I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2792: The Wonderful Realm of Heaven and Demon, smiling so sinisterly!

"Now I understand that Buddha has nothing to do with rank. I am the Buddha, and the Buddha is me, Amitabha!"

"Thank you, donor, for your enlightenment!"

Suddenly there was a wind in the secret realm, and the old monk turned into green smoke and dispersed. I don't know where he went. The bodhi tree swayed and produced green bodhi fruits. They hung heavily on the branches, and the fruits emitted crystal green light. , you can tell at a glance that it is not ordinary.

Suddenly, a thunder struck in the sky, and faint Sanskrit sounds sounded. Master Due's body shone with golden light, echoing the vision of heaven and earth. He was in a state of enlightenment.

In the pavilion outside, Xu Zisheng looked at Master Du'e with a playful look on his face, thinking secretly with a sneer on his lips.

"Xu Qi'an brought out the Mahayana Buddhism, which states that one can become a Buddha by seeing one's nature and all living beings are Buddhas. If Du'e doesn't understand it, that's fine. If he does, he will definitely spread the concept of Mahayana Buddhism back to the Western Regions, which will definitely cause a dispute over Buddhism. It will cause divisions in Buddhism, which is a good thing for Dafeng!"

After the thunder, the Buddha's light converged, and Master Du'e slowly opened his eyes. The light of wisdom burst out from his eyes, and then disappeared in an instant. He stood up, clasped his hands together, and said loudly.

"The sage said that there is no age in learning, and those who have achieved it come first. This is the truth! Although the donor Xu is not a member of my Buddhist sect, he has great Buddha roots, which makes the poor monk suddenly enlightened and his thoughts sublimated. This just proves that everyone has Buddha nature. , everyone can become a Buddha by seeing oneself. Many thanks to the donor for his guidance, allowing the poor monk to understand Mahayana Buddhism clearly. I promise that the donor will be my teacher."

"You won this third level!"

Xu Qi'an was so satisfied that he climbed up the stairs without encountering any obstacles along the way. He walked to the end of the steps and stepped into the small square outside the temple on the top of the mountain.

This is a single-family temple with a straight roof ridge and flying eaves. There are no side halls or side rooms, just a main hall.

"The temple should be the last stage. I remember Du'e Arhat said that if you still refuse to convert to Buddhism after entering the temple, then Buddhism has lost!"

In an instant, Xu Qian's mind began to recall the 108 moves he had exchanged with the oirans of the Jiaofang Division. He could vividly remember them, using them to pollute his heart. His whole person was dyed with the exclusive color of the royal family, confirming that he had become an old man. Sepi, Xu Qi'an nodded with satisfaction, pushed open the door of the temple and entered the hall.

"When you enter this temple, even stones can be enlightened and converted to Buddhism."

Seeing this, Master Duer showed a satisfied smile on his face, clasped his hands together and said loudly.

In the hall, a six-foot-long golden body sat cross-legged, with the top of its head almost touching the top of the hall. This Buddha statue has plump and drooping ears, a face like a golden plate, half-closed eyes, and a compassionate smile, but it also reveals an indescribable majesty that reaches directly into the soul. When people look at it, they can't help but clasp their hands in salute.

"There are two Dharma images in the temple. This one is the Vajra Dharma image. I promise the donor that the secret of the Diamond Sutra is in the golden body. If you can understand it, you can cultivate the Buddha's Vajra Indestructible Body."

Xu Qi'an's eyes suddenly turned fiery. He had always been coveting the Buddhist magical power of Vajra. If he could master this magical power of body protection, he would be invincible in the sixth-grade warrior realm.

Xu Qi'an stared at the Buddha statue for a quarter of an hour without blinking. His eyes were sore and he didn't even realize that he was indeed a vulgar martial artist without Buddha roots.

Xu Qian rubbed his eyes and was about to give up on studying the Diamond Sutra. Suddenly, a warm current surged through my abdomen, starting from the dantian, passing through the middle dantian, and entering the upper dantian. My eyebrows suddenly shook, as if a layer of window paper had been punctured, and the Buddha statue in front of me changed. The Buddha statue was still sitting cross-legged, but the Buddhist charm was flowing around it, and a mysterious and mysterious Zen spirit was displayed in front of Xu Qian's eyes.

At this time, Xu Qi'an actually understood the meaning of Zen and the Buddhist charm contained in the Dharma. Monk Shenshu really helped Xu Qi'an and helped him understand the Diamond Sutra.

Xu Qi'an was overjoyed and unconsciously changed his sitting posture, clasping his hands together and half-squinting his eyes, exactly like the Buddha statue. This process lasted for a long time, and suddenly a golden light was born between his eyebrows, and then spread quickly, like an invisible pen sketching on his body. In a few breaths, his whole body became golden, as if he turned into a golden body.

