I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2891 You want his interest, he wants your principal

After saying that, Su Mingzhe felt inexplicably ashamed, drank it all in one gulp, finally felt relieved, and said with a smile on his face again.

"Actually, your sister-in-law and I have wanted to go back for a long time these years, but because of face, we have been working hard here. In the end, it means nothing. It doesn't matter if we go back, the elderly are all in China and they need our care!"

Wu Fei was very happy when he heard what Su Mingzhe said. He raised his glass again and said.

"For these words, I offer Ziyi another glass of wine!"

"Together we will!"

Su Mingzhe also quickly raised his glass and glanced at his wife, with a look of guilt and relief on his face.


Liu Ziyi paired a glass of wine with a happy expression. Su Mingzhe finally figured it out. No place is as good as his own country, so what about the United States. Here, they are all outsiders, out of place, unable to integrate, and subject to all kinds of discrimination. .

The next day, Liu Ziyi and Su Mingzhe's family said goodbye and took a private plane back to China. Su Mingzhe's family still needed to deal with some things in the United States, such as houses, cars, etc., and had to wait two months before returning to work in China.

Mingyi Group, President's Office.

Liu Ziyi sat slumped on the sofa and told Su Mingyu in detail what happened to Meili and his party this time.

"That's what happened. Your eldest brother is unemployed, so he can't take your father to take care of him for retirement. I'll take the opportunity to invite his family to come back to work in China!"

"Xiao Mi looks very cute. You should like it very much. You can meet your elder brother and his family when they return to China!"

Su Mingyu stopped what she was doing, stood up, walked to Liu Ziyi, sat in his arms, put her arms around his neck, and said very movedly.

"Thank you!"

Liu Ziyi kissed Su Mingyu's lips and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, it's all little things!"

Everything Liu Ziyi did was for Su Mingyu. Su Mingyu looked very free and indifferent, but in fact she longed for family affection in her heart. If something happened to the Su family, she would be worried in her heart, but she was just talking tough.

Since Su Daqiang received an alimony of 10,000 yuan per month, his life has been a blessing. He goes to the lottery shop every day to buy lottery tickets and scratch-off tickets. Each purchase costs one or two hundred yuan. He is very proud. Every day They all went out to eat, showing off their children's filial piety and generosity with Lao Nie and others.

Su Daqiang learned from chatting that Nie Jinrong was buying funds for financial management. Seeing that Nie Jinrong had made a lot of money, he was also moved. He invited Nie Jinrong to lunch and wanted to learn financial management with Nie Jinrong.

Su Daqiang sat on a chair, with his arms on the table, his thin hair showing his age, and a flattering smile on his face. He looked at Nie Jinrong who was drinking soup opposite him with a smile and begged.

"Old Nie, please teach me how to manage money! Teach me, I want to manage money too!"

"As you said, I don't manage money, and money doesn't care about me. I also want to make some money! Don't eat alone!"

Nie Jinrong was wearing a suit and a pair of glasses. He smiled heartily. He looked at the excited Su Daqiang and said unhappily.

"Look at what you said, what does eating alone mean?"

"Financial management is risky. First, you need capital, and second, you need to have a good attitude. If you plan to have fun, then you can come in!"

"However, if you plan to get rich, I advise you not to play with this as soon as possible. This thing is relatively expensive, at least tens of thousands of dollars. You have to discuss it with your family. Your children must agree before I can take you to play. !”

Su Daqiang picked up his soup bowl, took two sips, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, pondered for a moment, and said again.

"Okay, I understand. I'll discuss it with my family when I get back, and then come back to you!"

"That's right, I'm not a lone eater. Financial management is risky. It's okay if you make money, but if you lose, I don't want to complain!"

Nie Jinrong is a very shrewd and foresighted person, and he thinks clearly. He knows that if he manages money with his friends, everything will be fine if he makes money, but if he loses, he might have a falling out.

At night, as the night got darker, Su Daqiang sat on the bed, flipping through the financial management software on his phone, and watched the fund that Nie Jinrong bought turn red, and he was greedy.

In the kitchen, Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng were washing the tableware. Zhu Li had given a bonus of 12,000 yuan a few days ago, and all of it was given to Su Daqiang. She was worried that Su Daqiang would spend money arbitrarily, so she said to Su Mingcheng beside her with some worry.

