I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2901 Seeing zombies for the first time, the Ren family moves their graves

"Do it!"

When Lin Fengjiao, the four-eyed Taoist Priest saw this scene, she bit her finger at the same time, activated her magic power, and rushed towards the zombie.

Lin Fengjiao was agile and kicked a zombie over. She bent down and hit the zombie between the eyebrows, immobilizing it. Then she avoided the attack of a zombie behind her and pinned it in place with a backhand.

The four-eyed Taoist was choked by the zombie. He put his fingers on the zombie's eyebrows. He stretched out his hand and pried the zombie's arm hard. He couldn't break free at all. He had no choice but to wipe away the blood stains. The zombie started to move again. The four-eyed Taoist priest Take the opportunity to break free and immobilize it again.

Zhang Yunqing took out a few pieces of yellow paper with runes on them from his arms, walked leisurely among the zombies, and casually pasted the runes on the zombies' foreheads.


Lin Fengjiao knocked the zombie down, smashed the wooden bench, and stabilized it with a light finger, using rough movements.

"Senior brother, please be gentle and don't hurt my guests. I can't explain to them!"

Seeing this, Taoist Four Eyes felt extremely distressed and shouted quickly.


Lin Fengjiao responded casually and pressed a zombie under her again, immobilizing it without restraint at all.

"Senior brother, you hit too hard. My guests are about to be scattered by you. It's better for me to do it!"

Just as Lin Fengjiao kicked a zombie to the ground, Taoist Four Eyes stood in front of her, quickly immobilized it, and complained to Lin Fengjiao.

Lin Fengjiao ignored Taoist Priest Simu's complaints and violently attacked a zombie again. Her arms were broken and she kicked it to the ground.

Seeing this, Taoist Four Eyes rushed over, stopped Lin Fengjiao and said anxiously.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

After saying that, he turned to the zombie and nodded. The zombie suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth to bite the four-eyed Taoist's finger.

A yellow talisman crossed the void and landed on the forehead of the zombie, freezing it in place. Taoist Taoist Four Eyes looked at the zombie so close and was startled. He quickly patted his chest to calm down the violent beating heart.

"Brother Four Eyes, be careful, these zombies don't know how to be polite. If you are bitten, you will be in trouble!"

Zombies will produce corpse poison after biting people, turning people into zombies. They are extremely contagious. If the bite is light, you can use glutinous rice to detoxify. If the corpse poison invades the heart, it will be hopeless. If the average cultivator If you fall into this situation, you will choose to commit suicide in order not to fall into the devil's path and harm all living beings.

"Zombies are inhumane. There is no need for you to care about them so much!"

Lin Fengjiao also subdued the rest of the zombies and scolded the four-eyed Taoist who was terrified.

"I understand, these are all my customers, and they have paid. If you break it, senior brother, I can't explain it to them!"

Taoist Simu's job is to drive corpses, and his credibility is very important. If these corpses are damaged, it will have a great impact on his credibility.

Corpse driving is to let the corpses of some tourists who died in a foreign land follow the corpse chasers and return to their hometowns across states and provinces. However, corpse driving does not mean driving the corpse all the way back to its hometown. It just leads the corpse through the desolate and rugged mountainous areas and returns to the plains. It is then handed over to the relatives in the village who come to pick it up, so that they can put the corpse into the coffin and use other means of transportation. Tools were used to transport the coffin back to the countryside for burial.

Among Maoshan Taoism, there is a corpse exorcism technique that can drive corpses to walk and turn them into wandering corpses. After they are laid to rest in the ground and the Taoism is dispersed, these corpses will gradually rot and will not transform into corpses.

Taoist Four Eyes stood up, picked up the requiem lamp that had been knocked over on the ground, and relit it. The fire was shining, and the zombies closed their eyes again and fell into a state of dormancy.

"You two bastards are really capable of causing trouble, playing with my customers!"

The four-eyed Taoist stared at Wencai and Qiu Sheng with an unkind expression, a little angry. The dead bodies of these people were poor people who died in a foreign land. How could they be allowed to ruin them like this?

"Uncle Master, it's not me!"

Wencai said a little aggrievedly that if Qiu Sheng hadn't pretended to be a zombie to scare him, he wouldn't have knocked over the requiem lamp and removed the talisman on the zombie's head.

"Okay, stop talking, I'd better go!"

Taoist Simu didn't want to listen to Wencai's explanation, so he picked up the command flag, took out the soul-summoning bell, and was about to leave Yizhuang.

"Junior brother, please stay for two more days!"

Lin Fengjiao felt a little sorry and tried to persuade Taoist Master Simu to stay, with a bit of guilt on her face. This time it was his disciple who did something wrong and almost caused trouble.

