I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2835 Defeat Wala, hang in the air for two days

The cold wind swept across the endless plain. Jia Chang led the cavalry to catch up. He did not give the Wala cavalry a chance to breathe. They penetrated hundreds of miles into the grassland and achieved fruitful results. They killed five thousand cavalry before stopping. As he stepped down, the Zhenbei cavalry behind him was exhausted and unable to pursue him.

"Take a rest and let's fight again!"

About half an hour later, more than a thousand cavalrymen sat neatly on their horses. They looked at Jia Chang in front of them with fanaticism in their eyes. They never thought that 1,500 of them could actually attack 20,000. Cavalry, and won, killing countless enemies.

"The general is invincible!!"

"The general is invincible!!"

The cavalrymen waved their swords and guns one after another, with extremely fanatical expressions, as if they were looking up to gods, and shouted crazily.

Jia Chang defeated the 20,000 Ora cavalry who went to Zhenbei Army, but still refused to stop. Looking at the morale of his men, his face was full of scorn and defiance, and he pierced the sky with his spear and shouted loudly.

"You guys, follow me and kill the enemy!"

"Follow the general to the death!!"

"Kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

The cavalrymen all echoed, with excited expressions and wolf-like ferocity in their eyes. Their evil aura was astonishing, and murderous intent enveloped the grassland.


Jia Chang swung the reins, and the horse under his crotch opened its iron hooves and rushed madly towards the depths of the grassland, like a sharp arrow, followed by more than a thousand figures behind him, like a rain of arrows hitting Oala.

Three days later, Jia Chang led more than 900 cavalry back to Zhenbeicheng. The clothes and armor on each person's body were stained red by blood and turned dark red. Their bodies exuded a strong fishy smell and the evil spirit was astonishing. Thousands of war horses followed behind them. It's all their spoils.

General Chen Qingzhi's eyes were dull. He couldn't believe his eyes. He stared at the young general blankly and was speechless for a long time. In his mind, he remembered the time he fought with Duke Rong, the brave and invincible figure and the people in front of him. The young men reunited.

"Reporting to the general, Jia Chang came to return his orders. The last general led 1,500 cavalry, attacked the two cavalry in Wala, killed 5,000 soldiers, and defeated more than ten generals in one fell swoop. Then he led the cavalry to pursue for three days. The enemy only had Three thousand escape!"

Chen Qingzhi was shocked, his whole body trembled with excitement, he put his hands on Jia Chang's shoulders, patted him hard twice, and said loudly.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"General Jia Chang is indeed brave and has made great achievements. I will report it to the court and ask for credit for you!"

"Come here, tell the cook to kill the sheep and pigs. I want to celebrate General Jia Chang!"

Daming Palace, Imperial Study Room, Emperor Yuan Kang sat behind the desk, looking a little tired. He was a very diligent emperor, busy for seven or eight hours a day, completely different from the Supreme Emperor Taizhen, who worked conscientiously, walked on thin ice, and did not dare to Any slack.

It was not easy for the current Emperor Yuan Kang to get the throne. Originally, he was not the favorite prince to win the throne, but later because of a palace coup, the prince rebelled and committed suicide after defeat. Emperor Taizhen seemed to be tired, so he started to He became the Supreme Emperor and established the small and transparent Yuan Yasu as the new king.

Many of Emperor Yuan Kang's brothers were dissatisfied with him and coveted the throne under his butt. When he first ascended the throne, he did not dare to relax in any way, and he was cautious and restrained his sharpness.

Fortunately, as Emperor Yuankang ascended the throne for a long time, he had stabilized the court, and his power was enough to compete with the Supreme Emperor. His majesty gradually deepened, and he had the magnanimity of a king. The Supreme Emperor also gradually began to delegate power, and he controlled the great cadres. Dominate the universe.

Emperor Yuan Kang opened the battle report of Chen Qingzhi, the moral general of Zhenbeicheng. His expression was shocked, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils tightened, full of surprise.

"Hahaha, what a Jia Chang! He actually dared to attack an army of 20,000 soldiers with 1,500 cavalry. He is extremely courageous and brave. He is worthy of being the grandson of Duke Rong!"

Emperor Yuankang rarely showed any expression of joy or anger, which surprised the eunuch Dai Quan standing next to him, and secretly remembered the name Jia Chang in his heart.

"It's true that a hero comes from a young age. This is Huo Qubing, the champion of my great work!"

When Dai Quan heard this, he was shocked. This evaluation was too high. Who was Huo Qubing? He was an invincible general who was victorious in every battle. He had a very high status and left a name in history!

Emperor Yuan Kang picked up the ink pen and wrote many words on the memorial, his face full of excitement.

