I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2810 The power of the Lesser Saint forced Emperor Yuan Jing to abdicate!

Emperor Yuan Jing's face changed drastically when he heard this, and all the ministers in the court also looked at each other. This is really what Yunlu Academy would do. Scholars who practice the Confucian system are arrogant and arrogant in their actions, but they are easy to relieve their anger!

When King Li heard this, he was unmoved and said calmly with a calm expression.

"The descendants of future generations will only recognize official history. Who cares what an unofficial historian from Yunlu Academy says?"

King Li said this to Emperor Yuan Jing, telling his nephew who wanted to practice Taoism and also loved fame not to be threatened by Wei Yuan.

"King Li has no bad deeds in his life and is knowledgeable. He is a role model for the royal family and a model for scholars. Don't let Yunlu Academy write you down because of this matter. You will not be safe for the rest of the year."

It's none of his business, just hang it up high. Wei Yuan understood this truth very well and spoke again.

King Li's expression suddenly changed. His vital point had been stabbed. He raised his finger, pointed at Wei Yuan tremblingly, and said sternly.

"Wei Yuan, you dare to threaten me, do you want to rebel?"

Chief Assistant Wang Wenzhen looked calm and spoke calmly.

“When did advice become a threat?”

King Li was trembling with anger and his chest was heaving. He had been studying since he was a child. Although he had the status of a prince, he always regarded himself as a scholar. He cared more about being famous in history than ordinary noble generals. This was a common problem among scholars.

"You are so presumptuous!"

When Emperor Yuan Jing saw that King Li stopped talking, he knew that this old king was also controlled by Wei Yuan, but it didn't matter, he had other back-ups, and that was the key to his victory. Thinking of this, he took a look Cao Guogong in the noble team.

Cao Guogong understood this, stepped out of the queue, and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say. Over the past few years, the court has suffered from internal and external troubles. There have been severe droughts in the summer and floods in the rainy season. People's livelihood has been difficult. Taxes in various places have been in arrears every year. Although Your Majesty has been reducing taxes and resting with the people, the people are still complaining."

"At this critical period, if the massacre of the King of Zhenbei is reported again, how will the people of the world view the imperial court? How should the squires and subordinates view the imperial court? Will they think that the imperial court is decayed, so they will intensify their efforts to plunder the people's wealth, and even more Unscrupulous?"


Emperor Jing of Yuan Dynasty was furious, pointed at Duke Cao Guogong's nose and cursed angrily.

"Are you mocking me for being a foolish king? Are you mocking me for being a fool? Are you mocking me for being a fool?"

"I don't dare!"

Duke Cao Guo said loudly and impassionedly.

"But right now, what the princes are doing, aren't they just such stupid things? They are clamoring to avenge the people and convict King Huai, but has anyone ever considered the overall situation? Considered the image of the court? The princes are in court As an official, don’t you know that the court’s face is your own face?”

The two sang in harmony and played a double act, and the princes in the court began to whisper to each other.

These words are not strong words. Far from it, they are very reasonable. In the hearts of all officials, the majesty of the imperial court is higher than anything else, because the majesty of the imperial court is their majesty, and the two are integrated and inseparable.

"But how can we stop the public opinion in the world? After all, King Huai did something wrong!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's expression was extremely sad, but his words were so cold. Everything he did was to cover up the truth and block everyone in the world. He had no intention of upholding justice for the innocent people of Chuzhou City, and even the King of Zhenbei. He also connived at the massacre of the city, how could he slap himself in the face.

Duke Cao Guo took a deep breath, took another step forward, looked back at the ministers, and said in a deep voice.

"Have you forgotten, Your Majesty, by whose hands Chuzhou City was destroyed? It was the barbarians. It was the barbarians who turned Chuzhou City into ruins. Can this matter be viewed from another angle? The combined forces of the demon and barbarian tribes captured the city. The city, Zhenbei King resisted desperately and defended the country gate for Dafeng. In the end, the city was destroyed and people died, and he died heroically."

"The King of Zhenbei single-handedly fought against the leaders of the demon and barbarian tribes, and killed Ji Li Zhigu and Zhu Jiu. The two powerful men who dominated the north were killed. After this battle, the northern border will have more than a dozen people. Years, even decades of peace, King Zhenbei died a worthy death, he is a hero of Dafeng."

In front of hundreds of civil and military officials, Duke Cao Guo confused right and wrong, and openly covered up the truth about Chuzhou City, which was outrageous.

Zheng Xinghuai laughed sadly, looked around the court, and found that all the princes remained silent. He felt extremely sad and angry, and looked at Emperor Yuan Jing again and asked.

