I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2813: Martial intention breaks the formation, second-grade martial artist

The 20,000 defenders stationed in the barracks in the city swarmed out, including 6,000 cavalry and 14,000 infantry. From the generals to the soldiers, their faces were a little confused. Who is so bold as to attack Jingshan City? Throughout the history books, there has been no war in Jingshan City since the birth and spread of the Wushen Sect in the Northeast in ancient times.

Wei Yuanming built a plank road and visited Chencang secretly. Twenty huge warships on the sea came through the waves. Wei Yuan, dressed in green clothes, stood on the bow of the ship. He was elegant, handsome, calm and wise. He used his strategy and approached the main altar of the Witch God Cult without the Witch God Cult being aware of it. He made a fool of everyone. The number one military master at that time was a great military god, extremely resourceful and full of ingenuity.

On the cliff of Jingshan Mountain, the great wizard Salun Agu, wearing a hemp-colored robe and holding a lamb in his arms, overlooked the sailing warships. Encouraged by the hemp-colored robes, waves of glass-colored energy surged around him and extended toward the surrounding environment. He seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth as he blew out a gentle breath.

This breath was like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, turning into a terrible storm. Suddenly, strong winds blew on the calm sea, the blue sky was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

The waves rolled up one after another, pushing higher and higher. In the blink of an eye, the originally calm offshore sea was shrouded in a storm. The twenty warships were huge in size, but in the face of the force of nature, they appeared fragile and insignificant, like flat boats. They rose and fell with the waves, and sometimes even the entire ship was thrown up, and then crashed down again, causing huge waves.

On the deck, the cannons and crossbows overturned, and some were thrown out, slamming into the ocean. The crew and sailors hugged everything they could to avoid falling into the ocean or being hit by masts, cannons and other hard objects. The soldiers in the cabin were even worse. Sometimes they rolled to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes they were thrown high and hit hard.

Because of the dense personnel, hundreds of soldiers died one after another in such large-scale chaos, and all of this was not worth mentioning the fate they were about to encounter. They would be swallowed up by the angry waves at any time and sink into the sea.

A second-level wizard is called a rain master. In ancient times, the climate was fickle. During droughts, human tribes in the Northeast would offer sacrifices to the Witch God Cult and pray for their help.

The real ability of a second-level rain master is to interact with the heaven and earth through oneself, borrowing part of the power of heaven and earth, calling for wind and rain, and having powerful supernatural powers. Therefore, there are second-level wizards and above sitting in the main altar of the Witch God Cult. Any enemy who attempts to cross the sea is seeking death. .

The wizards and defenders watched this scene quite relaxedly, seeing the Dafeng battleship in danger like floating leaves in the rain, and the warriors laughed unscrupulously.

"Are you here to fight? You are simply here to die."

"Wei Yuan is nothing more than that. Everyone says he is so awesome, but after seeing him today, he is not worthy of his reputation!"

Suddenly, a tsunami about a hundred feet high was set off on the sea surface. The tides came one after another, making loud noises like thunder. They rushed towards the Dafeng warship and were about to engulf it. No warship in the world could do this. Survived a world-ending disaster.

This is the killer move launched by the great wizard, which is enough to destroy all the Dafeng warships. Wei Yuan's conspiracy will come to an end at this moment.


The sky and the earth reverberated with high-pitched roars, one after another, and the wave that was supposed to be devastating instantly solidified, paused for a moment, and then collapsed, as if it had lost the power to support itself.

Although the tsunami, which was taller and longer than the city wall, did not hit it, the force of its collapse still nearly capsized twenty warships.

On the coast, the faces of the masters belonging to the Witch God Religion changed slightly. Following the sound, they saw thick, scaly bodies jumping up from time to time on the turbulent sea. They were the bodies of the northern demon clan, Jiao tribe, gods and demons. Descendants.

The dragon is a natural overlord of the water. It can control water spirits, making waves and calming storms. Looking around, one after another, the dragons riding the wind and waves let out high-pitched roars. There were hundreds of dragons in the sea, and almost all of them came out of their nests.

The rough sea surface suddenly became much tamer, and the crackling rainstorm turned into a regular drizzle. The two forces that controlled the water spirit fell into a stalemate, reaching a delicate balance.

"Jiaolong is a northern demon clan."

"No wonder that Wei Yuan dared to cross the sea because he relied on the help of dragons."

