I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2832 The young master’s maid, the transparent person in the Duke’s mansion!

Daqian, the sacred city, is different from other places in its bustling streets and dense population. With its natural treasures and outstanding people, it deserves to be the best place and the capital of the dynasty!

On Rongning Street, there are two large stone lions squatting on the north side of the street. There are three animal-headed gates. The main gate is not open, and only the east and west corner gates have people coming in and out. Above the main entrance, there is a plaque with the five characters "Edict to Build Rongguo Mansion" written on it. Entering it, you come to the hanging flower door. There are hand-painted cloisters on both sides. In the middle is the entrance hall, where there is a large red sandalwood framed marble screen. Turning around the screen, there are three small halls. Behind the hall is the main courtyard at the back. The five upper rooms on the front are all decorated with carved beams and paintings. There are various parrots, thrushes and other birds hanging in the verandah rooms on both sides. There is also a passage on the right side of the cloister, where you can enter the south hall. Through the ceremonial gate, you can see three outline rooms on the east side. In the middle is the Rongxi Hall. Further back, there are other independent small courtyards, which are extravagant, luxurious and magnificent. .

In the wing room in the northeast corner, a five- or six-year-old boy is standing around a small red clay stove with a casserole on top, with rice porridge cooking in it. There are fireworks and fireworks, which is very life-like. The boy has a sense of life. Wearing a cloth robe, although it is not as exquisite as silk and satin, it is not considered abject.

The boy held a cattail fan in his hand and kept fanning it towards the small stove. The flames were leaping and red. The rice porridge in the casserole was bubbling, the heat was overflowing, and there was a fragrance. It was edible these days. Japonica rice is already better than countless others.

There was a little girl standing behind the boy, with a chubby face and a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to talk. She was watery and very bright and attractive. She stretched her head to look into the casserole and licked it with her little pink tongue. With red lips and drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, he asked playfully.

"Fourth Master, are you okay?"

The boy picked up a spoon and stirred it twice in the pot. The aroma filled the air, making the little girl behind him make a growling sound from her stomach. She blushed slightly, looked away and said sheepishly.

"Fourth Master, you can't blame me, I didn't eat enough last night!"

The boy shook his head slightly, with a trace of shame flashing in his eyes. It was unlucky for this girl to follow him. Grandma didn't care, and what uncle didn't love was the transparent little girl in the Duke of Rongguo's palace.

"It's a long story if a child doesn't have a mother!"

The boy sighed in his heart. He was the son of Jia Zheng, the Duke of Rongguo. His mother was just a maid who suffered from dystocia and severe bleeding. She passed away after giving birth to him. Naturally, he was not as good as Mrs. Shi's phoenix egg, which was her lifeblood. , Jia Baoyu, is even much worse than Jia Huan. After all, Jia Huan still has Aunt Zhao to take care of him.

The boy's name is Jia Chang, which has a good meaning. The sun will shine forever and the light will last forever. This is probably the only thing Jia Zheng did for him. That girl is his maid, Xiao Ruyi. This girl is also someone who no one cares about. There is no one in the family. She was bought by Rong Guo Gongfu from Ren Yazi and has no one to support her, so she was assigned to him as a maid. And she is the lowest third-class maid.

Rongguo Mansion, a home of bells, dishes, food, and a family of calligraphy and calligraphy, has very strict rules in the mansion. The maids are also divided into three, six or nine grades, with different statuses. A first-class maid will be paid one drop of money per month, and a third-class maid will be paid five hundred coins per month.

As the son of the Duke of Guo, Jia Chang only had two taels of silver per month. Although he was not rich, it was enough to support the two of them.

A hanging coin is also called "Yi Guan", which means one thousand copper coins, which is roughly equivalent to one tael of silver.

The imperial decree stipulates that for every ten copper coins, one cent of silver is to be paid, and it shall be kept as an order forever. That is, the ratio of silver to copper coins is one to one thousand, that is, one tael of silver is equal to one tael or one ounce of money.

However, there are significant differences in actual implementation. As a precious metal, silver is relatively stable, while copper coins often depreciate. Sometimes, seven, five, or even three coins of silver can be exchanged for one copper coin.

Nowadays, during the prosperous period of the Qian Dynasty, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the people's life is pretty good, and copper coins are strong. One tael of silver can only be exchanged for 1,500 copper coins, which is equivalent to one and a half coins.

As the son of the Duke of Guo, Jia Chang would not be embarrassed even though he was a concubine. He could eat well. Of course, if he wanted to eat well, he would have to spend additional money. It was not as good as Jia Baoyu's fine clothes and fine food. He could enjoy endless delicacies from mountains and seas. But the second son, born with jade in his eyes, is very noble and is deeply loved by Mrs. Shi.