In Zhenbeicheng, Jia Chang received the imperial edict and quietly stuffed the banknotes into the angel's sleeves. He was promoted, several levels in a row, and became General Wu Jie, the fifth rank, equal to General Wu De Chen Qingzhi. class.

Emperor Kangdi of the Yuan Dynasty gave Jia Chang a very generous reward. He was awarded a thousand pieces of gold and promoted several levels. He even ordered him to go to Liaodong City to command five thousand soldiers and horses to resist the invasion of the Oara army.

Liaodong City is located in the northeast, with a vast territory, sparsely populated areas, and a harsh climate. A 30,000-strong army from Wala rushed directly to the city. The situation was not optimistic. The defenders of Liaodong City died in the battle. The deputy general was temporarily in charge of the troops to resist the attack. The imperial court urgently needed military support.

Jia Chang did not dare to delay and led five thousand troops straight to Liaodong without stopping. He marched non-stop day and night and the soldiers were exhausted. In just two days, they arrived twenty miles away from Liaodong City.

Jia Chang did not enter the city, but let his soldiers and horses rest for a night. Early the next morning, he led his troops to bypass Liaodong City and went straight to the rear of the Wala army, cutting off the opponent's supply line, leaving the Wala army alone and lacking in food and grass. They could only attack Liaodong City desperately, almost crazy.

In just three days, Wala suffered nearly 10,000 casualties. Liaodong City also suffered heavy losses. With only 2,000 people defending the city, it was about to be unable to hold on.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The Wala army slowly retreated, and Ming Jin retreated. Every Wala soldier had a look of exhaustion on his face, and his expression was dull. Thousands of people were lost in today's attack on the city, and Liaodong City still failed to be captured. However, Liaodong City has also reached its limit. We can almost win the battle tomorrow.

When Jia Chang heard the sound of gold ringing, his calm face moved slightly. The fire was almost done and it was time to end everything. He turned back to look at his soldiers, got on his horse, held the spear high in his hand, and shouted loudly.

"My sons, the fighter plane is right in front of you, follow me to kill!"

After that, Jia Chang took the lead and rushed towards the Wala army camp, followed closely by the soldiers behind him, with murderous looks on their faces, and they rushed towards the Wala army together.

General Wala was frightened when he heard the cry of killing coming from behind the army. He quickly ordered the army to turn their guns in an attempt to stop the charge of Jia Chang and others. At this time, Wala's army had just experienced a day of siege. They were exhausted physically and mentally and had low morale. Jia Chang cannot rush into the camp, otherwise the camp will be blown up and completely defeated.

"Haernu, Chibor, and Dalton, you lead eight thousand cavalry and stop this sudden appearance of Daqian's army!"

These three generals were all Vala warriors, with bravery that no man could match. They took the lead and led their men to charge towards Jia Chang's army.

Jia Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, with a strong murderous intention brewing. He held the spear tightly in his palm and whipped the horse under his crotch. His speed soared, like a sharp arrow. He took the lead and launched an attack on the three Wala generals.

The spear in Jia Chang's hand was like a venomous snake, spitting out words, crossing the void, and piercing directly into Haer's angry face, ruthless, vicious and cunning.

Haernu was a famous warrior in Wala. He was extremely powerful. He swung the mace in his hand and hit Jia Chang's spear.


Gold and iron collided, sparks flew everywhere, and the huge energy and blood in Jia Chang's body surged with astonishing strength. The spear in his hand caught the blow without any change in direction, and went straight into Haer Nu's face. The head was like an exploding watermelon, and the brains burst out, red and white, spraying all over the floor. The burly and strong body suddenly fell off the horse and hit the ground.

Jia Chang swiped his spear and intercepted Chibol and Dalton's spears. The spear shook with such ferocious force that the two men's arms went numb. They had no time to react. The pear blossoms bloomed in front of their eyes, and the evil aura was astonishing. The tip of the spear slashed across the two Blood spurted from the man's throat, and he suddenly fell down and was trampled into a pulp by the cavalry behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Jia Chang beheaded the three generals of Wala. When the soldiers behind him saw this, their morale was greatly boosted and their fighting spirit was astonishing. They shouted in unison.

"The general is brave!"

"The general is invincible!"


In contrast, the Wala army was already exhausted, and the general was killed by Jia Chang. In an instant, their morale dropped sharply, a riot broke out, they stopped charging and wanted to retreat.

But before they had time, Jia Chang led the army to fight in front of them. With their spears dancing, the Wala soldiers fell to the ground one after another, their blood flowing and dyeing the earth red.

The soldiers behind Jia Chang danced with swords in their hands and fought selflessly. Their eyes and footsteps followed Jia Chang closely, and they rushed towards the general of the Chinese army. Countless Ora soldiers fell to the ground along the way. They were like the god of death, harvesting the lives of the Ora soldiers.

