I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2932 Framed? All it takes is one phone call!

"No need to be verbose, a favor can be converted into ten thousand stars. If you agree, transfer the money. If you don't agree, leave!"

Jiang Tao impatiently stretched out his hand to interrupt Xue Ling's tirade, and handed his student chip to Xue Ling, simply and directly.

Xue Ling didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She took Jiang Tao's student chip and transferred 10,000 stars to him. This amount of money was not enough for Xue Ling's food expenses for a week.

"Ten thousand stars is nothing. You saved my sister's life. If you encounter trouble in the future."

Before Xue Ling could finish her words, Jiang Tao snatched away his student chip and checked his bank balance. Ten thousand stars had already arrived. He was too lazy to listen to Xue Ling's nonsense and walked away.

"The money is cleared, there is no need for anything else!"

Xue Ling stared blankly at Jiang Tao's walking back. It took a long time to come back to her senses, chuckled, and whispered.

"Jiang Tao, it's funny, he actually regards me as a savage beast and doesn't want to have contact with me!"

In a villa, Zheng Wenbing had just recovered from his injury. With a look of resentment on his face and gnashing of teeth, he looked up like a Shura from hell. He looked up at a middle-aged man opposite, who was wearing an ancient suit. The man wearing Chinese-style clothes was obviously a martial arts teacher. Zheng Wenbing asked him with burning eyes.

"Master Wang, you are the martial arts teacher hired by my father with a high salary. Please teach me the best training methods. I must take this final exam and increase my vitality to 1 at all costs."

This middle-aged man's name is Wang Daorong. He is a child of an ancient martial arts family and is very proficient in all kinds of martial arts. Hearing Zheng Wenbing's words, he looked troubled, shook his head and said.

This is not possible, the time is too short. "

"My Wang family is an ancient martial arts family. From the beginning of the Huaxia Kingdom to the current Starry Sky Era, we have a very thorough understanding of martial arts. No matter what the technique is, you must understand it yourself. Unless you can enter the deep sleep from now on. Stage two! Otherwise, even if you take any super supplements, your body will not be able to absorb them, and you will end up with excess nutrition.”

When Zheng Wenbing heard this, a look of disappointment appeared on his face, his eyes fixed on Wang Daorong, and he said in a deep voice.

"Is there nothing you can do?"

"You can only conquer the Heart Monkey on your own, but I have a set of Wang family's ancient spiritual cultivation secrets here that I can teach you."

There was hesitation on Wang Daorong's face. Thinking of the high salary paid by the Wang family, he finally made up his mind and said.

"That's all, my Wang family has a secret technique for cultivating the mind, which can help you subdue the mental ape and enter the second stage of deep sleep. I can teach you!"

Now that we are in the Galaxy Era, many secrets that were not passed down two hundred years ago are of much less value than before. Wang Daorong can also teach secrets to Zheng Wenbing for money.

"Okay, Master Wang, don't worry, I won't treat you badly!"

Zheng Wenbing was overjoyed and said excitedly. He naturally understood the use of money, so he was not stingy with Wang Daorong and directly offered to reward him.

At this moment, Zheng Wenbing's phone rang, and a virtual figure appeared with a smile on his face and said to Zheng Wenbing.

"Brother Bing, I have already figured out what you asked me to investigate. Jiang Tao's parents have been taken away for investigation for embezzling public funds. If nothing else happens, the Jiang family is finished!"

"But there is one thing that is a bit surprising. Jiang Tao has become a one-star citizen!"

"What, how is it possible? How did Jiang Tao become a one-star citizen?"

Zheng Wenbing was happy at first, and then his face turned ferocious. He was shocked that Jiang Tao could become a one-star citizen. You must know that even though his family was rich, he still could not become a one-star citizen. In terms of status, he was still one level lower than Jiang Tao. .

"It seems that he encountered an arrest by the National Police Agency and helped arrest a serious criminal, Huan Hu. The National Police Agency considered it a major meritorious service, so he became a one-star citizen!"

"However, Brother Bing, this will not affect your plan. I have asked Jiang Tao's parents to make false accounts. The police have intervened in the investigation and his parents have been taken away. You can use his parents' Security threatens him to make him obedient!"

