I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2917 The ferocious Bone Girl, the Great Onmyoji from thousands of years ago

Most of Fuso's shikigami are resentful ghosts, or monsters and evil spirits.

As for the Inugami, it is a kind of dog's wronged soul. Legend has it that in order to get the Inugami, one must torture it extremely, tie it up, put food in front of it, let it see that it cannot eat, and then give up its desires. If the dog's head is not satisfied, it will be chopped off and thrown away far away. Then the dog's resentment will cause trouble, thus creating a dog ghost. Inugami also likes to eat children, so most of the children killed by him will become the monster "Shiro" who serves him, similar to the ghosts transformed by people killed by tigers.

The new woman is also an extremely ferocious shikigami. Like many female monsters, the new woman is very beautiful, but her essence is a big spider that specializes in hunting men. All men seduced by her will become soft and unable to Self. Three days after seducing a man, she will control many spiders to bring him to her side, then swallow his head, drain his blood, and eat his body.

Such evil ghosts and ghosts were subdued by the onmyoji in Fuso. After using onmyoji to control them, they became the shikigami passed down from generation to generation in the onmyoji family. In addition, the onmyojis would also fight among themselves and devour each other. The shikigami makes one's shikigami more powerful.

As one of the two major onmyoji families in Fuso, the Abe family has been the onmyoji of the onmyojia since the Kyohei era. Especially Abe Seimei, as the son of a fox demon, half human and half demon, with strong cultivation and not weak to the Taoist masters of China, he once He conquered twelve powerful shikigami and was known as Fuso's No. 1 Onmyoji. Although Abe Seimei has passed away long ago, he left a profound legacy to the Abe family, making the Abe family have a high prestige in Fuso. It is a family of onmyojis used by the royal family.

Zhang Yunqing was surrounded by dozens of Onmyojis from the Abe family. He was calm and leisurely. His eyes were slightly narrowed. A cold light was hidden in his eyes. He glanced at the shikigami they controlled. His eyes were contemptuous and full of disdain. Fuso's Onmyoji practiced sword walking. Although Pian Feng is not weak in combat power, his level of cultivation is extremely low. He is similar to a heretic. 80% of his strength is controlled by the shikigami. His body is weak. Without the shikigami, he is not much stronger than ordinary people.

"Baga, you are from China, what are you doing here at Fuso, and you dare to break into my Abe family!"

Abedo Ben was an old man who looked to be sixty or seventy years old. He walked out slowly, wearing a wide kimono and wooden clogs at his feet. He had a skinny face and triangular eyes, which were full of fierce and cold colors. There was even a faint green light in the depths, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Yunqing, with an arrogant expression and contempt for the Chinese people.

In today's era, China is in turmoil, has been repeatedly bullied by foreign enemies, and has a low status in the world. However, since the reform, Fuso's national strength has developed rapidly and has become a world power. In the past, they were just grandsons in front of China, but now they have finally turned around. In order to restore the dignity that has lasted for thousands of years, he pathologically despised China, and the villain succeeded.

"You Fuso ninjas and Onmyojis have entered China, snatched away books and spells, and besieged our Taoist sect. You are doing all kinds of evil and doing anything!"

"There is an old saying in China that it is disrespectful to come and not go back. Today, Pindao, representing various Taoist sects, came to visit, just to tear down mountains and temples, and destroy gods by talking about Tao!"

Zhang Yunqing smiled coldly, two rays of cold light shot out from his sword eyes, his face was full of chills, he took a step forward, facing dozens of Onmyoji alone, without fear, he spoke firmly, and his momentum gradually rose. , the powerful majesty and terrifying pressure made the masters of the Abe family take a step back, as if they could not withstand the extremely powerful momentum.

Zhang Yunqing alone suppressed everyone in the Abe family from facing his momentum, which demonstrated the domineering and invincible strength of Taoism. The power of the heavenly master is far beyond what these onmyojis who have gone astray and even fallen into the devil's way can withstand.

As the leader of the Abe family, Abe Domoto is the most powerful, and his shikigami is the most ferocious. She is a bone girl, and the bone girl is also a bitter female ghost in legend. She was a jealous and persecuted woman during her lifetime. She died tragically and turned into a pile of bones. However, because of the lingering resentment in her heart, she put on human skin and returned to the world. She would usually hold a peony lantern, stand on the roadside to confuse passing men, and then enter her home to kill these men who were greedy for her beauty.

