I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2912 The zombie boss deserves the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Hearing this, Ma Ma Di felt terrified in his heart, but he said it to his disciple.

"It's amazing how you can fly. As long as it's a zombie, you're afraid of Taoist priests. Your master and I are a direct descendant of Maoshan, how can we still be afraid of him!"

Ahao felt a little relieved after hearing this, and looked at Nintendo again. Feeling the strong aura of the other party, he was still a little worried and said to Mommy.

"Master, why don't we retreat first? I feel like we can't defeat him!"

"Why retreat? We only have three days. If we can't eliminate the zombies, we will wait to be shot by the security team!"

Momadi glared at Ahao angrily. It was this kid who caused all the trouble. Now that he has reached a dead end, how can he retreat?

"It's getting late, let's prepare to take action, otherwise it will be dawn soon!"

He took a deep breath and took out a copper coin sword from his arms. This was a magical weapon made from Five Emperors' coins and had a strong restraint effect on zombies and evil spirits.

He pinched the seal numbly, activated the mana in his body, threw the copper coin sword, put his two fingers together, and pointed at Nintendo who was approaching. The copper coin sword exuded golden light, like a flying sword, and slashed towards Nintendo.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The copper coin sword hit Nintendo's chest, the red rope broke, and the copper coins were scattered on the ground. Nintendo blinked and looked down at the Five Emperors Coin in confusion, confused.

"The copper coin sword is actually useless. This zombie seems a little different!"

Momadi's face became much more serious, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a fearful gaze, his brows furrowed, and after thinking for a while, he took off the bow and arrow on his back, and placed a spelled arrow on it. took aim at Nintendo.

Nintendo didn't notice, put aside his curiosity about the copper coin sword, and took another step forward, passing by the hiding place of Mamachi and others, turning his back on the three people.


He loosened his fingers numbly, and the arrow shot straight into Nintendo's back like a stream of light, but it still had no effect.

Nintendo didn't react at all, seemed not to feel the pain at all, and still walked towards Renjiazhen.

"Even the spell arrows are useless, why is Nintendo so evil!"

Momadi's face was extremely solemn, he stood up and followed Nintendo, walking forward, followed by Ahao and Ahqiang.

"Master, what should I do now?"

Ahao followed Mamadi, eyes fixed on Nintendo, and asked again.

"What should we do? Of course we continue!"

Mami replied impatiently, took out a Bagua mirror again, turned the mirror gently, drank the moonlight from the sky, and shined it towards Nintendo.

It was calm and without any reaction, Nintendo still walked towards Renjia Town at an extremely fast speed.

"It's really evil. How could Nintendo become so powerful? Maoshan Taoism has no effect on him!"

Ma Ma Di's face was livid at this moment, and she was feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. How could these zombies be so similar to the legendary flying zombies? They had almost no weaknesses, were not afraid of Taoism, could fly, and could not really evolve into flying zombies. Bar?

"Ah Hao, you brat, tell me honestly, where did you throw Nintendo? In just a few days, it evolved from the most common white zombie to flying zombie. Did Nintendo eat ginseng fruit? , how could it become so fierce?!"

Momadi has never seen such a weird thing. There are traces of zombie evolution. It is impossible for such a leap-forward evolution to be possible. It simply goes against common sense and makes him puzzled.

"Master, I told you, I was just chasing corpses normally. Nintendo suddenly fell into a big pit. Before I had time to react, I was knocked unconscious from behind. What happened to Nintendo after that, I also Not sure!"

Ah Hao also looked puzzled and explained to Mami in aggrieved manner.

"Forget it, let's not worry about this. There are still traps we have set up ahead. We must succeed this time, otherwise we will really have no choice but to fight hard!"

Mamadi took a shortcut to the front of Nintendo. Looking at Nintendo, which was swaying and looking around, with a nervous expression, he grabbed a rope in his hand, saw the right moment, and suddenly let go.


A stone slab fell, and the Nintendo hit it. Seeing this, Momami opened her mouth from ear to ear with joy, walked out of the bushes with Ah Hao and A Qiang, looked at the stone slab pressed on the ground, and said proudly.

