I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2822: Xu Pingfeng is not a human son, Xu’s father loves me

"Why didn't you borrow the Demon-Sealing Nail from Buddhism earlier? Why did you borrow the treasure now?"

Xu Qi'an continued to ask. He wanted to use this to delay time and let more people come to rescue him. It was not that he had not made any preparations. He had also anticipated this day and had laid out his plans.

"I need to wait for Wei Yuan to die in battle and wait for Xu Zisheng to retreat!"

The white-clothed warlock had a dignified look on his face, and his tone was full of fear for the two of them. Neither Wei Yuan, the second-grade Hedao martial artist, nor Xu Zisheng, the first-grade sub-sage, were easy to offend. Not only was he powerful, he was also extremely intelligent and full of clever schemes, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Now that Wei Yuan had died in the battle to seal the Witch God, and Xu Zisheng had killed Emperor Joan of Arc and was staying behind closed doors, it was a good opportunity for the white-robed warlock to take action at this time.

"Furthermore, Emperor Joan of Arc extracted the spirit of the dragon's veins and shook the fortune of Da Feng. It's the time when the storm is raging and the Central Plains is about to be in chaos. It's the right time to raise troops. It's also a perfect opportunity for me to get my fortune back!"

While speaking, the white-clothed warlock didn't delay his movements at all, and inserted another golden demon-sealing nail into Xu Qian's body. His face was pale from the pain, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was groaning.

The white-clothed warlock did not forget Zhao Shou. He looked up and opened the sachet again. Magical tools and weapons poured out like free money, filling the void again and attacking Zhao Shou. At the same time, he stamped his feet, and formation patterns emerged one after another, turning into large formations, surrounding Zhao Shou, strangling him continuously, making it impossible for him to escape.

Zhao Shou himself is a third-grade Dzogchen, and he is blessed by the Confucian Crown of the Sub-Sage. He is holding the Confucian Sage Carving Knife in his hand, but he is still trapped by the white-clothed warlock. This shows how powerful his cultivation is. He should be just a hair away. Step into the realm of first-grade destiny.

In fact, it is not right to say so. The white-clothed warlock could have already entered the realm of destiny, but because there can only be one destiny warlock in a dynasty, he does not have enough luck, so he can only stay in the realm of the second-level Qi practitioner.

The white-clothed warlock kept inserting the demon-sealing nails into Xu Qian's body, hoping to completely seal the Shenshu monk in his body. Only in this way could he calmly take back the destiny in Xu Qian's body and advance to the first-level realm of destiny.

Zhao Shou was not easy to deal with either. He once again activated his magical power, destroying all the formations around him.

"All formations are prohibited here!"

There was a crackle, a burst of light shining, and the formations collapsed one after another. Zhao Shou appeared in front of Xu Qi'an again, with a solemn expression and sharp eyes, staring at the white-clothed warlock.

The white-clothed warlock was not surprised at all. He took out a yellow Bagua copper plate from his arms. With a smile on his face, he looked at Zhao Shou provocatively and said with a smile.

"If you have the guts, ban the use of magic weapons here!"

"That way you won't be able to use the Confucian Sage Carving Sword and the Sub-Sage Confucian Crown. I'll just take the opportunity to kill you, a third-level life-stricken person!"

The Bagua bronze disc flew into the sky and condensed on Zhao Shou's head. The clear light shone down, and a Bagua formation shrouded it, trapping Zhao Shou again.

Zhao Shou threw the rat-proof weapon and remained silent. His level of strength was not comparable to that of the white-robed warlock. If he could not use the magic weapon, he would not be a match for the white-clothed warlock at all. How could he restrain himself?

Warlocks are not very powerful in combat, but they are rich and can spend gold. They have refined a large number of magic weapons and formations, and have almost equipped themselves with hair. Such gold-hungry players are really very attractive. People hate it. If you don't have enough fighting power, it's simply disgusting to use magic weapons to get it together.

It's a pity that there is no official game in this world that can balance the balance between various systems. When facing players who spend money, they can only fight hard and have no other way.

The white-clothed warlock withdrew his gaze from Zhao Shou, and unhurriedly inserted the last few demon-sealing nails into Xu Qian's body. Monk Shenshu was completely sealed. Xu Qian felt a little desperate. If no one came, he would really It's almost time to cool down. He hasn't even had time to enjoy the fish pond he managed to raise. He doesn't know who is taking advantage of him now.

"Do you have any last words?"