This bone girl was extremely resentful, and black energy enveloped her whole body. Her true appearance could not be seen, but there was a faint sound of gnawing in the black energy, as if she was eating something alive, and a smell of blood came from it. It floated out from the black mist, making people sick to hear it.

Abe Domoto was furious when he heard Zhang Yunqing's words. He used the Yin Yang Technique in his hand, and a black light flew out and shot into the black mist behind him. The sound of bones rubbing together sounded, and a pale hand bone emerged from the black Peeking out from the mist, the hand bones were still stained with bright blood, then the arms, shoulders, and finally the entire body appeared in front of everyone.

The skeleton girl in front of her has most of her body made of bones. Only her face is covered with half a piece of human skin. There is also a bloody eye in her right eye socket, flowing with blood. She is holding a baby corpse in her hand. She had been half eaten, and blood was flowing continuously, dyeing the ground under her feet red. She grinned, her mouth full of bright red, ferocious and terrifying, and her whole body exuded powerful resentment, which even began to bite back on her owner.

Abedo himself is thin and skinny. It is precisely because of the backlash from the shikigami that his body's energy and blood were severely depleted and he was devoured by the self-skeleton girl. It's just that the onmyoji and the shikigami have a mutually restrictive and interdependent relationship. Even though Abedo has some control He couldn't hold the bone girl anymore, and he didn't dare to let go of the bone girl because of its backlash, otherwise he would be devoured by the free bone girl on the spot.

"Chinese people, you are too presumptuous. You really think that my Abe family is just paper. You dare to come and challenge me alone. I think you are impatient with life. I will let you become the food of my shikigami today. Honestly Really accept the fate of death!"

"Bone Girl, kill him!"

Abe Domoto had a ferocious look on his face, and he kept forming seals in his hands, controlling the bone girl to attack Zhang Yunqing.

There was a look of resentment on the bone girl's face, and the eyeballs in her eye sockets rotated, emitting red light, staring at Zhang Yunqing, her mouth opened, and an extremely cold voice echoed in the courtyard of the Abe family. , weird and terrifying, as if hell is coming.

"I am going to kill you!"

A cold and ferocious aura filled the air, and the resentment around the bone girl spread, like an endless abyss, shrouding Zhang Yunqing and several onmyojis from the Abe family who were unable to dodge.

The figure of the bone girl disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the black mist filled the air, preventing people outside from seeing what was happening inside.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Suddenly, a miserable sound came from the black mist. Along with these miserable cries, there were also the sounds of bones colliding and flesh being gnawed, which made people shudder. Several Onmyoji from the Abe family took the lead in becoming the Bone Girl's food. They were bitten to death and became her blood food.

Abe Domoto's expression changed slightly, but he did not stop the bone girl from doing this. He was used to this kind of thing. Sometimes, in order to enhance the strength of the shikigami, the onmyoji would sacrifice his clan members, wives and children to the shikigami to enjoy and enhance his power. Resentment and cultivation are very prevalent in the Onmyoji practice circle and are not uncommon.

After the bone girl devoured several onmyojis of the Abe family, her strength increased. The black mist seemed to be boiling, rolling and spreading outwards, scaring the onmyojis of the Abe family to avoid them. They did not want to become the blood of the bone girl. Food.

Zhang Yunqing stood there, motionless, seemingly unable to feel the resentment around him. He was cold, murderous, and his eyes were calm. He just quietly admired the bone girl devouring the Onmyoji. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a bit of disdain. It was indeed a heresy. To actually treat the clan members as blood food and use them to support the shikigami is simply insane and outrageous.

The bone girl glanced dissatisfied at the Onmyoji who was hiding outside the black mist. She was unable to add a few more blood foods, so she could only turn her head and look at Zhang Yunqing. His face was half a piece of human skin, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his eyes were about to fall out. The eye sockets were dripping with terrifying blood, and the eyeballs were glowing green. With greedy and sinister eyes, they wanted to swallow Zhang Yunqing into his belly.

"I'm going to eat you bit by bit!"