Jia Chang was invincible and invincible. Among the thousands of troops, he went straight to the enemy's general. Those who blocked him along the way, whether they were soldiers or generals, were no match for the spear in his hand. They fell to the ground one after another, bleeding like rivers.

Jia Chang kept approaching the general of the Chinese army. The distance changed from two hundred feet to one hundred feet, then seventy feet, then fifty feet, then twenty feet. Finally, he faced each other face to face. With his spear drawn out like a dragon, he took the enemy general's head from the crowd of thousands of troops. , a head was picked up on a spear, causing the Ora soldiers around to shout.

"General Timur is dead!"

"General Timur is dead!"

The Wala army collapsed instantly, and the soldiers fled one after another. Jia Chang led the army to pursue hundreds of miles along the way, and won a great victory, killing more than 10,000 enemies and capturing 8,000 prisoners.

After these two battles, the remaining troops of Oara did not dare to continue attacking Dagan, and they withdrew in a hurry, not giving Dagan a chance to besiege him at all.

After this battle, Jia Chang was promoted again and became the fourth-rank Xuanwu General. He had established a firm foothold in the army and gained a foothold, and his reputation spread to the ears of many people.

In the Qianqing Palace, the Supreme Emperor Tai Zhen was energetic and lazy. He looked at the singing and dancing below and said with a smile to the eunuch Xia Cheng beside him.

"It's said that Rong Ning's second house has fallen. Unexpectedly, another Jia Chang appeared. He has a bit of Jia Daishan's demeanor. It's really smoke coming out of the ancestral grave!"

Emperor Taizhen pinched a grape and put it into his mouth, with playful eyes, enjoying the song and dance with a half-smile.

The great eunuch Xia Cheng, bending down with a flattering smile on his face, joked.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Jia Chang was just the concubine of Jia Zheng. He practiced martial arts since he was a child and was not taken seriously. In order to make a future, he joined the army and followed the path of Wang Ziteng. He was assigned to the Zhenbei Army and became a general. In general, the first time we went into battle, we attacked the 20,000-strong Wala army with 1,500 men!"

"I think Jia Chang just got lucky. Thanks to His Majesty's blessing, he won by chance!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Taizhen raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Xia Cheng, looked deep, and spoke slowly.

"You're a bitch slave, you know how to flatter me!"

"That boy Jia Chang is not simple. He is very courageous, has accurate control of the fighting opportunities, and can win a big victory. It is definitely not a simple fluke that can be described!"

"And I heard that Jia Chang took the lead in every battle on the battlefield, and his martial arts skills were amazing. He killed dozens of powerful generals in Wala. This is not something that can be done easily. Even Jia Daishan does not have such amazing martial arts skills!"

"No wonder the emperor praised him as Huo Qubing, the great lord and the champion of the world!"

A flash of light flashed in Emperor Taizhen's cloudy eyes. He knew his son very well. He must have valued Jia Chang and wanted to cultivate him as a confidant, otherwise he would never praise him so much.

"It seems that he wants to take control of the military, but he is tolerant enough. Only now is he starting to show his fangs!"

The Daqianxungui group is extremely large, including the four kings and eight princes, the prince of Nan'an, the prince of Beijing, the prince of Xining, the prince of Dongping, the Duke of Zhenguo, the Duke of Liguo, the Duke of Qi, the Duke of Zhiguo, the Duke of Xiuguo, and the Duke of Repairs. Ning Guo Gong, Rong Guo Gong, and some marquis and earls controlled 80% of the army.

Although the four princes and eight princes did not have any thoughts of rebellion, as an emperor, it is his nature to be suspicious. In addition, the Xungui Group is gradually declining, and the younger generations are not living up to expectations. Emperor Yuankang had the idea of ​​​​contracting military power. As Rongguo Duke, Jia Chang The concubine of the mansion is a very suitable candidate.

Of course, Emperor Yuankang not only had Jia Chang as his candidate, but also Wang Ziteng and others were his pawns. Emperor Yuankang naturally would not put his eggs in one basket, as that would be too dangerous.

"This old slave is too ignorant and said the wrong thing!"

Xia Cheng corrected his mistake when he realized it, and immediately began to admit his mistake to Emperor Taizhen.

"Your knowledge is not shallow, you just made a mistake on purpose!"

Emperor Taizhen and the great eunuch Xia Cheng had been together for decades. How could he not understand the thoughts of the great eunuch beside him? He shook his head and said helplessly.

Xia Cheng chuckled lightly, said no more, and stood aside honestly.

Emperor Taizhen once again turned his attention to the song and dance performance, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, beckoning to the palace maid who was leading the dance, and gave instructions.

"You stay, everyone else should leave!"