"Xiao Ruyi, I remember that you ate a big bowl of white rice last night, and your stomach was full. You said you weren't full!"

"If you keep eating like this, young master, I won't be able to support you with my monthly salary!"

Jia Chang had an exaggerated look on his face, and his clear and bright eyes turned back to stare at Xiao Ruyi, full of disgust.

"My life is really miserable when I have to deal with a maid like you! You are lazy and greedy, and you don't know how to do anything. Everyone has maids to take care of the young master. It's a good thing that you want me to take care of you!"

Xiao Ruyi was a little embarrassed when she heard this. She lowered her head, kept stirring her little hands, glanced at Jia Chang slightly, and said guiltily.

"Fourth Master, I am still young. When I grow up, I will have the strength to help Fourth Master!"

Jia Chang rolled his eyes helplessly. Xiao Ruyi was extremely stupid and simple-minded. She was a girl, her fingers were pricked with needle holes, and the embroidery she made was even worse. She looked like a mandarin duck and was as fat as a pig, which made people laugh. joke.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Jia Chang felt soft-hearted and stopped letting her learn. He originally wanted to teach her how to read, but he didn't expect that they knew each other in three days and forgot about them all on the fourth day. After tossing Jia Chang back and forth for two months, he still couldn't do it. He only remembered three words of his own name, and he couldn't hope for more. Jia Chang was helpless and could only take his time.

Xiao Ruyi is not without her merits. She has a simple personality and is very good at eating. A five-year-old girl can eat a large bowl of rice. Even Jia Chang is ashamed of this. No matter how many advantages she has, Jia Chang has not discovered them and can only wait until later. Discovered.

While Jia Chang was talking, he put out the fire in the small red clay stove, took a piece of cloth, and brought down the casserole. Each of them had a bowl, and they sat at the table and drank. It was so sweet that Xiao Ruyi's eyes were filled with tears. Narrowed.

After a while, the two of them finished the rice porridge and tidied up. Then they sat in front of the door and basked in the sun. As a transparent person in the Duke of Rong's palace, Jia Chang's status was not as good as that of Jia Huan, so naturally he didn't need it. Jia Chang goes to pay his respects to Mrs. Shi every day. Except for New Years and holidays, Jia Chang rarely sees other people in the Rongguo Palace. He stays in his small courtyard all day long, never leaving the front door or taking a step forward. Also quiet.

It was approaching noon, and the sun was getting higher and fiercer. Jia Chang stood up from the bench, stretched, yawned, turned around and was about to enter the house. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Zhou, the steward of the house, Rui walked in and looked at Jia Chang. There was not much respect in his eyes. He spoke condescendingly and with contempt.

"Fourth Master Chang, the Second Master is looking for you, come with me!"

A look of surprise appeared on Jia Chang's face. He knew Jia Zheng's cheap father well. If he hadn't met him during the holidays, he might not have remembered that he had a son like him.

Jia Chang raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun did not rise from the west today. Why did Jia Zheng think of himself?

"Trouble Butler Zhou!"

Zhou Rui is Mrs. Wang's confidant. Now he works as a steward next to Jia Zheng. He is regarded as the second steward in the mansion, second only to Butler Lai. He is prestigious in the Rongguo mansion, but he is much more prestigious than him, the young master of Rongguo Gong. Jia Chang is a little transparent, so he will naturally not offend him and behave very politely.

Zhou Rui and Jia Chang were not familiar with each other. Even the narrow-minded Mrs. Wang never regarded Jia Chang as a threat to her son. She was too lazy to pay attention to him and let him fend for himself. At most, he was given two taels of silver per month and treated as Just keep a servant.

As the second master of the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Zheng should be in charge of the side courtyard. However, because Mrs. Shi was partial, she lived openly in Rongxi Hall, which was considered a violation of the rules. This place was supposed to be the heir to the Rongguo Mansion. Waiting for General Jia She to live there.

Arriving in front of the study, Zhou Rui stopped and motioned for Jia Chang to go in by himself.

Jia Chang nodded, pushed open the door to the study, and walked in. Without raising his head, he bowed and said.

"I've met the master!"

Jia Zheng sat behind the desk, put down the book in his hand, and looked up. He had almost no impression of Jia Chang, the bastard, except that he remembered that he had such a son.

Jia Chang looks very good, with red lips and white teeth, regular facial features, clear black and white eyes, full of intelligence, and a round and shiny face, like a jade doll, which makes Jia Zheng look a little dazed.

"I didn't expect Chang'er to be so cute, but she looks a bit like his short-lived biological mother!"

