I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2803: Teach Chu Xianglong a lesson and kill the truth with blood

It is for this reason that Chu Xianglong strictly ordered the more than a hundred Forbidden Army soldiers accompanying him to stay at the bottom of the ship. They were not allowed to go on the deck. Even eating and cleaning the toilet were in the cabin at the bottom. If they disobeyed, they would be beaten with twenty military sticks.

The cabin at the bottom of the ship was dark, damp, and smelly, and the toilets had to be cleaned there. The germs were so abundant that several soldiers in the Forbidden Army fell ill.

In desperation, Chen Xiao, a member of the Forbidden Army, could only seek revenge on Xu Qi'an. As the host of the mission, Xu Qi'an naturally had the ability to uphold justice for them.

Xu Qi'an was just trying to find an excuse to cause trouble for Chu Xianglong. Hearing this, he naturally revoked Chu Xianglong's order and allowed the Forbidden Army soldiers to move freely on the deck for three hours every day. He received unanimous support from the Forbidden Army soldiers, who all went to the deck to clean toilets and let the air out. , breathe free air.

Chu Xianglong was also a big shot in the northern border who was under one person and more than ten thousand people. He was very angry when he saw that the Forbidden Army soldiers violated his orders.

"Why is General Chu so angry? I asked them to come up and clean the bucket."

Under the expectant gazes of the Imperial Guards, accompanied by the sound of light but powerful footsteps, Xu Qian, wearing a silver gong uniform, stepped out with a knife in one hand.

Chu Xianglong stared at Xu Qian with a gloomy gaze, full of evil aura and oppression. This deputy general of the King of Zhenbei was also a warrior on the battlefield. His evil aura was no joke. It was enough to frighten ordinary people into serious illness. His face was dark and extremely cold. said.

"You don't know my order? If you don't know, tell them to go back now and promise not to come out again. If you know, then I need an explanation."

Perhaps it was because of Xu Qi'an's compromise last time that Chu Xianglong had the illusion that Xu Qi'an was a weak person who could be bullied and was afraid of power.

In today's world, there are many warriors who work hard for the powerful. Even though they are powerful, they bow to high-ranking officials. Because such people are greedy for power, so when Chu Xianglong faced Xu Qi'an, he had a kind of arrogance in his heart and never let Xu Qi'an go. In the heart.

"I'm wondering, did you give in too quickly last time and let you succeed so easily that you had a wrong understanding of me?"

Xu Qi'an stopped, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he was a little angry. He really thought that he was a soft persimmon who could be manipulated at will. He was originally because of the examination fraud case and did not want to cause trouble and offend the King of Zhenbei. The first series, plus the Vajra Divine Art, cannot be practiced at all without Buddha roots, so he handed it over.

"Master Xu asked me to teach you a lesson. I'm worried that I don't have a chance. Today I will let you see who is the father!"

Xu Qian took a step back and distanced himself from Chu Xianglong. This kind of behavior naturally showed cowardice in Chu Xianglong's eyes.

Xu Qi'an's impression in Chu Xianglong's mind was that he was extremely talented, but he was greedy for power and could use greater power to control and suppress him.

Suddenly, Xu Qi'an turned his waist, raised his leg and whipped it violently. This was a whip kick, which was so powerful and heavy that it blew up the air and made a whirring sound. The strong wind blew Chu Xianglong's clothes, and his long hair fell back. Flying.

Xu Qian didn't have any warning, so he took action immediately, catching Chu Xianglong off guard, and he didn't have time to react.

After all, Chu Xianglong was a fourth-level artist. Although his reaction was a little late, he still raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

There was a loud bang, and the air waves spread like ripples. Chu Xianglong seemed to be hit by a siege log. His legs slipped away, and his back hit the bulkhead hard. The solid wooden wall cracked and broke, and there was a wisp at the corner of his mouth. Blood flowed out, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes. On the one hand, he was surprised at Xu Qi'an's strength, and on the other hand, he was surprised that Xu Qi'an dared to take action.

A dot of gold paint lit up from Xu Qian's eyebrows and quickly spread all over his body. His golden body was solemn. He stared at the injured Chu Xianglong and spoke word by word.

"Street boy, I have a very bad temper!"

Xu Qi'an had the support of Xu Zisheng and Wei's father. At this time, he was also afraid of King Zhenbei. He was not polite to Chu Xianglong and would never speak if he could do it.


Chu Xianglong's guards were furious. They all rushed over, holding military staffs, and pointed at Xu Qi'an. As long as Chu Xianglong gave an order, they would dare to attack Xu Qi'an, the presiding officer.

"Master Xu!"

