I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2818 Xu Zisheng: I only came back to do two things!

"You are lying, why don't I remember that Yuan Aiqing became the army staff officer?"

Emperor Yuan Jing became even more angry. Xu Zisheng was telling lies with open eyes and did not take him seriously at all.

The fatigue on the face of Chief Assistant Wang Wenzhen disappeared, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said loudly.

"Your Majesty, I can testify that Yuan Xiong, the censor of Zuodu, is indeed a staff officer accompanying the army, and there are still relevant documents in the cabinet."

The cabinet bachelors and others also came out one after another and agreed.

"I can also testify that Mr. Yuan is indeed a staff officer accompanying the army!"

The six ministers and ministers all spoke up one after another and shouted in unison.

"I can all testify!"

"Okay, okay! What are you doing, are you trying to force me to have a baby?"

When Emperor Yuan Jing saw all the princes from the court coming out, his face was ashen, his eyes flashed with a frightening cold light, and he roared with an icy voice.

Chief Assistant Wang Wenzhen raised his head and stared at the ugly-faced Emperor Yuan Jing. He felt a little relieved in his heart. Sure enough, a cold and cold person like His Majesty still needs an unreasonable person like Xu Zisheng to deal with. Every thing is worth its weight in gold.

Chief Assistant Wang Wenzhen took a deep breath, ignored Emperor Yuan Jing's angry gaze, and gave Emperor Yuan Jing a tough words.

"Why did your Majesty say this? I don't dare!"

All the ministers spoke up one after another, followed closely behind, and the sound was so loud that Emperor Yuan Jing's anger was stagnated.

"I don't dare!"

Emperor Yuan Jing took a deep breath, walked slowly, walked to the dragon chair, sat down again, calmed down the anger in his heart, calmed down, looked down at Xu Zisheng below, and said coldly.

"You must be in such a hurry to come back not just to congratulate me, right?"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, you have two things to do when you come back?"

Xu Zisheng walked slowly in front of the officials, stood side by side with Wang Wenzhen, looked directly at Emperor Yuan Jing, and replied.

"Oh? What two things are they? Tell me and let me and all your beloved ladies listen!"

"The first thing I have to do is to deal with Wei Yuan's posthumous name!"

"Wei Yuan has been an official for twenty years. He is not greedy for money, not lustful, has no children, and has no relatives. He works conscientiously and fulfills his duties. He has lived in Haoqi Tower for twenty years without even having a mansion. Twenty years ago, If Wei Yuan had not turned the tide in the battle of Shanhaiguan and defeated the coalition forces, how could His Majesty have lived a comfortable life of peaceful cultivation in the palace for twenty years!"

Xu Zisheng stood proudly and independently, holding the long sword on his waist with his palm, looking around the crowd in a majestic manner, not caring about Emperor Yuan Jing's ugly face, and spoke bluntly.

"The battle at Shanhaiguan is not entirely due to Wei Yuan, King Zhenbei also contributed a lot!"

Emperor Yuan Jing seemed unwilling to acknowledge Wei Yuan's achievements, so he moved King Zhenbei out and refuted Xu Zisheng, as if saying this would make him look better.


Xu Zisheng spat hard at his Majesty's steps. He looked at Emperor Yuan Jing with disdain and sneered with disdain.

"King of Zhenbei? He is nothing. Back then, even a pig following Wei Yuan could achieve great achievements. Unfortunately, he thought that his military skills and planning were not inferior to Wei Yuan's. He had no self-awareness at all. He would really care about himself. Put gold on your face!”

Xu Zisheng scolded Emperor Yuan Jing so much that Emperor Yuan Jing believed that no one could match his literary and military skills. He and King Zhenbei were one and the same, and King Zhenbei's achievements were his achievements. However, he did not expect that King Zhenbei would be there. In Xu Zisheng's eyes, he was worthless, just a bastard who shared Wei Yuan's military exploits.