"Your Majesty, what is the truth about Chuzhou City? Not only do I know it, but also the 20,000 soldiers in Chuzhou City, and the millions of people in Kyoto City. Where can Duke Cao Guo turn right and wrong?"

"How can the eyes of the world be so easily deceived?"

Emperor Yuan Jing glanced at the ministers and saw that they were silent. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, a trace of pride and ridicule flashed deep in his eyes, and he spoke.

"Retreat from the court. This matter will be discussed tomorrow!"

Hearing this, the old eunuch flicked the whip in his hand, and a crisp sound sounded in the air, as if it was slapped on the face of Manchao Wenwu, and said loudly.

"Retreat from the court today!"

Emperor Yuan Jing stood up from the dragon chair, with an expression of victory on his face, his steps became a little more relaxed, and he was about to walk towards the palace.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, and the majestic and terrifying Haoran Zhengqi rose into the sky, like a cloud pillar, extremely frightening. Xu Zisheng took a step forward and said angrily.

"If heaven has feelings, it will also grow old, and the right path in the world will be subject to vicissitudes of life!"

"Since Your Majesty is unwilling to uphold justice for the 380,000 innocent people in Chuzhou City and openly protects King Huai, then I, the Confucian sub-sage, will uphold justice. If King Huai cannot be convicted today, I will attack the fate of the country. Change the dynasty to a dynasty that can uphold justice for the people of the world!"

"The world is not only for the royal family, but also for the people of the world!"

"King Li, I think you are an old fool. You have read books for so many years in vain, and you still want to be remembered in history. You are just talking nonsense!"

The anger in Xu Zisheng's heart could no longer be endured. He stood on his head, glared at Prince Li who was sitting on the chair, and cursed the old prince unceremoniously.

"Cheng is a first-class Asiatic Saint, so am I, Xu Zisheng, not a first-class Asiatic Saint?"

"I don't agree with the theory of Neo-Confucianism. The king is the guide for the ministers. It's simply ridiculous!"

"You treat me as a countryman, and I should repay you as a countryman! You treat me as a passerby, and I will repay you as a passerby! You treat me like a stranger, and I should repay you as an enemy!"

"Your Majesty and King Li, don't you really think that the people of the world can be slaughtered by your royal family?"

Xu Zisheng took two steps forward, looking majestically at Emperor Yuan Jing, his handsome face full of ridicule, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty, no matter how you confuse right and wrong and play with power, you can't change the fact that King Zhenbei massacred 380,000 innocent people in Chuzhou City!"

"Even if you can block the mouth of Youyou in the world, how can you block my mouth?"

"Your Majesty may have forgotten that King Zhenbei was beheaded alive by me!"

Xu Zisheng approached the emperor step by step and issued soul-shaking questions to Emperor Yuan Jing. He was merciless and some of his words could even be called treasonous, enough to implicate the nine clans.

Faced with Xu Zisheng's questioning and scolding, Emperor Yuan Jing no longer looked as weak as before. His eyes flashed with a fierce and sinister light. He was so angry that his whole body trembled with anger. He pointed his hand at Xu Zisheng and roared every word.

"Xu Zisheng, you are so presumptuous!"

"So what if I'm being presumptuous? If His Majesty doesn't give me an explanation for this matter, and doesn't give an explanation to everyone in the world, I will not only be presumptuous, but I will also change the dynasty!"

Xu Zisheng and Emperor Yuan Jing fought against each other, even aggressively, forcing Emperor Yuan Jing to convict King Zhenbei.

Emperor Yuan Jing stared at Xu Zisheng, the murderous intent in his eyes undisguised, his face gloomy and terrifying, glaring at Xu Zisheng without saying a word, the entire hall was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

All the officials were stunned by Xu Zisheng's words. They looked at each other with doubtful expressions. They all thought they had heard wrong. Xu Zisheng was actually a first-class sub-sage, and threatened in front of His Majesty that if King Zhenbei was not convicted, , he is about to impact the destiny of Dafeng and change the dynasty. This is really exciting and shocking.

"Confucianism has been in decline for two hundred years, and finally it has risen again, and a first-class sub-sage has been born!"

"Xu Zisheng was born in the Imperial Academy, but he doesn't agree with the Cheng family's Yasheng. His behavior style is quite Yunlu Academy's style. No wonder he was ostracized in the first place!"

"As expected of a lesser sage, he is not afraid of the king, faces the power of heaven, and threatens his majesty to convict the king of Zhenbei. If he does not obey, he will change the dynasty. It is really majestic!"

"If it were anyone else, they would never dare to say this. Is this treasonous and will it implicate the nine tribes?"

