I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 285 The competition continues

Hinata Neji nodded when he heard the words, counted his feet, and found that his figure had disappeared opposite Ximen Fubuki.

"So fast!" Ximen Chuixue realized that this swordsman's movement skills were simply elusive. His swordsmanship was magnificent, full of pride, and upright to the extreme. However, his movement skills were indeed unpredictable, and he could be said to be a master of evil. The difference has been brought to the extreme. This young man can be said to be a combination of good and evil, a combination of yin and yang. He is definitely an unparalleled figure in the Japanese martial arts.

At first, this young man said that he was a master of Japanese swordsmanship. Ximen Chuixue, apart from distinguishing the opponent's style and samurai sword, felt that other aspects had nothing to do with Japanese swordsmanship, but at this time, he was convinced .

Ximen Fubuki's spiritual sense was keen, and he faintly sensed a sharp feeling coming from behind him. He swung the sharp sword in his hand back, turned around, and saw Hinata Neji appearing behind him. When the other party saw Ximen Fubuki, he still turned around, holding the sword in his hand. The katana was retracted because his katana was not as long as Ximen Fubuki's sword. Even if he could stab Ximen Fubuki, he would be cut in half by the sharp sword.

Hyuga Neji squatted down slightly to avoid the sweeping sword. He kicked hard with his right foot and stabbed Ximen Fubuki's abdomen with the katana again. The series of actions were completed in the blink of an eye.

Ximen Chuixue was a little surprised. She felt the coolness coming from her abdomen and aroused goosebumps. This was because the opponent's sword intention had arrived.

This young man's reaction speed is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he can change his moves extremely quickly.

In desperation, Ximen Chuixue could only choose the strategy of losing in succession. The sword in his hand abruptly reversed the inertia and slashed downwards.

Hinata Neji felt the wind pressure coming from above his head and the fierce sword intent. He swung the katana in his hand downwards, and used this as a fulcrum to fly into the air, flying towards the left side of Ximen Fubuki.

Ximen Chuixue got a chance to breathe, and retreated again. Since the beginning of the fight between one and two people, Ximen Chuixue has been retreating, but this did not affect Ximen Chuixue's state, but made him stronger.

Ximen Chuixue kept analyzing the opponent's swordsmanship. Although the opponent's swordsmanship was magnificent and not like the Japanese swordsmanship, the offensive was like rain hitting banana trees, continuous. He was well versed in the characteristics of the combination of Japanese swordsmanship and military tactics, and had The wind forest has the power of a volcano, so it is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as unpredictable as the dark, and as moving as thunder. It is unforgiving when it gains power, making it difficult to breathe and deal with it.

"Huh!" Although Ximen Fubuki had only fought Hyuga Neji for a few rounds, his physical strength was quite high, mainly because of the excessive mental pressure. The opponent's swordsmanship had already reached the level of perfect harmony, and his moves were completely incompatible. It is irregular, but able to adapt to the situation. It is definitely different from any swordsmanship Ximen Chuixue has seen or heard before.

"It seems that you are about to reach your limit. I don't know how long you can sustain it in my hands!" Hinata Neji's words are like swords. This is a characteristic of Japanese swordsmanship. It attacks the opponent's psychology and momentum and disrupts the opponent's thoughts. This is the most important strategy in the art of war. Since Japan has a small population and is in constant turmoil, all martial arts are related to the battlefield. The pursuit of martial arts is ruthless and ruthless, combined with the strange and treacherous ways in the art of war. Therefore, it is closely related to the Central Plains. Their martial arts are completely opposite to each other, but they lead to the same goal. In the end, there is no superiority in any martial arts, it only depends on the individual's realm.

"Although my body is exhausted, my spirit is getting higher and higher. I am so excited to be able to compete with a master like you!"

Ximen Fubuki did not deny his condition, but admitted it generously. This made Hyuga Neji slightly alert. This shows that the other party's psychology is extremely strong and has not been affected by the decline at all. This kind of person can burst out with amazing potential at any time. .

At this time, Ximen Fubuki didn't look like a cold swordsman at all, but like a sword madman. He licked his dry lips and took the initiative to attack Hyuga Neji for the first time.

Ximen Chuixue understood that the opponent's adaptability and physical fitness far exceeded his own, so he could not always respond passively and be led by the opponent, so he used his sword skills for the first time. In fact, although Ximen Chuixue's sword skills had moves , but there is no fixed rule, it is more of a style of sword use, and there is no name. Zhu Xiao once asked curiously, and after watching Ximen Chuixue Sword Technique, he helped to name Xuemei Sword Technique. Ximen Chuixue did not object to the name, because the name fit his swordsmanship very well, and the moves were as the name suggests. Ximen Chuixue's swordsmanship was like the wind and snow in the cold winter, cold and ruthless. After the heavy snow, the sky and the earth were white and holy; just like Ximen Chuixue Every time he makes a move, he must first bathe and fast for three days to calm down before leaving the village to kill people. He has regarded swordsmanship as his own faith and is pious and holy.

Ximen Fubuki's sword technique brought strong wind pressure, which made the surrounding branches rustle. Countless green leaves fell off and shot towards Hyuga Neji along with the wind pressure, as if winter was approaching and the wind and snow covered everything in the world. , there was a chilling atmosphere between heaven and earth, all life was extinguished, leaving only a vast expanse of white.

Hyuga Neji felt the chill in Ximen Fubuki's sword technique, and he became interested. He waved his katana in response, and his body emitted a completely different sword intent. If it is said that the cold winter brought by Xuemei's sword technique, then Hyuga Neji's this time The swordsmanship of the time brought indeed a lonely late autumn.

The countless green leaves have not yet reached Hyuga Neji's expression, as if the autumn wind has taken away the green, and become withered and yellow, gradually falling, as if they have been baptized by time and turned into fly ash, bit by bit by the wind. It blew into the distance, full of decay and loneliness. Only Hinata Neji, dressed in white, stood among the ashes all over the sky, still pure and flawless, feeling quite lonely that everything in the world is decaying, but I am alone.

Thinking about the long journey of heaven and earth, and crying with sadness, Hinata Neji's expression was lonely. Even if Ximen Fubuki was competing with him in swordplay, it could not alleviate his mood in the slightest.

"The millet is separated from the ground, the seedlings of the rice. They are walking slowly and slowly, and the center is shaking. Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who do not know me say that I am asking for nothing. The sky is long! Who is this?"

Hinata Neji's heart was colder than Ximen Fubuki's. He was a lonely traveler with no companions. Looking back at the road, he only had his own footsteps following him. He could not stop and was unwilling to stop. Walking on this endless road, my steps are slow but determined, but there is loneliness and loneliness in my heart.

The clear voice of the young man resounded through the dense forest, making Ximen Chuixue couldn't help but be moved, and resonated in his heart. This terrible will and spirit affected Ximen Chuixue, shaking his sword heart, but making Ximen Chuixue happy at the same time.

Ximen Fubuki's unbreakable swordsmanship was shaken by Hyuga Neji's spiritual will today. Cracks have appeared, breaking the stubborn and ruthless swordsmanship. A new swordsmanship is being nurtured and quietly taking root in it.

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