Hundreds of forbidden troops rushed over at the same time, surrounded Xu Qian, and confronted Chu Xianglong's guards with a solemn expression. Their position is very clear. Although the Forbidden Army and Yinluo are different yamen and do not interfere with each other, Xu Qi'an is now the presiding officer and the supreme leader of the mission. Moreover, Xu Qi'an is standing up for them and it is worth risking his life for him.

"Stop it!"

A shout came from the cabin, and several officials who came after hearing the news walked out quickly, including the two censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the chief arrester of the Criminal Department, and the Cheng of Dali Temple. Behind them were their respective guards and agents.

The two censors made peace with Xini as soon as they came up and tried to dissuade him.

"If you have something to say, why do you two adults need to take action?"

The Prime Minister of Dali Temple looked at the cracked wall, the injured Chu Xianglong, and the golden body of Xu Qian, and said sarcastically with a strange look.

"Master Xu is very skilled. With this Vajra Divine Skill, I'm afraid the whole ship together is no match for you."

"You came just in time."

Chu Xianglong glared at Xu Qian fiercely and reached out to wipe away the blood on the corner of his mouth. Pain came from his organs, but he remained unmoved. He pointed at Xu Qian with his right hand and said angrily.

"The soldier's matter is just a reason for him to stir up trouble. The real purpose is to take revenge on this general. How do you adults think this matter should be handled?"

"There are women on board, and it is not appropriate for soldiers to board the deck. I feel that General Chu's order is reasonable and reasonable."

The Prime Minister of Dali Temple took the lead in expressing his attitude towards this matter. After all, they had nothing to do with the watchman's yamen.

The head catcher from the Criminal Department also nodded. He was another enemy of Xu Qi'an. How could he agree with him? He said calmly.

"In my opinion, Mr. Xu might as well apologize, and the Imperial Guards should return to the bilge and not go out. This matter is over. We should unite as we go north this time."

The two censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate also deeply agreed and nodded in agreement. The thoughts of the officials of the Third Division were very simple. First of all, they themselves did not like Xu Qi'an, who had problems with the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate; secondly, they did not like Xu Qi'an. , this trip north, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the deputy general of Zhenbei King.


"Dream! I am the chief officer appointed by His Majesty. On this ship, what I say counts!"

"It's true that you are the host officer, but the mission doesn't have the final say. Otherwise, what's the use of waiting for me?"

"His Majesty's decree is that the Third Division and the watchman should work together to handle the case. If Mr. Xu wants to have a talk, then I cannot agree to it."

The officials of the Third Division disagreed and refuted Xu Qi'an one after another. They took the same position as Chu Xianglong and coerced Xu Qi'an together, trying to force him to bow his head.

How could Xu Qian be so easy to bow his head? What's more, he also had big bosses behind him. He didn't give these people face at all. He looked around and shouted loudly.

"All officers and men listen to the order. As the chief officer, I have been sent to the northern border to investigate the case according to the imperial decree. It is of great importance. In order to prevent anyone from leaking secrets and causing trouble, we are now going to expel the idlers, Chu Xianglong and his deployment."

On the spot, four Yinluo and eight Tongluo among the watchmen drew their swords and supported Xu Qi'an. The swords were pointed at Chu Xianglong and his party. The hundreds of forbidden troops on the deck remained silent, as if they did not dare to interfere.

The scene was silent for a few seconds. A soldier quietly returned to the bilge, then one, two, three... More and more soldiers lowered their heads, left the deck, and returned to the bilge. After a while, the deck was cleared. .


Chu Xianglong's disdainful sneer was particularly harsh, and the Prime Minister of Dali Temple was full of ridicule and gloating. The head of the Criminal Department curled up his lips, folded his arms and leaned against the bulkhead, as if watching a show. The two censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate also shook their heads helplessly.

Suddenly, there was the sound of noisy footsteps stepping on the stairs, and the thumping sounds became one. Hundreds of forbidden troops left and returned. The difference from before was that the toilets in their hands were replaced by standard sabers. They were returning to the bilge. The one with weapons.

Chen Xiao, a member of the Forbidden Army, held down his saber, walked to Xu Qian's side, and gave orders to the Forbidden Army under his command.

"Draw the sword!"


There was a loud sound of drawing swords, and hundreds of soldiers drew their swords simultaneously, pointing at Chu Xianglong and others. The situation instantly reversed, and Xu Qi'an became the dominant side.

"Are you going to rebel?"

The face of the Prime Minister of Dali Temple changed slightly, and he shouted angrily at the imperial guards.

Chen Xiao was silent, licked his lips, and stared at Dali Si Cheng sharply, and then glanced at Xu Qi'an. It seemed that as long as Xu Qi'an gave the order, he would dare to step forward and kill this verbose civil servant.