"Who dares to implicate the nine tribes? That is a sub-sage, an existence destined to go down in history! Even your majesty would not dare to kill a sub-sage's nine tribes, it will be infamy for thousands of years."

"When you give birth to a son, you should be such a holy son. Marquis Wu'an is really lucky. Such a vulgar warrior actually gave birth to a son who is less than a saint. I'm afraid the ancestral grave will be filled with smoke!"

"The green smoke is not enough. I think the ancestral graves of Hou Wu'an's family are already on fire!"

The ministers were whispering to each other. Things had developed to this point, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Emperor Yuan Jing's method of eliminating and attacking was very clever, but in the face of Xu Zisheng's behavior of turning over the table, it was completely useless.

Now Emperor Yuan Jing had only two choices before him. One was to choose to be tough to the end and never accept Xu Zisheng's threat, so as to preserve the posthumous reputation of King Zhenbei and preserve the glory and majesty of the Dafeng royal family. The second is to give in and compromise, abandon the chariot to protect the commander, admit the evil deeds of the King of Zhenbei, declare to the world, and issue an edict to thank the people of the world.

"Xu Zisheng, you are so bold that you dare to threaten His Majesty. Have you forgotten all Cheng Yasheng's teachings?"

Emperor Yuan Jing quit his job, Yuan Xiong, the censor of Zuodu, immediately jumped out, spoke up for Emperor Yuan Jing, and yelled at Xu Zisheng.

All the ministers showed strange expressions, looking at the culprit who was jumping up and down and excited, and the same thought came to their minds.

"Is this guy not thinking clearly? He still can't see the situation clearly!"

"He actually used the Young Saint from two hundred years ago to press the current Young Saint. He also went to great lengths to lick His Majesty!"

Xu Zisheng has always convinced people with reason. This is obvious to all civil and military officials in the court. It is known to everyone. He looked at Yuan Xiong who still did not forget to flatter him. Adhering to the principle of avoiding past mistakes and avoiding future mistakes, treating illnesses and saving people, he walked a few steps in front of Yuan Xiong, with his right hand He raised it high and suddenly dropped it towards Yuan Xiong's face.


Yuan Xiong's cheeks immediately became red and swollen, he staggered, and was directly slapped to the ground by Xu Zisheng's big dick. His eyes were dull, stars were shining in his eyes, and he was completely stunned by the slap.

Xu Zisheng did not intend to spare Yuan Xiong this time. He raised his foot, aimed at Yuan Xiong's chest and kicked him down.


A scream like a slaughtering pig resounded in the hall. Yuan Xiong curled up on the ground and rolled continuously to avoid Xu Zisheng's beating. Unfortunately, the effect was very little. In just a moment, he was kicked to death by Xu Zisheng. He could only groan. Hum.

"Bah! Everyone can find the treacherous villain and punish him!"

Xu Zisheng spat at Yuan Xiong, his eyes full of contempt. He saw that Yuan Xiong had suffered heavy injuries and was unable to struggle, and then he stopped.

The young official of the Hanlin Academy on the side of the main hall was holding a book in his hand, writing quickly and muttering in his mouth.

"Xu Yasheng beat up Yuan Xiong, the flattering censor of Zuodu, in court and called him a treacherous villain!"

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but look sympathetically at Yuan Xiong, who had fainted. He was so commented by a sub-sage and recorded in the official history. He was afraid that he would be infamy for thousands of years.

Only then did Emperor Yuan Jing react and became extremely calm. His eyes were deep and his face was deep. He stood on the steps without sitting down. He looked at Xu Zisheng quietly as if he was meeting him for the first time. He was silent for a long time. , then slowly spoke.

"It seems that I have underestimated you. I thought that after you entered the cabinet, it would take at least a few years before you could step into the realm of a first-grade Yasheng!"

"Yes, your Majesty is indeed too arrogant. He thinks he can control everything. Although he is afraid of me, he never really takes me to heart!"

"I know what your Majesty relies on. Your Majesty has been practicing Taoism for twenty years. The Dafeng has declined and the national destiny has weakened. However, your true nature has been nourished by luck and your progress has been rapid. Although your Majesty often pretends to be weak and ignorant, you are It cannot be hidden from my eyes, no matter whether it is the King of Zhenbei or His Majesty, it is the same, the blood debt of Chuzhou City needs to be repaid!"

Xu Zisheng's eyes were deep, and he had a showdown with Emperor Yuan Jing for the first time. He told some of Emperor Yuan Jing's secrets. The civil and military officials were puzzled, but Emperor Yuan Jing knew it well. His pupils shrank tightly and his eyes narrowed into a line. His face changed.

"He knows my secrets and my cultivation. How is this possible?"