"Back then, His Majesty was afraid of Wei Yuan's achievements, so he had people exaggerate the achievements of King Zhenbei. No one can see that these tricks are just imperial power. Why should you deceive yourself and others!"

Xu Zisheng did not save any face for Emperor Yuan Jing, and pulled off the last fig leaf of Emperor Yuan Jing, making Emperor Yuan Jing's face turn red and blue, which was very ugly.

"This time, Wei Yuan led an army of 100,000 to penetrate the Yan Kingdom and break the Wushen Cult. His contribution is indispensable. As usual, we should reward Wei Guogong and give him the posthumous title Wenzheng. It is not excessive at all!"

"Wei Yuan was so pleased with his achievements that he was too selfish, greedy for merits and advanced rashly. He went deep into the army alone, resulting in the death of 80,000 troops in battle. It is difficult to determine his merits and demerits!"

Emperor Yuan Jing took a deep breath, looked ugly, and repeated what Yuan Xiong said before in a deep voice. It was obvious that he did not want to give Wei Yuan a posthumous reputation, and was determined to shake the fate of Dafeng and make the dragon vein unstable. , so as to extract the spirit of the dragon vein, reduce the constraints of one's luck, and hit the realm of first-class land gods.

In order to live forever, Emperor Yuan Jing, or Emperor Zhende, had resorted to any means, even at the risk of ruining Dafeng's six-hundred-year history. His selfishness was like a cancer that sucked blood on Dafeng's body, and it must be eliminated.


"The civil and military officials don't know, the people of Kyoto don't know, and your Majesty doesn't know why Wei Yuan attacked the main altar of the Witch God Sect?"

Xu Zisheng had a playful expression on his face, looked at Emperor Yuan Jing with a strange look, and asked.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Emperor Yuan Jing's heart suddenly trembled, his eyes flashed, and he denied it calmly on the surface.

All civil and military officials in the court also looked surprised. They all looked at Xu Zisheng with curiosity on their faces. They didn't understand why Wei Yuan wanted to break through the Wushen Cult's main altar, even at the expense of 80,000 troops.

The ministers are well aware of Wei Yuan's character and character. Wei Yuan is definitely not a person who is greedy for fame and fortune. Although they often scold Wei Yuan for being an eunuch, they all admire him in their hearts. Wei Yuan would never rush in and attack the Wushen Cult Headquarters in order to leave a name in Qingshi. After all, the Battle of Shanhaiguan was enough to make Wei Yuan famous forever and make Qingshi famous.

Eyes were focused on Xu Zisheng. He looked at Emperor Yuan Jing calmly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said in a cold voice with a hint of ridicule.

"Your Majesty doesn't know clearly, so let's pretend that His Majesty doesn't know clearly for now!"

"However, there is one thing that your Majesty should be aware of!"

Xu Zisheng withdrew his gaze, turned to look at the ministers, his expression was extremely cold, and he said loudly.

"As the saying goes, before the troops and horses move, food and grass go first. This is a well-known principle of military art. However, Wei Yuan led an army of 100,000 to fight outside for the country and the people, but someone cut off the food and grass for the army. From then on, When Wei Yuan arrived at the border, he had no food and grass. Therefore, Wei Yuan had no choice but to make a quick decision and go deep into the Yan Kingdom alone. Your Majesty should be very aware of this!"

The ministers were in an uproar, showing shocked expressions. They were talking and making a lot of noise. Even though the old eunuch cracked the whip in his hand, it did not weaken in any way.

"How can it be?"

"Someone is so crazy and dares to cut off the food supply of a hundred thousand troops. He deserves death!"

"Yes, this kind of thing is shocking. In such a desperate situation, Wei Yuan was able to break through the Yan Kingdom and break the Wushen Sect. He is worthy of being a great military god and a master of military art. He has merits and demerits and deserves to be rewarded!"

"And the person who cut off the army's food and fodder should also be punished and handed over to the three departments for trial. He will be severely punished!"

