I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2895 Investment failure, tit for tat

"I dare you!"

Su Mingcheng said very seriously as he was not afraid of boiling water.

"Say it to me again!"

Julie frowned, her anger burning, and she was so angry that she spoke again.

"I say it again, I dare you!"

"Get out of here!"

Julie raised her arm, pointed at the bedroom door, and shouted to Su Mingcheng.

Su Mingcheng threw the pillow aside, got off the bed, and left the bedroom angrily. He had already made up his mind that he would not give up on this investment, even if it was to borrow money, even if his wife did not understand or support him. If he continues, he will prove himself to everyone that he made the right decision. He will make a fortune and prove in front of his family that he can succeed and will not lose to Su Mingyu.

Su Mingcheng slept on the sofa in the living room all night like this, and went out early the next morning, calling everywhere to borrow money.

Unfortunately, Su Mingcheng overestimated his own weight. When his usual friends heard that he wanted to borrow money, they refused one after another. Either someone in the family was sick, they were unable to lend money, or the mobile phone signal was not good. After a while, Su Mingcheng didn't borrow a dime.

In desperation, Su Mingcheng decided to hit Su Daqiang. Su Daqiang made 20,000 yuan a month. Although he failed in financial management last time, he still had some money in his hand.

"Dad, these are the specialties here. Do you want to try them?"

Su Mingcheng sat next to Su Daqiang and diligently helped Su Daqiang pick up the food. This time, he spent a lot of money to treat Su Daqiang to a meal.

Su Daqiang kept eating, his mouth was full of oil, he nodded frequently, and said with great satisfaction.

"It's delicious, it's delicious! I'm sure you're serious about it!"

Seeing that Su Daqiang was satisfied with his meal, Su Mingcheng turned to the topic and spoke cautiously.

"Dad, do you spend 20,000 yuan a month on your own?"

When Su Daqiang heard this, he immediately became alert. He put down the chopsticks in his hands and stopped eating. He put on an expression of unfamiliarity with Su Mingcheng, hugged his body with his hands and said.

"I don't have any money!"

"Mingcheng, you also know that I was defrauded of more than 100,000 yuan in investment and financial management just now. How can I still have money?"

Su Mingcheng took a deep breath, showed a forced smile, narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up food for Su Daqiang again, and said.

"Dad, hurry up and eat. These are delicious dishes. I usually don't want to come here to eat, so we can't waste it!"

Hearing this, Su Daqiang glanced at Su Mingcheng suspiciously, carefully picked up the chopsticks, reluctant to part with the delicacies, and ate again.

“Really good!”

Su Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, kept picking up food for Su Daqiang, and kept pouring the ecstasy soup. Finally, seeing that the time was almost up, he spoke again.

"Dad, I've thought about it carefully during this period. I can't blame you entirely for your investment and financial management. You also want to make money, which is a good thing!"

When Su Daqiang heard this, he mistakenly thought that Su Mingcheng wanted to complain about him. He was so frightened that he stood up immediately, put his hands on his legs, like a primary school student who was forced to stand, hung his head, and said weakly.

"Mingcheng, don't worry, I have already sworn that I will never invest or manage money again in the future, so please don't talk to me again!"

Su Mingcheng quickly pulled Su Daqiang to sit down, with a kind smile on his face and comforted him.

"Dad, you misunderstood me, I'm not blaming you!"

"I mean, if you invest in it, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Look at how those rich people made their money. Isn't it all through investment?"

“It all depends on what you invest in, right?!”

"Investing in industry, this is the key point!"

"Dad, listen to what I'm telling you. Investing in industry is the safest way. For example, if someone builds a factory, this factory is industry. Why invest in this kind of project?"

Su Mingcheng gave a long and impassioned speech here, describing the benefits of investing in industry. In a word, as long as you invest in industry, it is a sure-fire business.

Su Daqiang didn't care what Su Mingcheng said. He should eat, listen to his left ear, and feel angry in his right ear. He didn't take it to heart at all. His main job was to just cook, and everything else had nothing to do with him. He could say whatever Su Mingai said. , as long as he eats it.

"So, Dad, do you think investing in industry is feasible?"

Su Mingcheng's mouth went dry when he said it. He didn't believe that Su Daqiang could not be moved by what he said.