The loud rumbling sound continued to echo, and the artillery above the sea began to attack the land. Shrapnel and shock waves swept around, and more and more shells came, attacking the defenders and wizards on the shore.

"Retreat, retreat immediately."

The Dafeng warships were equipped with artillery and crossbows, which were powerful, had long range, and were numerous. The result of sticking to the coast was to be bombarded to death.

Boom boom boom! Cannonballs hit the coast one after another, and crossbow arrows dived into the ground, causing huge casualties among the Wushen Cult army. The scene fell into chaos, and the Dafeng battleship approached the coast like a broken bamboo.

On the bow of the ship, the man in green clothes stood proudly, but his eyes were not looking at the people on the coast, but at the figure in the hemp-colored robe on the top of Jingshan Mountain.

A person is on the cliff, the sun is shining brightly and the wind is gentle. A man is in the ocean, with heavy clouds and rough waves.

The world seemed to be divided into two distinct halves. Two pairs of gentle eyes looked at each other in the air. The space instantly became distorted and made a buzzing sound, like countless bees flapping their wings. It was extremely harsh and made people's hearts tremble.

After the Battle of Shanhaiguan, Wei Yuan abandoned his cultivation. Like a tiger that cut off its claws, he was willing to surrender to the court and establish himself as a mortal. No one remembered the glory of this peak warrior. Twenty-one years later, he finally Showing his invincible edge again, he waved his hand, and the cold voice echoed on the sea.

"Charge into Jingshan City and massacre the city!"

Wei Yuan's order is still to massacre the city. War is to shake luck, but massacre is to weaken luck.

"Massacre the city!"

"Massacre the city!"

"Massacre the city!"

The roars of Da Feng's soldiers echoed on the sea, with momentum like a rainbow. Since the establishment of the Wushen Sect and the thousand years of Jingshan City, no large army has ever come here, let alone massacred the city. They want to set a precedent in history and promote the prestige of the Central Plains.

The warship slowly docked, with heavy treads hitting the beach. The infantrymen, armed with sabers, crossbows or muskets, were the first to rush down from the deck to guard the surroundings. Then the cavalry led the horses and galloped off the ship. Finally, the The artillerymen pushed the artillery and crossbows and landed along the steps.

As soon as Dafeng's army landed, the archers lurking in the mountains and forests immediately attacked with a clanging sound. Most of the arrows were blocked by the shields made of fine iron. A small number of arrows shot by masters penetrated the shields and took away one after another. The lives of soldiers.

As the only remaining third-grade warrior in Dafeng, Wu'an Hou Xu Shijun took the lead. With a flick of his thumb, his sword clanged out of its sheath, and he waved a brilliant sword light, cutting off the rain of arrows. He immediately disappeared on the spot, and then, the beach Screams came from the nearby woods.

The Marquis of Fengwu An, who had experienced the battle of mountains and seas twenty years ago, finally showed his edge again, revealing his sharp fangs, like a wolf entering the flock of sheep, killing.

The masters of the Dafeng military rushed into the dense forest to buy time for the army to land. The war started from the coast, burned up Jingshan Mountain, and spread towards Jingshan City, the main altar not far away.

The great wizard Sarun Agu stood on the top of Jingshan Mountain, staring at the man in green standing in the void, caressing the lamb in his arms, and said with great sigh.

"When I first met you twenty years ago, I was sure that there would be one more brave and invincible first-grade martial artist in the world, but I never thought that you would actually abandon your cultivation, become a hero short of breath, and be willing to lie dormant in the Great Feng Palace!"

"Now it seems that you are keeping a low profile and restraining your sharpness. Let me see if you have entered the realm of a first-class martial artist!"

"Irbu, Uda Pagoda, you two try his strength."

The great wizard did not take action himself, but gave instructions to the two third-level spiritual wisdom realm wizards behind him.

Without any hesitation, the two wizards stirred up the laws of heaven and earth, and each summoned a heroic spirit. One summoned a third-level warrior spirit, and the other summoned a third-level Buddhist Vajra. They were both rough-skinned and thick-bodied beings. .

Warriors are different from monks of other cultivation systems. They do not have so many magical means. Every fight is reckless from beginning to end, crude and savage, but their combat power is invincible and the most powerful.

It is for this reason that when a wizard faces a high-level martial artist, he will summon a heroic spirit from the martial arts system. Only a warrior with rough skin and thick flesh can withstand the martial artist's beating, and only a martial artist can defeat the martial artist. Heroic spirits from other systems cannot bear it. Take the martial artist's fist.

