I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2798: Beating Zuodu Yushi, a gentleman uses his words as well as his hands

"Er Cao's body and name will be destroyed, but the rivers and rivers will flow forever. What a poem! Pass on my oral instructions and order the Hanlin Academy to record this matter in the annals of history. I want to see it myself."

This was Emperor Yuan Jing's revenge on the nerds in the Hanlin Academy. Who made them not agree to let him enjoy the honor of Xu Qian's fight against Buddhism?

On the rugged mountain road, Li Miaozhen, wearing a Taoist robe and a jade crown, walked slowly while carrying a long sword, a magic weapon given by his master. The wildflowers on the roadside were blooming, the sun was shining brightly, and the mountains and rivers were beautiful. She walked and looked at them, enjoying herself.

A bright red oil-paper umbrella followed beside Li Miaozhen. Under the umbrella was the alluring charm, with eyes like paint, bright red lips, and snow-white skin. She was wearing a complicated and gorgeous dress, and she looked like a gorgeous daughter of a wealthy family, with dazzling eyes. As time goes by, the charm is natural, and there is an indescribable charm.

Charms are not ordinary ghosts. They must be women born in the lunar month of the Yin year and remain a virgin after death in order to become Charms.

"We will reach the capital in another eighty miles. Master, how about we stay in Kyoto for a while?"

Mei's name is Su Su. She is looking south, full of expectations. She has never been to Kyoto City and wants to play more.

"I'm not familiar with Kyoto City, and I don't know anyone who is familiar with it. I even went here this time because of the dispute between heaven and man. Kyoto City is the territory of the human sect, so you are not afraid of being overthrown by them!"

Li Miaozhen looked heroic and walked forward without looking back. She did not agree with Su Su's proposal at all. After all, she did not go to Kyoto City for fun this time, but had serious business to do.

Su Su turned around angrily and stood on the side of the road, fuming with a coquettish attitude that could arouse the tenderness of a man.

"I'm not going, I want to go back to Tianzong, I want to go back to Tianzong."

It's a pity that Li Miaozhen is not a man, but a female general with a fiery personality. How can he spoil Su Su? He slapped Su Su on the back of the head and asked.

"Are you leaving or not?"

After being beaten, Su Su suddenly became obedient, with a look of humiliation on her face, and she said coquettishly.

"Oh, please don't hit me on the head, I'll be bruised by it."

Suddenly, Li Miaozhen's nose twitched slightly, his expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"I seem to smell blood!"

Li Miaozhen's sword eyes sparkled with light. He turned around and looked around for a moment. He quickly locked onto a patch of grass in front of him and hurriedly ran towards it.

The two masters and servants, one person and one ghost, pushed through the grass and searched for a while. They found a body in the knee-high weeds. This corpse was dressed in black clothing and had no head. It held a steel knife with a curled blade in its hand. The scar on its neck as big as a bowl had dried up and turned black. It had been dead for at least two hours, or even longer. .

"He must have died in a vendetta. He is still very angry. Let's bury him, lest his body be exposed in the wilderness and turn into a resentful spirit after seven days."

As a charm, Su Su smelled an extremely strong resentment. This resentment would most likely turn the deceased into a resentful spirit after seven days. Of course, this kind of soul cannot exist for a long time. It can dissipate in a few hours or in a few days, she suggested.

This mountain road is not deserted. If any travelers pass by before the resentful spirits dissipate, they are likely to be attacked by the resentful spirits. It can range from a serious illness to death. Su Su believes that such things should be stopped in time.

"The resentment is so deep. I'm afraid something big happened during his lifetime to make him so unwilling. I'll try to summon his soul to see what happened."

Li Miaozhen looked at the corpse, pondered for a moment, and then his impatience and righteousness flared up again, and he spoke softly.

"No, no, master, do you really think you are a heroine?"

"You are the saint of the Heavenly Sect. You will be too forgetful of love in the future. Life, old age, illness, death, love, resentment, and resentment in this world are all just clouds to you. Forget love and be impartial, not moved by emotions, not disturbed by emotions. . Heroine is just a disguise we make for ourselves in order to disguise our identity. God is most selfish and uses it most impartially. When will you be able to stand by and watch the world's love and hate without being moved, without stopping or intervening? Then You can achieve righteousness! Let’s just bury him, why bother causing more trouble?”

Su Su jumped on the spot, with a look of disbelief on her face. She felt that Li Miaozhen was crooked. Tianzong's practice focused on being too supreme and forgetting one's feelings. Since Li Miaozhen came down from the mountain, he had fought against injustice, punished evil and promoted good, and was anxious for justice and justice. He completely deviated from Tianzong. The practice concept.

"Just shut up!!"