"I have no money! Whether investing in industry is feasible or not has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing Su Daqiang's unmoved look, Su Mingcheng became a little angry. He frowned, looked at Su Daqiang unkindly, and asked.

"Dad, who are you lying to? You earn 20,000 yuan a month. This is not counting the money Su Mingyu gives you. I spend money on you to eat and drink. How can you have no money!"

Su Daqiang dodged his eyes, not daring to look directly at Su Mingcheng. He said with his head drooped and a dead fish face.

"I gave all my money to Mingyu and asked her to deposit it regularly for me!"

Su Daqiang didn't trust Su Mingcheng, so he asked Su Mingyu to save his money every month. He knew that Su Mingyu was rich and wouldn't worry about his money, so he was very relieved.

"You gave all your money to Su Mingyu for deposit, how could you do this?!"

Su Mingcheng stood up angrily. Come on, not only did he not borrow money from Su Daqiang, but he also borrowed money for a meal, only to lose his wife and lose his troops.

Su Mingcheng couldn't get the money, so he had to sell his car and took Zhu Li's bank card. This bank card contained 100,000 yuan, which Zhu Li had saved to return to Su Daqiang. Su Mingcheng collected the money. After paying 300,000 yuan, he immediately went to the company to sign an agreement, which was regarded as buying Manager Zhou's shares, but Zhu Li had no idea about this.

In less than a month, Su Mingcheng was very happy every day. He thought that he would make a fortune soon by investing in the factory. He was much better to Su Daqiang, and Zhu Li thought that Su Mingcheng was starting to change for the better. , the relationship becomes more harmonious.

On this day, Su Mingcheng was cleaning at home, and his cell phone suddenly rang. Su Mingcheng put down the broom in his hand, quickly sat on the sofa, and answered the phone.

"Hey, Xiao Zhao, what's going on?"

"Mingcheng, no, something happened!"

Su Mingcheng listened to Xiao Zhao's anxious voice, not realizing the seriousness of the matter yet, with a faint smile on his face and said calmly.

"Xiao Zhao, don't be impatient. Speak slowly. What happened?"

"There is something wrong with the factory we invested in! We were all deceived. Director Shen took the money and ran away. You should come and see us as soon as possible!"

Su Mingcheng was completely stunned. He held his palms tightly, and his nails dug into his palms. He seemed to feel no pain at all. He stood up suddenly and rushed outside.

In the suburbs of Suzhou, Su Mingcheng rushed in. Several colleagues were surrounded in front of the factory. They were extremely excited. They surrounded one person and shouted loudly.

In front of the two police cars parked at the door, several police officers tried to dissuade Su Mingcheng's colleagues and tried to pull them away.

"Don't get excited. Listen to me. I'm looking for him too. This matter has nothing to do with me. I'm just a landlord. He hasn't owed me several months of rent yet. He has disappeared! "

Su Mingcheng's ears were ringing, and he seemed to be unable to hear anything. He was dumbfounded. He felt like the sky was falling. He had raised the 300,000 yuan without telling Zhu Li. For this reason, he even sold his car at a low price. He also stole the bank card that Julie used to pay back the money. If Julie knew about it, they would get divorced if they didn't get along well.

In the small restaurant, Manager Zhou and others sat in a circle around the table. Manager Zhou's face was extremely gloomy and his voice was weak.

"The police just said that a case has been opened. It is a criminal fraud case. Old Shen is a habitual criminal. I really didn't notice it!"

Manager Zhou glanced at everyone, with a somewhat guilty look on his face. Seeing that everyone had droopy faces, he said quickly.

"It's useless for us to wait here and be anxious. Let's wait until the police catch the person! There's nothing going on today, so everyone should evacuate!"

After that, Manager Zhou was about to get up and leave. Su Mingcheng didn't dare anymore. His face was as gloomy as water. He looked up at Manager Zhou and said.

"Hey, Sister Zhou, I just want to ask, what if I don't get the money back?"

The other people also nodded and looked at Manager Zhou nervously, wanting an explanation. After all, they were all ordinary workers. It was not easy to make some money. This investment basically emptied their family fortunes. , how can you not care.

Manager Zhou glanced at everyone, the expression on his face was not very good, and he tried his best to calm everyone's emotions.