"Indestructible Vajra, he actually cultivated into a Buddhist Vajra Indestructible Body. How is this possible?"

Master Du'e looked in disbelief. He originally wanted to lure Xu Qi'an to convert to Buddhism, but he didn't expect that Xu Qi'an would successfully practice the Diamond Sutra.

"However, this is normal. He can put forward the concept of Mahayana Buddhism and has Buddhist roots. This shows that he has a predestined relationship with Buddhism, and he should be introduced to Buddhism!"

Thinking of this, Master Du'e was very happy, and said with a slightly smiling voice in everyone's ears.

"This level is called Shura Questioning the Heart."

One after another looked away from the secret realm of Foshan and looked at Master Du'e, not understanding what this meant.

"This is an allusion to my Buddhism!"

According to legend, when the Buddha established his sect in the Western Regions, the Western Regions were occupied by a group of barbarians called Shuras. The Shuras were ferocious and aggressive, and they drank blood like hair and blood. In order to compete for territory, they killed Buddhist monks wantonly.

After the Buddha found out, he personally came to the territory of the Shura tribe and meditated for three days and three nights. He was beaten and killed at will and never fought back. The cruel Shura clan immediately attacked with swords and guns. With one knife strike, the skin and flesh were torn open, and blood was dripping. However, a clanging sound came from the flesh and blood. When the two swords were struck, the skin and flesh were torn apart, and a golden light lit up in the flesh and blood.

After three thousand six hundred cuts, the Buddha shed his flesh and blood and revealed his golden body. During three days and three nights of slashing, the Shura tribe understood themselves clearly and achieved great enlightenment. From then on, they put down their murderous intentions and converted to Buddhism.

The onlookers listened with great interest, but the expressions of the powerful ministers such as Wang Shoufu and the hereditary nobles changed greatly.

Of course there will be no Buddha in the temple, but since this level is named Shura Asking the Heart, the effect must be the same as the Buddha's salvation of the Shura clan. Even the Shura clan who are cruel and cruel and drink blood can be saved. Xu Qi'an can persevere. ?

In the temple on the top of the mountain, the squinting Vajra Dharma image suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, the majesty of the Dharma was like a landslide or a tsunami, carrying a power that Peimo could not control, swallowing up Xu Qian.

The Buddha's light that Xu Qian saw was boundless. This Buddha's light did not make people feel peaceful. Instead, it made people feel overbearing and unreasonable. It crushed his will in an instant and forcibly changed his heart.

"The eight hardships in life are meaningless. Joining Buddhism is the only destination!"

"I am the founder of Mahayana Buddhism. Buddhism is more suitable for development. There is no need to hesitate. Am I really willing to just be a vulgar martial artist?"

Thoughts flashed through his mind one after another, describing the various benefits of Buddhism. Xu Qi'an felt that he agreed with them from the bottom of his heart for some reason. Originally, people's thoughts can change. It just takes a long time and gradual changes. But at this moment, Xu Qian's original mind was changed in just a short moment.

I began to yearn for Buddhism and the Dharma, and even the courtesans in the Jiaofang Department felt uncomfortable. In full view of the public, Xu Qi'an stood up, slowly drew out the black gold sword, placed his other hand on the mink hat, and took it off, exposing his bare head to everyone's eyes.

"This humble monk's visit to Dafeng was truly the most correct decision I ever made in my life."

Du'eluohan's smiling voice sounded, and just by listening to the voice, you can feel his joyful mood at this moment.

"Once I suddenly enlightened to Mahayana Buddhism, I got a Buddhist disciple with innate wisdom, Amitabha. God bless Buddhism!"

In the Star Observation Tower and Bagua Taichung, Emperor Yuan Jing turned around sharply, pointed at Xu Qian in the secret realm, and said urgently.

"Jian Zheng, I will not allow Xu Qi'an to escape into Buddhism and become a disciple of Buddhism.

"No matter what method you use, you must stop it."

Jian Zheng smiled, he had long known that Emperor Yuan Jing was a little disgusted with Xu Qian, and said.

"Your Majesty is the most powerful person in the world. He only has a silver gong. Don't worry about it."


Emperor Yuan Jing objected with a single voice, and said firmly with an annoyed look on his face.

"Xu Qi'an is a talented person, how can he be saved by Buddhism? He must be stopped, even if he loses the Tianji Pan."

The supervisor nodded, and Emperor Yuan Jing also realized the importance of Xu Qi'an, and held the wine glass in his hand. The wine reflected the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, and people.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!"

Jian Zheng's old palms had bulging veins, as if they were accumulating strength. The Diamond Sutra has been obtained, and his goal has been achieved. As for Shura's question of heart, external force must be used to stop it. Xu Qi'an alone may not be able to withstand the Buddha's salvation.