Xia Cheng immediately understood what Emperor Taizhen was thinking. With a wave of his hand, he led everyone else out of the Qianqing Palace, leaving only the old-hearted Emperor Taizhen and his maid. Obviously Emperor Yuankang wanted another baby mother. .

Rongguo Gongfu, Rongxi Hall, in the study.

Jia Zheng was sitting behind the desk, holding a book in his hand. He looked in a daze and had no intention of reading. He frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with thought, and murmured to himself.

"I didn't expect that he really made a name for himself and defeated the Wala army. In just one year, he climbed up to the fourth rank of General Xuanwu, which is higher than me!"

"Is it possible that the Rongguo Mansion will look at him in the future?!"

Jia Zheng felt a headache when he thought of his legitimate son Jia Baoyu, who was still not doing his job. He felt very angry. It was really embarrassing to hang around in the house all day long. Even with Jia's mother doting on him, he couldn't teach Jia Baoyu a lesson.

"Having a spoiled child is like killing a child, and the mother is really too confused!"

Jia Zheng only dared to think about it in his heart, but never dared to say it out loud. He was a foolish and filial man. Facing Jia's mother, he blindly obeyed and did not dare to resist at all. This made Jia Baoyu develop into a useless person. .

Jia Baoyu talks nonsense about saints all day long, and is extremely tired of his career. He doesn't even think about it. If Rongguo Mansion hadn't been rich and powerful for generations, he wouldn't be able to eat hot shit. This is not just scolding the cook with his rice bowl and looking down upon him.

"That's all, Baoyu is smart and is still expected to gain fame. He still needs good guidance!"

After all, Jia Zheng was a nerd, and he attached great importance to the distinction between concubines and concubines. Even if Jia Chang showed talents that far exceeded Jia Baoyu, he still could not threaten Jia Baoyu's status in Jia Zheng's heart.

Of course, Jia Chang didn't care about this. He didn't expect to inherit the Rongguo Mansion. Even Jia Zheng had no hope of inheriting the Rongguo Mansion. Only Mrs. Wang, a woman with long hair and short knowledge, thought that she could rely on her brother Prince to succeed. , it is simply fantastic to allow Jia Baoyu to inherit the Duke of Rongguo in the future.

Even if Wang Ziteng leaves the cabinet and becomes the prime minister, he cannot risk the disapproval of the world and interfere in the inheritance of the title of the Duke of Rongguo. Jia She is still alive and well, and even if Jia She dies, he still has The legitimate son Jia Lian is the legitimate heir to the Rongguo Palace. Who is Jia Baoyu? He will never be able to inherit the title and become the master of Rongxi Hall.

The news of Jia Chang's military exploits reached the Duke of Rongguo, but did not attract much attention. Jia's mother looked down upon the little fourth-rank general Xuanwu, and Mrs. Wang also thought that he was just a little fourth-rank military attache. It's worth mentioning, but I'm very disdainful and don't take it to heart.

Only Tanchun heard the news and was secretly shocked. As expected, the fourth brother Chang Geer, who had been silent for three years, suddenly became a blockbuster. After three years of silence, he soared into the sky. The Duke of Rongguo could no longer restrain him. He had become a big tree. , can grow freely.

"I believe that Brother Chang's achievements will never stop here. In the future, he will definitely be awarded the title of marquis and general, and he will be the mainstay of the Jia family!"

In Jia Chang's courtyard, Xiao Ruyi also received the notice of Chun Chun. She was very happy to know that her young master had become a general and had made great achievements. She ate two more bowls for dinner, which made her belly round and uncomfortable. She could only wait for digestion. Then I fell asleep.

After Jia Chang became General Xuanwu, he became the garrison of Liaodong City and was responsible for guarding Liaodong. As the commander of the city, he was considered to have been reused.

Jia Chang knew that the border was not peaceful, so he trained his troops every day and did not dare to relax, waiting for the next war to come.

Generals all like war. Without war, there will be no promotion and wealth. Without war, military generals will be useless.

"The Biography of the Marquis of Huaiyin": "As people say, 'The cunning rabbit dies, and the good dog is cooked; the tall bird is gone, and the good bow is hidden; the enemy's country is destroyed, and the adviser is destroyed. The world has been settled, and I must cook it!"

No matter Fan Li, Wen Zhong, or Han Xin, they could not escape this fate, so there is a saying that generals must respect themselves when raising bandits. If there are no enemies, then create enemies. You must not catch them all in one go and fish from the lake.

Of course, Jia Chang didn't have such thoughts yet. At most, he just wanted to make more military exploits and be granted the title of general, so as not to do anything against his principles.

No matter whether it is Wala, Jurchen or Annan, they will not be honest and will break the border again sooner or later. Jia Chang has plenty of opportunities to make military exploits and become a marquis and general.

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