"Don't worry, I'm more anxious about this matter than any of you. When there is news from the police, I will notify you as soon as possible. Please be patient and wait. The efficiency of handling cases is quite high now. Let's go back and be down-to-earth. Let's work!"

After speaking, Manager Zhou picked up his bag and was about to leave.

Su Mingcheng was anxious and tried to stop him again. He couldn't accept such a result. Three hundred thousand was his and Zhu Li's hard-earned money.

"No, Sister Zhou, you can't just leave like this, right? You have no responsibility at all, right? We all believed in you and that's why we invested in this factory. Now that Lao Shen has run away, you just ignore it! "

Manager Zhou's face darkened, his brows furrowed, he looked at Su Mingcheng displeased, and asked in a deep voice.

"Xiao Su, why are you talking to me?"

"What do you mean, do you want me to compensate you?"

Su Mingcheng was a little excited. He picked up the wine glass, drank all the beer in the glass, plucked up his courage, looked at Manager Zhou and said.

"It's not a matter of compensation or not. We gave all the money to you! Then if you leave, who should we look for? We can only look for you!"

Manager Zhou had a bit of anger on his face, his eyes were fixed on Su Mingcheng, and his voice was a bit louder.

"You want to ask me for an explanation, right?"

"You signed the contract yourself, right? The contract clearly states that this is a personal investment. It is voluntary. Any risks are borne by the individual. If you can find me, can you find it? Legally, I have nothing to do with it. Are you not feeling well?"

Manager Zhou's attitude was very tough, restraining others' imminent moves, playing the emotional card again, and softening his voice.

"We are all in the same department. If there are any projects or benefits, I will inform everyone as soon as possible!"

"However, you can't just rush forward with every good thing. Now that there is a problem with your investment, you want to put all the responsibility on me. This is not interesting!"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world? I only take advantage and don't suffer any losses!"

After that, Manager Zhou picked up the bag and walked outside. Everyone was frightened by Manager Zhou's momentum for a moment and did not dare to stop him.

Only Su Mingcheng couldn't stand the fact that his investment failed. He stood up suddenly, blocked Manager Zhou's way, and shouted loudly.

"You can't leave! I now suspect that you are a liar. You have defrauded us of all our money. All my money is with you. You must give me an explanation. The three hundred thousand is all my money. I just got it after scraping together, please give me back 300,000!"

Su Mingcheng was extremely excited and roared at Manager Zhou. His voice was deafening and made Manager Zhou's face turn pale. When everyone saw this, they quickly stepped forward to persuade him.

"Su Mingcheng, what do you mean? Did I force you to invest in the first place? You were the one who rushed to invest, right?"

"I don't care, I now suspect that you and Lao Shen are a team, and you cheated me of my money!"

"Why do you say that Lao Shen and I are in the same group? Show us the evidence. Do you have any evidence?"

Manager Zhou glared at Su Mingcheng with anger in her eyes. She hated Su Mingcheng in her heart. If it wasn't the wrong time today, she would definitely let Su Mingcheng know that if he offended her, the end would not be good.

Su Mingcheng was speechless and looked at Manager Zhou blankly. He could not provide any evidence, and Manager Zhou invested 1.5 million, which was much more than he invested, and lost all his money.

Manager Zhou glanced at Su Mingcheng coldly, and made up his mind that he would look good to Su Mingcheng in the future. He snorted angrily and left.

Su Mingcheng's body was swaying and he was a little unsteady. He quickly supported the table with both hands, sat down slumped, picked up a bottle of beer and drank it. He didn't know how to explain to Julie.

Seeing this, the others reached out and patted Su Mingcheng on the shoulder, and left dejectedly. At this point, they could only wait for Lao Shen to be caught.

Su Mingcheng Company, Su Mingcheng walked into Manager Zhou's office, holding a leave note in his hand, with a sad look on his face, showing his dejection.

"Go out, won't you knock on the door?"

Manager Zhou heard the footsteps, looked up at Su Mingcheng, and scolded him very rudely.

Su Mingcheng looked back at the open door, took a deep breath, returned to the door again, knocked on the door, and walked to Manager Zhou.

"I haven't come to work these two days because of investment matters. The human resources department said I was absent from work. Please sign this note for me to prove that I am not absent from work!"