But at this time, Jian Zheng suddenly stopped and looked at Xu Qian in the secret realm of Foshan with great astonishment.

"Only by taking refuge in Buddhism can you escape the sea of ​​suffering, live forever, and save others. Why not kneel down and take refuge!"

Xu Qian's heart echoed with the mighty Buddhist sound. A Buddhist sound emerged on the top of the mountain, spinning endlessly, pressing down on Xu Qian. A heavy force fell on Xu Qian's shoulders, causing his legs to gradually bend, and he was about to kneel. Fall to the ground.

Suddenly, a fierce god with three heads and six arms appeared in Xu Qi'an's mind. His feet were in chaos, and evil spirits were gathering. His eyes were like ink stained, pitch black, like the deepest endless hell. He was holding a Demon Ruyi Knife in his hand, and seven emotions and six desires were wrapped around it, which seemed to be feelings. Under the pressure of Dharma, the blade of the sword trembled slightly and made a sound like a sword.

As soon as this sound came out, Xu Qian's heart was full of distracting thoughts, all kinds of worldly things came to mind, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, and the scenes of the past were remembered again. Among them, the most exciting thing for Xu Qian was the exchange of 108 postures with the oirans. It's fun, self-indulgent, sensual, and addictive.

This fierce god is like the legendary demon king Bo Xun. It spreads out violently. It is invisible and has evolved in thousands of ways. It has opened up a demon land, a magical realm of heavenly demons. Countless sentient beings appear here to have fun and have extreme emotions. , experiencing all kinds of fun in the world makes people extremely addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

Xu Qi'an was originally a person with six impure roots. How could he resist such temptation? He stepped into it, indulged himself, indulged himself, and completely sank into the devil's land. He left behind all the subtleties of Buddhism and the majesty of Buddhism. In the back of my mind, I still remember taking refuge and saving all sentient beings.

In the outside pavilion, Xu Zisheng's eyes narrowed slightly, with a sinister smile on his lips. Buddhism can convert people, and the demons are no less generous. They can also arouse the desires in the heart, sinking in the sound and lust, and are in harmony with Buddhism. It's just right. It can help Xu Qian resist Buddhist conversion.

Xu Lingyin sat on Xu Zisheng's lap, holding a piece of pastry in her hand. After resting for a while, she seemed to have digested a little, and there was some room in her stomach. She couldn't waste it. She was happily nibbling, and suddenly she looked up and saw the corner of Xu Zisheng's mouth. With a wicked smile, he said innocently.

"Brother, you smile so sinisterly, just like my elder brother when he deceives others!"

When Xu Zisheng heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Tongyan Wuji was the most perceptive, and he actually noticed that he was doing evil in secret.

"Children, don't talk nonsense. Brother, my smile is so bright and bright, it has nothing to do with sinisterness!"

Wei Yuan was very nervous and was staring at Xu Qi'an with all his attention. Seeing him gradually straightening his knees, he felt relieved. Suddenly hearing this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xu Zisheng and said with a strange look.

"You do have a sinister smile. This girl is right!"

Wei Yuan's calm eyes flashed with excitement. He looked at Xu Qi'an and then at Xu Zisheng. His heart moved and he thought about it. As he spoke, he actually praised Xu Zisheng.

"Smile well, smile wonderfully!"

Obviously, this wise and resourceful eunuch in green has noticed something. Xu Qi'an's ability to gradually resist Buddhist enlightenment must be related to the man in front of him. He must have acted secretly.

"I, Xu Qi'an, have no connection with the Buddha and do not want to take refuge!"

Suddenly Xu Qian opened his eyes, two rays of light shone, and he shouted decisively.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a clang, the sword on his waist was unsheathed, and he swung out a sword with all his power in his right hand. The black light shone straight into the sky and struck the golden Buddha seal.

boom! The Buddha's seal was shattered and the black light body dissipated. Xu Qi'an held his head high and his chest high, with amazing momentum. He passed this level and successfully won the battle.

Outside, the smile on Master Du'e's face froze, and he looked at Xu Qi'an in disbelief. How could this be possible? How could anyone be able to resist Buddhist Du'e? There must be something wrong!

The civil and military dignitaries, royal family members, people in the world, and the people of Kyoto were all excited in an instant, cheering and shouting loudly, almost overturning the sky, shouting wildly, and making an incomparable noise.

When Xu Lingyin heard the huge sound, she couldn't help but look up and asked Xu Zisheng curiously.

"Brother, what happened to them?"

"Your eldest brother won, so they're just happy!"

"Oh, eldest brother won, then I'm happy too!"

Xu Lingyin said this without emotion. She just stared at her pastry, not even bothering to look up at Xu Qi'an. She took a hard bite before speaking.

"Since I'm so happy, I must eat more!"