This man is the brother Zheng Wenbing mentioned at the beginning. He works as a manager in the Xue Group and happens to be Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's boss. Under Zheng Wenbing's instructions, he framed Jiang Zhendong and his wife, falsely accusing them of misappropriating public funds. Threaten Jiang Tao.

"Okay, you are right. Contact the black market boxing ring bosses to see if they want Jiang Tao. I want him to work for us!"

"Isn't he very capable of fighting? This time I will let him fight to his heart's content in the ring!"

Zheng Wenbing's face was ferocious, his eyes were full of fierce light, and he said coldly.

At home, after finishing learning a set of boxing techniques, Jiang Xuan stopped and looked at the completely dark sky outside. She couldn't help but be stunned and said strangely.

"Why haven't parents come back yet?"

"Yeah, usually at this time, my parents would be back long ago."

Jiang Li also frowned. He had a vague premonition. During this period, through the milky white stone, he entered the fetal breath state every day, which greatly increased his physical fitness and mental strength, so his sixth sense was very accurate.

Jiang Tao didn't show any signs of anxiety, with a calm expression. He was sitting on the sofa, his eyes calm and extremely calm, and he said in a deep voice.

"Don't be anxious, the soldiers will stop you, the water will cover you, and there will be news soon!"

Ding dong, ding dong! The doorbell rang. Jiang Xuan thought it was her parents who were back, so she went to open the door happily. When she opened the door, she saw a policeman in uniform. Jiang Xuan's face changed and turned pale.

""Is this Jiang Zhendong's home? "

"Are you Jiang Zhendong's children?"

A public official glanced at the three of them, took out a piece of paper in his hand, handed it to Jiang Tao, who was walking over, and said.

"Your parents are suspected of misappropriating company assets and have been investigated by the police. According to regulations, they will be detained for fifteen days. During this period, their violations will be investigated."


Jiang Xuan was very excited. She couldn't accept the news. She knew very well what kind of people her parents were and would never embezzle public funds and shouted loudly.

"Xiaoxuan, don't get excited."

Jiang Tao reached out and patted Jiang Xuan's head to calm her down. Then he looked at several public officials and spoke.

"Please continue talking!"

Several public officials were a little surprised to see Jiang Tao so calm. He was just a high school student. It was rare to see him remain so calm in the face of family changes.

"We have sent the investigation order. You can hire a lawyer and apply to meet with the suspect, but please do not interfere with the administration of justice by taking any private actions. You should have studied these legal courses. And now it is just an investigation. Whether you are guilty or not remains to be seen. The results of the investigation."

"OK, I see."

Jiang Tao watched these people leave, closed the door very calmly, and returned to sit on the sofa again.

"Brother, what should I do? Our parents would never do such a thing. They must have been framed. What should we do?"

Jiang Xuan started to cry. She was young, still a child in her teens, and asked helplessly without being scared.

"Someone is framing our parents."

"Day defense and night defense are finally here. It seems that Zheng Wenbing is causing trouble? Last time he threatened my parents and threatened them to lose their jobs. I didn't expect that this time he would be so ruthless!"

Jiang Li thought of Zheng Wenbing's words that day, his eyes flashed with ferocity, and he wanted to kill Zheng Wenbing immediately.

"Don't worry, leave this to me, my parents will be back today!"

Jiang Tao was calm and composed without any panic. He made a call and spoke.

"Xue Ling, I am Jiang Tao. I have something to trouble you with, so I owe you a favor!"

During this period, Xue Ling came to Jiang Tao many times, and the two became somewhat familiar with each other and had each other's contact information. However, this was the first time that Jiang Tao contacted the eldest lady of the Xue family.

The company where Jiang Tao's parents work is a subsidiary of the Xue Group. As the eldest lady of the group, Xue Ling naturally has a way to solve this matter.

"Whatever it is, just say it, it's not easy for you to owe a favor!"

Xueling's figure appeared with a bright smile on her face, and she readily agreed without any excuses!

Jiang Tao told Xue Ling what happened, and Xue Ling was furious when she heard what happened.

"What! There is such a thing! Jiang Tao, don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will give you an explanation, forget the favor!"