The ministers were filled with indignation and anger, and they all spoke one after another.

When Emperor Yuan Jing listened to the curses of the ministers, his face became extremely gloomy, as dark as ink, and his eyes were full of anger, but he could not show it, so he could only let everyone curse him.

"How did I know about this? However, if someone dares to do such a reckless thing, I will definitely let the three departments interrogate and investigate the truth. No matter who is behind it, I will not let him off easily!"

Emperor Yuan Jing expressed his position with a serious expression, which made all the ministers nod, thinking that this handling was very appropriate.

Xu Zisheng did not chase after Emperor Yuan Jing, nor did he comment on Emperor Yuan Jing's statement. He just glanced at Emperor Yuan Jing, changed the topic, and said again.

"Don't you ministers understand why Wei Yuan attacked the main altar of the Witch God Sect? Let me tell you the answer!"

"The reason is very simple, because the Witch God sealed by the Confucian Sage is about to escape. For the sake of the people of the world, Wei Yuan has to go deep alone to attack the President of the Witch God Sect. Not at the expense of your own life, not at the expense of the lives of 80,000 soldiers!"

"Because once the Witch God escapes from trouble, the whole world will be plunged into turmoil. No one can resist the Witch God devouring the flesh and blood of all creatures in the world. All creatures will be reduced to ashes and all sentient beings will perish."

"Wei Yuan is a genius, and his martial arts cultivation has reached the second level of Hedao. Even if the Witch God escapes from trouble, he can stay alone and watch with a cold eye, but he still chooses to step into the main altar of the Witch God Cult alone and seal the Witch God without any hesitation. Is such a person guilty?"

"It's really ridiculous for Your Majesty to talk about Wei Yuan's crimes at the court meeting!"

Xu Zisheng's face was full of ridicule, and his cold eyes were fixed on Emperor Yuan Jing, waiting for the other party's response.

"Wei Yuan attacked the main altar of the Witch God Sect to seal the Witch God?!"

"In this way, Wei Yuan was not only innocent, but actually saved the world and made great contributions to all living beings. Everyone in the world will remember him!"

"Yuan Xiong deserves to die. Master Xu did not kill the wrong person. How can a hero like Wei Yuan, who saves the world, allow a treacherous villain to frame him!"

"Only those who care about the world can control the Confucian Sage Carving Sword and the Sub-Sage Confucian Crown. There is no doubt about Wei Yuan's moral character and his great benevolence!"

"Your Majesty, for Wei Yuan's great achievements, might he be conferred the title of First-Class Duke of Wei, with the posthumous title of Wenzheng?"

Wei Yuan was a military general, so he could only be given the posthumous title Zhongwu. Wenzheng was generally given only to civil servants, and it was the highest posthumous title for ministers. Six hundred years after the founding of Dafeng, only a few people received the posthumous title Zhongwu, and none of Wenzheng was given the posthumous title Zhongwu. .

"You're just talking about this, you still need to confirm it!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's eyes were deep and his face was expressionless, just like the statue in the Taoist temple. What he said was that he did not want to give Wei Yuan posthumous glory.

"Who said I was talking without proof? Both the Confucian Sage Carving Knife and the Confucian Crown Ya Sage are the treasures of Yunlu Academy. If Wei Yuan wants to seal the Witch God, he must borrow the treasure from Yunlu Academy. Dean Zhao Shou is the witness. !”

Xu Zisheng let out a chuckle, knowing that Emperor Yuan Jing would not bow his head easily. Fortunately, he had been prepared.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the Jinluan Hall. Zhao Shou, the dean of Yunlu Academy, held the Confucian Sage carving knife and the Sub-Sage Confucian crown, looked around and said loudly.

"What Xu Yasheng said is true. I told Mr. Wei that the Witch God escaped from trouble. He sealed the Witch God alone for the sake of the people of the world. He has done a great job and his name will go down in history!"