After finishing all this, the white-clothed warlock looked at Xu Qian and asked very humanely.

"Can I not die?"

Xu Qi'an asked unwillingly, with a somewhat flattering smile on his face, but he was cursing secretly in his heart. He had so many godfathers who loved him so much, but he didn't expect that when he met his biological father, he would beat her up. Killing is really a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant!

The white-clothed warlock shook his head slightly, dispelling the last bit of luck in Xu Qian's heart. He did not directly extract the luck, but raised his hand and continued to write and draw in the void. The talismans and incantations merged into the void. It takes a while to break the prison that was placed on Xu Qi'an.


Several crisp sounds echoed, and the prison was erased by the white-clothed warlock. He said with a bit of a smile on his face.

"I know you have made a lot of preparations, but it doesn't matter. As long as I block the secrets on you, everyone will forget your existence, and naturally they won't come to save you!"

Having said that, the white-robed warlock touched Xu Qian's head lightly, and Tianji's fate suddenly changed, causing many people's memories to change.

The white-clothed warlock grabbed Xu Qi'an's shoulders, and their figures gradually became illusory and dim. After a slight flash, they disappeared where they were, and their whereabouts were unknown.

Zhao Shou broke the Bagua disk with a confused look on his face. He lowered his head and glanced at the Confucian Sage carving knife in his hand. He didn't know why he was here. The surroundings were in a mess. Did he just fight with someone? Where was his opponent?

On the official road, Xu Pingzhi, who was galloping on his horse, suddenly looked confused. He reined in his horse and looked around. He didn't know what he was going to do, and murmured to himself.

"Why am I here and what am I going to do?"

When Xu Zhiping was confused, a voice came from behind and asked.

"Master Xu, what are you going to do?"

Xu Pingzhi looked back and saw Zhang Shen Yufeng, a great scholar from Yunlu Academy, coming towards him. This man was his son's teacher. He didn't dare to be rude and quickly held his hands in front of him.

"I, I don't know what I want to do?"

Xu Pingzhi looked confused, always feeling as if he had forgotten something, and felt empty in his heart, as if a piece was missing.

Zhang Shen looked helpless when he heard this, rolled his eyes, and said angrily.

"It's fine, why did you suddenly go crazy? Your wife and daughter are still waiting for you to come back in the academy."

Xu Pingzhi frowned and suddenly realized that he was depressed all day long because his nephew died in the war in Yunzhou. His daughter Lingyue even saw things and missed people, and shed tears. The younger daughter Xu Lingyin often wakes up crying at night, shouting for her elder brother. Sometimes she even thinks of her elder brother at the banquet.

Therefore, in order to leave this sad place, Xu Zhiping resigned from his position as captain of the sword guard and planned to take his wife and daughter to settle in Jianzhou.

Xu Pingzhi came back to his senses, looked gloomy, sighed, and said sadly.

"I'm sorry. Ever since Ning Yan died in Yunzhou, I've been mentally disturbed from time to time and done some inexplicable things."

Zhang Shen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, looked at Xu Zhiping blankly, and asked in confusion.

"Who is Ning Yan?"

"He is my nephew. He died in Yunzhou at a young age."

Zhang Shen nodded. Although Xu Xinnian was his student, he did not have much interaction with the Xu family. This time, he was entrusted by his student Xu Cijiu to send the Xu family to settle in Jianzhou.

Imperial Palace, Shaoyin Palace. Princess Lin'an was frantically looking for something in the study, her movements were rough, books were randomly thrown around, and vases were shattered on the floor.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what are you looking for?"

The personal palace maid was in a panic, with a look of horror on her face, as if she didn't understand why the princess suddenly went crazy.

Princess Lin'an stopped, stood blankly, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, she was very sad, her pear blossoms were raining with rain, she was so pitiful, and she said in a choked voice.

"I-I seem to have forgotten something important?"

The two maids looked at each other, completely unable to understand what their princess was talking about.

Suddenly, Princess Lin'an saw a chessboard among the scattered books. Countless chess pieces were scattered aside. She frowned. She still didn't remember what she had forgotten. However, she instinctively felt that this chess set was very important. She knelt down and held on tightly. I hugged the chessboard and burst into tears.

"What did I forget?"

In the Yong'an Marquis Mansion, an invisible force passed by, trying to change some people's memories. In a study, Xu Zisheng was holding a scroll and slumped on a recliner. There was a small case next to him, with preserves and refreshments on his face. Comfortable, I flipped through the book casually, reached out to pick up the tea cup, and took a sip, enjoying it very much.