When Jiang Tao heard this, he was impressed by Xue Ling. She was sensible and responsible and did not take this opportunity to earn favors. His impression of her was much better.

"I'll check immediately and bail your parents out first! Don't worry, nothing will happen to them! Just wait for me for half an hour!"

Xue Ling disappeared in an instant and hurried to deal with the matter. She was very optimistic about Jiang Tao's future and wanted to get closer to him, but now she was stabbed in the back by someone from the subsidiary company, which made her very angry.

"Don't worry, Xue Ling is the daughter of the Xue Group, and her parents should be fine soon!"

Jiang Tao looked at Jiang Xuan and Jiang Li who were still a little worried, and said very calmly that he was sure that his parents had not embezzled public funds and must have been framed. This kind of thing cannot withstand investigation. As long as Xue Ling is willing to come forward, it will be completely fine. no need to worry.

Half an hour later, the phone rang again, and Xueling's figure appeared in front of Jiang Tao again. She said with a somewhat apologetic look on her face.

"Jiang Tao, the matter has been resolved. Your parents have been released on bail, and I have used the power of the company to investigate. It was initially found that they were framed by the superiors in the company. We have now called the police and summoned them. In addition, I We will send someone to take your parents home, and at the same time we will arrange for them to join the Xue Group's parent company and promote them as compensation."

"sorry to bother you!"

Jiang Tao nodded, thanked him, and then hung up the phone. A cold light flashed in his clear eyes. The parents' matter was resolved, and Zheng Wenbing was the only one left.

Now is the Galaxy Era, and it is not convenient to directly use violent methods. However, after a while, the school will set up key classes to focus on training students who hope to enter Star University. The courses in key classes will have field trials, and there will be field trials every year. There were student casualties. If Zheng Wenbing unfortunately died in the trial, he could only blame others for not overestimating his capabilities.

At this moment, the phone rang again, and Jiang Tao hung up immediately. He knew without guessing that it must be Zheng Wenbing's call. He didn't want to waste time with a dead person.

In the villa, Zheng Wenbing looked at the hung up cell phone angrily and said angrily.

"Jiang Tao actually dares to hang up on me. Doesn't he care about his parents?"

At this moment, Zheng Wenbing's phone rang, and he quickly answered it. The good brother appeared in front of him again, no longer as high-spirited as before, with a look of panic on his face, and his face was pale, asking for help from Zheng Wenbing.

"Brother Bing, things are messed up. I don't know why Miss Xue Ling of the Xue Group suddenly investigated this matter and used all the company's legal affairs to find out that I had made false accounts. Now I have been summoned. Hurry up. Use your connections to bail me out, otherwise if I am arrested, the consequences will be serious!"

The avatar disappeared and the phone was hung up. Everything went wrong. Zheng Wenbing was so angry that he smashed the phone to pieces and said angrily.

"Damn Jiang Tao, it's all your fault. I didn't expect you to hook up with Xue Ling. No wonder you are so emboldened that you dare not answer my call!"

Zheng Wenbing later used all kinds of means to remove himself from this matter. As for his good brother, he went to jail obediently because of the conspiracy to frame Jiang Zhendong and his wife. The evidence was conclusive.

The day of the final exam came. After breakfast as a family of five, the two brothers Jiang Tao came to the school. The atmosphere was very tense, and all the students were preparing silently.

This time among the senior high school students who have particularly outstanding achievements, the school will definitely focus on training them. This group of students will receive preferential treatment from the school, and various scholarships and excellent resources will be provided. There are even opportunities to participate in actual combat training in the military. The school will spare no effort to pave the way for students who have the ability to be admitted to Star University.

Every Star University student is an elite preparation for mankind, and will be very promising in the future. The more students admitted to the school, the more famous they will be. In the future, these students will also make contributions and gifts to their alma mater. There are countless high schools in the entire human race. Secret competition.

In the morning, he took the cultural class test. It was not difficult for Jiang Tao, and it was not even difficult for Jiang Li. Both brothers got full marks, which shocked everyone, especially Jiang Tao. The speed of completing the questions was so fast, breaking I got the test records and it only took me two hours to finish all the test questions.