Li Miaozhen looked impatient. She only did what she thought was right and said in a deep voice.

"I need you to teach me the secret purpose of Tianzong? It is true that the Supreme Being forgets love, but if you don't even know what love is, how can you forget it? Do you just forget it?"

Li Miaozhen didn't think there was anything wrong with being a chivalrous person. Why do some people always say that the world is in trouble? It’s because there are too few people who are nosy. If everyone had a chivalrous and nosy heart, the world would not be in trouble.

Li Miaozhen carried the body to the roadside and ordered Su Su to take out three bamboo tubes. The bamboo tubes contained black mud, black blood, and cold medicinal materials.

The main component of the black mud is corpse mud excavated from mass graves, supplemented by various negative materials. The main component of black blood is the Guishui of virgins born in Yin time, supplemented by various negative materials. The medicinal materials that emit cold air are those that grow in extremely yin places.

This corpse had been dead for too long and could not directly summon the soul. Moreover, it was exposed in the wilderness. If the soul was forcibly summoned, it would be dissipated in the power of the sun on the spot.

Su Su skillfully mixed ink with three materials, took out a brush made of finger bones, dipped it full of ink, and handed it to Li Miaozhen.

Li Miaozhen carved strange incantations on the body and muttered words. As the formation gradually took shape, waves of sinister wind blew around it, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

As Li Miaozhen finished his last stroke, the dark wind swept in the broken souls, which condensed above the corpse and turned into an unreal shadow. It was a lean man with dull eyes, floating above the corpse.

Li Miaozhen frowned slightly. Taoism is an expert in playing ghosts. With just one look, she confirmed that the ghost was seriously damaged and that someone targeted the soul before death. However, that person should be a martial artist with limited abilities and could not completely annihilate the soul. .

"Who are you?"

Li Miaozhen raised his finger to send out a wisp of yin energy to nourish his soul, and asked.

The ghost was nourished by the Yin Qi, and his dull expression changed. His mind was a little confused, and he just murmured.

"Three thousand miles of bloody massacre, three thousand miles of bloody massacre, please send troops to attack!"

Li Miaozhen asked the question several times in succession. The ghost kept repeating this sentence over and over again, but he could not tell the rest.

"Three thousand miles of bloody massacre!"

Li Miaozhen's face was gloomy and extremely solemn. If this was true, it would be a big case, and the justice in her heart was ready to move.

"What to do with him?"

Su Su also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time. The bloody massacre of three thousand miles was a shocking case. Compared with it, Yunzhou's case was just childish and cannot be compared.

"His soul is incomplete. If you want him to tell the follow-up content, you have to nourish the soul. But raising the soul is a long process and cannot be expected in the short term."

Li Miaozhen's eyes fell on the corpse, and he had an idea, seemed to have thought of something, and said.

"If we can find out the identity of this person, we may be able to get more inside information and know what he wants to say."

"What the master said makes sense, but how should I check?"

Li Miaozhen was silent and kept thinking. She couldn't help but recall the experience of cooperating with Xu Qi'an in investigating the Yunzhou case. She tried her best to recall and tried to learn from Xu Qi'an's ideas to solve the mystery of the corpse, but she Failed.

In the silent atmosphere, Li Miaozhen sighed and said to Su Su.

"Let's go to Kyoto City. Xu Qi'an is there. He must have a way."

"He is the person with the strongest ability to solve crimes that I have ever seen. He even brought the body back to Kyoto City and handed it over to the Yamen.

"This person was killed in a barren mountain not far from the capital. It was 80% likely that he was intercepted."

Li Miaozhen took out the fragment of the book and pointed it at the corpse. In a flash of light, the corpse disappeared. She then opened the sachet at her waist and put the remaining soul into it.

With this incident, the master and servant no longer strolled leisurely. Li Miaozhen put Susu into the sachet, summoned the flying sword, jumped up on the sword's spine, and flew away with a hiss of the flying sword.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Miaozhen saw the majestic outline of Kyoto City and the dotted villages and small towns built around the capital. She lowered her flying sword and landed outside the city. The flying sword had spirit and returned to its sheath automatically.

"Master, this is my first time coming to the capital. People say this is the most prosperous city in the world and the most prosperous city on land."

Su Su was very excited. After passing through the city gate, she couldn't wait to look around.

"Be calm. Your life and ghost life add up to a age of almost forty."

Li Miaozhen said as she walked towards the notice board beside the city wall. Every time she went to a city, she would instinctively look at the notice board. There would be notices posted by the government, including imperial decrees, wanted notices, etc.

"Master, you've been guilty of your old habits again. There are so many experts in the capital. Even if you have a message, it's not your turn to do justice for heaven."