The bone girl's voice was full of coldness and resentment. Her figure disappeared in the black mist and appeared behind Zhang Yunqing in an instant. Two white bone arms thrust towards Zhang Yunqing's neck, and an extremely cold breath invaded Zhang Yunqing's body.

"It's just an evil ghost. Who gave you the courage to get close to me? You're really tired of living!"

Zhang Yunqing's majestic voice sounded, and his whole body seemed to be motionless, but in an instant, his back was turned to facing the bone girl, which was extremely magical.

The bone girl's forward-stretched arm stopped, and a look of confusion and surprise appeared on her hideous and terrifying face. The eyeball in her eye socket kept turning, as if she was thinking about how Zhang Yunqing turned around.

The corners of Zhang Yunqing's mouth widened, and his face was full of disdain and disdain. A ray of electric light flashed from the body surface, making a crackling sound. Suddenly, silver light shone, thunder vibrated, and a ray of electric light flew out and shot directly at the bone girl.

As soon as the electric light left Zhang Yunqing's body, it turned into a bolt of lightning containing violent energy, and struck the bone girl's body fiercely. The disgusting eyeball exploded instantly, and the smelly and bloody juice splashed, and the bone girl let out a miserable cry. Wailing, the human skin on the face turned into charcoal and scattered on the ground. The white bones could not withstand the violent energy of the lightning and shattered directly, and the white ashes scattered on the ground.

The resentment and cold aura in the black mist dissipated instantly. The bone girl had no power to resist, and was knocked out by Zhang Yunqing's lightning. The black mist could not resist the violence of the thunder method, surged crazily, then shrank and dissipated in the world. between.

Abe Domoto spurted out a mouthful of old blood. His face was pale, his spirit was exhausted, and his body was crumbling, as if all the blood had been drained from his body. He felt chills and dizziness. If the people next to him hadn't supported him, he might have died. Fell down.

"He knows the Taoist thunder method and is an unparalleled master in China. Everyone should take action and kill him, otherwise our Abe family will be doomed!"

Abe Domoto pushed away the tribesman who was supporting him, with a fierce expression on his face, his voice was hollow and weak, and he waved his hands to Zhang Yunqing and gave instructions.

After doing this, Abe Domoto seemed to have no strength, and sat down on the ground. While the clan members were taking action, he took a short rest, regained some strength, stood up again, and headed towards the ancestral hall deep in the Abe family. .

The Onmyoji of the Abe family heard the order and without any hesitation, controlled his shikigami to attack Zhang Yunqing. Rage, resentment, and yin filled the sky above the Abe family, gathering into a dark cloud, exuding ominous energy. There was a strange aura, and the poultry and livestock in the Abe family were all filled with Yin Qi at this moment. They died instantly, their souls were devoured, and they turned into the power of shikigami.



"Hee hee hee!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Evil ghosts, demons, ghosts, cries and howls, all kinds of noisy sounds echoed in the Abe family. These vicious and strange shikigami flew towards Zhang Yunqing, surrounded him, and wanted to tear him into pieces.

Inugi's whole body is black and exudes a terrifying black aura. There is a crack between the head and neck. The eyes are full of fierce light. The mouth is grinning. The fangs are exposed and jagged. The saliva is like ink, dripping to the ground. Holes were corroded out of the bluestone slabs. Dozens of Bai'er were wrapped around them. They all looked like children, with ferocious and eerie expressions. The dog ghost kicked off its limbs vigorously, and pounced on Zhang Yunqing, aiming at Zhang Yunqing's neck. Then he bit it.

"The Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the fundamental root of all things. I have cultivated extensively for hundreds of millions of kalpas to prove my magical power. Within and outside the three realms, only Tao is the most respected. There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."

Zhang Yunqing recited the incantation, and a series of talismans appeared on the surface of his body. They were densely packed and gathered into a robe. When he was draped on his body, the golden light flowed and the talismans were swimming like fish.

As soon as the fang of the dog ghost touched the golden light on Zhang Yunqing's body, it was instantly shattered. Before he could react, a bolt of lightning flew out, blasting it into pieces and turning into a wisp of black smoke, which dissipated in the Between heaven and earth.