This thought arose in Jia Zheng's mind, and he immediately spoke.

"You are already five years old this year, and it's time for you to enter clan studies!"

"Your eldest brother started elementary school at the age of three. Now he has obtained the title of scholar. Waiting for the autumn examination next year, it is very likely that he will obtain the title of scholar!"

Speaking of his eldest son, Jia Zheng's face was full of pride and his face was shining. Jia Zhu was admitted as a scholar at the age of fourteen and is now eighteen. He studied poetry and books hard for four years in the middle and never finished the autumn examination. Now he finally finally Now that I am confident, I want to try to obtain the title of Juren.

Jia Zheng considered himself a scholar. He loved reading since he was a child. He originally wanted to take the imperial examination. Unexpectedly, when his father Jia Daishan passed away, as soon as his legacy was printed, the emperor, out of sympathy for his ancestors, immediately ordered his eldest son to serve as an official, and asked how many more children he had. He introduced him immediately, and gave Jia Zheng an additional title of seventh-rank principal, and ordered him to study in the ministry. Now he has been promoted to the fifth-rank Yuanwailang.

Jia Zheng deeply regretted that he could not be named on the gold list, so he placed his expectations on his son. He was very strict with his eldest son Jia Zhu since he was a child. He personally initiated his education and hired famous teachers to teach him.

Jia Zhu lived up to expectations and was very ambitious. He was a good scholar and was expected to be named on the gold medal list, which was the pride of Jia Zheng's heart.

When Jia Chang heard this, he lowered his head and said nothing, but secretly complained in his heart that his cheap brother was already weak and sick, and he had the insufficiency syndrome caused by his mother's womb. He also studied hard all day long and never exercised. He also saw Jia Zhu during the festival, and his blood was The wear and tear is serious, it is a short-lived phase, and it will not last long.

Speaking of which, Jia Chang had a good impression of this cheap eldest brother. Jia Zhu was one of the few people in the Duke of Rong who treated him as a family member. He had ordered people to send him exquisite meals several times.

Naturally, Jia Chang didn't express his inner criticism, and acted very honestly as he replied.

"Master, I understand!"

"Now that you are in school, it's time for you to have a servant who will be responsible for taking care of you when you are away from home!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Jia Chang has only one principle, silence is golden, speak less and make fewer mistakes, don't speak is good, no matter what Jia Zheng says, just follow it.

Jia Zheng just chatted with Jia Chang for a few words and then sent him away. He had no idea that his son had already been enlightened by himself, otherwise how could he teach Xiaoru the word "consciousness".

In the afternoon, Zhou Rui brought a boy over to Jia Chang's courtyard and introduced him to Jia Chang.

"Fourth Master Chang, this is the boy's stone that the Second Master has arranged for you. From now on, he will be responsible for taking you to and from school!"

Jia Chang nodded, exchanged greetings with Zhou Rui, and then sent him away. Then he took a look at the boy named Shitou.

As the name suggests, he has a rough stone appearance. He is more than ten years old, but he is tall. He looks about fourteen or fifteen years old. He is naturally burly. Just looking at his silly smile, he is another stupid person who is not very smart. one.

"Shitou has met Fourth Master Chang! The Second Master asked me to take you to and from school in the future!"

Shitou smiled innocently, bowed and saluted, and said in an angry voice.

Jia Chang put his hand on his forehead and felt that his future was bleak. Why did everyone around him seem to have a low IQ?

"I understand, just follow me from now on!"

The next day, just after dawn, the stone woke up Jia Chang. In this era, you need to get up early to study. After ten years of hard work, once the world knows it, you will naturally need to work hard.

Rongguofu's superficial skills are quite good. No matter how little attention Jia Chang is in the house, leaving the house represents the face of Rongguofu. When he goes out, a carriage is prepared for him. Shitou sits outside the carriage and drives the carriage skillfully. It seems that They were selected, and Jia Zheng rarely bothered about Jia Chang.

Jia Chang was sitting in the carriage. It was his first time to go out. He couldn't restrain his curiosity and opened the curtains to look outside.

The street is spacious, clean and very prosperous. You can see street shops and stalls on both sides of the road. From time to time, there are hawking sounds, which are clear and loud, attracting attention.

The people coming and going were still rosy-cheeked and energetic. They were wearing coarse cloth and were relatively clean. Only occasionally did one person have patched clothes, which could be called a peaceful and prosperous time.

The carriage traveled on the road for about two quarters of an hour before arriving at the clan school. Jia Chang first met Jia Dairu, the person in charge of the clan academy. He was also a member of the Jia clan. Jia Chang needed to call him uncle.