Su Su held a red umbrella to block the sun, and looked at the beauty under the umbrella, which was even more charming.

In the imperial study room, Emperor Jing of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Zisheng, Chief Assistant Wang Zhenwen, Minister of Household Affairs and other third-rank officials, dukes, nobles and nobles were all present, a total of dozens of people gathered together.

Chu Xianglong, the deputy general of King Zhenbei, stood among the ministers, bowed his head slightly and remained silent.

Emperor Yuan Jing glanced at the ministers and saw that one figure was missing. He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Wei Yuan hasn't come yet, there's no need to wait!"

Then, Emperor Yuan Jing withdrew his gaze, looked solemn, and spoke.

"The King of Zhenbei has asked the imperial court for 300,000 taels of military pay and 250,000 dan of grain and fodder. What do you think, dear ministers?"

The Minister of Hubu is in charge of money and grain. Anyone who wants to get a penny from the Hubu will be the first to object and say loudly,

"In the thirty-sixth year of Yuanjing, there was a flood in Jiangzhou and a severe drought in Jingzhou. There was a locust plague in the state, and the court allocated grain several times for disaster relief. The two large granaries in Yuzhou and Zhangzhou did not have much left, and they could not make it together."

Emperor Yuan Jing pondered for a moment, knowing that this was a fact, and said after thinking.

"Then it will be deployed from the states."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Finance showed his embarrassment and pointed out the difficulty.

"Even if there is water transportation, collecting grain and grass from various states is time-consuming and labor-intensive. People eat what horses chew. By the time it is transported to the border of Chuzhou, the grain and grass may not be half left. This is not a good strategy."

Just as he was talking, the eunuch walked to the door of the imperial study and stopped. Emperor Yuan Jing raised his hand, interrupted the words of the Minister of Household Affairs, looked at the eunuch at the door, and asked in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?"

"Wei Gong is here."

The eunuch saluted respectfully and reported carefully.

Emperor Yuan Jing looked calm and silent, nodded and said.

"Let him in."

The eunuch retreated, and after a while, Wei Yuan stepped into the imperial study and stood in his place as usual, making no sound during the whole process.

Emperor Yuan Jing did not look at Wei Yuan, but still looked at the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, and said angrily.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. Is it possible that all the ministers will only refute me?"

Yuan Xiong, the censor of Zuodu, was moved in his heart and wanted to seize this opportunity to show off. He stepped out and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan to solve this problem!"

Emperor Yuan Jing's eyes lit up, he smiled, nodded to him, and said appreciatively.

"Yuan Aiqing, please speak."

Yuan Xiong raised his head and glanced at everyone, pondered for a moment, and then spoke.

"The imperial court can temporarily add a corvee called a grain transporter. The people are ordered to be responsible for escorting grain and grass."

The so-called corvee is a labor activity that the court recruits people from all walks of life to engage in for free. If the people are responsible for escorting the grain and grass, and the officers and soldiers supervise it, then the court only needs to bear the food of the officers and soldiers, and the people's rations will be taken care of by themselves. In this way, the court could not only ensure that the grain and grass would not be damaged when transported to the border, but also save a lot of grain transportation costs.

Emperor Yuan Jing was overjoyed when he heard this and thought it was a good idea. Just as he was about to nod his head to agree to the suggestion, Xu Zisheng suddenly stepped out at a very fast speed. In a flash, he was in front of Yuan Xiong, the censor of Zuodu, with his right hand raised high. , fell suddenly, and slapped Yuan Xiong on the face with great force.


The strong inertia slapped Yuan Xiong directly to the ground. His cheeks were swollen and red. Yuan Xiong's eyes were filled with stars. He was in a trance and his eyes were confused. He was obviously blinded by Xu Zisheng's big ear scraping.

Xu Zisheng's elegant and handsome face was full of anger, his sword eyebrows were raised, his cold eyes were wide open, as if he still wasn't relieved, he suddenly raised his leg, kicked Yuan Xiong again, and cursed angrily.

"You bastard who doesn't speak human words or do human things. How did your father give birth to such a black-hearted thing like you?!"

Xu Zisheng was extremely angry and his movements were even more swift, leaving everyone stunned and unable to react.


Only then did Yuan Xiong react, and a shrill scream came from his mouth. A sharp pain came from his mouth, causing his facial features to twist into a ball.

A look of surprise appeared on Emperor Yuan Jing's face. His expression darkened, and he looked at Xu Zisheng with majestic eyes. When he saw that he wanted to beat Yuan Xiong, he scolded him in a deep voice.

"Xu Zisheng, you are so presumptuous and you still don't stop!"

