I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2859 Wang Ziteng: If Jia Chang can do it as a child, so can I!

On this day, it rained late at night, knocking down countless red flowers, making the ground beautiful and lonely.

After Lin Daiyu got up in the morning, she looked at the Luohong all over the yard, and her heart was filled with ripples. She asked the maid in her yard to help collect the Luohong, took a small hoe, dug a hole in the ground, and prepared to collect the Luohong. Buried in a pit.

But he said that since Jia Chang was demoted because he killed the chief minister of the Zhongshun Prince's Palace, he has been shutting himself up to think about his mistakes. He has some free time. He happened to come to Rongguo Palace today to admire the beauty in the Grand View Garden and encountered this scene.

The breeze is gentle, the beauty is as picturesque, Lin Daiyu is like the catkins floating in the wind, orchids in the rain, the fragrance is elegant, and the heart of the orchid is crouching under a tree, burying the collected fallen reds in the pit, muttering something in her mouth.

"When the flowers fade and the flowers fly all over the sky, who will pity them? The spring pavilion is tied with soft gossamer, and the fallen catkins lightly touch the embroidered curtains. The daughter in the boudoir cherishes the twilight of spring, full of sorrow and has no place to release, and hoe the flowers out of the embroidered boudoir. The willow silk and elm pods are still blooming, regardless of the peach blossoms and plum blossoms. The peaches and plums will bloom again next year. Who knows who will be in the boudoir next year? In March, the fragrant nest has been built, and the swallows between the beams are too ruthless. The flowers will bloom next year Although it can be pecked, it is not easy to find the empty nest! Three hundred and sixty days a year, the wind, the sword, the frost, and the sword are fierce. How long can the bright and fresh flowers last? It is hard to find them once they are wandering. It is easy to see the flowers in bloom and hard to find them. The flower buryer was killed in front of the steps. Leaning alone on the flowers, she secretly shed her tears with a hoe, and saw blood marks on the empty branches. The cuckoo was speechless. It was dusk, and the man with the hoe returned to cover the heavy door. The green lamp illuminated the wall, and the man was sleeping for the first time. The cold rain knocked on the window and the quilt was not warm. The story of the strange slave is doubly saddening, half pity for spring and half annoyance for spring: pity for spring comes and goes, and then goes away without saying anything. Last night, a sad song was heard outside the court. Do you know who is the soul of flowers and the souls of birds? The souls of flowers and souls of birds? It is always difficult to stay, the bird is speechless and the flower is ashamed. May the slaves grow wings under their wings and fly with the flowers to the end of the sky. Where is the fragrant hill at the end of the sky? It is not like a brocade bag to collect beautiful bones, and a handful of pure soil to cover the wind. It is better to be clean than to be trapped in a ditch. If you die now, you will be buried. I don’t know when I will be buried. People are laughing when I bury flowers. Do you know who he will be buried in? Let’s watch the spring flowers gradually fall. , is when the beauties die of old age. Once the spring is gone, the beauties grow old, and the flowers fall and the people die."

"Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals, and they are not allowed to grow old in the world!"

"Sister Lin is feeling sad again today. It's too negative to be sad for spring and autumn because of the falling red on the ground!"

Jia Chang interrupted Lin Daiyu, who was in a daze, and joked with a smile. He walked to the beauty and slowly squatted down. Looking at Lin Daiyu's fair and delicate face, he slowly stretched out his hand and wiped a ray of light from her eyes. The messy hair was gently brushed away, and the smile on his face was bright and bright, but there was no hint of slump from being punished.

"Sister Lin is already delicate. Don't think too much. Too much thinking will hurt your mind. Deep love will not last long, and wisdom will be damaged. The most important thing is to be happy!"

Jia Chang's words brought Lin Daiyu back to her senses. Her eyes were rippled, and she dodged slightly. She lowered her head shyly, a blush crept up her cheeks, her crystal earlobes were slightly red, and she unnaturally stretched out her hand to touch the The strand of messy hair was tucked behind the ear, and then the earth was buried flat, and then he slowly stood up, looked at Jia Chang who was squatting on the ground, and said unconvinced.

"You have the nerve to criticize me. Being extremely strong is humiliating. A gentleman should be as gentle as jade!"

Lin Daiyu said that Jia Chang had too strong a character and killed King Zhongshun without authorization. He was punished by Emperor Yuankang and was demoted, with the intention of persuading and guiding him.

Jia Chang laughed when he heard this, stood up, put his right hand behind his back, raised his head slightly, and looked towards the north, his eyes flashed with sharpness, and an inexplicable aura rose up, he was confident and domineering, strong and majestic, and said in a deep voice.

"I am a military commander, not a gentleman. A warrior cannot be humiliated and must be sharp. Otherwise, how can I ride on the enemy's camp and take the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops!"