Su Mingcheng had a long face and put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking very dissatisfied.

"What are you signing?"

Manager Zhou said calmly without raising his head, busy with work in his hands.

"You have to sign to prove that I'm not absent from work!"

"You didn't ask for leave for me. How could I know if you were absent from work?"

Manager Zhou glanced at Su Mingcheng and was unwilling to sign at all, and said angrily.

"Don't you know why I didn't come to work? If the investment hadn't failed, would I have been like this?"

Su Mingcheng drank to drown his sorrows in the past two days and did not come to work. After finally calming down, he continued to work.

"Su Mingcheng, you are absent from work and your wages are withheld. That is the decision of the Human Resources Department. If you can't find me, I am just following the rules and will not sign for you!"

Manager Zhou had a sneer on his face and looked at Su Mingcheng with disdain. Su Mingcheng made it difficult for him to get off the stage last time. If she hadn't taken the opportunity to get angry and suppress the others, she would have been besieged by everyone. She was filled with hatred in her heart. Su Mingcheng.

When Su Mingcheng heard this, he gritted his teeth, the masseter muscle head on his face protruded, his eyes were full of anger, and he said coldly.

"You should follow the rules, right? If the general manager finds out about your private fundraising, what will he do according to the rules?"

"Su Mingcheng, are you threatening me?"

Manager Zhou raised his head, his eyes flashing coldly, stopped what he was doing, and asked coldly.

"I didn't! If you don't sign for me, I will go to the human resources department and tell them clearly why I haven't come to work in the past two days. I will tell everyone about my failed investment and let them be more vigilant. Don't Random investment!”

"Are you trying to threaten me?"

"I didn't threaten you!"

Manager Zhou took a deep breath, withdrew his gaze, picked up the leave application form, signed it, threw the leave application form on the ground, and said coldly.

"Don't worry, let's wait and see!"

With anger on his face, Su Mingcheng bent down to pick up the leave application form from the ground, turned around and left, not caring about Manager Zhou's threat at all.

Su Mingcheng was targeted by Manager Zhou. He was not allowed to have any contact with any business every day. He was deliberately made to do odd jobs in the sales department and could only get a small basic salary every month.

"How do you do your job? What I want is an official document. Who asked you to print it on both sides? You can't do any small jobs well. You just eat and drink in the company all day long. You really don't have any shame!"

‘Reprint all these documents and materials for me. They must be completed before leaving get off work! ’

Manager Zhou held a pile of materials and threw it directly on Su Mingcheng's table. His face was filled with evil spirits, and he stared at Su Mingcheng with a sneer on his lips.

Su Mingcheng couldn't hold back his anger anymore and exploded. He threw the work permit hanging around his neck directly on Manager Zhou and shouted angrily.

"I quit. I don't believe you because of your cowardice. If I leave here, I, Su Mingcheng, will starve to death!"

Manager Zhou sneered when he heard this, grabbed Su Mingcheng's work permit, and said coldly.

"You want to resign yourself, don't say I forced you to do this!"

Su Mingcheng glared at Manager Zhou angrily, with a livid face and anger in his eyes. He walked up to Manager Zhou and scared her so much that she took two steps back.

"What are you going to do? If you dare to touch me, I will put you in jail!"

When Su Mingcheng heard this, his anger subsided, he took a deep breath and said angrily.

"Don't you just want to drive me away? If you win, I won't play with you anymore! I don't want to keep you here, I have my own place to keep you!"

After that, Su Mingcheng turned around and left, his back looking very cool.

Manager Zhou looked at Su Mingcheng's back coldly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and sneered.

"If you still want to work in this industry, I'm afraid it's just a dream. If you offend me, I will make it impossible for you to find a job in your life!"

After Su Mingcheng returned home, he did not dare to tell Zhu Li that he was unemployed. He went out on time every day and submitted his resume everywhere to find a job. He was inexplicably rejected every time, which made him understand that it must be Manager Zhou's fault, but he There was nothing he could do, he became more and more decadent and depressed, so he drank to drown his sorrows, and returned home drunk.

"Lili, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have disobeyed you and invested randomly. I lost all 300,000 yuan!"

With tears in his eyes, Su Mingcheng grabbed Zhu Li's arm and said with regret.

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