"So what if you are a flying zombie? You're still crushed into a corpse cake by me!"

Mami proudly stepped on the stone slab with his foot, smiled wildly, and said to the two apprentices.

"Give me a hand and lift the stone slab!"

The three masters and apprentices of Mamadi spent a lot of effort to lift the stone slab. There was nothing underneath, and Nintendo's body was not seen.

"how come?"

The three people put down the slate and looked at each other. Suddenly Nintendo's figure appeared in front of them, looking at them doubtfully.

After some troubles by foreign doctors, Nintendo evolved by chance into a being similar to flying zombies. It can cast spells and mastered the earth-escape technique. It escaped disaster when a stone slab fell and escaped underground.

The three people in Mamadi were pale and did not dare to move rashly. Mamadi did not move his mouth and spoke in ventriloquism.

"Don't move around, and don't be afraid. We have zombie oil on our bodies. He regards us as the same kind and won't attack easily!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were motionless, so frightened that they dared not breathe. Their faces were pale, their eyes were moving wildly, and they did not dare to look directly into Nintendo's eyes.


Nintendo roared. This was the language of zombies. It was different from human language. Although it seemed to have the same sound, the tone and tone were different. It probably meant asking Mamadi what the three of them were doing.


Although Mamadi is not very good at cultivation, he is proficient in zombie language and can communicate with Nintendo without any hindrance. He can easily fool Nintendo, who is not very smart.

Momadi and Nintendo had a chatty exchange there, and Nintendo regarded Momadi as his little brother, saying that he would protect him and let them follow him.

"Hurry up and catch up, we are all zombies now, don't show your flaws!"

Momadi winked at the two apprentices, and reminded them again with ventriloquism. Ahao and Aqiang suppressed their fear and fear, jumped up and followed Momadi, and walked towards Ren with Nintendo. Go home town.

"Master, what should we do? This is not the answer!"

Ahao watched Nintendo walking in front, keeping a certain distance from them, and quickly leaned into Mamadi's ear, whispering in a low voice.

"Take it one step at a time. We can't defeat it. We can only pretend to be zombies and follow him. If it accidentally sees through it, we will all die!"

With an ugly expression on Mami's face, he jumped up and down behind Nintendo, not daring to pause. He didn't expect that one day he would disguise himself as a zombie to survive. What a shame and humiliation!

Momadi was unwilling to give up and took out a yellow talisman from his arms again. This was the magic talisman he kept at the bottom of the box. It was a treasure given by Master Qingyuan when Momami went down the mountain to save his life.

"This is the thunder and lightning talisman given by your master. It is extremely powerful and has miraculous effects on dealing with zombies!"

Ma Ma put the thunder and lightning talisman on his forehead, jumped forward quickly, came to Nintendo, touched its head, and pasted the thunder and lightning talisman on his forehead to Nintendo's head. Go up, move your feet quickly across the ground, draw a Tai Chi Bagua diagram, form a seal with your hands, and point your finger at Nintendo.

Nintendo looked at Mamadi in confusion, took off the thunder talisman from his forehead, and stretched it towards Mamadi, meaning do you still want it?

Mamadi jumped back quickly and fell directly to the ground, showing that he was very afraid of the thunder and lightning talisman.

Seeing this, Nintendo put the thunder talisman into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it. Nothing happened. Momadi and others were stunned. Is this still a zombie? Maoshan's Taoism has no effect on it. Function, the Thunder Talisman is just a piece of waste paper here at Nintendo, you can eat it and play with it casually.


Nintendo helped Mami up and comforted her, probably meaning, don't be afraid, I will protect you!

Momadi was so moved that she almost cried, with a sullen face, "Thank you so much. It's great to have you as my boss!"

Nintendo continued to walk forward, and the three masters and apprentices of Mamadi put their heads together and muttered softly with sad faces.

"Master, it doesn't work. Nintendo even swallowed the thunder and lightning talisman given by Master. It is simply the nemesis of Maoshan Taoist priests!"