As soon as Zhao Shou said these words, the doubts that the ministers had in their hearts disappeared instantly. They no longer doubted Wei Yuan's achievements, and they all bowed and spoke.

"Your Majesty, Duke Wei captured the main altar of the Wushen Cult, massacred Jingshan City, sealed the Wushen, and set a precedent for the Central Plains dynasty. He saved the world from fire and water, and avoided the loss of life. I sincerely request your Majesty to posthumously designate Duke Wei as the first-class Duke of Wei. Wen Zheng."

All the ministers spoke in unison, very neatly, the sound shook the hall, and an invisible pressure surged towards Emperor Yuan Jing.

Emperor Yuan Jing still wanted to make a death struggle, so he remained silent and unwilling to express his position. He just watched the ministers petition quietly.

The ministers were determined. Seeing this, they were unwilling to compromise and spoke again.

"Your Majesty, Duke Wei captured the main altar of the Wushen Cult, massacred Jingshan City, sealed the Wushen, and set a precedent for the Central Plains dynasty. He saved the world from fire and water, and avoided the loss of life. I sincerely request your Majesty to posthumously designate Duke Wei as the first-class Duke of Wei. Wen Zheng."

Emperor Yuan Jing's face changed slightly, and his eyes fluctuated slightly, like a pebble falling into calm water, ripples making it difficult to remain calm.

Emperor Yongxing was greatly shocked when he saw this scene. Although he didn't like Wei Yuan because Wei Yuan supported the fourth prince born to the queen, he could not help but admire Wei Yuan's actions and couldn't help but turn his head. Looking at Emperor Yuan Jing, his lips moved slightly, wanting to express his opinions and persuade him.

Emperor Yuan Jing's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he glared at Emperor Yongxing fiercely, telling him to shut up.

In an instant, the trace of blood in Emperor Yongxing's heart was extinguished, and his whole body felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. He felt cold from the inside out, shuddered, and closed his mouth obediently.

Xu Zisheng took in the whole scene and shook his head slightly. Emperor Yongxing still lacked some courage. If he could muster up the courage to say a few good words for Wei Yuan, he would definitely get the support of the Wei Party, and so would he and Wang Wenzhen. He was impressed.

"A Dou who cannot be helped is disappointing!"

Xu Zisheng sighed secretly in his heart. Although Emperor Yuan Jing had brought disaster to the country and the people and was obsessed with cultivating immortality, he was top-notch in the city's political power and was brave and courageous. He was far more outstanding than Emperor Yongxing.

Seeing that Emperor Yuan Jing was still resisting, the ministers refused to give in. They petitioned over and over again to pressure Emperor Yuan Jing to give Wei Yuan the posthumous honor he deserved!

The old eunuch had never seen such a battle before. He swung the whip in his hand twice and then did not dare to move again. He looked at Emperor Yuan Jing at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Emperor Yuan Jing's face was livid, with anger flashing in his eyes. He was shaking with anger as he looked at the ministers who were forcing him to the palace. The situation was out of his control, leaving him unable to resist.

Emperor Yuan Jing was extremely angry, but he had to compromise because he already felt threatened. If he refused, he might really lose control of the government and retire. This was unacceptable to him. He wanted to To shake Da Feng's luck, but not to lose power, it is necessary to maintain the balance of luck.

Emperor Yuan Jing took a deep breath, stood up, stared at Xu Zisheng with his cold eyes, gritted his teeth, and said very reluctantly.


"Canonize Wei Yuan as the first-class Duke of Wei, posthumously named Wenzheng!"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers stopped talking, with the joy of victory on their faces, and shouted again.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

"I am not a saint, you are a saint!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's face turned livid and he said angrily. He was an emperor who had a strong desire for control. He was overbearing and cold. Today, he was forced to compromise by the ministers. He felt extremely humiliated.


Emperor Yuan Jing snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and robes fiercely, turned around angrily, and was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, wait!"