Although there are no red sleeves to add fragrance, there is fragrant tea and books, and I can steal half a day of leisure, leisure and laziness, which makes people envious of this kind of life.

Xu Zisheng just put down the tea cup and suddenly stood up, frowning slightly, his face was cold, his eyes as clear as a stream shot out a cold light, he snorted and said displeasedly.

"Bold, I didn't interfere in your affairs, but you still dare to modify my memory, you really don't know how to live or die!"

After saying that, Xu Zisheng waved his sleeves, and a powerful righteousness burst out of the air and blasted into the sky. Countless destiny secrets were broken and reorganized, and memories appeared in the minds of many people again.

On the outskirts of Beijing, on the official road. Xu Pingzhi rode his horse in the direction of Yunlu Academy. Zhang Shen, a great scholar, took one step at a time and walked leisurely alongside the horse.

Suddenly, Xu Zhiping reined in the reins, his face changed drastically, showing anger and pain, and he roared.

"Xu Pingfeng, you are not a human being. Ning Yan is my nephew and your son, and you can actually do it!"

Zhang Shen's expression also froze, countless memories emerged, his beard and hair stood on end, and he said angrily.

"You don't want to be a son of a man, you're a poisonous tiger that doesn't eat its own children, you actually plot against your own own son, Xu Pingfeng, you're not a scholar in the first place!"

Xu Pingfeng also participated in the imperial examination in the 10th year of Yuanjing, and ranked first. He was the Tanhualang of that year. He was once very popular and everyone knew about him. Zhang Shen naturally recognized him and recovered the memories of many years. .

The picture in front of Xu Qian's eyes changed from blurry to clear. He found himself at the mouth of a certain valley. The valley was quiet, with withered flowers and grass, and bare trees. It was depressed and quiet.

Xu Qi'an closed his eyes, sensed the temperature and humidity of the air, and breathed a sigh of relief. The climate was not much different from that of the capital. This meant that the first generation of eunuchs did not take him out of Dafeng or to the border. For anyone other than Wu Fu, For most high-level practitioners, tens or hundreds of miles are just one step away.

The white-clothed warlock raised his hand, put his middle finger against his thumb, and popped out a blood bead. With a buzzing sound, the blood bead hit the invisible air wall, causing ripples in the air.

"This is a secret place that I spent a lot of effort to build in the past. Only me and my descendants can enter. Not even the prison guards can enter. Forcibly breaking in will only cause this place to collapse."

The white-clothed warlock carried Xu Qi'an, stepped into the barrier, and penetrated the layer of transparent ripples. The scenery in front of him completely changed. The valley was still a valley, but there was no vegetation, only a huge stone plate engraved with various incantations.

The stone plate is ten feet in diameter and covers almost every inch of the valley. As soon as he saw the stone plate, Xu Qian felt dizzy, like a pregnant woman who couldn't bear to vomit.

"I have been carving this formation on and off for more than thirty years. A total of 108 formations are combined into one. It is unparalleled in offense and defense. Except for a first-level supervisor, it is difficult for anyone to break through this place."

The white-clothed warlock explained in a gentle tone, and did not mind telling Xu Qi'an the secrets of this place, showing his strong self-confidence.

Xu Qi'an looked around, and his eyes were attracted by a mummy sitting cross-legged in the formation. The clothes on this mummy were rather strange, made of cloth and animal skins, with brightly colored stones hanging on its waist, and its head Wearing a layered sweat scarf hat, this is a typical southern Xinjiang clothing style.

The identity of this mummy is that of the old man Tian Gu from southern Xinjiang. It was he and Xu Pingfeng who stole half of Dafeng's national destiny in order to use this luck to repair the statue of the Confucian saint and re-seal the Gu god.

It's a pity that the old man Tiangu was approaching his end of life and suffered a backlash from luck. He had no time to return to southern Xinjiang and died outside Kyoto.

"That's Old Man Tian Gu. He suffered the backlash of luck and died here. Stealing luck requires paying a price. Even if the luck is extracted from your body, the same is true. It's just that the size of the backlash is different!"

Xu Qian retracted his gaze and looked up at his biological father. White mist enveloped his face, making it difficult to see his appearance. He sighed and asked.

"Do I have to die?"

"You can take your luck as you please, I don't care!"

The white-clothed warlock was busy on the side, constantly carving formation patterns and talismans in preparation for extracting the luck from Xu Qian's body. He raised his head after hearing this, his face was extremely calm, and he said in a deep voice.