Emperor Yuan Jing was really panicked at this time. He realized for the first time how scary and difficult Xu Zisheng was. The secrets he had hidden for many years were exposed in front of Xu Zisheng, without any cover at all, which made Emperor Yuan Jing confused.

"Xu Zisheng, what exactly are you going to do?"

Xu Zisheng smiled coldly, stepped on the steps, and came to the front of Emperor Yuan Jing. The two were very close to each other, facing each other. Xu Zisheng was tall, half a head taller than Emperor Yuan Jing, looking down at the great minister in charge. The emperor of ten years said coldly with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"I request your Majesty to issue an edict to banish the King of Huai to a commoner, and make his crimes known to the public and declare them to the world!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's face was ashen, but facing the powerful Xu Zisheng, he finally compromised and nodded with great difficulty, his voice a bit hoarse, as if it was squeezed out of his throat.

"I agreed!"

Xu Zisheng took a step back, bowed, walked down the stairs, stood in front of the officials, looked back at the officials, and spoke again.

"I ask your Majesty to abdicate!"

As soon as these words came out, a stone stirred up a thousand waves. The princes were in an uproar, talking one after another, and looked at Xu Zisheng in disbelief. This is forcing the palace to change the dynasty. Your Majesty has already given in and compromised, why do you still have to do so absolutely? Is it possible? Aren't you afraid that His Majesty will regret it?

The ministers were already very satisfied with Emperor Yuan Jing's surrender. Even the first assistant Wang Wenzhen and the green-robed eunuch Wei Yuan were also satisfied. After all, the emperor had given in and issued an imperial edict to convict King Zhenbei. This result was already very satisfactory. Okay, why bother adding extra details?

Chief Assistant Wang Wenzhen looked at Xu Zisheng in confusion, Wei Yuan was equally puzzled, both civil and military officials looked at Xu Zisheng, wondering why the current sub-sage was so harsh.

When Emperor Yuan Jing heard this, his face turned livid, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he spoke firmly with no concealment.

"Xu Zisheng, you are too presumptuous. I have already given in, and you actually go the extra mile. Do you think you don't take me seriously?"

The corners of Xu Zisheng's lips raised slightly, and he said indifferently in the face of the emperor's anger.

"Since His Majesty is keen on cultivating immortality, he should abdicate in favor of others, pass on the throne to others, practice peace of mind, and maybe achieve something!"

Xu Zisheng only said this to the officials. He secretly sent a message to Emperor Yuan Jing, threatening him.

"Emperor Zhende, you devoured Emperor Yuan Jing and Prince Huai. I really thought I couldn't tell. If you are obedient and sensible, I will spare your life. Otherwise, I will reveal everything you have done and kill me with my own hands." I will kill you and let you die!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's pupils shrank suddenly, as big as pinholes, and he was extremely shocked. Sure enough, Xu Zisheng knew all his secrets. Facing this first-grade sub-sage, even though he had the strength of the second-grade tribulation realm, he could never resist. Zisheng.

Although Emperor Yuan Jing was extremely angry, he was not as powerful as others, so he had to lower his head. After a moment of silence, he spoke slowly under the surprised gazes of the ministers.

"I will abdicate in favor of a worthy person, and select a day for the crown prince to ascend the throne. From now on, I will be the supreme emperor!"


Everyone was stunned, including the two big guys Wang Wenzhen and Wei Yuan. They were also dumbfounded and couldn't believe their ears. Is this Emperor Yuan Jing? Who doesn't know that although his Majesty is keen on cultivating Taoism, he still firmly holds To stop the power in his hands, he even did not hesitate to allow parties in the court to fight with each other and harm the interests of Dafeng.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Xu Zisheng nodded with satisfaction, cupped his hands and shouted loudly.

Only then did all the ministers realize that the deal was already done and they could only follow Xu Zisheng and wave flags and shouts to build momentum.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Xu Zisheng's operation was in the sky, and the civil and military officials were still immersed in shock. They could only shout "666" and had no other thoughts at all.


Xu Zisheng glanced at the old eunuch and winked. The other eunuch was completely stunned at this time and did not understand what he meant. He could only shout himself.

Xu Zisheng ignored the others, turned around and walked out of the hall, minding his own business. His steps were calm, unhurried, unparalleled, heroic, and admirable.

Wang Wenzhen looked up at Emperor Yuan Jing, who had an extremely gloomy expression. With a somewhat relaxed look on his face, he turned around and followed Xu Zisheng.

Wei Yuan's face was calm and his eyes were warm. He glanced at Emperor Yuan Jing, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and felt faintly happy in his heart. He also turned around and left, following closely behind.

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