After the two wizards summoned the heroic spirits, without any hesitation, they pointed at Wei Yuan and shouted.


The curse-killing technique uses birth dates, personal belongings, flesh, flesh, fluids and other objects as a medium to curse the target person, but it can only be effective on people whose level is lower than one's own. When it comes to high-level wizards, the curse-killing technique no longer requires a medium and can be used as a tried-and-true attack method. Of course, if there is the flesh and hair of the opponent, the power of the curse will be even greater.

Wei Yuan's body trembled slightly, feeling that there were two invisible forces in his body that wanted to erode his flesh and blood organs. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised with disdain. He had experienced the wizard's weird methods twenty years ago. He has rich experience in dealing with these wizards, and with the surge of energy in his body, he can instantly annihilate these two invisible forces.

The two third-level wizards did not expect the Curse Killing Technique to defeat Wei Yuan. They were just trying to gain the upper hand. With a flash of their bodies, the two wizards, blessed by heroic spirits and whose bodies became taller and stronger, rushed to Wei Yuan and waved. The fist, with violent energy, hit Wei Yuan's head hard.

Wei Yuan's expression was cold, his eyes were slightly narrowed by the violent airflow, his black hair was flying, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised with extreme disdain. With a flash of his fists, the two third-level wizards were sent flying first.

Wei Yuan did not pursue the victory, because his enemies were not only the two third-level wizards, but also a first-level wizard on the opposite side. In front of the great wizard, it was impossible for him to kill these two third-level wizards quickly, so he stood still. .

"Martial arts practice requires thousands of years of hard work, one step at a time. It cannot be achieved simply with the help of heroic spirits. Even if you have the blessing of heroic spirits, at most you only have the defense and strength of a third-grade martial artist. Without a foundation, you are like a castle in the air. In the real martial arts world, In front of you, you are simply vulnerable.”

Wei Yuan shook his head slightly and glanced at the two third-level wizards who were severely injured by him, with a bit of contempt and full of unruly domineering. This is the true style of Wei Yuan. A martial arts genius and a great military god, how could he be as scholar-like as a scholar? Elegance, but no edge?

The great wizard Salun Agu waved his hand and sent out the two third-level wizards whose heroic spirits were shattered. He looked at Wei Yuan again and praised.

"You are indeed a martial arts genius. I see that although the energy and blood in your body has only just entered the second-level Hedao realm, your martial arts realm has already reached the peak of the second-level martial arts. You are only one step away from entering the first-level martial arts realm. After breaking, you can stand up again. It’s truly amazing!”

The great wizard sighed, and looked in the direction of Dafeng Kyoto City in the south with great emotion. He seemed to see the slender old man in white clothes and white hair, and said with emotion.

"The prison guard must have been very angry back then. You could have become a first-class martial artist, but because of Emperor Yuan Jing's fear, you had to abandon your cultivation and become a mortal. As a result, Dafeng lost a patron saint!"

The great wizard Salun Agu withdrew his gaze, looked at Wei Yuan carefully, and asked with some confusion.

"I'm very curious, how could you hide it from Emperor Yuan Jing when you re-cultivated martial arts?"

Wei Yuanyuan stood tall, standing with his hands behind his back, looking like a master, standing alone in the crowd. He chuckled and said.

"After I abandoned my cultivation, I kept to myself for the first ten years, but felt bored for the next ten years, so I went to Jianzheng and asked him to hide the secret for me, and then I started to cultivate martial arts again, hiding it from Emperor Yuan Jing!"

"However, he has noticed the clues recently, so he asked me to lead the army to fight against the Witch God Cult!"

"Break and then build again, rebuild the foundation, which is admirable!"

When the great wizard faced Wei Yuan, the biggest enemy of the Witch God Sect, he praised him without hesitation and felt incomprehensible. Finally, he showed a look of regret and spoke slowly.

"It's just a pity. If you don't give up your cultivation, now you have entered the realm of a first-class martial artist, and I can't kill you. Since you have come to Jingshan today, you will eventually fall here, and there will never be a chance to step into it again." First grade!”

Since the day of the expedition, Wei Yuan had no intention of returning to Dafeng alive. He came here not only to repel the Witch God Cult and solve the crisis on the border of Dafeng, but also to seal the Witch God who wanted to break the seal. He looked up He walked toward the altar of the Witch God Sect deep in Jingshan Mountain, with a solemn expression and said lightly.