The little girl nodded, narrowed her eyes slightly, and smiled like a crescent moon, showing satisfaction. Her words were filled with joy. Obviously, Xu Qi'an's status in his heart was far less important than eating.

Xu Zisheng looked at the little girl in his arms amusedly, worrying that she had eaten too much. He sighed helplessly and put his hand on her belly. Haoran's righteousness surged faintly, and he rubbed her twice to help her digest. Drop the food from your stomach.

The little girl suddenly felt like she couldn't hold on any longer. She looked up at Xu Zisheng in surprise and said happily.

"Brother, can you teach me? I can keep eating!"

Xu Zisheng was speechless and shook his head slightly, making the little girl extremely disappointed. She felt that a lot of delicious food was leaving her, and she fiercely swallowed the pastry in her hand into her mouth.


Emperor Yuan Jing looked up to the sky and screamed, with his hands behind his back, standing on the Star Observation Tower, listening to the sound of joy and cheers, and felt happy in his heart. This was Dafeng's victory, and it was also his victory.

"What a person who has no connection with Buddha and is unwilling to take refuge!"


Princess Lin'an burst into piercing screams, stamped her feet excitedly, grabbed Princess Huaiqing's sleeves, and shouted loudly.

"You win, Huaiqing, the dog slave wins, he is mine, he is mine."

Princess Huaiqing rolled her eyes when she heard this. Xu Qi'an was hers in the beginning, but Princess Lin'an insisted on snatching her away. However, Xu Qi'an was cunning and had two masters. Princess Huaiqing understood Xu Qi'an's difficulties and refused to cooperate with her. He just cares about it.

Princess Huaiqing also admired Xu Qi'an very much. Whether it was poetry or crime investigation, Xu Qi'an was a genius with a charming charm.

"It's just that the number one genius in Kyoto City can never be Xu Qian, but him!"

Princess Huaiqing's eyes were cold, and she turned slightly to look at the figure holding the little girl. She was dressed in white like snow, spotless, elegant and handsome, like an immortal.

"The Minister of War, the Marquis of Yong'an, he is no longer someone I can win over!"

Princess Huaiqing originally wanted to win over Xu Zisheng and let him work for her, but Xu Zisheng grew up too fast. He first became a second-grade scholar, and then served as the Minister of the Ministry of War. Recently, he was named Yong'an Marquis and became the court official. The boss above, the high position and authority, is not something that a powerless princess can fight for.

The Hanlin Academy, under the cabinet, was responsible for compiling books and histories, drafting edicts, serving as readers for members of the royal family, and serving as imperial examiners.

The three most noble positions in the court were the Censor of the Imperial Academy, the Sixth Section for Shizhong, and the Hanlin Academy.

In terms of status, the Hanlin Academy ranks first, because the Hanlin Academy is also known as the Prime Minister Training Base.

Dafeng's previous chief ministers all came from the Hanlin Academy. In other words, only nobles from the Hanlin Academy can join the cabinet, become bachelors, and even become chief ministers. The only exception is those who are nobles or princes. You can directly bypass the Hanlin Academy and join the cabinet to take charge of the prime ministership.

At that time, Xu Zisheng did not enter the Hanlin Academy. On the one hand, he was rejected by the civil service group, and on the other hand, it was also because he came from a distinguished group. Even if he did not enter the Hanlin Academy, he could still join the cabinet and hold power.

However, civil servants cannot do this. If civil servants want to join the cabinet, they must enter the Hanlin Academy, and only first-class and second-class scholars can enter the Hanlin Academy. This is also the reason why Xu Zisheng asked the Minister of Rites to let Xu Xinnian stay in the Hanlin Academy for two days and then arrange for him to go to the Ministry of War. He could not ruin his future.

At this moment, the eunuch on duty in Emperor Yuan Jing's palace was standing in the hall of the Hanlin Academy and scolding the nobles.

"The victory in this battle is due to your Majesty's meritocracy and the imperial court's contribution to training Xu Yinluo! Look at what you wrote. You can't even write history."

The eunuch threw the book to the ground and scolded him sternly.


The faces of the nobles present changed. They did not write history books to flatter those in power. They had their own principles to uphold.

"The person is selected by the supervisor, and Xu Yinluo contributes to the fighting. What does this have to do with Your Majesty?"

"It is a gift from His Majesty that these few can enter the Hanlin Academy. If they make His Majesty unhappy, this great future may be lost."

A young editor grabbed the inkstone and smashed it. The ink stained the eunuch's clothes black, and the eunuch made a muffled sound and retreated repeatedly.

"You dare to hit our house?"

"You are the one who is being beaten. Get out of here. The Imperial Academy is not a place for a gelding like you to run wild."

"Get out."

The other noble nobles grabbed whatever they could and threw them at them. The eunuch fled in panic and left the Hanlin Academy.

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