Lin Daiyu was silent, her bright eyes flashing, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She just felt that Jia Chang was different from all the men she had met. She originally thought that the best men in the world should be as gentle and elegant as her father Lin Ruhai. A gentleman may be humble, or talented, refined and handsome, but Jia Chang is different. He is domineering, sharp-edged, free and bold, but he also gives people an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind.

"Brother Chang, you are indeed extraordinary. It seems that you are not affected by this matter at all!"

Lin Daiyu was originally worried that Jia Chang would be depressed and decadent because of being demoted. Now it seems that she underestimated Jia Chang's caliber. He was a free and generous man who did not take pleasure in things or feel sad about himself.

"It's just a reduction in rank. It doesn't matter. I only get fame from horses. What a heroic husband!"

"As long as there are foreign enemies in Daqian and the title is just easy to get, why should I be depressed!"

The corners of Jia Chang's lips raised slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. The North should have almost restarted its weapons at this time. Emperor Yuankang would definitely use him again, so why should he care about the temporary ups and downs.

In the northern border, Zhenbei City, Prince Teng, the commander of the nine provinces, stood on the top of the city, looking into the distance, his eyes full of heavy colors, followed by several generals, and he slowly spoke.

"Have you ever found out more about it?"

A burly, tall and thick general raised his hand and his voice was so loud that it made people's ears hurt.

"I would like to inform you, Lord Commander, that we have found out clearly that the Tatar tribe has annexed Oara and its power has increased greatly. Now, a force of 150,000 is coming towards Daqian with great force!"

Wang Ziteng appears to be in his forties or fifties, with a Chinese-character face, upright and majestic, tiger-like eyes that exude majesty, and a straight bridge of his nose, giving people a sense of resoluteness. He has a beard under his chin, and his beard is black and smooth, carefully crafted. After taking care of it, Wang Ziteng stroked his beard with his right hand, his eyes fluctuated, and he thought for a long time before speaking.

"Now that the Tatars are coming fiercely, it is a good opportunity for us to make great achievements. All the generals are willing to follow me to defeat them and show my great power!"

Now Wang Ziteng is in an embarrassing situation. He originally made his fortune by relying on the military relationship of Ning Rong and became an important general in the Great Qian Dynasty. However, now that Jia Chang came out of the way, the political power behind him has been reduced. He has made a lot of money and is simply unable to go further and enter the cabinet.

Becoming a general or becoming a prime minister is one of the highest pursuits of military commanders in ancient and modern times, and there are very few people who can achieve this step. The same is naturally true for Wang Ziteng's ambition. Originally, he had not thought of a way to break the situation.

Right now, the Tatar tribe has raised 150,000 troops. If Wang Ziteng can defeat them like Jia Chang and achieve great achievements, he will surely make great progress and go one step further to enter the cabinet of Daqian and become a cabinet university. A scholar is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Even Jia Chang cannot threaten his status.

"Jia Chang can do it, but I can't do it without reason!"

The people behind Wang Ziteng were all his confidants, so they naturally knew what Wang Ziteng was thinking. They looked at each other, their eyes revealing their desire and greed for success, and they bowed and clasped their fists, shouting in unison.

"I am willing to listen to the commander-in-chief's orders!"

As the commander of the nine provinces, Wang Ziteng had the right to control the border generals. Hearing everyone's answers, he felt satisfied, waved his hand and said sternly.

"Pass my order to mobilize 80,000 troops from the nine border provinces, and follow me to intercept the Tatar army halfway. What Jia Chang can do, I, Wang Ziteng, can naturally do too!"


The generals took the order and shouted loudly. Everyone looked excited. Who didn't want to make contributions and leave a name in history?

As the leader of the four major families, Wang Ziteng naturally has real abilities, otherwise he would not be entrusted with important tasks by Emperor Yuankang. Whether it is martial arts, military skills, strategy, or courage, Wang Ziteng is one of the best in the army. , unlike the men in the Ning and Rong houses, he is a real general.

At night, Wang Ziteng led his army quietly out of the city and toward the grassland. They marched very fast and elusive, without making any sign or noise to the outside world.

The Tatar tribe leader Su He is a descendant of the great Genghis Khan and a member of the Golden Family. After the Oara tribe was defeated by Jia Chang, he annexed part of the Oara tribe. He did not choose to show his strength and allowed the Jurchens to run rampant until Jia Chang general After the Jurchens were massacred, he unified all the grassland tribes in one fell swoop and became the master of the grassland and the khan of all tribes in Mongolia.

Su He then showed his ambition and mobilized 150,000 cavalry from various ministries to attack Daqian. He wanted to revive the reputation of the Golden Family and become the emperor of the fertile land in the south, ruling the north and south of the Yangtze River and the Central Plains of Kyushu.