"I'm going to seal the Witch God!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Yuan took a step forward, shrunk to an inch, and appeared directly on the altar, spanning a hundred feet in one step.

However, the next second, Wei Yuan's figure appeared in front of the great wizard Salun Agu again, as if he had never moved.

"I have become one with this world, and the laws are under my control. Even if you walk away for a lifetime, you will never be able to set foot on the altar!"

The great wizard Saren Agu waved his hand, and the laws of heaven and earth shook. An extremely heavy pressure fell on Wei Yuan's shoulders, causing the green-robed military god to bend his back and sink his feet into the extremely hard rocky ground.

Wei Yuan was like carrying a mountain, the bones in his body made rattling sounds, his blood surged, his skin flushed, and veins popped up all over his body. He gave a clear drink, the light shone, and a little pressure was relieved. He straightened his back again, his handsome face His face was extremely solemn.

This is the terrifying power of a first-level great wizard. He can use the laws of heaven and earth to integrate himself into heaven and earth. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, he can draw power from the void, turn the power of heaven and earth into his own use, and control the natural power of heaven and earth, just like the master of the world. Unrivaled.

Wei Yuan remained unmoved. Under the tremendous pressure, he swung his fists and struck the void. The shadows of his fists filled the sky with endless roars. Waves of white air rolled and rushed into the sky, shattering the sea of ​​clouds above the sky. The sound was terrifying. , the scene is spectacular. The great wizard Sarun Agu didn't dodge, so Wei Yuan's fists automatically avoided his body. Like a master of strokes, all his attacks were in vain.


Wei Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, without any trace of defeat. He was full of fighting spirit and awe-inspiring. He put his palms together, as if they had turned into a magic sword, and suddenly Aim at the void in front of you.

There was a tearing sound, as if something had been pierced in the invisible void. Wei Yuan separated his hands and tore hard. With a soft snap, an invisible force was torn apart. Wei Yuan felt his whole body relax, and the world around him recovered. It's normal.

The great wizard Sarun Agu frowned, a look of surprise appeared on his old face, and he looked at Wei Yuan in confusion, not understanding how he did it.

"When I was in the fourth level of artistic conception, I realized my own martial intention and broke the formation!"

"After I join the Tao, there will no longer be any way to trap people in the world that can keep me!"

The great wizard Salun Agu nodded, with a look of understanding on his face. He moved his fingers, and invisible power surged. A shadow of a heroic spirit came and merged into the body of the great wizard. The body of the great wizard suddenly expanded. He stood up, his muscles exploded, and he appeared in front of Wei Yuan in a flash. He swung out his fist as big as a sandbag and exploded in the void, sending Wei Yuan flying away.

boom! Wei Yuan smashed into the ocean and set off a huge wave hundreds of feet high, which was spectacular.

The great wizard Sarun Agu stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking Wei Yuan who broke out of the sea, standing with his hands behind his hands, and said calmly.

"More than a thousand years ago, a prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a second-grade martial artist like you, traveled hundreds of miles and attacked the capital of the Yan Kingdom. At that time, the Witch God had been sealed by the Confucian Sage and could not take action. I was the one who really destroyed him. Could it be that I was the one who really destroyed him? Can you, Wei Yuan, be stronger than the Prince of Zhou?"

Wei Yuan jumped up, straight into the sky, turned sharply, and pounced down from high altitude. The iron fist blasted out, and the air waves rolled and roared endlessly.

The great wizard Salun Agu looked calm, stretched out his hemp-colored robe with his right hand, punched out in the air, and the two fists collided together.

Buzz! Ripples were born between the two fists, and the void was distorted. The ripples spread, rocks shattered, trees shattered, the sea exploded, and huge waves surged. It was extremely frightening and terrifying.

Sarun Agu remained motionless, slowly making a fist with his left hand, and punched again. Wei Yuan felt that the whole world was against him, and the unparalleled power of heaven and earth, which Pei Mo could not control, was integrated into this punch. .

Bang, the fist hit Wei Yuan's chest, and the clear light on his body shattered into tiny pieces of light. Wei Yuan's sternum was shattered by the punch, and he spat out a blood arrow from his mouth.

The great wizard Sarun Agu stretched out his hand, sucked the blood into his palm, activated the invisible power, and shouted to Wei Yuan.


Using the curse-killing technique, there was a strange sound in Wei Yuan's body, blood mist gushes out of his pores, and blood bleeds from all seven orifices, like a bloody man, which is extremely terrifying. (End of chapter)

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