"Go and ask Dad if the 12,000 yuan is in the bank. It's not safe to keep it on your person, in case he spends it arbitrarily and wastes all the money again!"

Su Mingcheng wiped the plate clean, handed it to Zhu Li, and said with a serious expression on his face.

"I also feel that something is wrong with my dad recently. I found a lot of lottery tickets in the trash can at home!"

When Julie heard this, she didn't take it seriously, put the plate away, and said with a smile.

"I thought it was such a big problem. It's normal for an old man to play lottery! Dad doesn't have much to do on weekdays, so he just kills time. What's the big deal!"

Su Mingcheng kept moving his hands, turned his head and glanced at Su Daqiang who was in the bedroom, and said in a low voice.

"It's not as simple as you think. He spent hundreds of dollars on one purchase. He played a bit too much. It's not that easy to win the lottery!"

"Besides, it's not like you don't understand my dad. He gets 10,000 yuan a month in alimony, plus the 12,000 yuan you gave him. I'm really worried that he'll make a fuss and spend all the money. Lottery!"

When Zhu Li heard this, she also showed a worried look on her face, frowned slightly, looked at Su Mingcheng, and said uncertainly.

"Dad isn't so crazy, is he?"

Su Mingcheng sighed, didn't he understand his father yet? He said with hatred.

"My dad is an unreliable spokesman. There is nothing he can't do!"

Su Mingcheng felt angry when he thought of the account books kept by Su Daqiang. He even had to remember a bunch of candied haws of sugar clearly. It was really too much.

"Then what should we do now? You should think of a solution quickly. You can't let dad do this!"

Zhu Li showed a worried look. The 12,000 yuan was the bonus she got for working overtime and staying up late recently. In order to pay back the money, she lived frugally and did not want Su Daqiang to waste her hard-earned money. She touched Su Mingcheng with her arm, tilted her head and said.

"Otherwise, why don't you go test dad and see if he has deposited the money in the bank?"

Su Mingcheng wiped the plate in his hand and looked at Su Daqiang in the second bedroom without moving.

Julie grabbed the plate and urged.

"Okay, stop wiping and go ask!"

Su Mingcheng put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Su Daqiang's bedroom without closing the door.

Su Daqiang was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking at the financial management software, when he noticed that Su Mingcheng was coming. He quickly put the phone behind him and looked at Su Mingcheng with a smile.

"What's up?"

"Dad, it's okay, just a casual chat!"

Su Mingcheng walked to the bed and looked behind Su Daqiang. Su Daqiang moved back, blocking Su Mingcheng's sight.

Su Mingcheng withdrew his gaze, sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and patted Su Daqiang's leg, and asked with a smile.

"Dad, don't be nervous. I just want to ask, did you deposit the twelve thousand that Julie gave you in the bank?"

Su Daqiang blinked, with a somewhat wary look on his face, looked at Su Mingcheng distrustfully, and said.

"Not yet! You and I went out with your Uncle Nie. Something happened, so I didn't go to the bank to deposit money!"

Su Mingcheng leaned on the bed with his arms and approached Su Daqiang. He stared at him and asked with a smile.

"Where did you put the money?"

Su Daqiang was extremely vigilant. He turned around and glanced at Zhu Li who was busy in the kitchen, and asked Su Mingcheng in return.

"What's the matter? What do you want the money for?"

"No, no, nothing, nothing?"

Su Mingcheng looked at Su Daqiang and said very seriously.

"I'm just reminding you, you can't keep money on you!"

"It's not safe to keep so much money on you and it's easy to lose. I think it's best to deposit it in the bank!"

When Su Daqiang heard this, there was a look of hesitation on his face. He lowered his head, his bald forehead glowing, and said slowly.

"Oh, I, I haven't decided whether to deposit it in the bank yet! I haven't decided how to use this money yet!"

"By the way, your Uncle Nie talked about him today."

Su Mingcheng looked impatient, interrupted Su Daqiang's words, and reminded him again.

"Dad, let's not mention my Uncle Nie. Let's just talk about money. There are really a lot of scammers out there. Listen to me. It's safest for you to deposit your money in the bank. That's right!"