For this southern invasion, Su He specially invited the Immortality Sect shaman who has been worshiped by the Golden Family for generations. As the belief of the grassland people, the Immortality Sect shaman relied on this incense and luck to develop tyrannical supernatural powers and possess the power of ghosts and gods. The method of testing is one of the reasons why the Golden Family still stands on the grassland.

It was dark at night, and Su He walked into a luxurious yurt. Inside, three old men wearing sheepskin coats were sitting. Their beards and hair were all white, their faces were full of wrinkles, and they were extremely old. Their eyes were cloudy and dark yellow, and their bodies were stooped. They were old and dying, but these three old bodies contained terrifying power, which made Su He even awed by them.

Su He bowed respectfully and sat down opposite the three old men. With a bit of humility and awe on his face, he slowly spoke.

"Three shamans, you are the wise men of the grassland and the spokespersons of the Immortal Heaven. I will rely on you even more for this southern invasion!"

The old man in the middle seemed to have a higher status. He had long eyebrows on his face, and a smile appeared on his extremely old face. The wrinkles on his face suddenly opened up, like blooming chrysanthemums. He slowly opened his mouth, revealing A few withered yellow teeth, the sound was distant and empty, as if falling from the sky.

"Don't worry, Khan, I will definitely do my best, and the glory of the Immortal Heaven will be spread throughout the Central Plains!"

Su He nodded with satisfaction. The cooperation between the Golden Family and the Immortality Sect has lasted for hundreds of years. If it had not been for the sudden rise of Daqian Taizu and the support of the Central Plains Taoist Sect, and paid a heavy price to kill the prairie dragon energy, the Golden The family has long conquered the Central Plains and has conquered the plains.

"This time the secret impulse of several shamans must not be expected by Daqian. They can be caught off guard. By the time they react, it will be too late, which is enough for us to capture the northern provinces and greatly damage Daqian's national strength. , the national destiny is in decline!"

Su He didn't plan to capture Daqian in one fell swoop. He just wanted to take a surprise, take a big bite, occupy part of Daqian's territory, increase his own strength, and after digesting this harvest, he would devour Daqian bit by bit. .

"The Great Khan is right. Although we were driven out of the Central Plains back then, the Taoist sect had a hard time with almost all casualties. Now only Longhu Mountain still has some strength, but it still does not belong to the three of me. Our opponent is enough to make us tear off a piece of fat from Da Gan!"

After all, Yuanmeng's luck was prosperous at that time, and Taizu Daqian successfully drove them out of the Central Plains, but the Taoist sect also paid a heavy price. However, the masters of the Taoist sect joined forces to use the dragon-slaying technique to kill Yuanmeng's national luck, and they all reincarnated. Only the old Celestial Master from Longhu Mountain had a high level and managed to survive. After supporting him for decades, he passed away while waiting for the new generation of descendants of the Celestial Master's House in Longhu Mountain to grow up.

Although the inheritance of Longhu Mountain has not been broken, it is still not as good as before. There are only two top real people in the world, one is the current Longhu Mountain Zhang Tianshi, and the other is the old Taoist priest deep in the Daming Palace.

What is a real person? A true person in ancient times does not rebel against the few, does not become a hero, and does not act against the nobles. He sleeps without dreaming, his sleep is worry-free, he eats unwillingly, and his breath is deep. I don’t know how to talk about life, I don’t know how to hate death; I don’t know how to go out, I don’t know how to come in; I just go there and come back. Don't forget the beginning, don't seek the end; accept it and rejoice, forget it and return to it. This is what we mean by not using your heart to contribute to the Tao, and not using people to help heaven. This is what is called a real person. If so, his mind, his countenance, his expression are as sad as autumn, as warm as spring, and his joy and anger flow through all four seasons.

A real person is one with heaven and man, his heart of Tao rotates in the four seasons, and he does not know life and death. This state is the highest in the world, and even immortals and gods can do nothing about it.

The three shamans have lived for hundreds of years. Although they were repulsed by the Taoist masters, they did not fall due to Yuanmeng's luck. Now that their injuries have recovered, they will naturally make a comeback and invade the Central Plains, hoping to obtain more His luck in the world made his Taoist cultivation further, ascending to the thirty-third heaven and becoming a more sacred existence.

Just when Su He and the three shamans were discussing the details of the southern invasion, suddenly the shaman in the middle moved slightly, raised his long eyebrows slightly, showing a bit of surprise, and looked at Su He beside him solemnly. said.

"Big man, Daqian's army is here. I didn't expect that Daqian would have such a famous general. He is the best choice for courage and strategy. He actually dared to lead an army to attack my 150,000-strong army. It was really beyond our expectations!"