"No need, see you later!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest shook the soul-calling bell and gave orders to the zombies.

"Brothers, we're on our way!"

A wad of paper money was spilled, and the four-eyed Taoist walked in front to lead the way. These zombies did not bend their knees, jumping straight up and down, walking towards the outside of Yizhuang, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Good job you two!"

Lin Fengjiao glared at Wencai and Qiu Sheng hatefully, then turned around and returned to her room.

"Don't mess around with some things, or someone will die!"

Zhang Yunqing also stared at Wencai and Qiu Sheng with some dissatisfaction, and nodded lightly.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng lowered their heads, not daring to refute. It was indeed them who caused the trouble this time. They almost let these zombies escape. If they bit someone, it would be a serious sin.

"Junior brother, Mr. Ren in this town asked me to see Feng Shui. He wants to move Mr. Ren's grave. He made an appointment with me to drink coffee. Please go with me!"

"Moving a grave is worse than being quiet. If there is no special reason, it is best not to move the grave!"

When Zhang Yunqing heard this, his heart moved, knowing that the plot of Mr. Zombie was about to begin, he shook his head slightly and said casually.

"I have already persuaded Mr. Ren, but he insists on moving the grave!"

Lin Fengjiao also had an expression of approval. If the dead person has already been buried, it is best not to move it anymore.

"Okay then, I'll go with my senior brother!"

Zhang Yunqing did not refuse and followed Lin Fengjiao towards the coffee shop in the town. Wencai followed behind the two of them.

Lin Fengjiao was upright but not pedantic, and even a little shady. She often used her two apprentices as cannon fodder. This time, Master Ren invited her to a coffee shop to discuss things. He had never drank coffee before, and was afraid of making a fool of himself, so he deliberately brought his literary talent with him. If there is anything that Wen Cai can do first, he will avoid embarrassment.

However, Lin Fengjiao didn't know that Zhang Yunqing knew this, so she brought a literary talent with her to help with the thunder.

"Excuse me, have you positioned your guests?"

A waiter wearing a suit and bow tie asked Zhang Yunqing and the other two people who came in.


Lin Fengjiao seemed a little nervous when she came to a place like this for the first time and said unconfidently.

"We are Master Ren's guests, he should have reserved a seat!"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said confidently and calmly, which was in sharp contrast to Lin Fengjiao, who was slightly nervous and literary beside him.

"It turns out that we are Master Ren's guests. Please come with me!"

The waiter said quickly, leading the way.

"Senior brother, you don't need to be nervous, the coffee shop is similar to our teahouse!"

Zhang Yunqing patted Lin Fengjiao's shoulder and told him to relax a little. At this time, Lin Fengjiao's whole body was tense and she looked embarrassed.

"It turns out to be a teahouse!"

Lin Fengjiao breathed a sigh of relief and her muscles relaxed a little. She followed the waiter to the second floor.

"Uncle Jiu, you're here, please sit down!"

Master Ren quickly stood up and greeted Lin Fengjiao very enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Ren, this is my junior brother, Zhang Yunqing, and this is my apprentice, a literary talent!"

A few people sat down, and Lin Fengjiao and Master Ren started chatting. The two were acquaintances and knew everything about them.

"Master Ren, I heard that Ling Qianjin came back from the provincial capital, why didn't you come with us?"

Although Mr. Ren has a wealthy family, he has no sons. He only has one daughter, named Ren Tingting. She is studying makeup in the provincial capital. She has just returned to Renjia Town and teaches people makeup everywhere.

"Isn't this coming?"

Master Ren waved to a young girl at the top of the stairs, with a doting expression on his face.

Wencai looked at Mr. Ren and murmured softly.

"Look at your face. Your daughter must not be doing well either. No wonder she wants to learn makeup!"

After saying that, Wencai turned back to look at the girl, and was stunned on the spot, his eyes widened.

Ren Tingting, the daughter of Mr. Ren, is wearing a western dress and pink. She has exquisite facial features and pretty appearance. She is definitely a beauty.

Zhang Yunqing lightly kicked Wencai and reminded him in a low voice.

"Don't be embarrassed, wipe your saliva!"

Although Ren Tingting is very beautiful, it is not enough to make Zhang Yunqing lose his temper. He has seen so many beauties that he no longer cares.


Ren Tingting walked up to Master Ren, smiled brightly, and shouted softly.

"Call Uncle Jiu!"

Master Ren held a pipe in his hand and introduced Lin Fengjiao to his daughter.

"Uncle Nine!"