"What should we do? We can't keep following Nintendo like zombies. My legs hurt from jumping and I can't hold on any longer!"

Ahao had an unbearable expression on his face and complained to Mommy, hoping that he could think of a solution, otherwise his secret would be exposed sooner or later.

Aqiang also nodded in agreement. His physical strength was not as good as Ahao's. His legs were numb and he really couldn't jump up.

"Just bear with it a little longer. Master can persevere at such an old age. What do you two brats have to complain about? Don't my legs hurt?"

With an angry look on his face, Ma Ma Di glared at Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, and said helplessly.

"It shouldn't take long. I see it's almost dawn. Once the sun comes out, I don't believe it's still here!"

Momadi raised his head and glanced at the sky, then comforted the two disciples.

The three masters and apprentices had no choice but to cheer up and follow Nintendo towards Renjia Town. Every time they jumped, they felt the pain in their leg muscles. Their physical strength was almost exhausted and they were already wet with sweat. back.


The sound of a rooster crow came, and a ray of light appeared on the horizon, cutting through the darkness, illuminating the heaven and earth, and also illuminating the hearts of the three masters and apprentices in Mamadi. They were all moved to tears, and finally it was dawn. Nintendo should be hiding, they finally escaped death.

The three of them stopped walking, out of breath, put their hands on their knees and stopped moving forward.

Nintendo stopped, turned around and looked at the three of them. He came back, gesticulating and whining, and asked the three of them why they didn't leave.

Although Mamadi stared blankly at Nintendo bathing in the sun, it was like seeing a devil radiating holy light, which simply subverted their cognition.


Momadi muttered zombie language and asked Nintendo why it was not afraid of the sun.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Nintendo scratched his head, with a confused look on his face, and looked at the three of them innocently, and said that the sun is very comfortable, why should he be afraid of the sun.

Momadi was completely desperate, her eyes dimmed, and she sat down on the ground, never wanting to get up again, and said in a broken voice.

"If you die, just die. I really can't jump anymore. It's not afraid of the sun. We are destined to die sooner or later. Early death and early rebirth!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang couldn't hold on after hearing this. The most fearful thing is that hope is dashed. They originally wanted to wait until dawn and Nintendo would leave, but now it seems that there is no chance, so why should they persist so!

With a hint of suspicion in his eyes, Nintendo looked down at the three masters and apprentices sitting on the ground. His eyes rolled, as if he was trying his best to think about how these three brothers could speak human language.

The three people in Mamadi were smeared with zombie oil, which could cover up the human aura, so they were not immediately attacked by Nintendo. They were just a little confused.

At this moment, two figures appeared on the road, a man and a woman. The man was handsome and handsome, with shiny black hair, a plump and white forehead, eyes as bright as stars, a straight and high nose bridge, and thin, rosy lips. The woman's hair is draped behind her back, her eyebrows are thick, her eyes are like water, and the waves are shining. Looking at these eyes is like seeing the stream in front of the mountain. It is clear and bright, which can purify people's hearts and make people feel intoxicated. With a delicate nose and pink lips, she is definitely a beauty.

"I didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman before I died. I thought I would die without regrets!"

Ahao had a lewd smile on his face, looked at the girl infatuatedly, and murmured to himself.

"Yes, I have never seen such a beautiful woman. Master, senior brother, I feel like I have found the love of my life!"

"Crack!" "Crack!"

He patted the two apprentices on the back of their heads twice, quickly got up from the ground, and said excitedly.

"It's okay to die. We are saved. There is no need to die. Your junior uncle is here. He is the one with the highest Taoist cultivation among our fellow apprentices!"

Zhang Yunqing stopped, glanced at the embarrassed three people in Mami, and then looked at Nintendo with a strange look on his face. He turned to the chattering girl Ren Zhuzhu and said.

"I just said your grandpa will turn into a zombie. Doesn't this mean my words come true!"

Only then did Ren Zhuzhu notice the trio of Nintendo and Mamadi in the middle of the road. There was a strange look on their faces. She looked at Nintendo carefully and said in surprise.

"How did you know that my grandfather would definitely turn into a zombie?"