Su Mingcheng looked at Su Daqiang and saw that he was unmoved and said again.

"Dad, if you are too lazy or can't figure it out, you can give me this money and I will deposit it in the bank for you!"

Su Daqiang stepped back slightly, distanced himself from Su Mingcheng, and shouted to Julie who was busy in the kitchen with an expression like "You just want to steal my money."


"Hey, what's wrong, Dad?"

Julie quickly walked out of the kitchen, stood in front of the bedroom door, and asked.

"The money you gave me is to pay off the debt, right?"

Julie nodded in confusion, indicating that she was right.

"Yes, that twelve thousand is returned to you!"

Su Daqiang looked at Su Mingcheng with vigilant eyes. He didn't trust his second son at all and asked.

"You don't want to get this money back, do you?"

Su Mingcheng took a deep breath, opened and closed his mouth a few times, and wanted to explain a few words.

Seeing Su Daqiang's reaction, Zhu Li quickly waved her hand to signal Su Mingcheng to stop talking.

"Dad, no, we didn't mean it!"

"You misunderstood. We are just worried about you spending money randomly. We want you to deposit the money in the bank so that everyone can feel at ease!"

Su Daqiang was unhappy when he heard this, sighed and said unconvinced.

"Lili, Mingcheng, you just need to pay back the money every month. As for the money you pay back, I spend it how I want. This is my freedom, so you don't have to worry!"

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces, still worried about Su Daqiang.

"Dad, I think what you say sounds reasonable, but dad, you have this money!"

"Okay, Mingcheng, we will return this money to dad. He knows how to keep and use his own money, so we don't have to worry about it!"

Su Mingcheng sighed helplessly, got up from the bed, and walked out, leaving only Su Daqiang alone in the bedroom.

Su Daqiang closed the bedroom door, took out his mobile phone again, and looked at the red stock funds, his eyes gleaming with madness.

The next day, Su Daqiang found Nie Jinrong and wanted to invest in a financial management fund with him. Nie Jinrong saw that Su Daqiang was determined and could only take him with him.

"Lao Su, I can help you manage your finances, but at the beginning, don't invest too much, invest 1,800 yuan to test the waters first!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Su Daqiang also looked cautious. Financial management was also a new thing for him. He still didn't dare to invest too much at once. He couldn't afford it if it all went down the drain.

Su Daqiang invested five thousand yuan, which was half a month's alimony. Even if it was all in vain, he could still accept it.

The next day, Su Daqiang received a text message notification on his mobile phone. The fund he invested in made a profit of 200 yuan, and he could make a profit of 800 yuan in two months. Such generous returns made Su Daqiang fall deeper and deeper into the trap. He felt that the fund was reliable. , invested more than 100,000 yuan in it, and put all the coffins in it.

Watching the rising numbers on his mobile phone every day, Su Daqiang had a cheerful face, laughing so hard that he couldn't keep his eyes open. He burned buns every day, which made Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li very confused. However, Su Daqiang was very tight-lipped and would not tell them. Any news.

Su Daqiang was interested in the high interest returns, and they were directly interested in his principal. Within two days, Su Daqiang and Nie Jinrong went to Haofu Company, the fund company they invested in. The door was closed and empty. Ran away.

Su Daqiang lay on the glass, looked inside, his eyes widened, and said to Nie Jinrong beside him.

"Hurry up and call Tangmen and ask them what's wrong. Why aren't they open today?"

Nie Jinrong had a bad premonition and hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the familiar number.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll call right now!"

Su Daqiang looked at Nie Jinrong anxiously and kept patting the glass with his hand, hoping that someone inside could hear him and come out to open the door.

"Hello, the number you dialed is unavailable!"

Nie Jingrong's expression changed and he said to Su Daqiang in great panic.

"Something's wrong, why is the phone number empty?!"

"Usually this number goes through as soon as I call it, but today it's empty!"

Su Daqiang turned to look at Nie Jinrong, his eyes widened, and his vision turned black. At this point, he didn't understand why he had been cheated.

Su Daqiang felt dizzy, and his body slowly slipped. Unable to bear the huge blow, he fainted.

"Hey, hey, hey! Lao Su, Lao Su!"

Nie Jinrong hurriedly supported Su Daqiang and quickly dialed the emergency number, with a look of panic on his face.