Xu Zisheng frowned, glanced at Emperor Yuan Jing, pondered for a moment, and kicked Yuan Xiong hard again, making him wail again.

"Your Majesty, this plan is not possible. Please kill this sycophant who is causing harm to the country and the people!"

Emperor Yuan Jing had a reluctant expression and deep eyes. He was very satisfied with Yuan Xiong's strategy and disagreed with Xu Zisheng's point of view, saying in a deep voice.

"This is a good strategy that can solve the problem of transporting grain and grass to the imperial court!"

At this time, the chief assistant Wang Wenzhen and the eunuch in green stepped out at the same time, bowed and saluted, and objected in unison.

"This plan will harm the country and the people, Yuan Xiong should be punished!"

Dafeng is now standing in the court, with three parties standing in a tripartite position. Wang Wenzhen, Wei Yuan, and Xu Zisheng check and balance each other, and rarely reach a consensus.

Now, because of Yuan Xiong's proposal, all three people expressed their opposition. This has never happened before, which shows how much their opponents hate this plan.

"Your Majesty, it is spring plowing, and when the people are busy farming, no more corvées are allowed. Since ancient times, food has been the most important thing for the people, and nothing can disturb the people during the spring plowing. In addition, there were natural disasters last year, and the people did not have much food left. This plan is tantamount to Adding fuel to the fire drives people to their death."

Wang Wenzhen looked at Emperor Yuan Jing with a serious face, full of persistence. As the chief minister of the Dafeng Cabinet, he needed to shoulder his responsibilities. He could not blindly flatter Emperor Yuan Jing, but he needed to adhere to principles and bottom lines for the people of the world.

Xu Zisheng nodded and agreed upon hearing this. Wang Wenzhen was worthy of being the head of a hundred officials. He was in charge of government affairs, prime minister of yin and yang, and had the principles of a scholar in his heart. Yuan Xiong and others could not compare with him.

Yuan Xiong couldn't care less about howling at this time. He didn't expect that his proposal would be opposed by the three giants. They all looked at others with murderous intent, which made him feel frightened and nervous. He didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Xu Zisheng stared at Yuan Xiong with cold murderous intent in his eyes. Last time there was a fraud case in the examination room, this man was jumping up and down and making trouble. Wei Yuan should have dealt with this man originally, but for some reason he didn't take action and let him escape. After such a calamity, I didn’t expect that I would dare to propose such a vicious strategy to Emperor Yuan Jing. He really deserves to be killed!

Yuan Xiong quickly got up from the ground, covering his swollen cheek with his right hand, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he retorted with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Your Majesty, I am loyal to you, and the heaven and the earth can learn from it, and the sun and the moon can show it!"

At this moment, Chu Xianglong, the deputy general of the King of Zhenbei, couldn't bear it any longer, frowned and mocked coldly.

"My lords, you love the people like your own children, and I will always admire you! But aren't the people all over Chuzhou the people of Dafeng? Can you just turn a blind eye to their life and death?"

The chief assistant Wang Wenzhen looked coldly, glanced at Chu Xianglong, and refuted his words without saving any face.

"The imperial court stationed 86,000 military households in the north. Each household was given six acres of farmland, and the military land was as much as 5,000 hectares. It also allocated additional grain and salary every year. There has been no war at the border for a long time. The weather in Chuzhou has been good for many years, even if there is no grain and grass levy. , according to Chuzhou’s food reserves, it can last for several months. Why are we suddenly short of money and food? Maybe those military fields have been occupied by some people!"

Chuzhou is the northernmost state of Dafeng, adjacent to the territory of the northern barbarians. It is the territory of Zhenbei King, who is responsible for guarding against the northern barbarians.

With the support of the prince, Chu Xianglong was not afraid of the three court bosses and sneered coldly.

"In addition to talking about words, scholars, have you ever fought in a war or led an army? You are enjoying yourself in the capital, but you don't know how hard it is for the soldiers at the border."

"Your Majesty, the barbarians are coming in force this time. There have been several battles as early as the end of last year. Your Majesty is invincible and has won many battles. If due to the shortage of food and grass, the logistics cannot be replenished and the fighter aircraft is delayed, the consequences will be disastrous!"

When Xu Zisheng heard this, his anger surfaced. He took another step forward, raised his right hand and swung it out violently. He slapped Chu Xianglong hard on the face and slapped him to the ground, saying angrily.

"You are so brave. You are just a dog next to King Zhenbei, but you dare to bark at us!"

"I am a scholar, but I am not just a talker. I am also good at beating people and leading troops in war. How can you be better than the Duke of Wei? You dare to speak nonsense, be arrogant and threaten the court. The King of Zhenbei is supporting the army. Self-respect, do you want to rebel?"

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