"Because your grandfather's surname is Ren, zombies have appeared since ancient times!"

Zhang Yunqing replied meaningfully. This answer made Ren Zhuzhu feel confused?

"What do you mean, people named Ren should become zombies? This is too insulting!"

Ren Zhuzhu's mind has begun to fantasize. A group of wealthy squires gathered together and talked about their ancestors and family members. The ancestors of other families were all high officials, big landowners, and rich people. When they arrived at Ren's house, their style of painting suddenly changed, and their ancestors were all It's a big zombie.

"My whole family is officials!"

“My whole family is a scholar!”

"My whole family is a big landowner!"

"My whole family is a wealthy businessman!"

"None of you can compare to my family, my whole family is full of zombies!"

Ren Zhuzhu couldn't help but shudder, and shook her head quickly to get rid of this terrible scene from her mind. This is really nothing to show off!

No matter how prominent other people's families are, they still have to be afraid of the Ren family. After all, if they make the Ren family unhappy, the Ren family can bite everyone else's whole family to death!

"Sometimes, you have to believe in fate. As long as grandpa dies, the Ren family will definitely turn into zombies. This is the law of heaven and earth. Fortunately, you and Ren Tingting's family have no sons, only daughters. I am afraid that the Ren family will become zombies in the future. It’s going to die!”

Zhang Yunqing shook his head regretfully, with a bit of sadness, which made Ren Zhuzhu very angry.

The three of them rolled and crawled in front of Zhang Yunqing, and said to Zhang Yunqing numbly.

"Junior brother, you came just in time. This zombie is too powerful. It is not afraid of Maoshan Taoism, it is not afraid of the sun, and it also knows how to escape from the ground. I really can't deal with it. What can you do?"


Zhang Yunqing and Ren Zhuzhu were not smeared with zombie oil. The human breath exuded a fatal allure, which made Nintendo go crazy. With a jump of his body, he rushed towards the two of them, wanting to have a feast and kill the two of them. Drain the blood.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Momadi still had a conscience and stood in front of Zhang Yunqing without any retreat, showing her love and care for her junior brother.

Nintendo stopped attacking. He looked at Mamadi in confusion. Aren't you my little brother? How can you protect humans? They are our food. It's not like your kid wants to eat alone. It's not impossible. Anyway, the front There are many humans in the town.

Nintendo is such a good boss. It's so touching. He's actually willing to give up sucking the blood of Zhang Yunqing and Ren Zhuzhu for the sake of numbness. Where can I find such a boss?

Zhang Yunqing glanced at Mamadi in surprise. He didn't expect that he had the ability to fool Nintendo into oblivion.

"Senior brother, don't worry, leave it to me. It's just a flying zombie. It's not like I haven't killed it before!"

Zhang Yunqing stretched out his hand to push Mami away, and stopped in front of Nintendo. With absolute confidence on his face, he hooked his fingers and called out to Nintendo.

Nintendo suddenly became furious, roared violently, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yunqing as if his body could teleport. He waved his hands in an attempt to knock Zhang Yunqing away.

Flying Zombie has copper skin and iron bones, is invulnerable and has no weaknesses of ordinary zombies. It is extremely powerful and can easily break a big tree.

If the target of Nintendo's attack were someone else, it would be enough to severely damage it. However, unfortunately, the martial arts immortal that Nintendo faced, Zhang Yunqing, who was in the realm of Taoist Heavenly Master, gently raised a hand and blocked it. Nintendo front.


The arms collided together, making the sound of metal and stone, which was sharp and loud, making Momadi and others feel a pain in their ears, and couldn't help but cover their ears with both hands.

"The strength is good. The foreign devils can actually create such powerful zombies. They are worthy of a Nobel Prize in Medicine!"

Zhang Yunqing knew all about Nintendo's experience and couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Before, there were only two flying zombies in the world. Each one had to undergo hundreds of years of transformation before it could become a flying zombie. However, Nintendo only received an injection. The hormone turned Nintendo into a flying zombie. Although it was a coincidence, it was enough to surprise Zhang Yunqing.

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