The onmyoji who controlled the Inu Demon let out a scream, his face turned pale, and a ray of electric light fell on him along the connection between the onmyoji and the shikigami. In an instant, Sugaru stood up, and his body twitched wildly several times. , fell to the ground, his breath dissipated, he was dead.

The new woman has a human face, a spider body, and eight eyes flashing with green light. She is strange and terrifying. She dances her eight black, hairy legs, like sharp blades, cutting through the air, towards Zhang Yunqing's chest and back. , stabbing all the vital points.

"Ding ding ding!"

The eight sharp legs of Luo Xinfu pierced the golden light spell. Sparks flew everywhere, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. Luo Xinfu's attack had no effect.

A strange smile appeared on the bride's face, and her eight green eyes were arranged in two rows, full of fierce gazes. When she opened her mouth, a black spider web was spat out, and the spider web was facing Zhang Yunqing under her hood. .

"It's so disgusting. Don't you know you can't spit anywhere?"

There was a look of disgust in Zhang Yunqing's eyes. He frowned and rubbed his fingers. A flame appeared in the void and slowly floated towards the spider web. The flame and the spider web touched together. In an instant, the flame rose and burned the spider web. There was no remaining power. Minus, swarmed towards Luoxin and surrounded her.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The fierce face of the new woman showed an expression of extreme pain. Her body was burned by the flames, and the black air drifted from her body. Her eight eyes were burned, and a green liquid flowed out, dripping on the ground, corroding the bluestone. holes one by one. Luoxinfu struggled desperately to extinguish the flames on her body, and even implicated other shikigami, who were ignited by the flames and burned to death together.

Earth-bound spirits, hundred-eyed ghosts, and floating spirits all attacked Zhang Yunqing one after another. They were so dense that they covered the world, as if Zhang Yunqing and these shikigami were the only ones left in the world. They were shrouded in black energy, full of resentment, jealousy, and greed. All kinds of negative emotions are attacking Zhang Yunqing. This is also a common method used by evil spirits. It can affect people's minds and make them fall into a state of fear and madness.

Zhang Yunqing sighed, clenched his hands into fists, crackling, lightning flashed, endless white light illuminated the night, lightning and thunder thundered in the sky, silver snakes danced wildly, swooped down, and dozens of lightning struck the shikigami and onmyoji. body.

How could these shikigami withstand the attack of thunder and lightning? They were directly blown into pieces. The resentment and yin energy were swept away. The onmyoji also let out pitiful wails and were chopped into charcoal by lightning. Corpses were everywhere. a mess.

Zhang Yunqing watched all this extremely calmly, and took steps towards the depths of the Abe family. Wherever he passed, flames rose. The women and children of the Abe family all let out painful wails and resentments in the flames. He stared at this god and demon residing in the human world with fear.


Zhang Yunqing had no reaction to these miserable howls. Since he had become an enemy, he naturally could not be merciful. Compared with the crimes committed by the Fusang people in China, he was nothing but a witch. If he wanted to blame him, he was a Fusang person. Hatred for the country cannot be merciful.

Zhang Yunqing walked firmly and calmly, and went straight to the Abe family's ancestral hall. He sensed that there was a strong energy here. Abe had escaped here before, and this should be the Abe family's last support.

Zhang Yunqing did not enter the ancestral hall because it was no longer necessary. Abe Domoto came out. His face was livid, his body was stiff, and he did not have any breath of life. He was obviously dead long ago.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Yunqing frowned slightly, opened his magical eyes, and saw a man possessing Abe Domoto's body. This was an evil ghost. According to Onmyoji's knowledge, this was an extremely powerful shikigami, different from ordinary shikigami. god.

The man did not answer Zhang Yunqing's question immediately. He stood in front of the ancestral hall and looked up at the night sky. The bright moon hung high and the silvery light slanted like flowing water, covering the ground. It was cold and holy. There was a look of sigh and emotion on his face. Color, sighing faintly.

"I haven't seen the moon in a thousand years, and it's still so bright. It reminds me of the stream in Abeno, my hometown. It flows and is so clear that it makes people feel at ease!"

"A thousand years? I really didn't expect that the master of Fuso Onmyojitsu would actually become a shikigami-like existence. It's really ridiculous!"

Zhang Yunqing's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he had some guesses about the man's identity. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a somewhat sarcastic smile, and he mocked him unceremoniously.

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