"That's not true. If you can cultivate to the level of a second-grade Hedao martial artist, you won't die even if your luck is taken away!"

"It's just that you are only at the fourth level of artistic conception now. I can't wait!"

"Now that Wei Yuan has died in battle, Emperor Jeanne has fallen, the fortune of the Dragon Vein has dispersed, and the general trend is rolling, those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. I need to seize the opportunity to advance to the first level of destiny. It would be too much to wait until you become a second-level martial artist. late!"

When the white-clothed warlock said this, a look of fear appeared on his face, and he explained again.

"More importantly, if you have cultivated to the second level of Hedao, even I will have trouble subduing you. Although the martial artist is crude, his combat power is tyrannical, overwhelming other systems!"

Xu Qian's face showed a bit of dissatisfaction when he heard this. What's wrong with Wufu? Did he eat your rice or wear your clothes? Everyone who mentioned Wufu would curse him vulgarly. It was really annoying.

In the Yong'an Marquis Mansion, Xu Zisheng's eyes flashed with clear light. His gaze penetrated the space and saw Xu Qian and the white-clothed warlock in the formation. Hearing this, he frowned thoughtfully and murmured.

"Second-grade martial artist?"

Xu Zisheng took out a sachet from Hui's arms. The sachet was bulging as if it contained something. He opened the sachet and poured out the contents. A blood-colored crystal pill came into view.

"Xu Pingfeng had a lot of involvement in the refining of this blood pill. Chuzhou's blood debt has not yet been settled. That's all. I will help Xu Qi'an to advance to the second-level Hedao realm and let him deal with it. This rat that stirs up the storm!"

After saying that, Xu Zisheng tossed the blood pill in his hand, and a red light shone, breaking the void, getting into it, and disappeared.

Xu Qian was frowning and thinking about a way out of trouble. He didn't know whether his back-up plan would work. He must seize every opportunity to save himself.

Suddenly, Xu Qi'an's body shook slightly, and a huge force of Qi and blood merged into his body, washing his muscles and cutting his marrow. It was vast and mighty, like a river and sea, surging and impacting the shackles of martial arts.


An illusory voice sounded from Xu Qi'an's mind, and the third-grade immortal body broke through. Xu Qi'an's expression remained unchanged, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a look of ecstasy appeared deep in his eyes. I don't know which father came to help, but he didn't. Effortlessly he broke through to the third-level martial arts realm, and the huge energy and blood in his body was still pushing towards higher realms. He vaguely felt that he was about to break through to the second-level Hedao realm. Although his realm could not keep up, he still couldn't keep up. The energy of Qi and blood has been reached.


Like a volcano erupting and lava spewing out, Xu Qian's body shook. Nine demon-sealing nails flew out of his body. An extremely powerful aura surged out of his body. Winds and clouds gathered, the void shook, and formations appeared one after another. Shining brightly.

The white-clothed warlock was shocked and looked back at Xu Qian. White mist surged around him, his eyes widened, and disbelieving voices echoed around him.

"Second-grade martial artist, how is this possible? Even if you take a big tonic pill, you won't be so exaggerated?"

The speaker was unintentional, but he listened with intention. Xu Qian'an was moved. He really knew that there was a treasure that could help people break through the realm of a second-grade Hedao martial artist. It was refined by King Zhenbei after he massacred 300,000 innocent people in Chuzhou City. Blood Pill, but that Blood Pill was taken away by Xu Zisheng.

"Father Xu loves me so much that he is willing to give me such a treasure. I will go back and ask him if he still needs a godson? I can!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Xu Qian's face. He moved his hands and feet, and there was a cracking sound of bones in his body. He looked at his biological father with evil intentions and said coldly.

"I will be disobedient and unfilial today!"

The white-clothed warlock's expression moved slightly. He could naturally think of things that Xu Qi'an could think of, and he said in a deep voice with a dignified look on his face.

"I didn't expect that Xu Zisheng valued you so much and gave you all the blood pills. Now that you have completely refined them, I didn't expect it?"

The white-clothed warlock misunderstood. He thought Xu Qi'an had already obtained the blood pill, but he didn't know that Xu Zisheng had secretly taken action.

Naturally, Xu Qi'an would not correct or remind the white-clothed warlock that Xu's father was paying attention to this place. He had someone to support him and had no fear in his heart. Naturally, he wanted to vent his anger. Even if he lost to his biological father, he still had his godfather behind him, so there was no need to worry.

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