"It doesn't matter. After all, we were tested first. Even if we were injured by you, it was okay. Besides, you didn't take action. It was our own lack of strength and overestimation of our capabilities." Yamanaka Haiichi was very free and easy, not caring about his injuries. Although he was mentally traumatized by Neci's oppression, his mental strength was tempered by Neci's oppression.

Although his mental power has not increased, the intensity of his own mental power has increased, and Yamanaka Haiichi can feel that his control of mental power has also improved.

Injuries are commonplace for Yamanaka Haiichi, but this is the first time he has suffered mental trauma. As long as he waits for the injury to heal, Yamanaka Haiichi's strength will be improved by about one-third on the original basis. For Yamanaka Haiichi, this trauma was no less than an adventure or an epiphany, so his heart was filled with joy.

Looking at Yamanaka Haiichi, who was pale and still had blood stains on the corners of his mouth, he showed no dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he could see a bit of joy in his eyes. Neji thought about it and thought about why Yamanaka Haiichi was like this. It seemed that His accidental collision was equivalent to helping Yamanaka Haiichi's mental strength to be tempered, giving Yamanaka Haiichi the possibility to go further.

Neji couldn't help but smile. For others who traveled through time, it was their seniors who sent benefits and adventures to the travelers, but when it came to him, he was the one who sent adventures to his seniors.

"But I am not at a loss. I finally saw the space-time ninjutsu, and I have gained an understanding of space. The next step is to study how to use the characteristics of space." Neji secretly thought, regarding this wave of temptations from Kakashi and Kai, There was no misunderstanding between the two parties due to this matter, and since both parties gained something, it was already a happy ending.

"Have you seen Kakashi use the time and space ninjutsu, and have you gained any understanding?" Kai saw the smile on Neci's face and knew that Neji might have really mastered the time and space ninjutsu when Kakashi used Kamui. With the progress made, I thought that at noon today, the ninjutsu mentioned by Neji was very simple as long as I had an idea and the rest was very simple. I couldn't help but confirm it to Neji.

"I gained a little bit, so I would like to thank Kakashi-senpai for the Sharingan." Neji thought of the specialness and rarity of time and space ninjutsu, and expressed his gratitude to Kakashi again.

"That's your own amazing understanding, which has nothing to do with me, and the real owner of this eye is not me." Kakashi unconsciously touched his left eye with his right hand, and slowly slid his fingers along the scar on the eye. Down. With his left hand, he pulled down his forehead protector, hiding the Sharingan in the darkness again.

"Neji, can you tell me what you have realized?" Kai asked curiously when he saw that Neji had gained something so quickly.

"What I said may not be easy to understand, so let's demonstrate it to everyone." Neji had no intention of hiding his own understanding, and directly showed the results to everyone.

"How to demonstrate? Is it like Kakashi can directly enter a different space, or is it like the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique, which can cross space." Nara Shikaku took over the topic, although before the trial action, Kaka Nishi and Gai had described Neji's talents and aptitudes before, but this was the first time he had the chance to see them directly.

"Ah, no, I can't do that yet. I need to study it after I go back. Now I just have some understanding of space." Neji waved his hand, denying Shikaku's guess.

"Now I can only use the characteristics of space to attack, and I can't use other characteristics of space." Neji raised his right hand and slowly stretched out his white and slender index finger. His eyes seemed to see through the lines of the void, and his index finger locked A node was reached, and with a slight tap, a gap instantly appeared above the baking table. It was dark and mysterious. It passed across the baking tray of the dining table. Then it disappeared, and the space returned to calm, as if it had never changed. .

"So sharp!" The anxious Kai reached directly to the baking pan and picked up the baking pan. He only had half of the baking pan in his hand, and the other half was still on the table, and the table had no scratches at all. Kai put the baking pan in his hand back to its original place. The two halves of the baking pan were seamlessly joined together to form a complete baking pan. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell that it had been cut in half.

"The cutting power of the spatial rift is so sharp that the incision is completely invisible!" Kai sighed loudly.

"The scary thing is that the table was not affected at all. It was intact. It was just the first time he used his spatial ability to control it so accurately. Neji's strength is indeed terrifying!" Nara Shikaku has a meticulous mind and amazing observation skills. This is He was the first to notice the smoothness of the baking table under the baking pan, a habit he developed when he was serving as Konoha's advisor during the Great Ninja War.

"He actually completely restrained Kamui." Kakashi looked at the torn space, and his whole body felt cold. Neji could completely use this ability to tear apart space to enter the Kamui space. His trump card was against Neji. There was no longer a threat, and even the possibility of escaping with his life at Neji's hands became slim to none.

"You kid, you are so petty!" Kakashi's face turned completely dark and he taunted Neji. No one would be calm if his trump card was used against him.

"I'm just a cautious person, greedy for life and afraid of death. In order to prevent someone from using time and space ninjutsu to sneak attack me in the future, I can only come up with corresponding countermeasures. I didn't intentionally target Kakashi-senpai." Neci shamelessly did not admit it. The deputy gangster looks generous.

Kakashi laughed angrily at Neji. It was the first time he saw such a rogue Hinata Neji. It turned out that Neji actually had such a childish side. It really made Kakashi refresh his understanding of Neji. At the same time, Kakashi also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was originally worried that Neji would have a cold temperament and become cold and ruthless over time. Now it seems that Neji is not without mood swings. It is just because of his childhood living environment and life experience that his inner feelings are more complicated. Ordinary people are more closed-minded and closed-minded, so they have a somewhat cold temperament.

In fact, Neji was not joking with Kakashi. He knew that in the future Fourth Ninja War, Uchiha Obito's most unsolvable method was the virtualization and divine power space. Now that he can tear apart space, if Uchiha Obito Relying on the Hollow to fight Neji, Neji will make him understand what it means for a good swimmer to die from drowning.

"Forget it, I'm not your opponent in the first place, so there's no point in worrying about whether it's really aimed at me or not!" Kakashi looked at it openly and sighed to Neji with a wry smile.

"I'm leaving first." Kakashi formed a seal in his hand and left the barbecue restaurant with a teleportation technique.

Seeing that the matter had been solved perfectly, Neji placed his right middle finger and thumb together and snapped his fingers, instantly releasing the genjutsu.

"Neji, when did you sit next to Teacher Kai?" Xiao Li still had the grease from the barbecue at the corner of his mouth. He looked up and saw that Neji was no longer opposite him, but sitting next to Kai, and he was a little confused.

"You were too focused on eating barbecue and didn't notice at all. I was already here." Neji said something to deal with.

"Ah, the barbecue was really delicious, so I didn't pay attention. I'm really sorry!" Xiao Li was a simple person and easily believed what Neji said, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

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