The Prime Minister of Dali Temple felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously took a few steps back, not daring to show his head again, like a quail, shrinking back.

The head of the criminal department changed from leaning on the wall to straightening his back, and his face changed from joking to serious. He quietly clenched the knife in his hand, as if facing a powerful enemy. As a warrior, he saw the tenacious will in the eyes of these forbidden soldiers. , there will be absolutely no hesitation when wielding the steel knife.

The veins on Chu Xianglong's forehead throbbed angrily. He still didn't believe that as the deputy general of Zhenbei King, he would encounter such treatment. These low-level soldiers actually dared to draw swords on themselves.

"Chen Xiao, are your imperial troops planning to rebel? This general is traveling with the envoy. This is His Majesty's order!"


Xu Qi'an did not give Chu Xianglong any face, and directly reprimanded him, with a strong evil spirit on his face and said coldly.

"I only know that I am the host appointed by His Majesty. I have the final say on this trip. Who do you think you are? You dare to stab me in front of me!"


Chu Xianglong's face suddenly turned pale, his expression changed several times, he stared at Xu Qian, gritted his teeth, but had to give in, and asked.

"what do you want."

Xu Qian faced the sunshine and said coldly, unruly.

"Three things. First, the decision I just made remains the same. The soldiers have three hours of free time every day. Second, remember my identity. There is no place for you to speak in the mission. Is it clear enough?"

Chu Xianglong's face was gloomy, his eyes full of murderous intent, but he had to nod.

Xu Qian came over with a knife, and lightly patted Chu Xianglong's face twice with the blade. The cold metal made Chu Xianglong shiver. Xu Qian laughed when he saw this, and continued.

"The third thing is to apologize to me!"

In an instant, Chu Xianglong's face was slightly distorted, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his cheek muscles twitched.

"Escorting the princess is a very important matter, so don't act on impulse!"

Chu Xianglong wanted to have a fit. He understood that Xu Qian did not dare to really kill him, but in the end he relented and whispered.

"Sir Xu, you have a lot of knowledge, please don't share your knowledge with me."

"You are sensible!"

Xu Qian let out a hehey laugh, full of joy, which made the hundreds of forbidden soldiers behind him also grin and show a simple smile.

"Someone asked me to give you a message, don't be too crazy. A gentleman is more aggressive. Even if your prince gets what he wants, he is no match for him. It's better to stay safe!"

Xu Qi'an remembered the words Xu Zisheng sent to Chu Xianglong after he asked him to teach him a lesson before leaving Yong'an Hou's Mansion. It was inexplicable, but there was a profound meaning in the words.

When Chu Xianglong heard Junzi's words and actions, he knew who the person Xu Qi'an was talking about was. When he heard what happened next, his whole body was shocked, his pupils tightened, and he was extremely horrified.

"How much does he know? Is it possible that the prince's breakthrough is already known to him?!"

On the deck and in the cabin, people looked at Xu Qian one after another. Their eyes quietly changed, from examining and watching the show to being in awe. Yin Luo's official position was not significant. There were many people with higher official positions than him in the mission, but the power Xu Qi'an controlled and the imperial mandate he shouldered made him well-deserved as the leader of the official mission.

If anyone dares to defy the public or use his official position to suppress him, Chu Xianglong's humiliation today will be an example for them.

As Chu Xianglong surrendered and left, the turmoil ended. Xu Qian comforted and won over the Forbidden Army soldiers before returning to the cabin.

Xu Qi'an encountered many things along the way. He and Princess Zhenbei were ambushed, and they escaped together. Finally, they came to Chuzhou, where the storm was gathering, and they secretly found out the truth about Xue Xue Tu Sanqianli. In order to attack the third grade, Xu Qi'an Great Perfection requires a large amount of life essence to increase the warrior's energy and blood, so the bloody massacre of three thousand miles was sensational and horrifying, making Xu Qian even more angry.

After some investigation, Xu Qi'an finally determined that the place where King Zhenbei massacred three thousand miles of blood was Chuzhou. King Zhenbei actually went crazy and massacred the whole city of Chuzhou. He also used other wonderful methods to cover up the truth and killed everyone. They have all been concealed, and they really have mastered the art of war.

Xu Qi'an knew that he was single and weak, so he spread the news to the barbarians and demon tribes. They were also looking for the location where King Zhenbei massacred three thousand miles, snatching the essence and blood, and preventing King Zhenbei from being promoted to the second level of Hedao. territory.