"Also, this is Uncle Jiu's junior brother, Taoist Priest Zhang Yunqing!"

"Daozhang Zhang!"

Ren Tingting's eyes were like water, sparkling, and she looked at Zhang Yunqing, with a bit of surprise on her pretty face. She didn't expect that Taoist Zhang was so handsome, which made her feel a little shy and lowered her head.

"You are so old, time flies so fast!"

Lin Fengjiao said with emotion, "The Eighteen Changes of Women", in his memory, Ren Tingting was still a little girl, but he didn't expect that she would become a big girl in the blink of an eye.

Ren Tingting sat between Zhang Yunqing and Wencai, with a bit of blush on her face. She glanced at Zhang Yunqing secretly and met his eyes. She immediately lowered her head and her face turned red.

"It's so big!"

Wen Cai stared at Ren Tingting's chest with a lewd expression and said, causing the girl to frown and move in the direction of Zhang Yunqing.

At this time, the waiter came over and handed over the menu. Ren Tingting glanced at the menu in English, turned her eyes slightly, handed the menu directly to Wencai, and said.

"You order it first!"

Wen Cai didn't know anything about English and had never been to a coffee shop. He was dumbfounded and could only look at Lin Fengjiao helplessly.

Lin Fengjiao originally wanted Wencai to take the blame, so she ignored Wencai's request for help and just pretended to chat with Master Ren.

Zhang Yunqing glared at Wencai fiercely. Hasn't this boy seen a woman before? He teased her in the first meeting. Ren Tingting didn't slap him directly. She was already very well-educated.

"Bring me a cup of coffee!"

Zhang Yunqing raised his head and said to the waiter, which relieved Wen Cai, and said to Ren Tingting, who was a little surprised.

"Miss Ren, don't argue with him, he's just a bitch, but he's not a bad person at all!"

Ren Tingting glanced at Zhang Yunqing shyly, like a frightened deer, quickly looked away and whispered.

"Bring me a cup of coffee too!"

Lin Fengjiao and Wencai followed suit and both ordered a cup of coffee. Everyone ordered drinks, and then they started to talk about things formally.

"Uncle Jiu, regarding the matter of moving my father's grave, did you choose the date?"

"Master Ren, I still want to advise you. It's better to stay quiet than to move about this kind of thing!"

"Uncle Ninth, please stop trying to persuade me. I have already thought about it clearly. The Feng Shui practitioner said that the coffin must be moved and buried after twenty years. This will be better for us descendants!"

Master Ren said firmly, he firmly believed in the words of the Feng Shui master back then.

"If you look at Feng Shui, you can't believe it!"

Wen Cai described it as vulgar, and said to Master Ren with disdain for Feng Shui on his face.

"When the elders are talking, don't interrupt!"

Zhang Yunqing glared at Wencai. He had no right to speak in this situation. He just listened honestly.

"In that case, we will break ground and lift up the coffin in three days!"

Lin Fengjiao's face was full of righteousness. She pinched her fingers a few times and chose a good day.

"Then I wonder what we need to prepare?"

Master Ren attached great importance to the relocation of Mrs. Ren's grave and asked Lin Fengjiao for advice.

"Master Ren, you don't need to worry about any of this, I will prepare it!"

"Then I'll bother Uncle Jiu!"

Master Ren's attitude is very sincere. He knows Lin Fengjiao's abilities and trusts him very much.

"Master Ren, Master Huang Wanwan is here!"

A waiter walked up to Mr. Ren and whispered.

"Uncle Jiu, please wait a moment, I need to go to my friend's place to say hello!"

"Prepare some egg tarts for Uncle Jiu and the others!"

Master Ren clasped his fists to apologize, then stood up and walked towards his friend.

The waiter brought the coffee. Lin Fengjiao and Wencai looked at the coffee and milk in front of them, a little dazed, not knowing how to drink it.

"Master, one black and one white, how do you drink it?"

"Don't talk, let's see how others drink?"

When Ren Tingting heard this, she rolled her eyes, took a sip of coffee, and then took a sip of milk. She scooped a little sugar with a spoon and put it in her mouth. She slurped it in her mouth before swallowing it.

Wen Cai suddenly realized it and imitated Ren Tingting's behavior.

Just as Lin Fengjiao was about to follow suit, Zhang Yunqing took action. He poured milk into the coffee, added some sugar, stirred it a few times, took a sip, and said to Lin Fengjiao.

"Senior brother, this is your first time drinking coffee, just follow my example!"

Only then did Lin Fengjiao realize that Ren Tingting had deliberately deceived them. Following Zhang Yunqing's example, she stirred the coffee a few times and took a sip. The taste was mellow and smooth.