Jia Dairu has a reputation as a scholar, and he is about seventy years old. He is seventy years old. In the feudal era, he was considered a long-lived person.

Jia Dairu led Jia Chang towards the teaching building. He heard a commotion in the distance. Jia Dairu didn't pay attention to it. His expression was calm, as if he had become accustomed to it.

Jia Chang walked behind, shaking his head slightly. From this alone, it can be seen that the Jia family's academic level is extremely poor, the students are naughty, and the husband can't cope with the problem. How can he achieve results? It is also thanks to the famous teacher who taught Jia Zhu since he was a child. If If you put it in family studies, I'm afraid you won't be able to get any honors in this life.

Jia Chang sighed. Jia Zhu was the eldest son and could hire teachers to teach him. He was just a concubine. Naturally, he didn't have such treatment. He could only follow the tribesmen to learn clan studies.

Jia Daishan walked into the teaching building, and the room instantly became quiet. There were not many Jia family students, only a dozen or so. In addition to the Jia family members, there were also a few people with other surnames, all relatives and friends of the Jia family.

Jia Dairu briefly introduced Jia Chang, arranged the seats, and started teaching.

"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is vast. The sun and the moon are waxing and waning, and the stars and constellations are arranged. Cold comes and summer comes, autumn harvests and winter hides. The leap years are more than a year old, and the lu lu adjusts the sun. The clouds cause rain, and the dew turns into frost."

Jia Dairu shook his head and walked in the desk aisle, very intoxicated. He read a sentence, and the students followed him.

According to legend, the "Thousand-Character Essay" was compiled by Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, Xiao Yan, who ordered Zhou Xingsi to extract some of Wang Xi's poems of less than a thousand characters and compile them into four-character rhymes. It is extremely difficult to not only use different characters, but also to make up the thousands of characters drawn from Wang Xizhi's suicide note, and to make it rhyme.

Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the "Thousand-Character Classic" has become very popular, and reciting the "Thousand-Character Classic" is regarded as a shortcut to literacy education. It is not a simple accumulation of words, but a well-organized, fluent and recitable rhyme that sings about things and things. Its content also involves knowledge about nature, society, history, education, ethics and other aspects. Most of the thousand characters selected are commonly used characters, and there are not many uncommon characters, making them easy to read.

Jia Chang and Guang Tongchen also chanted together, shaking their heads like the others, looking very pedantic at such a young age, which made people feel very funny.

The sun was getting higher. After all, Jia Daishan was old and lacked energy. He stopped reciting and let the students study by themselves, then hurried back to his room. The whole teaching building instantly became noisy.

Seeing this, Jia Chang didn't know that the Jia Family School was in name only and could not cultivate outstanding talents at all. He felt helpless. He sighed and sat at the table without speaking, just listening to others talking and laughing quietly. , most of them are short-sighted parents in the streets.

The other students somewhat excluded him because he was the young master of Rongguo Mansion, and ignored him. They gathered together in twos and threes, and even glanced at him from time to time, obviously talking about the young master of Rongguo Mansion.

When school ends at noon, a cook will naturally bring food to the table. This is funded by the Ning and Rong governments, so that the poor tribesmen can reduce some of the burden of studying. Not only that, Ethnology also provides pens, ink, paper and inkstones every year. Spending a lot of money on ethnology.

Zuxue's food is very ordinary. If it were placed in front of Jia Baoyu, the phoenix egg in the mansion, he would definitely not even look at it. But Jia Chang's food was very delicious. He usually ate only average food in Rongguo Mansion. He could only satisfy his craving by paying money to the kitchen steward, which he only had a few times a year. After all, he was short of money.

Jia Chang's performance surprised others. They didn't expect that the young master of Rongguo Mansion would also eat the same food as them. Jia Baoyu had been here for two days before, and it was rich clothes and fine food. It was extremely luxurious, which made them uncomfortable. Dare to get close.

However, Jia Baoyu disliked the hard work of going to school and cried a lot in front of Mrs. Shi Jia's mother. Jia's mother felt distressed and refused to let Jia Baoyu come. She planned to directly hire an industry teacher to teach her when Jia Baoyu was older. Rongguo Mansion Not short of this little money.

Jia Chang studied in ethnic studies for a day. It was already sunset when he returned to the mansion. He learned almost nothing in the whole day. Jia Dairu was not a responsible gentleman, and he was not talented enough. He just dealt with things every day.

Jia Chang was walking on the path and saw little Ruyi standing at the door of the courtyard. The girl seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When she saw Jia Chang, her eyes lit up instantly. She trotted to Jia Chang and asked with concern.

"Fourth Master, have you eaten? I left some boiled chicken for you. It's so delicious that I didn't even want to eat it!"

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