The shaman's eyes looked outside the yurt. A ferocious tiger was approaching the place very fast, menacingly, and a murderous aura swarmed in. It made him shudder, and goosebumps appeared on his skin, showing his surprise.

Su He was shocked when he heard this. He quickly got up and walked out, talking as he walked.

"Please ask three shamans to help. The army is sleeping now. If Daqian's army rushes into it, the camp will be blown up!"

"This matter is simple. Don't worry, Khan. Leave it to us. We will cast a spell to buy you half an hour!"

After that, the three shamans took out three skulls from their wide sleeves. These three skulls were crystal clear, as warm as jade, and exuded a faint glimmer. The three of them bit their index fingers and smeared them with blood. Between the eyebrows of the skull picture, a black mana surged. The mouths of the three skulls opened and closed up and down, making a clicking sound. Then they suddenly flew up, penetrated the yurt, and landed in the air. With a spit, countless A black wind emerged and blew into the distance.

Wang Ziteng led the army straight to the location of the Tatar army. With his men and horses wrapped in hooves, he quietly approached the Tatar army ten miles away. Suddenly a strong wind blew, flying sand and rocks. There was darkness between the sky and the earth, and the army was suddenly in chaos. The formation was unable to see clearly the direction ahead, and the whole thing was spinning.

Wang Ziteng shouted angrily again and again, his voice was high-pitched, but it still had no effect. The people and horses couldn't open their eyes, the wind was noisy, and they became a mess.

Wang Ziteng was shocked and angry. He was a man proficient in the art of war. The army was now only ten miles away from the 150,000 Tatar army. If he was discovered, he would definitely suffer a devastating blow.

Wang Ziteng tried his best to maintain the army's formation. After a lot of effort, he finally stabilized the formation and led the army just out of the storm when he saw the Tatar army charging towards him and others. .

Wang Ziteng's heart suddenly went cold, and he managed to keep calm. He clenched the spear in his hand and shouted loudly to the soldiers behind him.

"All officers and men obey orders, advance or retreat, follow me to kill!"



All the soldiers also knew that the situation was critical. The current plan was to defeat the Tatar army head-on in order to have a chance of survival. If they were afraid, they would definitely die.

When Su He was in the middle army, he saw that the morale of the Daqian officers and soldiers was high and they were determined to fight to the death. They did not dare to be careless and immediately gave the order.

"Fire arrows from a distance, don't rush into the enemy's formation, slowly wear down the opponent's morale, and drag them down!"

After receiving the order, the army immediately slowed down the pace of the charge. They set up their bows and fired arrows from a distance. Dense arrows fell from the sky and fell into the ranks of Daqian. Rows of soldiers fell to the ground like cutting wheat.

Upon seeing this, Wang Ziteng was astonished and shouted loudly.

"Disperse the formation, don't gather, and mount fire to fight back!"

The 80,000-strong army immediately distanced itself from both sides, and they fired bows and arrows to fight back. However, they were not as proficient in riding skills as the Tatar tribesmen, and were generally at a disadvantage.

However, as the two armies exchanged fire, the distance gradually closed. Although the 80,000-strong army suffered a lot of losses, it still maintained the strength to fight. It was still unclear who would win.

The energy and blood in Wang Ziteng's body surged. He was accomplished in martial arts and had strong energy and blood. He could be regarded as a first-class general today. He took the lead and rushed into the enemy army. His spears were crisscrossed in his hands. The cold light shone. The Tatar soldiers around him fell to the ground one after another. Seeing this, the officers and men felt their blood surge and their fighting spirit high. They followed closely and fought with the Tatar army.

For a time, the two sides fought fiercely. Countless figures dripped from the horses, and blood flowed into rivers. The place had become a meat grinder and a purgatory on earth. Corpses were everywhere. The ground was soaked with blood, covering the entire area for dozens of miles. With a strong smell of blood.

The three shamans looked at the invincible Wang Ziteng, with a faint light flashing in their eyes. They took out the skull again, mobilized the magic power in their bodies, grabbed the blood of the battlefield, and blended into it. Countless black energy lingered and turned into a With ferocious faces, they flew towards Daqian's army, and screamed horribly.

Wang Ziteng felt the strong Yin Qi, and swung the spear in his hand, killing a Tatar general. He looked up and saw dense black shadows covering the stars. It was terrifying and gloomy. He suddenly felt that something was not good. Before he could speak, it was enveloped. Come over.

Wang Ziteng felt a chill in his heart, and the flow of energy and blood in his body was much obscured. He was superb in martial arts and could still hold up, but ordinary soldiers did not have such ability. His hands and feet became stiff and his movements slowed down. He was immediately killed by the Tatar soldiers. , in just a moment, no less than five thousand people were killed or injured. (End of chapter)

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