Ren Tingting glared at Wen Cai, then smiled sheepishly and said to Uncle Jiu.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Jiu!"

Lin Fengjiao also knew that Wen Cai was too rude just now, so she waved her hand and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. Wen Cai was too rude. Please forgive me, Miss Ren!"

"Daozhang Zhang, have you ever drank coffee before?"

Ren Tingting looked at Zhang Yunqing with twinkling eyes and asked curiously.

"No, I grew up in Maoshan! It's my first time to drink coffee!"

Naturally, Zhang Yunqing would not admit that in his life, he went to Maoshan as a child, so there was no chance of drinking coffee.

"Then how do you drink coffee?"

Ren Tingting showed an unexpected look, staring at Zhang Yunqing with her big watery eyes, her heart racing like a deer.

"I have eyes. There are so many people drinking coffee. You should pay more attention!"

Zhang Yunqing pointed to his eyes, looked at the surrounding tables, and answered casually.

Only then did Lin Fengjiao react. She looked at the other tables. Sure enough, they poured milk into coffee, then added sugar and stirred it. Why didn't she think of that? She was so stupid.

Three days later, in front of Mr. Ren’s grave.

"Everyone must worship with sincerity and respect!"

Lin Fengjiao was wearing a yellow Taoist robe with a solemn face. She inserted the three sticks of incense in her hand into the incense burner and said to the people behind her.

Master Ren and others followed Uncle Jiu and worshiped Master Ren devoutly.

"Uncle Jiu, this Feng Shui treasure land was very rare according to Mr. Feng Shui back then. It is a good acupoint!"

Lin Fengjiao looked at the feng shui around her. It was surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the feng shui was excellent.

"Yes, this cave is called the Dragonfly Pointing Water Cave. The cave is three feet long and only four feet can be used. It is one foot three wide and only three feet can be used. Therefore, the coffin cannot be buried flat, and it needs to be buried according to law!"

"Amazing, Uncle Jiu, you are absolutely right!"

"The Feng Shui practitioner back then also said that if the ancestors were buried vertically, the descendants would be great!"

Master Ren gave a thumbs up. There was a jade ring on his thumb, which made him look very dignified. He was worthy of being the richest man in Ren's town. Even though his family was in decline, he was so skinny that a camel was bigger than a horse. He was not comparable to ordinary people.

"What about whether it works or not?"

Master Ren's face changed slightly, he looked a little sad, and sighed.

"In the past twenty years, for some reason, our Ren family's business has been getting worse and worse. It's not working at all!"

"I think this Feng Shui master has a grudge against your Ren family. Does Mrs. Ren have any beef with him?"

Lin Fengjiao looked at Mr. Ren's grave thoughtfully and asked Mr. Ren.

"This land originally belonged to a Feng Shui master. When my father found out, he spent money to buy it!"

Master Ren said with a somewhat unnatural expression on his face, staring at the ground, not daring to look directly into Lin Fengjiao's eyes.

"Is there only inducement? There should also be coercion, right?"

Lin Fengjiao shook her head and saw the truth of the matter at a glance. If she just spent money to buy it, Mr. Feng Shui would not harm the Ren family so much.

"He asked you to cover the entire dragonfly's water hole with cement. If the dragonfly has no water, how can it still get water from the dragonfly?"

"Fortunately, the other party didn't do anything wrong and let you be buried in the coffin twenty years later. It only harmed your Ren family for twenty years, not your whole life, one generation, but eighteen generations!"

"Master Ren, you are really big-hearted. You forced yourself to buy someone else's Feng Shui treasure land, and you dare to do what they say!"

Zhang Yunqing also shook his head and looked at Mr. Ren with a strange look.

When Master Ren heard this, he regretted it too much. He didn't understand these things back then, but seeing that Feng Shui Master was willing to give advice, he just followed it. Unexpectedly, twenty years of bad luck made the Ren family even more depressed.

"The coffin is out. Those who were born in the year of Ox or Rooster should turn around and avoid it. Don't rush into Mr. Ren!"

"Remove the nails and open the coffin!"

Lin Fengjiao walked to the coffin and saw that the Ox and Rooster had already turned around, so she gave the order.


A group of crows seemed to be frightened and flew into the sky one after another, as if something bad was going to happen.

"Senior brother, the crow is crowing, I'm afraid there's something wrong with Old Mrs. Ren's body!"

Zhang Yunqing raised his head and glanced at the crow, walked behind Lin Fengjiao and whispered a reminder.

"I know!"

Lin Fengjiao's face was extremely serious, her brows were furrowed, a bad premonition arose in her heart, and she replied softly.

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