"I still have one thing left to do!"

Xu Zisheng spoke up to stop Emperor Yuan Jing, attracting everyone's attention again. Wei Yuan's reputation has been resolved, what else does he have to do?

When Emperor Yuan Jing heard this, he stopped, did not turn around, and spoke lightly.

"I don't want to hear it anymore!"

"Your Majesty, you must listen! Because the second thing is related to Your Majesty!"

Xu Zisheng's voice was full of tyranny that could not be refused. The powerful and majestic righteousness surged out of his body, covering the entire Jinluan Palace. His expression was solemn. Obviously, even if he was forced to stay, he would not allow Emperor Yuan Jing to leave.

The ministers were shocked when they saw this. The ministers oppressed the emperor. This is what powerful ministers did. Is Xu Zisheng crazy? What does he want to do?

The civil servants hesitated for a moment and turned their attention to Wang Wenzhen, the chief minister of the cabinet. As the head of the hundred officials, he should speak.

When Wang Wenzhen heard this, his heart moved. Faced with the gazes of the ministers, he shook his head slightly without speaking. He even used his eyes to express his loyalty and calm down.

Xu Zisheng ignored the exchanges between Wang Wenzhen and the ministers and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, in the thirty-seven years since he ascended the throne, he has worked hard in the early stage to govern the country, and he has been prosperous and prosperous. He can be regarded as a wise king!"

"But twenty years ago, after the Battle of Shanhaiguan, everything changed. His Majesty began to practice Taoism to seek immortality and ignored government affairs. It was as if he had changed into a different person, becoming ignorant, incompetent, mean and ungrateful!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's heart suddenly suddenly turned around, his eyes shot out two cold rays, and he said angrily.

"Xu Zisheng, shut up, what are you going to do?"

Xu Zisheng let out a chuckle, took a step forward, and pressed towards Emperor Yuan Jing with a strong momentum, speaking sternly and domineeringly.

"What should I do?"

"Do what I'm supposed to do!"

"It's not that I haven't warned you, but you don't know how to restrain yourself. You are too pushy. For your own selfish interests, you actually colluded with the Wushen Cult to massacre the three states of Xiang, Jing and Henan, shake the fate of Da Feng, and cut off Wei Yuan's 100,000-strong army. Liang Cao personally took action and besieged Wei Yuan with the great wizard Sarun Agu, resulting in Wei Yuan's death. This account should be settled!"


The ministers couldn't believe their ears. Emperor Yuan Jing actually colluded with the Wushen Sect to subvert the Great Fengtian. He also cut off the army's food and grass and besieged Wei Yuan. How could this be possible?

"It's ridiculous, you're talking nonsense! Who can prove what you said?"

"I am the monarch of Dafeng, how can I collude with the Witch God Sect and shake the fate of Dafeng? This makes no sense at all!"

Emperor Yuan Jing was furious, but he still kept his reason and argued hard to refute Xu Zisheng's words, which made the ministers nod in agreement.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to quibble. I am not here to talk to you about the evidence. I just want to tell you that my last thing today is to kill this cancer of yours and bring peace to the world!"

Xu Zisheng was just talking nonsense with Emperor Yuan Jing. Why would he talk when he could solve the problem with his hands? Why waste that time? Wouldn't it be nice to listen to music when you have time?

When Emperor Yuan Jing heard this, he was so frightened that he took a step back and shouted loudly.

"Escort and capture Xu Zisheng, the traitor who has committed the rebellion!"

Upon hearing this, the imperial guards in the Jinluan Palace took a step together, drew out the swords from their waists, and were about to capture Xu Zisheng.

Xu Zisheng shook his head, smiled, and said to Emperor Yuan Jing with a bit of sigh.

"Why do you have to struggle? In front of me, you have no power to fight back!"

After saying that, Haoran Zhengqi was suppressed fiercely, imprisoning the Imperial Forest Army in place.

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