Carrying Tianshan Mountain, the horns of the army were sounding, and 20,000 elite cavalrymen of the Qingyan Tribe of the Barbarians gathered on the plain at the foot of the mountain. They rode their first-born horned, scale-covered horses, waving scimitars, and amidst the sound of the horns. , overlooking the majestic palace.

Boom, boom, boom! The sound of heavy footsteps came from a distance. The two-foot-tall blue giant stepped out of the palace. Each foot caused a slight tremor on the ground. He dragged a huge sword that ordinary people could not use in his hand, dragging it deep into the ground. of ravines. The cavalrymen of the Qingyan tribe watched their leader silently. The scene was silent except for the sound of heavy footsteps.

The green giant raised his heavy sword, roared deeply, and ordered.

"In Chuzhou City."

The Qingyan tribe's cavalry raised their scimitars, waved them, and roared, rushing towards Chuzhou City like a river.

In a black mountain in the north, in a valley shrouded in clouds and mist, a fuzzy-faced warlock in white stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down. The valley was filled with thick fog that lingered all year round, with no grass growing and no life.


As the white-clothed warlock finished speaking, the dense fog suddenly boiled, like a woman's dancing gauze. A black shadow quickly passed through the layers of fog and stopped in front of the white-clothed warlock.

The thick fog dispersed, and it was a huge snake head, all red and without scales, with a single closed eye on its forehead. Its raised body was as high as a mountain peak. In front of it, the white-clothed warlock looked as small as Ants.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a god and demon, Zhu Jiuyin, who dominated the extremely cold land in the north. He had one eye, scaleless and red, and it was day when his eyes were open, and night when he closed his eyes.

Zhu Jiu, the leader of the northern demon clan, is the descendant of that god and demon.

"In Chuzhou City."

The vertical eyes on the giant snake's forehead suddenly opened, and a golden light burst through the sky, which could be seen dozens of miles away.

On a steep cliff, under the entwined old pine trees, a charming and graceful woman stretched out her hand, her sleeves slipped down, revealing her white arms. The black hawk hovering in the sky swooped down, landed on the woman's arms, and uttered human words.

"Xu Qian is spreading news in Chuzhou City."

The beautiful woman in the fluttering white dress smiled coquettishly, as if she was very familiar with Xu Qian, and said clearly.

"It seems that he not only wants the essence and blood, but also wants the life of King Zhenbei. Send me an order for all demon soldiers to attack Chuzhou City."

Chuzhou City has a tall and majestic city wall with a huge three-story tower with raised eaves. Standing on the top floor, you can directly see dozens of miles away.

In the lobby on the top floor, a middle-aged man was holding a knife and sitting on a big chair covered with tiger skin. He wore heavy armor forged from hundreds of refined steel and a scarlet cloak. He had a pair of narrow and sharp red phoenix eyes. His facial features were quite handsome, and he was five points similar to Emperor Yuan Jing.

This person has both the battlefield aura of a military general and the awe-inspiring arrogance of a nobleman. He is the kind of person who is born to hold a high position in power. He is an extraordinary person, and he is the North King of Dafeng Town.

This prince's life experience is legendary. He has been extremely powerful since he was a child, tearing apart tigers and leopards, but he is by no means a reckless man. On the contrary, King Huai was talented and intelligent, far superior to all his brothers and sisters. King Huai loved killing and was obsessed with martial arts. The late emperor once said that the seventh prince was a God-given general who protected the country, so he did not pass the throne to him.

Prince Huai himself didn't care. For him, as long as he could reach the pinnacle of martial arts, power would come naturally. His status as a prince was just an aid on his way to the top of martial arts.

Some people in this world are obsessed with beauty, some are obsessed with money, some are obsessed with power, and some are obsessed with spiritual practice. The King of Huai was in charge of the army at the age of fifteen. He conquered all the capital at the age of twenty. He was in the north at the age of twenty-five. Now he is in his sixteenth year. His most prosperous period was twenty years ago when he went on an expedition with Wei Yuan and served as the general. The deputy general, holding the Zhenguo Sword, killed countless barbarian masters from the north and south. He was evaluated by history books as the second hero in the Shanhaiguan Battle.

Xu Zisheng's father, Xu Shijun, Marquis of Wu'an, also followed King Zhenbei and served as a general under him, making great contributions in the battles of mountains and seas.

Speaking of which, the Marquis of Wu'an and the King of Zhenbei have a very deep connection, but it is a pity that this prince was so crazy that in order to break through the second-level Hedao realm, he slaughtered three thousand miles of blood and massacred the city of Chuzhou, committing a crime He had committed such a heinous crime that heaven could not tolerate him, and Xu Zisheng naturally could not tolerate him, so he cheated on Xu Qi'an and gave him a book of Confucian magic to help him kill the King of Zhenbei.

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