In the hospital ward, Su Mingyu and Liu Ziyi came in a hurry. Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li had already arrived, looking at Su Daqiang lying on the bed with ugly expressions.

Su Daqiang covered his head with a quilt and huddled up. He didn't dare to face his children. His heart was bleeding. It was hundreds of thousands. That was the hard-earned money he had saved all his life. He lived frugally and worked hard bit by bit. Picked out from the fingernails.

Liu Ziyi looked at Su Daqiang who was wrapped up in a ball, and listened to the whimpering coming from the bed. He couldn't help but feel funny. It was not that he was gloating about his misfortune. Hundreds of thousands was nothing in his eyes. It would be nice to teach Su Daqiang a profound lesson.

"Come on, tell me what's going on?"

Su Mingcheng put his hands on his hips and had an angry look on his face. He gave Su Daqiang countless instructions to deposit the money in the bank and not to spend it randomly. In the end, it was still like this. Su Mingcheng felt like he was about to explode with anger. He faced Su Daqiang on the hospital bed. Da Qiang asked loudly.

"I never told you to deposit the money in the bank, but you didn't listen!"

"It's more than 100,000 yuan for investment and financial management. Why don't you discuss such a big matter with us?!"

"Dad, I know you're awake. Don't be a coward. Get up and tell me clearly. You were defrauded of more than 100,000 yuan. We have to know what happened, right?"

Su Mingcheng stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt, and Su Daqiang held on to the quilt tightly without showing his head. His body was trembling, and he was obviously very afraid of facing Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu.

"Get up!"

Su Mingcheng used both hands to forcefully pull away the quilt, with an angry look on his face, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Su Daqiang bit his thumb in his mouth, tears streaming down his cheeks, huddled up, and kept sobbing.

"What's the use of you crying now? Mom has said it a long time ago, you have no chance of getting rich at all. You still want to make a fortune, and you were defrauded of hundreds of thousands. Tell me what to do now!"

Su Mingyu looked at the roaring Su Mingcheng, with some dissatisfaction on his face, and was about to step forward to stop him.

Liu Ziyi grabbed Su Mingyu and shook his head slightly. Su Mingcheng might as well scold Su Daqiang and teach him a lesson.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Su Daqiang cried loudly, looking very sad and pitiful, and said while crying.

"I was wrong, Mingcheng! I shouldn't have disobeyed you. I really don't have the destiny to get rich!"

"I don't have the destiny to get rich!"

Su Daqiang cried and said, patting his cheek gently with his hand, obviously reluctant to use force.

Su Mingcheng was about to be blown away by Su Daqiang, his body was trembling slightly, and he glared at this unreliable old man, unable to do anything to him.

"Crying, what's the point of crying? Can you get the hundreds of thousands back if you cry?"

Su Mingcheng was extremely angry, waving his fists excitedly, his teeth itching with hatred.

Su Daqiang was so frightened that he got up from the bed, holding an intravenous drip in his hand, and sat directly by the window, crying.

"What dignity do I have when I'm alive?"

"I might as well go find your mother and die!"

Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself, Su Daqiang was actually very familiar with this behavior of women. With a sad face, he carefully observed the reactions of Su Mingqiang and Su Mingyu.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li were so frightened that they didn't dare to get close. They looked worried and couldn't bear to be angry, so they quickly comforted them.

"Dad, stop making trouble. I don't blame you. Come down quickly. If you fall down later, it won't be worth it!"

"Dad, even if you jump down, you won't get the money back. Come down quickly!"

"Stop making trouble. It's too dangerous for you to sit there. Come down quickly!"

When Su Mingyu saw this scene, she took a few steps forward, looked like she didn't care, raised her head slightly, and said indifferently.

"Dad, you want to jump off the building, right? Jump quickly, we won't stop you!"

"Jump down and you can see my mother!"

"If you jump down, we will all be relieved!"

When Liu Ziyi heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He knew that what Su Daqiang was most afraid of was Su's mother. Su Mingyu's words were really hurtful.

Su Mingcheng's eyes widened, he looked at Su Mingyu in disbelief, and asked loudly.

"Su Mingyu, what do you mean by this? Are you sick? Why are you stimulating him?"

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