared to scream in front of me. I killed him with just one finger, which shattered his brain!"

As soon as he said these words, Jiang Zhenyue's face turned pale. The ancient bear behind him roared loudly, and his figure instantly appeared in front of Jiang Tao. His five fingers formed into claws, grabbing Jiang Tao's head, trying to take off Jiang Tao's head.

"You actually dare to attack me. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Jiang Tao is now a student of Xingkong University. He has received the Reserve Elite Medal. He has a very high status and has many privileges. There is no way that Jiang Zhenyue's bodyguard can attack him.

Jiang Tao slowly raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and with a sudden grab, he firmly held Gu Xiong's arm. He grinned, put force on his hand, and with a click, one of Gu Xiong's arms was torn off by Jiang Tao.

The ancient bear showed an extremely painful expression on his face. His face turned pale and his lips were bitten. He tried his best not to let out a painful cry.

"He is still a tough guy, which is really admirable!"

Jiang Tao looked at Jiang Zhenyue behind Gu Xiong, stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Xiong's neck, with an extremely cold expression on his face.

Jiang Zhenyue felt something was wrong and quickly stopped him.

"Jiang Tao, how dare you kill someone in public!"


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tao broke Gu Xiong's neck, threw the body in front of Jiang Zhenyue, wiped his hands, and said calmly.

"Actively attacking the Reserve Elite Medal holder, of course I dare to kill him!"

When Jiang Zhenyue heard this, his expression was shocked, and he prepared an elite medal, but the entrance ticket to the elite area had a distinguished status. No wonder Jiang Tao was so confident that he dared to kill Gu Xiong in front of him.

"Okay, you are awesome, you will regret what you did today!"

Jiang Zhenyue waved his hand, and someone naturally took Gu Xiong's body away. He turned around and got into the car. All the people from the Sun and Moon Group got on the bus and left in an instant.

Jiang Zhenyue did not dare to take action, and the Sun and Moon Group also had to abide by the law. Moreover, Jiang Tao was not an ordinary person now, and his status was of no small importance.

"It seems that I need to go to the black market. Doesn't the Sun and Moon Group want to gain a foothold in the black market? I will drive them out so that they cannot gain a foothold on the earth!"

The essence of the Sun and Moon is a banned drug. When the Sun and Moon Group opens the earth market, it can only gain a foothold in the black market. Wherever it is not governed by the law, it can only rely on its strength. The Sun and Moon Group has invested a lot of money in the black market, suppressing other forces. Come and want to dominate the earth’s black market.

Jiang Li's expression changed slightly when he heard this. He was most familiar with the black market. He relied on the black market to make his fortune. Dahei and other cats were still operating in the black market. Since Dahei was enlightened by Jiang Tao, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and his mind has entered the Great Ding state. At this level, his strength is slightly better than Jiang Li's today. He has controlled the minds of many black market forces through hypnosis and has been causing trouble for the Sun and Moon Group.

"Brother, I'll go with you, I have some connections in the black market!"

Jiang Tao waved his hand, his expression indifferent, his eyes penetrated the void, as if he saw the magnificent building of the Sun and Moon Group, and sneered.

"No need to bother, I will drive the Sun Moon Group out directly. If Jiang Zhenyue doesn't want to die, he can only leave the earth in despair!"

After saying that, Jiang Tao's figure twisted and disappeared in front of his family.

Jiang Li's eyes widened. He was now a master of meditation, but he didn't know when Jiang Tao disappeared. The Jiang Tao he just talked to was just a mental illusion, and he had left long ago.

Jiang Tao did not enter the Sun and Moon Building. He spread out his extremely powerful spiritual power and enveloped the entire Sun and Moon Building. Everyone in the building was hypnotized.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Gunshots continued to sound, and Jiang Zhenyue looked horrified. He watched helplessly as his bodyguard committed suicide with a gun. Bodies were everywhere, and the rich smell of blood filled the air, making people sick to hear it.

"Which senior hypnotist are you? Have our Sun Moon Group ever offended you?"

Jiang Zhenyue asked cautiously, with a respectful expression. Senior hypnotists are at least masters who have understood the realm of Changding. They are eligible to immigrate to the elite area. He is not someone he can offend.

"Jiang Zhendong, we meet again. If you are sensible, get out of the earth, otherwise you and your son Jiang Liu can go underground to reunite!"

A corpse of a bodyguard lying on the ground spoke. His brains were bleeding all over the floor, but it was incredible that he could still move.

Jiang Zhenyue's expression changed drastically. Although his cultivation level was not high, he was very knowledgeable. His ability to control the dead person's speech was the best even among the masters of Changding Realm.

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