The morning's exams passed one after another, some were happy and some were worried. Everyone was not even in the mood to eat in the school cafeteria because there were more important exams waiting in the afternoon, and the physical fitness test was the top priority.

In exams two hundred years ago, students only looked at test scores, but now the situation is completely reversed. A strong body is the key. If the vitality is not up to standard and the physical fitness is too weak, you will not even be able to sail in the stars.

The two-hour rest time passed quickly. Jiang Tao followed his classmates into a large stadium, covering tens of thousands of square meters. There were machines on which various physical fitness data could be tested, including running, boxing, etc. Force, kick.

After a series of assessments, Jiang Tao was under control and did not show his true strength. The measured vitality was only 1.2, but this score was already the best in the school. Among the 800,000 students, only a dozen of them had a vitality of 1. The others A person's best performance is only 1.1 vitality, which is already a genius among geniuses.

Jiang Tao still has one last test, the combat test. This test is also the focus of the physical fitness test. If he only has strong vitality and lacks actual combat experience, his points will be reduced and his vitality score will drop.

"Next, Jiang Tao, please start the exam."

Jiang Tao entered a special virtual fighting room for the final fighting test. In this virtual fighting room, a simulated scene will appear, and then a virtual humanoid will appear, which is a simulated martial arts master, fighting against you in martial arts. The evaluation of your actual combat ability is called the martial arts master system.

The simulated martial arts master was extremely powerful. He was a human figure condensed from a ball of energy, exactly like a real person. In a short period of time, he had all the abilities of a real person, even his breathing, heartbeat, and pulse. They were all lifelike.

This was originally a very advanced technology developed by the military, but it consumes a lot of energy. Only institutions like schools can afford it, and even schools cannot use it for training, only for exams.

The virtual fighting room was completely dark, and only one voice could be heard.

"The exam begins now. The martial arts master system is activated and the energy is gathered."

Whoosh! A laser beam condensed, and the scene changed, and a field appeared. The ground was covered with green grass, surrounded by various trees, and colorful fallen flowers. In the center stood an old man. This man was wearing an ancient robe, with a gray beard and hair on his head. She has long braids and is not tall, on the contrary, she is lean and lean. However, as this old man with braided robes stood in the venue, a quiet, distant, and unfathomable aura arose spontaneously.


The old man in braided robes waved to Jiang Tao, lifelike, as if he really was an ancient martial arts master reappearing in the world.

Jiang Tao's face was calm, he took a step forward, raised his hand to grab the martial arts master, his arms were surrounded by veins, and the blue and black blood vessels were like dragons and snakes entangled, his five fingers became claws, tearing the air, and instantly Appeared on the shoulders of the martial arts master.

The martial arts master's hand appeared in front of Jiang Tao's wrist, and he flicked it gently, trying to move the big tendons in Jiang Tao's hand. This is the pipa in Tai Chi, which contains the power of a top and is very domineering. insidious.

Jiang Tao's eyes narrowed slightly, a slight smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, and with a slight flick of his wrist, a jolt of energy came out, and he struck out in the air, like a needle prick, instantly leaving a blood red patch on the martial arts master's hand, and there was no strength left. .

Jiang Tao's five fingers descended from the sky like an eagle's claws, grabbing the prey's body fiercely. His five fingers exerted force, like five daggers, and stabbed into the martial arts master's shoulder. Blood flowed across it and the shoulder blade was broken.

Jiang Tao didn't give the martial arts master any chance to react. He raised his arms and threw him to the ground. His spine was broken and countless blood poured out of his mouth. His body was like a carp that landed on the beach. After struggling for a few times, it gradually disappeared. Shi Jing was killed by Jiang Tao.

"The combat assessment is over, the actual combat experience is perfect, and the comprehensive score of vitality is 1.3!"

The body of the martial arts master disappeared. It was originally a mass of energy, and consumed a lot of energy every minute. The school was unwilling to waste any more time.

Jiang Tao passed the fighting test, and his vitality score rose instead of falling, showing his amazing fighting talent. This was the first time someone in the school could kill a martial arts master in a battle, which shocked countless teachers and students.

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